I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 342 The mashed potatoes that started the war

The metal ball rolled down to his feet. The young man who was sitting on the bench, looking up at the arc-shaped artificial blue sky in a daze, suddenly came back to his senses, lowered his head, and picked up the ball.

This is a metal ball with an aluminum shell. The timer on the ball counts down little by little. The scene in front of him is so familiar that suddenly, from the depths of the young man's heart, countless flashbacks appear in front of his eyes.

"Hey brother! Throw the ball over here!"

The tiger-toothed boy waved on the lawn.

The voice came again, and the young man turned around. Memory and reality were reflected in front of his eyes for an instant.

ragtag teenagers called from the parking lot.

"Throw the ball over here! Yamato!"

The young man came to his senses, raised the ball in his hand, and prepared to throw it back.

"Then, broom..."

Suddenly the young man paused, feeling a little lost for a moment.

What broom? Where is this? What is he doing? Why are you sitting here?

Myself, what is your name...


When the countdown of the metal ball ended, it made a huge sound and was accompanied by a slight electric shock to simulate an explosion. The young man was caught off guard and was so frightened that he slipped and fell to the ground, hitting his head on the seat and rolling in pain.

"Wow...Brother, are you okay? Hold the electric ball and don't throw it. Are you stuck?"

The tiger-tooth boy ran over, turned off the electric ball and held it in his arms. He looked at the young man who was covering his head and rolling with a slight apology. He skillfully took out a plastic bottle from his pocket,

"Want to drink? Recirculated water."

"No, it's okay, I'm fine."

The young man rubbed his head, his memory was jumbled up.

But the tiger-tooth boy didn't let him go. He was still very blind and saw him croaking on the side.

"But brother, your moves are quite standard. Have you ever played explosive balls before? Oh, this is an engineer's spacesuit, right? Are you an engineer at Nimitz Electronics? My dad is too, but recently he was stationed on the moon. I'm rushing to meet the production capacity. By the way, my name is Barney! What's your name, brother?"


Although it was not much, the young man gradually flipped through the fragments and recalled bit by bit,

"Huang Dahe..."

"Oh, Yamato, do you want to play electric bats?"

Barney happily pushed the ball over.

"Children who grow up in the universe are too weak. They only know how to play video games. There is no one to play with me in the settlement. Huh? You are injured!"


Huang Dahe lowered his head and looked at the blood seeping from his waist.

I'm really injured, but it doesn't hurt very much when I press the wound. It must have been an overdose of anesthesia, but why did I get injured...

"Wow, you're bleeding... Come on, I have a first aid kit at home!"

"...That's troublesome."

SIDE2, the space colony cylindrical space station. Not long ago, in order to prevent Takamagahara's cylinder from falling, many cylindrical space stations such as SIDE4 and SIDE5 were destroyed and demolished. However, because SIDE2 is closer to the moon, the mercenaries of various companies promptly rescued it. With support, they drove away Takamagahara's fleet and survived.

Now that the air route between the earth and the moon is blocked, technicians and engineers transferred from various SIDEs are sent to the moon to work overtime. The remaining space refugees who are old, weak, sick, and disabled are collectively sent to the SIDE2 space station group with relatively complete facilities, and are reduced to Space refugees.

Of course, those who can buy a boat ticket or an elevator ticket and escape into the universe are not poor families. Most of them are middle-class workers and their families who are valuable to the company. Therefore, although the cylinder of SIDE2 can accommodate a large number of Refugees, but in this era of overproduction, it’s not like they live in tents.

Nowadays, temporary low-rise apartments have been built in parks, streets, and open spaces on farms, equipped with air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, and vending machines. There are also regular rations of food, medicine, and social security subsidies. Since they are all family members of working employees, some companies will also provide Some benefits, life is much better than that of people on earth.

Of course, if you get fired, you won't have this kind of blessing.

Barney led Huang Dahe through the block and swiped his card to enter his house. Find the first aid kit and hand it to Huang Dahe.

"...Barney, do you live alone?"

"Yes, but my dad is only a P7 engineer and can only apply for one family member to come to the universe, so my mom can only stay on Earth and let me come up to study first. Wow, brother, are you really an engineer?"

Barney was shocked when he saw Huang Dahe taking off his uniform, revealing the scars and bullet holes on his body.

"Are you from the company's security department?"


Huang Dahe skillfully treated the gunshot wound and applied ice to his head.

I don’t know whether it was because he had taken too much anesthesia or was knocked unconscious by an electric bat. Huang Dahe’s thinking was still very confused. He could remember that he joined the Red Tengu and was attacked by the Dawn Knight, but why didn’t he appear in SIDE2? Too clear.

When checking the equipment he carried, Huang Dahe found that he was carrying a Nimitz Electronics employee card with a level of P11, his name was KOYAMA, and a pendant-like plug-in chip...

Barney glared, "Huh? Brother, it turns out you are an SMS pilot! What kind of machine are you piloting?"

"SMS, driver..."

As if a keyword was triggered, Huang Dahe suddenly remembered something,

"I'm going to the 78th Design Institute to complete the body debugging..."

"Oh, it's the design institute at the intersection of the industrial zone and the commercial zone, right? But the industrial zone was closed two days ago, and the news said there was an explosion in the laboratory."

Barney understood Huang Dahe's behavior as soon as he saw it.

"Did I fuck you up?"

Huang Dahehan is one,


Barney also saw that Huang Dahe was dizzy and had not recovered from the concussion, so he took out the instant food bag from the refrigerator, gave one to Huang Dahe, took another bag for himself, and cooked the mashed potatoes. When cooked, pour the tomato, mustard, pepper, honey, and apple five-in-one seasoning packet into it, stir it, and dig in.

"Brother, what school are you from?"

Huang Dahe was dizzy due to the smell, "Ahem, science and engineering..."

"Ye's Institute of Technology? Wow, that deviation value is very high! As expected, if you want to enter the institute and become a pilot, you will need a diploma from one of the top universities. Then I'm in doubt..."

"Barney, do you want to be an SMS driver?"

"Yes, he is so handsome! And he makes a lot of money, too! I heard that the annual salary above P10 is several million!"

But Barney soon sighed again,

"It's a pity that I didn't score enough. I couldn't even pass the key high school in SIDE2. I probably have no hope of entering science and engineering... Oh, brother, you are a professional. Look, the mecha I designed! How do you like it?"

Barney turned on the computer and gave Huang Dahe the module he designed on the engineering software.

"Oh, are you going to participate in the All-Heaven Mecha Competition?"

Of course Huang Dahe also knew that in the past, when SMS was all over the world, in order to train engineers and technicians, companies not only organized interest groups in various research institutes and universities to design mechas, but civilians could also design their own SMS to compete, and first conducted data on the local area network of the world. In the simulated battle, the top ten winners will specially build real machines, and then compete in a competition between all the heavenly mechas. The winner who performs well in the end can get contracts from big companies to sell patents, and the mecha pilot also gains both fame and fortune.

It can be said to be one of the most popular games among men and teenagers. At its peak, the ratings were probably only those of All-Tian Unlimited Fighting, comparable to the Superman Football League.

However, the attention of this event has indeed dropped significantly now. After all, no matter how high the operating efficiency of SMS is, it cannot compare to such outrageous things as super-dimensional battleships.

However, Huang Dahe himself is also a mecha enthusiast and expert, so while eating mashed potatoes, he helped Barney adjust it, directly increasing the efficiency of his simulator by more than ten times.

Barney was overjoyed, "Wow! That's great! Brother, you are indeed a professional! I can't wait to go online now!"

Huang Dahe also noticed that the local LAN was disconnected from QVN,

"There should be a 3D printing shop nearby. Use blueprints to print a drone, and then attach virtual glasses to the chain for remote control operation.

Go ahead and swipe my card. "

Barney, "Ah, it's a bit expensive..."

Huang Dahe smiled and put on his clothes, "Thank you for the mashed potatoes."

Barney grinned from ear to ear, "Then I'm welcome, haha!"

The two set off immediately, and Barney happily took the blueprint to the store to print it and choose the painting himself.

Huang Dahe observed the terrain. Just as Barney said, the industrial area was blocked. Separation boards and protective nets were clearly erected on the inner wall of the cylinder, as if a wall was pulled up to isolate one-sixth of the cylinder. , only specific level walkways are accessible.

It seems that this is an emergency measure taken when the outer wall of the space station is damaged by space debris or meteorites to prevent the cabin from losing pressure and disintegrating. Once the leak is repaired, the blockade can be lifted.

Design Institute... Is there anything there worth risking being shot at to grab... Is it SMS again...

"Eh? Yamato? Are you Yamato?"

Huang Dahe was stunned and turned to look at the girl who suddenly appeared next to him.


"It's really you, Yamato. I thought I recognized the wrong person! You are much taller than before. Is it because you have a prosthetic body implanted?"

The girl looked surprised,

"By the way, why are you here? Weren't you..."

Yes, fired.

Isn't it because of the boyfriend of Freya, a classmate from the Polytechnic University in front of me, who is in the same project team, Seth Campbell?

Of course, it has nothing to do with Freya. After all, she was born in the sky. Her family donated tens of millions to science and engineering. She would not even look at a poor boy like Huang Dahe who got into the exam. That is, he was in trouble when he was expelled. When I was too old, I realized that there was such a person in my research group.

Huang Dahe would not bother himself to provoke such a queen in the academy. What is his identity and what is her identity? The interaction with Freya was only when he signed his paper, and her name would definitely be included in the second work.

Well, although I don’t know if a young lady like this will enter the workshop twice a year, there is nothing hard to accept. After all, without generous donations from others, how can a poor guy like him get a scholarship?

The problem is Cy Campbell.

Although this guy also went to science and engineering, he just comes from a corporate family. His family background is not good enough, and he is not qualified to be tutored by the top doctoral supervisors in the university like Freya. And his personal academic ability is naturally not strong enough to be like Huang Dahe. Just like that, they are the backbone of the entire research group.

Therefore, Huang Dahe, the only one in Freya's research group who could be looked down upon by him, became a thorn in Sai's side and a punching bag.

They were jealous of his project, envious of his abilities, and even disliked the way he looked at his girlfriend. In the end, they broke out under the influence of alcohol, causing Huang Dahe to be fired.

Ruining the life of an innocent person for such an inexplicable reason is indeed... an extremely common scenario...

Confusing thoughts and intense emotions surged into his heart instantly. Huang Dahe even felt dizzy for a while, but in his memory, he had seen similar scenes and tragedies more miserable than his own countless times, so he took a few deep breaths and , the young man still controlled his emotions and suppressed his anger,

"I now...work at Nimitz Electronics...you..."

Freya didn't seem to notice it. She actually thought it was a coincidence that she met an acquaintance. She smiled easily and said,

"So you joined Nimitz Electronics and you have a bright future. Oh, originally my family lived in Europa, but you also know that those artificial creatures in Dawn have rebelled. So dad donated a battleship to MICC and was promoted to rear admiral of the Lunar Fleet. Yes, I am still applying for my visa. I am currently staying at a hotel in SIDE2.

By the way, Yamato, you work here, right? Is there any fun place nearby? "

Huang Dahe, "..."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

Barney had been out holding the remote control drone for a while. When he saw that the elder brother was so incapable of running into a female classmate who was fleeing alone, he immediately jumped out to help.

"Hello, sister Freya! I'm Barney, and my dad is a colleague of my eldest brother! I know you best here! If you want to date, I recommend the pedestrian food court in the business district!"

Huang Dahe was simply fed a fly, "Barney! Stop talking nonsense!"

Freya blushed and smiled,

"The food court is also good. Why don't we go shopping together?"

Barney gave his new big brother, ‘I’ll help! Seize the opportunity! ’ look,

"Okay, brother! Let's go. Recently, many refugees have arrived in SIDE3SIDE4, and many roadside food stalls have opened!"

Huang Dahe was silent for a while, then shook his head helplessly, followed them shopping, and was responsible for carrying bags and swiping credit cards.

Although it is already in wartime and takes in a large number of refugees, SIDE2 does not feel much tension.

After all, this world, this galaxy, is really too broad. If you think of a cylindrical space station that can accommodate millions of people, the war taking place in SIDE4 and SIDE5 seems to be from another world.

Humanity has already had enough technology and productivity to support everyone. The only problem might be that no one wants to pay for it.

Yes, this is probably the root of all problems under the capitalist system.

If you want to get something, you have to spend money? If you don’t pay, why should I keep you in vain? Could it be that I am your father?

"Thank you for your patronage, a total of two hundred and fifty yuan."

Barney and Freya happily took a lot of skewers and snacks, and they chatted and ate while they slowly walked back to the park.

"Brother, I'm going to try the drone."

Barney gave me an ‘opportunity to create for you! ' With a look in his eyes, he ran off to play with the remote control drone.

Huang Dahe still had a dull expression, sitting on a park bench with Freya, looking at the park, enjoying the fake sunshine, fake scenery, and fake peaceful people.

Freya blushed and looked at him,

"Yamato, I heard from Barney, you are now the P11 of the Nimitz Center? Mecha pilot? You are so awesome. I knew you could do it. You have real talent and learning."

Huang Dahe looked at her,

"I remember, you and Campbell..."

"Who? Oh, it's nothing. They're just ordinary friends who have eaten together a few times. Because we live in the same villa area, we come here occasionally."

Freya smiled,

"You and Campbell have a bit of a conflict, right? But I haven't seen him for a long time. I heard that his father is missing, his family is bankrupt, and he dropped out of school like you.

But you and him are different. You are really capable. It is not easy to get back up after losing everything. My father has also praised you many times, saying that your research results are among the best in the world, so as expected, it was the Nimitz Institute that invested in you.

You are a senior researcher at such a young age. I think it will take less than ten years for you to become a registered scientist of the SEC, right? The future is bright! "

"...Does it mean you have a bright future if you become a scientist..."

Huang Dahe suddenly felt a little dazed, because in the memory that suddenly came out, he vaguely seemed to remember that this was indeed the starting point of all his efforts a long time ago. Study, go to school, take exams, do scientific research, enter a graduate school, become an SEC scientist, and let your family live a good life. But now...

"Of course, scientists are the most respected people in the world. If a company buys a patent, the annual patent fees will be sky-high!"

Freya's eyes shone, and she sat closer to the confused and dull young man.

"Become an SEC scientist, and your life and your world will no longer be limited to the small rural place of 0791!

Now, Yamato, do you want to see what the world outside this world, the heavens outside the heavens, are like?

My dad also knows a lot of people from the SEC. These country bumpkins in 0791 kill people all day long. I don’t want to stay here anymore!

Recently, I am also looking for a university in a different world to apply for graduate qualifications. We happen to be college classmates, so why don’t we go see the outside world together! "

Huang Dahe looked at the red lips of the girl in front of him, was silent for a while, shook his head and stood up.

"If you want to leave, just leave. I want to take it back, and take the world where Huang Dahe can exist from your hands."

Freya was stunned, looking at the young man's retreating back, and it took a while to calm down.


Then she saw the young man who seemed to be mentally ill, walking up to the boy who had just assembled the mecha drone, taking the virtual mirror controller, wearing it on his face like a mask, and then raised his index finger, as if pointing towards the false Sky, pulled the trigger.

Then the eyes of the micro robot flickered with light, and invisible electromagnetic signals spread, activating bombs and signal interference that had been placed everywhere.

At this moment, the false sky curtain shattered and collapsed like glass, and with bright red sparks bursting out, Muramasa Demon, fully equipped type 3, space battle spider style, various weapons and equipment, functional machinery , blasting open the sky with a devastating force, tearing open the iron curtain, rushing into the cylinder, possessing the body and kneeling in front of the young man.

"Your Highness Amakusa, I'm here to greet you. Please give me your order."

After only being confused for a day, he put on the mask. From then on, he was no longer the man Huang Dahe he was before, and he pulled the trigger.

"I, Amakusa Shiro, give this order again.

When the battle begins, throw this cylinder to the moon. "

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