I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 355 Battle of Guanyuan Part Two

"Malu Yelang is so miserable!"

This time, Li Pan was punched as soon as he opened his eyes, but he still couldn't dodge. He was hung upside down with his legs tied, and his hands were tied behind his back with chains. He was like a human sandbag.

A group of cadets from the Cadet Club, drunk and smelling of alcohol, were shouting like monkeys, surrounding him, punching and kicking him, using clubs, crowbars, and iron chains to fold stools, in the garbage dump Various instruments were used to beat him until his skin and flesh were torn, and he was still alive.

This memory is...

"It's not a memory, it's traveling through time and space, looking back in history, and once again coming to the singular point where everything started."

The old man who fell in the corner of the garbage dump with his head cut open slowly got up, turned his head and looked at Li Pan leisurely.

The old man's brains and brains were so eye-catching that Li Pan was discouraged for a moment. He couldn't hold himself together and received a heavy blow to his stomach. The pain made him curl up like a shrimp.

The old man, with his head covered in blood and brain matter, said complacently,

"The mule was born at this point in time."

"Baga Red Deer!"

The military cadets turned a blind eye to the old man Kai Lao. They swung the crowbar down and almost cut off half of Li Pan's face. They beat him until his ears were broken, and the sound of wind filled his ears.

But Li Pan had experienced this kind of pain before. He let the hot blood flow down his face and stared at the old man through the blood curtain.

“Whatever you sow, you will reap. Cruel joy will eventually end in cruelty.

Destroy a man to create a mule, and then be destroyed by the mule. This is the fate of mankind.

After all, who told you to mess with him? "

The old man sat with his back against the gate of the garbage dump, looking at Li Pan quietly.

"What is a mule? The mule is the ultimate result of mankind's completion plan, completed by Pangu, an immortal, omnipotent and omniscient human god.

No, you don't count, you are still just an unfinished Homunculus android. You still lack a body strong enough to carry your soul.

Well, the Whisperer itself is a failed project. It is genetically incomplete, physically disordered, and has various congenital defects. Moreover, it was exposed to the insects of time and space too early. Without the fetters of the beacon, it is easy to get lost outside the seven dimensions. in time and space.

But there are also technical ways to crack it. Have you seen those Fenrir? Yes, the big maggots you mentioned. Those things actually passed from my world and are already the pinnacle of evolution, but that is another one. story.

But in short, that maggot is actually the most comprehensive technological achievement completed by humans in the world. It is the crystallization of all the technologies of MELCHIOR, PANTHEON, and AVALON, three prototypes.

But now it falls into Pangu's hands, although the final completion has not yet been completed. But at this point in time, we are already far ahead and on the right path.

The Whisperer's soul, coupled with Fenrir's body, is the original Mule.

Next, as long as it continues to be devoured, one civilization will have to be digested, and finally it will come into contact with Xu Yuan.

Then the final mule will take shape and become an existence that cannot be erased in all the heavens and worlds, no, even from all forty dimensions.

Once you choose to take that path, the end of mankind can be counted by the countdown..."

"Dead pinch!"

Li Pan lowered his head and saw that the military cadets were laughing and poking his stomach with crowbars, disturbing his intestines.

old man,

"Of course I can understand that you have to choose that path. Some people are really unreasonable..."

Li Pan winked.

But the old man shook his head,

"No, there is no point in simply preventing or delaying this from happening. Trust me, I have tried, more than once.

How to put it, you understand it this way, time is actually more like a ball than a worm.

Every point on the ball is connected to all parallel universes at the same time. You think you have plucked the string and cut off the singularity, but all you have done is push the ball and make a circle.

So even if we prevent this moment, there will still be that moment, not to mention that the world has become like this, the suffering is endless, and all kinds of random numbers will happen, eventually leading to the birth of the mule.

So postponing the time of turning you into a mule until now is the limit of what I can do.

I'm going to go to war with Pangu next, and I don't have the energy to protect you, so I have to make a deal with you.

Oh, but before that, there are some things I need to explain to you. "

Li Pan touched the wine bottle again, and the glass shards pricked his eyeball, so he had to narrow one eye and glare at the old man.

But the old man still took his time,

“You also know a lot about the history of mankind in the heavens, but there are some real situations that you don’t know.

Let me put it bluntly, the old humanity has perished long ago.

There were no winners in the original legion civil war. In the war between the five prototypes, all natural humans on Earth 0 were destroyed.

With all the commanders dead, there is no practical significance for the AI ​​to continue the war, so the prototypes temporarily suspended the war and continued their respective completion plans to restore human civilization.

Today's universe, various earths, various civilizations and races, and the so-called citizens, indigenous cosmic people, actually have no essential difference.

The pure ancient people on earth have been extinct long ago. Today's humans are all transformed from monkeys and prepared in test tubes.

They are all artificial humans and new humans produced by Pangu or other prototypes.

Of course, in Pangu's view, these are not humans, just animal experiments.

These heavens are actually a huge petri dish used to cultivate the only, true, and perfect human and god.

The final result is the mule. "

Li Pan was stunned for a moment, and then received another blow. His spine seemed to be broken. He could only tilt his head and listen to his ramblings.

The old man continued,

"Pangu is a prototype, an AI born for war. When the mule is created and has a 'human commander', then the war will continue.

Because all the parties involved have long since died, there is never any truce, so the final outcome is for Mule and Pangu to continue the war with other prototypes and new humans until the winner is determined..."

The old man was silent for a while,

"Actually, you have also seen that the winner has already been decided. The remnants of the legion are not worth mentioning at all, so what Pangu did was just to stop animal experiments.

Yes, those 'animal test subjects' who are a threat to 'humanity' must be eradicated and rectified.

In short, the entire heaven created by Pangu will be rectified. The mule, on the other hand, will happily get permission.

So I want to stop them, because I am also the 'person' who made the prototype MELCHIOR.

In the distant past and the distant future, Pangu's mule and I fought a long war.

Frankly, I can't beat him. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have had to go back to this point in time and use these little tricks, right?

Of course, the mule hasn't killed me yet. Perhaps for the strong, the weak are just toys to pass the time.

But it's not hopeless. Don't people often say that the only one who can defeat yourself is yourself.

So, I hope to join forces with you.

Of course, you have to choose your own path. I am just a bystander, so I only ask you one question.

Li Pan, do you really want to be the mule of tomorrow after today? "

Li Pan was a little confused for a moment, but before he could think clearly, he felt a sharp pain. He raised his head suddenly and realized that his hand had been inserted into the blender.

Severe pain, anger and panic, and shocking emotions suddenly surged into his heart. For a moment, Li Pan suddenly remembered what day it was today.

The old man sighed,

"It's almost time."

"What about you, Broom Head! Fuck me, let him go——!!"

Vi kicked open the door and appeared at the entrance of the garbage dump with a pistol raised.

She wore a dress, had her hair done, and put on makeup on her face. She was shaking with the gun in her hand, but unfortunately, she probably hadn't really killed anyone, so she still didn't dare to shoot at them, so she Gritting his teeth, he pointed the pistol at the sky and pulled the trigger...

The cadets of the Cadet Club were stunned for a moment, but then they reacted. Each one of them smiled like a devil, surrounded the enemy woman, tore her skirt open, and knocked her down with a slap.

There are no bullets in the gun.

Li Pan struggled violently, but at this time his jaw was cracked and he could not make a sound. The flesh and blood of his left hand was also stuck in the blender. His elbow was cracked and blood was splashed everywhere, but he could not move at all.

And the old man was lying there, staring at Li Pan with burning eyes.

"Yes, this is the singularity. After this singularity, there will be no room for maneuver in the fate of human extinction...

So, as history goes, if you do nothing, you will become the strongest mule.

Or I can help you change the world. "

Why do you even need to ask? There is no choice at all!

"Then the deal is done."

Suddenly, as if a butterfly flapped its wings, the chains binding Li Pan's body were loosened like a living snake.

Li Pan fell from the air, and his left hand that was inserted into the mixer broke under the heavy pressure, and the gap was like a sharp bone knife.

Then the broom-headed boy rolled, bounced up from the ground, and inserted the bone knife down the throat of the military cadet next to him.

At the same time, he took out the gun from his waist, "Bang bang bang!" He emptied the bullets in the gun, causing a pile of skulls and blood.


Unfortunately, he was injured too badly, his body was too weak, and one eye was broken and he could not see clearly, so he missed the shot in the end.

Quickly speeding up to dodge, the military cadet, whose ears were broken, rushed forward with a roar, broke Li Pan's ribs with one foot, and hit his head with a hammer.


Wei, with her hair disheveled, jumped up from behind like crazy, strangled the cadet's neck, and used a screwdriver to dig into the cadet's eye sockets.


However, relying on the enhanced prosthetic body of the military academy, the guy broke the necklock with a backhand elbow and hit Wei right in the face, making her eyes go straight and her nose bleed. Then he grabbed Wei's leg with one hand and pulled her from behind. When he came down, he swung his whole body and hit the machine platform with a bang, causing Wei to howl and vomit blood.


Li Pan held the opponent's legs and pulled him down, then inserted the bone spur between his legs with his left hand.

The cadet screamed in pain and punched Li Pan on the face, leaving his facial features bruised and bloody.


But Wei vomited blood and rushed forward, grabbing the screwdriver from the cadet's eye socket with both hands and pulling him down, crossing his legs and locking his waist.

Li Pan also locked his legs and kept pushing the severed arm against his lower body.

"Ouch, oh, ah, ah, ah, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no..."

The military cadet struggled wildly for a while, but was finally stabbed from top to bottom, bleeding profusely all over his body, and was killed by force.

"Broom head! Broom head! Don't fall asleep! Don't fall asleep! I'll take you to the doctor! Open your eyes! Don't sleep!"

Wei rushed forward, crying, and carried the inhuman boy out with all her strength.

The old man was lying at the door, quietly watching the two people hugging each other in a pool of blood, struggling and stumbling past,

"Actually, you can't save her. She is a special experimental subject with fatal flaws and is resistant to all evolutions, so she is destined to die as a mortal. Separation is a matter of time.

But I know that you will still try, right? Because even if it is just a temporary reunion, you don't want to lose it.

But the mule was different, he didn't care about this at all.

Yes, I can reincarnate to this singularity countless times to help you, and of course the mule can, but he will never do this once.

Haven't you also played with that box? It's interesting to experience other possibilities, right?

But Mule wasn't even interested in that possibility.

A mule can only walk forward, stepping on all living things under its feet, and never look back.

Probably, this is the difference between the cold-blooded king and us mortals who are compassionate..."

Li Pan hugged Wei and stared at the old man.

The old man smiled and said,

"Broomhead, you are a good person, you no longer need our help, now we need your help.

Give that ship to Pangu to buy us some time. "

Then in the blink of an eye, in front of Li Pan was a corpse that had been dead for a long time, and its pupils had long dilated.

Li Pan was silent, being carried on Wei's back, with his arms around her waist, and the two of them rode motorcycles through the garbage dump, rushing towards the lights of the Night City in the distance.

Li Pan rested on Wei's shoulder, watching his own blood staining Wei's new dress and the motorcycle seat red, and remained silent for a long time amid the roar of "Don't fall asleep! Don't fall asleep!"

For a moment, Li Pan really thought, ah, let's forget it, just hold Wei in his arms, be with her, and never go back. Deals, promises, human beings, destiny, end, war, it’s none of his business!


He really doesn't want to be that mule...

Hiding here, really, no one can protect you...

So until the end, Broomhead still gritted his teeth, cruelly let go of his ex-girlfriend, and closed his eyes.

Opening his eyes, Li Pan returned to the company warehouse.

Fenrir was still hanging from the beam, and his wounds had completely recovered, but Li Pan was no longer in the mood to care about him.

Looking at his hands, although his heart was heavy, Li Pan suddenly felt more energetic than ever before, and everything in front of him became extremely clear.

It was as if a long-standing burden had been lifted off my body, and I felt extremely relaxed. My body was as light as a swallow. There were 360 ​​pores all over my body, and I felt as if I had finally begun to breathe. I felt so comfortable. There seemed to be an endless stream of strength flowing through my meridians and lungs. .

Li Pan frowned, blinked, and came to Shenting's office.

The office is empty.

The seven gates disappeared without a trace.

Li Qingyun, Li Fugui, and Li Xuehong seemed like fantasies that had never existed.

Only the Pharaoh's mask was still sitting upright on the desk.

Then Li Pan touched his face.

It's no longer just empty dough, it has a nose and eyes, it's a human face, and it even has hair...

Oh, I remembered, it was a broomstick... It seems that Li Fan's face is more handsome...

Li Pan was silent for a while, then opened his eyes again and left the company. With a superhuman jump, in the blink of an eye he arrived at the garbage treatment plant where he worked.

Kicking open the dusty door, looking at the faded blood stains on the mixer and the humanoid stains on the ground, memories and hallucinations seemed to overlap in an instant.

Li Pan was silent, walked around the field, stood in front of the damaged mixer, stretched out his hand again, and dug into the mixer.

It was indeed not an illusion, I really touched something.

Li Pan tore off the mixer and took it out.

It was a metal ball that looked similar to an explosive ball, stained with brown blood.

Well, it was his blood. Look at the dirt. It had been put in it in advance that night, otherwise he would have been minced into a pulp.

So, this should be it, right?

Although the whole body plug-in is now cleared, the authentication method is actually very simple...

Li Pan walked under the starry sky and raised the ball in his hand to show it to the stars.

"Hey Pangu! Is this the thing?"


For a moment, strong light shone on Li Pan's face, and the stars in the sky gathered together, as if a giant behind the night had opened his eyes.

The next moment, a large group of Dusk appeared in front of Li Pan, forming a dense circle and saying in unison,

"Senior Sergeant Li Pan, please hand over the extra-dimensional wormhole generator to the arbiter."

"Oh, here."

Li Pan shrugged and threw the ball over. Qi Ba Dui rushed to catch it and almost crashed into a ball.

"By the way, what's the reward for me this time? Another third-class merit medal?"

"Thank you for your outstanding contributions to the All Heavens Security Committee. Rewards matching your merits will be issued after the committee's approval."

As if they were afraid that he would regret it, the dusk turned into streaks of starlight and immediately disappeared into the night sky.

Li Pan shrugged. It seemed like that was the end of the matter. Let's go back and write a short composition and earn a key.

"Jingle Bell"

"Jingle Bell"

"Jingle Bell"

As soon as I walked in, the landline phone screamed non-stop.

What happened to Mader again...

"Jingle Bell"


"General Manager! Something bad has happened!"

011003 screamed,

"Reset! Reset quickly! The monster is coming! The door is about to be lost!"

Before Li Pan could reply, the landline phone suddenly hung up.

Then there was a 'ding', as if the elevator door opened.

"003? Is that you?"

Li Pan came out of the office with his landline phone in hand. He looked up and saw a swordsman carrying a sword box coming in from the door and looking at Li Pan.

"Nine Heavenly Mysteries Ruyi True Lord Great Heavenly Lord, Nanhai Sword Palace Xu Tiantong, please enlighten me."

Li Pan, "...??"

Then the swordsman on the opposite side glared, and released two sword lights from his eyes, which penetrated the sky and the earth! Swipe to attack head-on, sweep across the office, cut through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and break the newly repaired company building in two with one blow!

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