I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 348: Thousands of people are alike

Li Pan opened the door with the silver key and walked into the dark and hot computer room.

On both sides of the door are rows and rows of hacker creature access cabins. At first glance, it looks like a pile of huge snake eggs. The link lines are wrapped around the cabin like blood vessels. One end is connected to the central server, and the other end is deep into the network ecological cabin.

If you look closely, you can see the biological cabin filled with orange-red LCL solution. At the end of the connecting lines, you can vaguely see the human body curled up, as if trapped in a cocoon, just like the human body conceived in the mother's body. , an embryo that has not yet formed.

Well, these are the artificial humans of the Whisperers, but they are much more unlucky than temporary workers like Li Pan, because they are not considered 'hackers', more appropriately, they are creatures in groups of eight. Component, the basic computing unit of the Eight Snakes project.

These artificial human consumables begin to undergo various brain implants and surgical modifications when their brains are fully developed at the age of six or seven. Like human flesh data disks, they undertake the data and information of the entire Orochi project. In line with the high-intensity computing power Under extreme physical pressure, the entire set of 'components' will generally be scrapped and replaced within three to five years.

Yes, this is Shiba's dream. Before she was imprisoned, she was one of the 'replaceable parts' soaked in this egg sac.

However, compared to products of the same batch number, Shiba's luck is quite good. Due to the impact and sanctions of the defeat, the Yamata-no-Orochi project did not dare to blatantly operate at full capacity and had to hide and hide from the 'Human Components' , upgraded to some sort of 'hacker girl', otherwise she wouldn't have the chance to be imprisoned until she was bought by the company.

It didn't take much effort for Li Pan to find the rightful owner among a large group of 'devices'. After all, it was written in such big letters on the biological cabin, No. 18...

"Hey, Shiba, it's time to wake up. I'm here to save you..."

So the girl in the cocoon opened her eyes and saw a face without eyes or mouth, looking straight at herself.

The biological cabin flashed red instantly, the embryos curled up, twisted and trembled, screaming in unison, and the LCL boiled in an instant.

"What's going on! What happened!"

"Have you been caught by the SEC? Damn it! This stronghold can no longer be used!"

"Disconnected! Disconnected! There are still a few alive! Move quickly!"

Researchers wearing chemical protective suits rushed into the computer room, slashed and exploded the servers with fire axes, and directly unplugged the cables and disconnected the network, shattering the scarlet flashing dream.

Then the scene in front of him changed. The dream in front of Li Pan changed into a small prison cell. The bulletproof glass door reflected the faceless man in formal clothes in the corridor. Shiba was wearing prison uniform and sitting opposite the glass door with an expressionless face. Gotta look at the single reflective glass.

what's going on? What happened just now? Did she faint? Were you frightened?

Li Pan thought for a while, looked at the console, and pressed the call button.

"Hey, Shiba, don't sleep, wake up."

Shiba's eyes moved and he looked up at the surveillance camera in the cell.


"It's me, I'm the boss, I'm here to save you, come on, come out to work."

Eighteen rolled his eyes,


Tsk...this poor kid...

"Hey, I'm serious! You've been in a coma for more than a month, and now you're dreaming! If you don't wake up, our stock position will be forced to be liquidated!"

Eighteen rolled his eyes,

"Hey uncle, my sentence is life-long. I will deprive you of economic and political rights for life. I'll get a few cents to trade in the stock market!"

Li Pan was also speechless. Why are you talking so much nonsense? I have already defeated the legions and come to pick you up in a trillion-dollar warship. Why don't you just wake up and start asking questions?

"The account is in my name, but the password is with you. No, to be honest, the market is about to pick up. It's really going to rise. Everything will be fine! You believe me!"

Shiba showed a disgusted look like a lunatic, and said to the bracelet,

"Hey, prison guard, prison guard, a cybernetic psychopath has invaded your system and asked me to speculate in stocks. Is there anyone who can take care of it?"

Li Pan got angry, smashed the glass with his head, and threw his face in.

"Damn! I'm not crazy! Don't stay in bed and come out to work!"

Shiba and Li Pan looked at each other, stared, stretched their legs, and turned over.

"Oh no, here you are again!"

The dream changed again, and this time Li Pan found himself standing in a void. There are dozens of large screens above the head, playing various games, animations and movies, and there is a large sofa in front of the screen.

Li Pan walked over and took a look, only to see Shiba lying there alone, wearing a virtual helmet, slumped on the sofa watching TV series and playing games.

Alas, this naughty kid is really helpless...

Li Pan had no choice but to recall the painting method of the previous mask and put a smile on his face.

"Hey, stop playing. I'm Li Pan."

This time Shiba didn't faint from fright, he just opened his mouth and came,

"Oh, boss, you're dead too."

"What nonsense are you talking about, naughty kid?"

Li Pan took the handle from her,

"Let's go! Go to work!"

Shiba muttered reluctantly,

"I don't want to go to work. Living is also a company asset, so just let me lie here..."

Li Pan explained patiently,

"Don't worry, I have already found a company to buy you over. From now on, you will be Panlong's UI, Heaven's cloud server, and BYB's customized Xingtian. I have bought them all for you. You can play with them if you want..."

But who would have thought that Shiba was still lying flat?

"Then we still have to work, be on standby 24 hours a day, and report on call at any time?

When will this hellish life end? Boss, please let me go and let me stay here until I die. "

Now Li Pan was annoyed,

"Hey! What nonsense are you talking about! How old are you! Do you know what life is like? You can die all day long!"

"You know, life is just a big piece of shit. Nothing good happens. In the blink of an eye, you die and are put in a jar..."

Pointing at the screen with eighteen fingers, Li Pan turned his head and saw the dozen or so large screens beginning to replay and fast-forward rapidly, from artificial embryos, to artificial parts, to hackers, to prisoners, and in the end, his short life was... Numbers and codes flash by, the carousel ends, and all the images remain on a brain in a jar.

"I don't want to live like this, boss."

Li Pan turned his head, and Shiba who was lying on the sofa disappeared, leaving only a brain in a jar in front of him.

"Please, let me go back to sleep, boss."

Li Pan was silent for a while, looking at the brain in the jar and the smiling face reflected on the glass of the jar, and sighed,

"Then you... take a rest for a while. I'll come back to see you after a while..."

So Li Pan tore off his face and opened his eyes.

"The UI transmission is synchronized, the personality setting is completed, the control rights of Panlong are uploaded, and the update is completed."

PONY, who had upgraded himself into a Pegasus, was so excited that he flapped his wings and made a cheerful sound of eighteen.

"Wow, BYB's processor is so powerful! The memory processing speed has increased by 2300%! There is no limit to the cloud processor! Thank you, boss!"

Li Pan squeezed his eyebrows, and finally released the neural connection with the company's 18-brain tank.

"...Okay, as long as you like it, let's go and fight against the Legion."

PONY, "Oh oh oh, let's fight against the army!"

"Navigation mark set, Kepler-452b, star map loaded, automatic navigation started, jump channel being generated, expected to arrive in sixteen hours."

After successfully completing Panlong's UI update and taking PONY back to the Panlong, Li Pan lay on the captain's chair and didn't speak for a while.

"Hey, Broomstick, what's wrong with you? You don't seem to be in a good mood?"

Nana opened the internal communication link and came over.

"Well, it's not like I'm going on vacation, so of course I can't say I'm very happy."

Li Pan casually adjusted PONY's tone and changed it to an online voice pack.

The more he talked casually, the more Nana felt that he seemed to be in a low mood, so she thought about it and suggested,

"Why don't this mission end and come back to your hometown with me!"

Li Pan almost choked on his saliva and was speechless.

"Hey! Don't put up the flag before the battle!"

"You are still superstitious about this, I mean, go to my hometown for vacation!"

Nana suggested,

"Didn't I tell you that my hometown also runs a hot spring house. The hot springs in Toyama are no worse than those in Hakone! There are also hot spring rice bowls and other things! Although there is no Olong..."

Uh, it's okay to grab business for my hometown and take care of the business, but it's a bit boring to soak in hot springs every time the company travels...

Being idle was idle, so Li Pan casually clicked on the Toyama Hot Spring homepage sent by Nana and read the introduction.

The hot springs in Toyama are not bad, but to be honest, the overall quality is a bit worse. After all, Saitoya is a five-star resort hotel serving Takamagahara directors, while Toyama Village is mainly a farmhouse for general company dogs and their families.

But there is nothing bad about farmhouses. There are many photos and videos of Nana on the homepage. She worked at home in high school, junior high school, and junior high school...

Li Pan clicked the pause button on the video, frowned, and took a screenshot.

"This is you?"

Nana, "Oh, it's the yukata from elementary school, how about it! I'm very cute, hahaha!"

Li Pan, "..."

Nana, "Hey Silence, what are you doing?"

Li Pan was silent for a while, blinked, came to Shenting's office, and kicked open the 'bird's door'.

Li Qingyun was still sitting leisurely and meditating on the futon behind the door, guarding the pot of elixir that he didn't know when the elixir would be stewed. His eyes were slightly closed, and in the curl of green smoke, he seemed to be sleeping but not sleeping, but not waking up. He seemed to be singing in his dreams. language,

"Fellow Taoist, why do you have time to meet me? Could it be that the Black Lotus Sect's errands have been completed?"

The shadow figure on the ground stood up and turned into a human figure like a shadow and mist. The darkness in his eyes was deeper than the shadow, staring at the Taoist in front of him.

"Why do they look the same?"

Li Qingyun slowly opened his golden dragon eyes,

"I don't know what your friend is talking about..."

"Stop teasing me! Nana Toyama and Nuer! Why do they have the same face!"

Li Qingyun looked at the alchemy room, cut off the five sounds, and pressed it in front of him with a sullen face. Its shape was like the shadow of a ghost beast. But he didn't panic, he just slowly opened his hand, revealing the silk handkerchief in his palm,

"Because, they are originally one body, they are monsters, fellow Taoist."

For a moment, countless holes opened in the shadow, as if hundreds of faces opened their beast's eyes at the same time, staring directly at Li Qingyun, but after confronting the golden dragon eyes for a moment, there was still a little bit of frenzied anger. He took it back, and finally the shadow returned to its adult form, sitting cross-legged in front of Li Qingyun, and sighed,

"Can you please explain it more clearly..."

"Are you clear? Can you understand this?"

Li Qingyun turned and folded one end of the handkerchief, twisted it into a loop, and tied a knot to form a circle.

"Möbius strip."

Shadow stared at him with big eyes and small eyes.

Li Qingyun gestured,

"You see, this ring only has one sided surface, and bugs on the surface can travel across the entire surface without crossing its edge.

The Möbius strip remains unchanged when the figure is bent, enlarged, reduced or deformed at will, as long as the original different points are not coincident with the same point during the deformation process, and no new points are generated.

In other words, it is a topological transformation, that is, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the points of the original figure and the points of the transformed figure, and adjacent points are still adjacent points..."

Shadow interrupted him,

"What the hell are you talking about! I'm asking you why they look the same! What are you talking about?"

Li Qingyun sighed,

“From different time and space, and from different angles, things that look completely different actually have essentially the same origin.

Although there are thousands of clones in the heavens and the world, they essentially have the same shadow and the same face. This is the essence of monsters.

The origin of the 'handkerchief' is a super-space-time channel that links different time and space, and can be roughly regarded as a Mobius strip model.

Precisely because the 'handkerchief' can link different worlds and different times, projections from different dimensions may appear at the same moment, just like crazy ghost images illuminated by light sources from different directions.

If you ask me, how can a ‘handkerchief’ become a handkerchief? It is naturally because it received enlightenment from the Taoist ancestors, listened to Zen in the Shangzhen Temple, spent eight hundred years in Penglai Mountain, and finally achieved the real form.

But if you ask me why Nana Toyama looks the same as Nuer, then I can only guess that it’s her..."

Shadow interrupted him again,

"That night, she was eaten by Juan'er and died in that apartment?"

Li Qingyun was silent for a while, counted with his fingers, and shook his head.

"There are many possibilities."

Shadow tore at his own face with claw-like hands,

"There are so many possibilities! Aren't there only two possibilities! Or she didn't die! Or she died at that time...

So what exactly is it that I brought back... Yes, it's Juan'er... No, time and space, is it... Is it Nana from other times... How many times did the apartment reincarnate before I walked in... That was in the past The Nana is still from the future, no, the future Juer already exists, so isn’t Nana destined to..."

"Bang!" There was a thunder, and it was Li Qingyun who suddenly made a thunder with a snap of his fingers, calling back the shadow's attention.

“So I said, there are many possibilities.

The monsters that are also involved in the path of time and space are themselves the most troublesome, because they are also involved in the path, and their fates are different, and there are other possibilities. Moreover, Nuer has also obtained the ninth level seal of Dao Ancestor. No one knows what level she will be able to reach in the future.

But since he can connect the heavens of Daluo, even if he cannot compare with the Sword Ancestor, he still has the Tao. There are a few shadows scattered in the heavens, what's so strange about it. "

As if being surprised by Lei Yin, the shadow gradually returned to its human form. After being silent for a while, he asked again,

"I...I heard that if a navigator eats too much spice, he will gradually deform...continuously transcending time and space and flying through the void will also accelerate this process...

Do you think...could it be that...I have always let her lead the way and travel in the sea of ​​​​stars, so she got lost in the whirlpool of time and space and ascended to such an existence..."

Li Qingyun,

"Fellow Taoist, you have a very rich imagination."

The shadow glared at him;

Li Qingyun shrugged,

"Well, what you said is possible, but ask me, if you want her to become 'Juan'er', then she may indeed become like that."

The shadows swayed like candles blown by the strong wind,

"What did you say, I think..."

Li Qingyun handed the 'handkerchief' to Shadow, ignored the dodge, and stuffed the 'handkerchief' into Shadow's hand.

"This is your thing from the beginning, be it the 'handkerchief', 'kerchief', or even Toyama Nana, all of these are what you expected and only appeared next to you.

Whatever you want them to be is what they will become. How you expect them to be will be how the universe responds. This is the root of all problems.

Therefore, if you care about a face so much, let 'Juan'er' change his face. Or do you care about something else?

Oh, why, are you afraid that one day you will also see the death of Nana Toyama?

Then I can't help you. No one can.

Because all mortals will die, and only you can reach the end. "

The shadow stared at the 'handkerchief' in his hand, was silent for a while, stood up and walked to the door. Suddenly it stopped again, turned its head and stared at Li Qingyun,

"...Since we are all alike, why are your faces different from mine?"

The shadow points to itself,

"Where's my face?"

"Fellow Taoist, what are you thinking about?"

Li Qingyun raised his head, smiled, and his eyes glowed brightly.

"Our faces, aren't they your faces?"

Then Li Pan opened his eyes suddenly, and his eyes were completely white, and he only felt the pain as if his eyes were being pricked by needles.

"Hey, this bastard is falling out with me, right..."

Then he looked up and saw Nana standing next to him.

"Broom head, what happened?"

"No, nothing happened. I'm about to jump. Why aren't you sitting still..."

"Jump? We have arrived..."

Nana frowned and checked Li Pan's space suit and physical parameters.

"Are you too tired recently? Why don't we go rest together and let the people from the Security Bureau handle the matter."

"...I'm fine. I'll be fine when I get there. I'll go work for the Legion right away."

Just as Li Pan stood up holding the chair, Nana held his hand and pulled him.

"Hey, broom head... don't be afraid, I will always be by your side."

Li Pan was silent for a moment, nodded to her, and walked out of the bridge with a gloomy face.

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