I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 353 Good News and Bad News

Dolls and white wolves?

A pair of brothers fighting over family property is as outrageous as a war between gods.

However, this is probably the background of top companies...

"Regan also read these materials? What did she say?"

"Yes, the supplier that signed the weapons testing agreement with the Brotherhood Knights was behind the capital injection from Black Horse Holdings, as well as the intelligence involving the infighting between the Hohenheim-Gaunt family. These were added by Ms. Regan's investigation.

Now she is investigating the situation of the VK Group through official channels, but I think this may have little effect. The legal team of the VK Group is not a jobber, and will not easily leak this information to outsiders.

So if you allow it, manager, I plan to come forward through Caizang, hire a third-party team, and try to sneak into the Fenrir project laboratory to investigate. "

You have to sneak in again...

But Li Pan can think about it. After all, his relationship with the VK Group is actually not bad. If Kotaro is caught, there will be communication channels, and he will have to spend some money.

"Okay, you go try it. Also, be careful. I think the combat power of these things is approaching that of the vampire prince. And if you look at them entering the second stage, they can be completed in one frame.

It takes a long time for you to unlock the Demonic Seal. I'm afraid you won't even have time to complete the transformation and you'll be killed instantly. Don't think about confronting them head-on. If something goes wrong, retreat immediately. "

"It's the boss."

After sending Kotaro away, Li Pan lay on the office chair with his legs crossed, half-heartedly watching the live broadcast of the company interview in the conference room, browsing online battlefield news, and paying attention to the recent situation on the earth's battlefield.

At this point in time, Yulia had already commanded the army and was dispatched to Kepler to participate in the garbage clean-up battle.

Now that the fleet in the solar system is empty, neither the company nor the army has space support, and the strategic situation has fallen into a delicate balance. Even on the earth, Gao Tianyuan has been preparing for many years. With a large number of people, he has a vague advantage.

But the situation is not serious yet.

Although the Ye clan violated military law before and was beheaded by Panguba's team, killing five legions, the remaining troops arrived at the right time. What's interesting is that three of the four surviving legions were actually Julius As for our own Guards Corps, no wonder Yulia, a loser, has not been abandoned by her father and is firmly sitting on the throne of the ruling governor.

There are even rumors among Li Pan's group of seatless elders. Many people suspect that the idiotic behavior that delayed the military plane was deliberately done by the Julius family. They directed and performed it themselves to eliminate political opponents and suppress the increasingly powerful Peng. The scheming tactics used by the Pius family were so conclusive that Li Pan almost believed it...

In short, regardless of conspiracy or idiot, the surviving legion transported quite a lot of ground troops to the scene, including a large group of vampire knights, rebel war beasts, war machines, spider drones, and fully automated soldiers. As a rough estimate, a battleship can basically transport a fully armed armored battalion, including fully loaded vehicles, mobile armor and spider drone battle groups, and carry ammunition supplies for a forty-eight-hour battle. A cruiser can transport a company of motorized infantry, or carry a forty-eight-hour supply of fuel, ammunition, and supplies to a battalion.

Counting this way, even if only half of the troops in this wave can arrive, at least a thousand divisions have crossed the star gate and been sent to the battlefield.

Of course, normal people know that these thousand division-level units are not all armored divisions. There are also engineer reserve units, and it is impossible for them all to be put into the battlefield. But Yulia really did just that.

Well, maybe everyone can understand that when a certain consul knows that he has caused a big disaster and does not know when he will be deposed, and then sees that he still has so many troops available, he has the mentality of a gambler who makes a desperate move to win back the game. .

In short, in this situation where the enemy was unprepared and we were unprepared, Yulia brazenly launched a general attack on Kansai, and in one fell swoop, Ye Shi, who had just escaped from the military law, was still in shock. All the legions were airdropped and directly hit the base camp of Takamagahara in Kansai. Both the enemy and us were stunned at once!

But don’t tell me, the effect was pretty good at first.

After all, no matter how outrageous the commander's order is, the intelligent assistant will plan a package plan for you, and the people below will just have to carry it out despite the casualties.

As for Gao Tianyuan, Mader, and the General Staff Headquarters, no matter how they plot! I never expected that the company would be able to fight such a magical battle!

So the Battle of Kansai was really sudden at first. More than 40,000 warships exploded with no humanity, and even swept Kansai into a sea of ​​ruins and fire. Takamagahara was caught off guard, and even Kyoto was almost lost. The troops from all over the country had to be withdrawn for reinforcements to withstand the attack.

Then the trick came again. Just as the assault troops parachuted behind the enemy lines planned to continue their efforts and fight to the death, the fleet with only a few cannons overhead had to leave again!

Well, let's go. After a wave of explosions, we ran away and went to fight against the Legion 1,300 light-years away...

And no one gave orders to the ground troops. After all, Yulia had been holding back for a long time and went to fight Li Pan...

Therefore, the knights of the Ye family who were sold behind enemy lines almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. They had to fight on their own, breaking out of the encirclement before they ran out of ammunition and food, and desperately moved closer to the City of Night.

Fortunately, Honshu Island is indeed not a big place, and the infrastructure is well built. Ye's mobile troops can maneuver over mountains and ridges.

Gao Tianyuan was suddenly hit by a hammer, and he was really stunned. He had no idea what the other side was doing, and he allowed the other side to move around. While holding on tightly, he took the time to repair the defenses and replenish ammunition and equipment.

So after you air-dropped reinforcements to me, bombarded us violently, and started a chaotic melee, the battle line has actually stabilized.

Yeshi and Gao Tianyuan, the front line of confrontation between the two armies, gradually took shape.


The Takamagahara Army deployed formations along the mountainous terrain of Mount Aikawa and Mount Onmatsu, built a multi-fortress defense system, and built numerous forts and fortresses in an attempt to block the main routes in and out of Gyeonggi.

Ye's army also gathered in Meinong and set up front lines along Nangong Mountain. Taking advantage of the absence of a certain lunatic consul, they seized the time to reorganize their organization, replenish ammunition, and prepare for a frontal battle and breakthrough.

Now, the main forces of both sides suddenly gathered in Sekihara for the decisive battle. Except for the Kuroda Front Army, which was still rushing towards the Americas, I don't know whether it was because it was too late to return reinforcements and was trying to attract attention, or whether the old monk took advantage of this opportunity to grab a handful and prepare to run away. On the road, apart from launching a fierce attack, the war in other areas of the earth has temporarily eased.

In short, the situation has been messed up by Yulia. As long as Sekigahara decides the winner and seizes Takamagahara's lair, the war on the ground will be over.

"Oh, who are these people..."

Li Pan also rubbed his brows and was speechless for a while.

One general was really incompetent and the three armies were exhausted. Tianhu's superiority in the opening game turned into such a ridiculous situation that it actually turned into an evenly matched final battle.

If Pangu hadn't been so powerful that it could be defeated no matter how great the company's technological and military advantages were, maybe the Legion could really defeat 0791.

But to be honest, it seems that no matter how strong the legion is or how bad the company is, it doesn’t matter. As long as Pangu is here, Yulia and the Hohenheim brothers will never be able to turn over the waves no matter what, and they will never die no matter what they do... …

Shaking his head and not thinking about those second-generation ancestors, Li Pan opened the list of frontline troops and used the authority of the local fleet commander to read the numbers and combat plans of the troops on the Kansai frontline.

From a cursory look, it seems that Ye's army does not have a dedicated werewolf unit, and it is not known whether Fenrir is integrated into the war beast camp or hidden as a secret weapon.

But in any case, if that Wolf Gunter wants to promote his new weapons in the world and compete with AG dolls, then using the battle in Sekigahara should be an excellent publicity opportunity, and those enhanced werewolves will definitely appear. of.

Do you want to join in the fun...

"Manager, what do you think?"

At this time, 011003 knocked on the door and came in. She had completed two rounds of interviews, sorted out the resumes of fresh graduates and job-hopping workers, and sent them to Li Pan for decision-making.

"Huh? Oh, hey, it's casual. I don't think many people can survive more than three months anyway. It's up to you to decide."

Li Pan looked through his resume and there were no beauties among them. They were all middle-aged men who lacked interest, so he casually sent them to 003 for processing.

"Oh, Third Sister, please make arrangements to register temporary workers for Kotaro's classmates. In addition, I also brought a giant salamander, um, an alien. The coffin has been sent to the warehouse. When it is resurrected, please train it.

Although this guy is not a human and cannot be registered in the filing cabinet, it should be quite useful as a company asset or something. Did you see that he can resurrect himself as long as his head does not explode? If there are any monsters in the future, I will test it directly. Just use her to try it out. "

"Good manager."

003 glanced at Sif's data. She was also an eighth-level magic weapon. Naturally, she was not that rare for this kind of 'sub-dragon', but no matter how weak a Chimera was, it was still a Chimera, and she was still much stronger than ordinary people.

"In addition, while you were out, the company received new monster investigation tasks, but they were all in other urban areas. I conducted a preliminary investigation through local mercenaries and found that they seemed to be true. Do you want me to handle it, or do you want to handle it yourself? Want to take a trip?"

Li Pan looked at the reports sent by 003. They were from Mumbai, Alexandria, and Sydney. 003 had basically done a lot of work and sorted out the specific locations of the monsters, related cases, and local rumors in great detail. Naturally, he felt embarrassed. Steal her credit.

"You go ahead with it. Well, bring a few newcomers to try it out. I'll stay in the company."

"Understood. In addition, the General Administration's technical department invited you to hold an online technical exchange meeting yesterday, but it seems that you did not receive the call. Please call back if you are free."

yesterday? Was it while socializing with the prince? I don’t seem to hear the landline ring...

Oh, that was when he was dreaming. He was probably interested in the legion MIGO he sent back before. Fortunately, he picked up that Sif.

"Okay, I understand, I'll call you."

So Li Pan sent a fax to make an appointment, came to the conference room and turned on the lights.

"What advice can you give me, Minister of Technology? What, do you want that giant salamander? Can you change the key?"

"It has nothing to do with that, it's about you. 0791001," the technology minister adjusted his glasses, "There's good news, and there's bad news."

Li Pan was puzzled, "Why are you still interested in playing this game? Let's break the bad news first."

The Minister of Technology was also stubborn and said, "You are going to die."

Li Pan, "..."

The Minister of Technology was obviously not a professional doctor, and he did not give the patient's family members any time to relax. He directly flipped through the files, turned on the holographic projection, and provided video evidence.

"Within twenty-four hours, or even shorter, your currently registered body, this level eight biological weapon, may collapse on its own.

According to the current internal experimental research of the company, the main reason is that your body cannot be compatible with the ultimate power of multiple systems at the same time.

We have tried to make psykers and magicians compatible before, and failed without exception. Simply put, high concentrations of NANOBOTS will interfere with the normal operation of the 'spirit body'.

But you are a special case. We initially thought that you evolved spontaneously and that your unique biological energy played a role in a system that is compatible with both psychic and magical powers. However, the results of subsequent experiments were not optimistic.

Every time your body is overclocked and exceeded, and you use power beyond what is allowed by the rules of the world, it will cause the overall oscillation of the genetic body, sliding to the edge of collapse bit by bit, and the relevant experimental data has also been certified by Pangu.

Not long ago, Pangu got in touch with the company. It used the data you provided to create soldiers to raid the legion's base. Although it achieved certain results, it also confirmed that all prosthetics would disintegrate on their own after high-intensity battles, and you Tasks of similar intensity were also performed, so the company was notified in advance.

It seems that this is indeed your personal problem, not our company's technical shortcomings..."

Li Pan frowned and sat slowly at the round table, looking at a lot of information provided by the technical department.

They are really not being alarmist, they are well-founded.

As evidenced by the video, Monsters Inc. was clearly burning Li Pan's thief-eating body in multiple worlds, multiple laboratories, and multiple different universes using filing cabinets to conduct combat experiments.

Well, after all, Li Pan's current body was originally a thing to apply for Monster Company's return. It is the company's asset and can be approved for your use. Of course, he will continue to test and study it himself.

It is undeniable that Li Pan's body has been cultivated to the point where he is a superman with the energy of multiple systems such as true energy, magic, and spiritual energy at the same time. He can perfectly control various energies. Bring out the peak combat power of each system.

In the company's experimental video, those 'Li Pan' clones also confirmed this. They can skillfully use various equipment and combat skills to mercilessly attack the sealed wild animals in various worlds and planes. All kinds of demons and monsters violently suppressed them.

But as the technical department said, after frequent combat tests, especially repeated switching of combat systems, or the use of multiple ultimate moves at the same time, Li Pan's thief-eating body will quickly collapse and disintegrate. And it is not the same as the general disintegration of genetic disorder, where flesh and blood festers, and the body is burned and self-destructs.

Literally, people are gone...

The clones in the video, the clones with "Li Pan's face", are all very fierce when they come up. They rush up to grab all kinds of monsters and monsters and beat them violently. Losing control after a long fight.

It wasn't like running wild and killing people out of control, but suddenly, as if they had forgotten their own combat mission, or even the purpose of their existence, they just stopped moving. I was so confused that I started sleepwalking.

Then starting from the five senses, the eyes, ears, mouth and nose gradually merge and disappear. A face turns into a flat dough and just stands there until it disappears into thin air without a trace, as if it has never existed, and even still exists. It will leave energy groups such as spiritual energy, magic power, and psychic energy in place.

Just as I leave gently, just as I come gently, waving my sleeves, not taking away a single cloud...

There is no one left...

"We borrowed monsters for testing. We placed your clone in a container similar to an accelerated time channel to verify how long it can last without high-intensity fighting. It is probably less than three months."

The technical department released the accelerated video to Li Pan and timed the time until the clone finally disappeared without a trace, simply by subtracting Li Pan's working hours so far.

"So theoretically you have twenty-four hours left, or less, and this body may collapse at any time. Complete disappearance is like ascending from the material world. No genes are left at all, so there is no way to proceed. Further analysis.

Now we are not sure whether there is any essential difference between your original body and the cloned body. We are not sure whether your consciousness will also disappear once your original body disappears. We are not sure whether your consciousness can be preserved if the prosthetic body is replaced in advance. Come down, so I suggest 0791 that you seal this body immediately and cooperate with the technical department for further observation. "

Damn, it’s hopeless...

Li Pan frowned, "What's the damn good news?"

"What? Oh, good news..."

The Minister of Technology pulled out a piece of paper from a pile of documents.

"Pangu thanks you for your outstanding contribution to the remnants of the destroyed legion. I will promote you to the first level of sergeant and enjoy the treatment of third level sergeant major. You will also receive additional medical insurance subsidies every month."

People in Mader are all going to lose their medical insurance... Oh, that's okay, it's five thousand yuan more a month...

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