I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 325 The Wine of Eternal Life Part 6

Of course, this Buddha is not that Buddha, but the internal name of the warriors who believe in the Nichiren sect in Gaotian original land.

If you are a Xin Qie Zhi Dan Bian Tian Lian or something like that, you can also call people Heaven... Well, well, you can't, because Heaven is registered by Heaven Group, and they also have similar Heaven business.

Therefore, as a general rule, heaven is called heaven. And the one on the other side is called the Paradise.

Well, the Cyber ​​Buddha who now manages the Paradise World generally refers to the different world reincarnation system officially launched by Chaos Technology.

It has been mentioned before, but for the convenience of explanation, it must be compared here again.

Chaos Technology and Paradise Group once competed for the right to dominate the QVN network. Later, Paradise lost and most of its business was divided, leaving only a small number of base station projects and customized Paradise projects for the middle class.

As I said before, heaven is to back up your consciousness and upload it to the heaven server, so that your personality and soul can be electronicized. Even if you are brain-dead, you can always live in the data disk server.

But this is not the same as brain-computer canning and smart uploading. Most people do not have specialized hacking equipment and training, and they are simply unable to process extremely complex script codes and electronic signals like hacker coders like Shiba of.

Even if a hacker of the 18th grade cannot break into the ICE of a large enterprise, he can still bypass those outdated firewall watchdogs, enter and exit the server through the backdoor, and roam the electronic sea at will.

But ordinary electronic souls uploaded to heaven can only live forever in the online virtual world written by this company, playing an online game that they can never wake up from.

Of course, as long as you have money in your account, you can also pay to customize your stay in a cyber hotel, drink cyber red wine, eat cyber salmon, sleep with cyber celebrities, and play in the cyber world.

Some people think that this is not true eternal life at all, right? After all, the person is dead, the body has disappeared, and what is left is just an intelligent and personified NPC, right?

And leaving aside ethical issues, are these electronic humans and data humans really considered human beings from a legal perspective?

Of course it counts.

After all, if you don’t count people, who will pay?

Although there are a few people who may not be able to get over the emotional trauma of the death of a loved one, they are willing to pay for this kind of emotional service for a long time. But after all, the paradise service is too expensive. Uploading operations and server archiving start at one billion. The longer it takes, the greater the cost. The average middle-class family cannot afford to raise an electronic elf.

Therefore, if it is determined that a citizen is no longer a human being after his death, and the inheritance of the personal account under the citizen's name is inherited by his family, then how much money can Paradise Company still make?

So it must be counted!

What's more, in a world where the average debt per capita is millions, most people rely on credit card loans to survive on the edge of bankruptcy. I want to die if I don’t pay back the money. Is there such a good thing in the world?

Forget about those poor people who can't create value and can only produce shit while living. Mud can't support the wall.

But as long as you still have the ability to work and earn money, you won't die until you pay off the money you owed.

After all, those who can activate the heaven service are not poor people. They are usually corporate executives and senior engineers. Most of them are corporate dogs who have signed a non-competition agreement with the company. Just like Li Pan, he became the top worker of the department manager.

But even Li Pan's basic monthly salary is only one million. If he is not involved in a war, he can take the opportunity to start a side job to make extra money. Even if he does not eat, drink or sleep, he will have to work for a hundred years to earn one billion. Buying a ticket to paradise, not to mention that living in paradise will be like staying in a hotel. You have to pay for food, drink and toilette. How can ordinary migrant workers afford it?

So going to heaven after death is usually a side clause of the contract signed with a large company, "employee benefits".

Well, of course you have to put quotation marks, what? Do you really think you go to heaven for a vacation?

What makes you go to heaven is not about how much the company thinks highly of you. The main thing is to work for the company and become the backbone of the middle and high-level people. Because you hold important positions and are responsible for multiple projects and transactions, which often involve the company's core secrets, you must be irreplaceable. Before the handover and settlement of various confidential businesses and the transfer of authority, the company must not let these social beasts die easily and affect the business.

Therefore, in the fierce production operations and internal competition, when the company dog ​​is brain-dead due to various reasons, the company will immediately activate the Paradise Protocol to upload the backup. And Heaven also has DHF data stack technology, which can download the deceased into a customized prosthetic body and continue the unfinished business work, which is even more convenient.

Therefore, as long as the data person is legally recognized as a human being, then brain death or even no body remains is just a minor illness like a cold. The company dog ​​will still have to continue to perform the previous work contract and continue to work.

In this way, even death cannot take you away from this cruel real world, and everyone can continue to work in this debt repayment hell forever.

Keep working, keep working, until your performance declines, your technology is outdated, and your information lags behind. As technology develops and technology iterates, you gradually lose your competitiveness and lose the value of being squeezed and exploited.

Then you will be laid off by the company with a contract and completely thrown into the abyss of eternal destruction. From then on, you will be reduced to gathering dust on the data stack backup shelf in heaven until eternity...

ah! What kind of paradise is this?


What a cyber working hell!

Ahem, I'm going off topic again... the focus is not on the cyberspace (earth) and hall (prison) of heaven. It is the reincarnation of Cyber ​​Buddha in the Paradise of Paradise.

Well, there are worlds of differences among rich people, and the differences are even greater, so big that they don't even live in the same 'paradise'.

Just like one billion is a threshold, 10 billion is another mountain.

After all, one billion, these days, as long as you work hard enough and package up your body and soul and sell them to corporate credit loans, or seize the trend of the times and make a fortune in the black gold trading market, it is still possible. Able to reach.

But 10 billion is really what it is. If you don’t cheat, then it’s something you’re born with, and if you don’t have it, it’s gone.

For wage earners, immortality in heaven is just endless overtime, but for those rich people who can easily afford 10 billion reincarnation fees, the afterlife of Buddha is the real paradise.

Through the reincarnation system, you don't have to be trapped in electronic fantasies, but can be reborn in the real world. You can even live in a game world that has been edited from beginning to end. The entire world is filled with workers who are paid to play with you. Absolutely 360-degree kneeling and licking with no blind spots, allowing you to experience the absolute protagonist of life and have a good vacation.

When you have had enough fun, you can genetically adjust yourself to be a handsome boy or girl, go to a prestigious school, and obtain citizenship as an adult. You can immediately undergo a synchronized memory update operation and inherit the trillions of wealth accumulated in your previous life.

Even, you don't need to inherit the memory.

Yes, true reincarnation.

After all, a world where everything belongs to you is pretty boring, right?

A glance at Pangu will destroy your enemies to the ground, and you will lose any passion for self-struggle. Then what is the meaning of this endless life?

So you can choose to fight again and win your legacy again. Start from the abyss and climb all the way to the top, relying entirely on your own personal struggle. Well, in fact, there is still a system to protect you secretly. Humans simply cannot copy it.

But at least! You will think that you have defeated everyone through your own efforts! Climbed to the top! Win everything!

Isn’t this a great feeling of accomplishment?

The key thing is the process of self-satisfaction, isn’t it?

Because the ending was already determined from the very beginning!

In your world, you are the eternal winner!

ah! Elysium!

Ahem, I am digressing again. Of course, it is still a bit troublesome to handle reincarnation in the Paradise. It does not mean that you can just find a medical insurance company to sign a contract.

The service provided by the medical insurance company only guarantees full care of your medical insurance sphere, real-time updates, and consciousness uploading. When you are about to die, you will be scanned and uploaded to the customized server of the reincarnation system in another world to ensure that customers will not suffer memory loss and death due to death. Disordered personality.

The different world reincarnation system is essentially a high-end service of HT Chaos Technology. It is a company secret and the server is extremely secretive and safe. It is independent of the QVN public system. This 'Buddha' only has the official office of HT in the inner ring world from 01 to 019. .

Therefore, users who are using the reincarnation system for the first time must first go there to get a citizen certification and register a reincarnation account.

Well, the most critical issue in this world is money. The tax bureau has strict anti-money laundering review and overseas capital control. It doesn't mean that you can just die and transfer trillions of assets out of the country.

Therefore, for example, the physical assets of Li Pan's Panlong Construction, Panlong PMC, and Panlong Trading Company cannot be taken away. In an emergency, only the funds in citizen Li Pan's personal account can be taken away.

Therefore, you must be prepared in advance, apply for a reincarnation account, transfer cash in your name, and the remainder after paying various fees can be used as your reincarnation points.

This reincarnation point cannot be directly discounted to avoid impacting the financial market of the other world. It can only be used to purchase various services of the other world company, such as customizing physical enhancement after reincarnation, various life scripts and other services.

In short, in theory, the system has many restrictions to avoid excessive concentration of capital in the name of individuals.

But of course, if there are rules, there will be loopholes. Big chaebols have various ways to circumvent these regulations and restrictions. For example, in every world, there are family trusts, private equity funds, and corporate shares that are inherited by reincarnated members.

Well, these days few chaebols are paying taxes honestly, and more are preparing for the transfer of interests and equity swaps. Everyone has agreed upon the contract in advance. For example, my assets in 0791 designate you as the heir, and your equity in 016 is transferred to my reincarnation.

So what Nushui Enkiyo means is that this world has no meaning to him anyway, so now he will give you Panlong more of the spoils captured by the Kuroda Army. In exchange for benefits, Li Pan will find a way to transfer money to his reincarnation account. .

Of course, considering that the 'General Kuroda' of Takamagahara here is indeed a wanted criminal with a reward from the committee, it will be very troublesome to go through the money laundering procedures in all aspects, and the losses must be high, so the other party can accept a more demanding exchange, 1 to 10 , or even 1 to 20, etc., as long as safety can be ensured and 10 billion is transferred to his overseas reincarnation account of "Rushui Yuanqing", Li Pan can get a reward of 100 or even 200 billion in 0791.

This business is not impossible. The Kuroda family's assets will definitely be strictly investigated by the tax bureau and cannot be transferred out at all. However, it is still possible to use reincarnation accounts to make gifts to each other. Although the gift tax will be heavy, the maximum will not exceed one hundred. Fifty times the profit, of course you can make ten times the profit.

Considering that just one Panama metropolitan area can collect so many monsters, in the future, when the Kuroda Front army sweeps the entire America, wouldn't the keys be collected one by one?

The only problem here is that Li Pan's own reincarnation account has not yet been opened...

Well, after all, Li Pan didn't think he would be useful in getting any reincarnation services one day, so why did he spend the unjust money?

He had promised Queen Yaksha and the others before, so he tentatively submitted the application for a reincarnation account. The procedures have been submitted, but that was just to go through the process and buy a backup server from another world of the Paradise Group for the Yaksha group.

As for himself, he has not had time to go to the inner world to process the login authentication of the reincarnation account.

And Li Pan only had a study visa for Earth 016 in the past. The RS5 prosthetic body there was also used to defeat ghosts. The situation at the Cool Baboon seems to be quite chaotic, and people have to queue up to be reviewed by the Security Bureau gateway. Really Not very convenient anymore.

But now that the rank of corporal has been lowered, the military rank certified by the committee can naturally visit the world without a visa. Li Pan can also go directly to the other world without queuing and take the fast track chain. It just so happened that he still had one million yuan to borrow, so he decided to do this together. but……

"Monk Ru Shui, since you know that the destiny of heaven cannot be violated and you have the intention to rebel, why don't you surrender and surrender with courtesy? Do you want me to help you introduce the female prince of the Ye family?"

Ru Shuiyuanqing was not surprised when Li Pan asked this. He took a sip of tea and said,

"There are three reasons. One is that the time has not come yet and we are waiting for a price. The prince of the Ye family has not yet established a stable footing and is not ready for a decisive battle. He does not know the actual strength of our army. It is difficult to negotiate without a fight. Not to mention that you are not qualified to be a guest, but you might end up suffering the consequences instead.

Secondly, the morale of the army has not been dampened and the fighting spirit has not been lost. Although I have a little reputation and was promoted to the general staff of the three armed forces, these are all the proud and powerful generals of Gaotianyuan and the separatist warlords. They have long wanted to make a fortune. After feeding them, defeating them, and frustrating them, how could the armies be willing to listen to my orders?

The third one..."

"Shobei!! You bastard!!"

"Young Master Duo Nai!"

Suddenly a roar came from outside the door. Li Pan looked at Ru Shui Yuanqing, and the monk also sighed.

"You red deer! Call your Excellency the Lieutenant General!

Without my permission! He actually used everyone's military funds privately! He also colluded with outsiders to do arms deals! Do you want to die? I want to die and commit seppuku! "

The sound of Bang Bang Bang hitting his head with a scabbard could be heard outside the house.

"Get away! Get away! Who is in the house! Is it the old monk! Damn it! I am the head of the Kuroda family! Don't think that the old monk is protecting you! I don't dare to kill you!"

"Douhe! Please forgive me! I'm extremely sorry!"

"Hmph! Red deer! Coward! Red deer!"

The people outside the house cursed drunkenly for a while, but finally rushed in without breaking the door, and left in their military boots.

Oh, that’s what it’s called. Every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to sing, right?

Ru Shuiyuanqing shook her head,

"As you can see, the poor monk has become a monk, and is only temporarily serving as a military adviser in his personal capacity. Old friends who are willing to listen to the monk's advice, the poor monk will try his best to find a way out for everyone.

As for the military assets of the Kuroda family, the monk has already handed them over, and now it is no longer the monk's turn to care about the inheritance of the family business. "

Well, the situation in Gao Tianyuan is almost like this. The old men have no intention of fighting and are either reselling military supplies or looking for a way out.

But the young men were as powerful as a rainbow, and they looked like they were dedicated to serving the country with seven lives, and the advantage was mine, and the whole army was excited.

Although Li Pan didn't like the committee either, he didn't like the combination of Legion and Gao Tianyuan even more.

If he had to choose one side to die, of course it would be the side that stepped on his face with military boots and had a gang fight in the cafeteria. Today, he was gnashing his teeth with hatred and wishing he could eat his flesh.

So as long as we can find a way out for this monk and make connections to instigate the opponent's chief of general staff to rebel, then the miscellaneous soldiers in Takamagahara will do whatever they want.

So Li Pande followed the trend and said to Rushui Yuanqing that I would consider it and make an appointment with Milestone to see if there is any channel.

Of course the other party was overjoyed, and asked you one by one to give Panlong Trading a military supplier qualification, so that it can travel unimpeded and freely in the American theater.

In this case, Li Pan simply left Rum, a local, in Panama to be responsible for the contact with Ru Shui and to split the helm.

After all, based on a metropolitan area of ​​100 monsters, the number of monsters in Panama is less than one-tenth. There is still a lot of room for business growth.

Well, Li Pan now finds that this mode is quite good. He throws all the agents out to trigger the plot. After the plot is over, he directly comes to fight the BOSS and collect the monsters. This is efficient.

When the shuttle flew back to the Night City, there was a notification from Milestone, and they actually helped him get an appointment to meet with Miles Peterson, the executive officer of the MSPE Foundation.

And the meeting place is also suitable, it is Earth 07, the base camp of the VK Group.

But this is not because Miles Peterson, the old chaebol, really wanted to see Li Pan. He even took the initiative to come to the 07 line to meet him. He also stopped by to attend the shareholders' meeting.

Well, although Milestone is from the finance department, Peterson personally owns at least 10 points of shares in the VK Group, has voting rights and temporary meeting rights, and is a major shareholder who can raise questions/investigations/sues/liquidate/dissolve the company.

VK Group also held a shareholders' meeting to discuss various recent major events. He also participated, so he took some time to have a casual meal with Li Pan.

So Li Pan, who was tired of his travels, rushed back to the Night City by shuttle, took the small gift of more than two million yuan as a souvenir, rushed to Milestone Private Equity's office in the Night Tower, and was invited to visit .

The QVN link is definitely a little slower than Li Pan's own link, but everyone's office has a top-level encrypted line, so it only takes a few more blinks.

Li Pan blinked, did a self-check, and checked the link status. Unexpectedly, or rather unsurprisingly, Li Pan discovered that the smart robot Milestone had given him was not an intelligent robot for temporary visitors. It's the Schwarzross Black Horse brand prosthetic body, SR-718.

Black Horse is a customized luxury brand under the VK Group. It is positioned at a higher level than BBA and specializes in customized services for super luxury goods. It is benchmarked against the MC20 series of Baofeng Group and is targeted at plutocrats and A-list celebrities.

Of course, you have to say that just because of the brand positioning, the SR-718 must be higher than AlphaGolem's RS-7. It is impossible that the performance is hundreds of times different from generation to generation. There are also bottlenecks in technological progress. For ordinary people, VK-MT380 All species are sufficient.

But the price difference and premium between the two are still dozens or hundreds of times. After all, the positioning needs of rich people and working dogs are different.

In the eyes of ordinary people, BBA is already an out-of-reach symbol of a company dog. A top-notch company dog ​​like Li Pan should also conduct in-depth research on the differences and characteristics of various BBA models, and test each updated version. Overload magnification and cost performance.

Therefore, in Li Pan's eyes, the performance of this 718 is similar to that of the RS7. The only difference is that the shell uses a special artificial fiber synthetic material and does not use LARVA maggot organisms.

But for those chaebols, when it comes to choosing a prosthetic body, what they think more about is not "Why is he going down the mountain and turning corners faster than me!?", but I am afraid they are more inclined to,

"The 18k pure gold skin is a bit earthy, why not change it to platinum?"

"You want me to wear the same brand as the family dog?"

"What the hell do you think you deserve to be of the same color as me?"

"You're a wage earner with a BBA, you have no right to come to this bank party!" and other questions...

So to put it bluntly, there are occasions when BBA does not appear on the stage, and when he walks out, he looks like a servant and bodyguard who opens the door of a car and serves dishes...

This is called birds of a feather flocking together and people flocking together.

Li Pan walked out of the visitor's prosthetic storage room, opened the door and found himself on the top floor of a skyscraper. Looking out from the glass window, one can see the clear blue bay. The entire city is in a very modern style. It is more prosperous, cleaner, and more open than the central area of ​​the Night City.

Well, it is empty. Although it is obviously a modern metropolis and the city center, there are not many people to see. There are almost no lights and billboards. There are no shuttles or transport ships in the sky, and there are almost no vehicles on the elevated ground. Where It's like the night city is blocked with water.

Only occasionally two brand-name sedans glide past, and the plasma arcs of shuttles cutting through the night sky can be vaguely seen in the sky. Otherwise, it would really make people think that this place is some kind of abandoned ghost town.

"Welcome, Manager Li, please come with me."

Li Pan followed the intelligently assisted projection in front of him and walked through the empty floors, then went up two floors to reach the viewing platform on the roof.

There is a luxurious restaurant here, or a place closer to a bar. There is a long table on the terrace, and intelligent waiters are serving dishes on plates.

"Sit and eat."

Peterson is sitting at the other end of the long table. He is also using a prosthetic body customized by Black Horse. He looks the same as his real body, but he is in a middle-aged state in his thirties. He is cutting into a bloody veal steak and chewing it, with flashes in his eyes. Looking at the electronic screen, obviously still in a meeting.

Li Pan took a look at the dining table and found that it was a Western-style buffet. And obviously they are all natural products and contain no food preservatives.

To be honest, his prosthetic body isn't even organic. It's just chewed and tasted with your taste buds. It's a bit of a waste. Let's drink something... Hmm, huh? ?

Then Li Pan noticed the silver wine glass placed in his hand.

Although the appearance is different, if he is not blind...

Is this the Holy Grail?

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