I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 362 Battle of Guanyuan Part 6

"Earth escape! The art of beheading in the earth!"

A pair of hands suddenly stretched out from the mud. The ninja who was lying underground stretched out his gorilla arms and grabbed the legs of the running deserter.

However, Li Pan had already expected it. He threw Seroda Motonobu behind him into the tree with a wave of his hand. He leaned forward suddenly and rushed forward, leaping forward like a frog. At the same time, he stretched out his palms and connected his fingers with his heart. , just in time to hold the wrist of the ninja underground and pull it. He used his strength to do a somersault and pulled out the ninja hiding in the ground.

"Sand whirlwind!"

Although the ambush was discovered, the ninja did not panic. He used his gorilla arms to capture Li Pan's arms. At the same time, he twisted his waist, turned his body, and swung his legs. The soles of its feet were as flexible as an ape's, and while throwing the dirt it grasped at the person's face, the prosthetic-modified legs also ejected the alloy blades directly from the leg bones, and swept them straight towards Li Pan's neck!

However, Li Pan was not afraid at all. He raised his arms to infuse his inner strength, and at the same time shook and shook, he used the excellent force-relieving technique of Xuan Bing Palm, and broke free from the clutches of the prosthetic enhanced arms in an instant. Withdrawing his hand, he used the exoskeleton to deflect the blade while holding the ninja's feet.

"There is no heaven, no sun, no birth!"


Amidst the screams, the ninja's whole body's energy spurted out from the Yongquan point in the sole of his foot, and was swallowed up by Li Pan. His whole body was sucked until he was shriveled, soft and wrinkled, like a squeezed rag, and was thrown to the ground.

"Earth Escape! Earth Shark Sword Mountain Formation!"

However, there was naturally more than one hidden ninja. In an instant, three earth dragons were pulled out from the ground. The blades of their ninja swords were buried in the soil, and they were attacking from three sides like shark fins! Li Pan will be cut into pieces!

"Earth escape rock gun quilt!"


However, the ninjas never expected that this Tokugawa soldier would actually perform the Earth Escape Technique with just a pinch and a stamp of his feet!

"DUANG!" With a cry, a ninja was caught off guard and hit his head on the raised granite.

The other person made an emergency evasion, broke out of the ground, and was almost pierced by the rock spear thrust in the direction!

Only one ninja managed to get in front of Li Pan and cut off Li Pan's calf with one knife!

"What a mistake! My legs have been broken long ago!"

Li Pan roared, punched the ground with a palm, grabbed the ninja Tianling Gai and used Wusheng Dharma. At the same time, he took advantage of the situation and pulled out the ninja's head and spine, as if pulling out a dry radish from the soil...

"Kaleidoscope Shuriken!"

The ninja who was forced by the rock gun just now and jumped out of the ground immediately fired darts. His hand speed was so fast that he fired twenty-four shurikens in a row like a machine gun!

Li Pan also turned his palm and swiped it, hitting a burst of ice wind palm without ice, kicking up sand and dust, and used the power of his palm to deflect the shuriken in pieces, but because he had a broken leg and was unable to move, he was still hit. A few shots, but luckily no vital damage was done...

"Earth Release Earth Dragon Jizo!"

Then there was no chance to breathe at all. Due to being blocked by the shuriken, the third ninja also broke out with the bag on his head! The sword came towards Li Pan!

Although he didn't know why the opponent shouted out every move, Li Pan did as the Romans did.

"Take the sword with your bare hands!"

He clamped the ninja sword with both palms together, bent one leg and bounced, Li Pan bumped his head, hitting the ninja's forehead!

"Boom!" "Uh-huh!"

The ninja also groaned miserably. Stars were shining in his eyes just now when he hit the rock protrusion. This time, the bag on his head was even broken. His face was covered with blood and he almost lost consciousness. However, the cruel training of the ninja still made him His body reacted automatically, raised his hand and shot three sleeve arrows!


Li Pan reacted. He bit one in his mouth, turned his head to avoid one, and dodged sideways... Well, Li Dalang was exhausted and couldn't dodge...

So Li Pan had no choice but to avoid the vital acupuncture points, endured the pain and took an arrow, and at the same time, he pounced forward and pushed the ninja to the ground.

"There is no heaven, no sun, no birth!"

Yes, in fact, you don’t have to use your hands to suck it. Reincarnated immortals like Li Pan who have practiced all kinds of magical skills have already mastered the technique of using all the acupoints throughout the body to generate power and energy!


Amid the screams, the ninja struggled, as if being pressed by a giant leech. The blood vessels all over his body burst and spurted blood, and his whole body exploded into a ball of blood mist!

"Wind Escape's big cut!"

The last ninja rushes to the rescue! Blessed by a wind blade, it slashed straight at Li Pan's back!

But again! Useless!

That kind of messy garbage aura! It is ineffective against the boundless and infinite inaction body!

"Earth Release Rock Gun Quilt!"

"Oh oh oh!"

With a clap of his palms, a rock spurt struck the ninja's perineum, causing him to scream and jump.

Li Pan took advantage of the situation and exerted force with both palms, bowed and flicked, a flying toad jumped over the head of the ninja, and hit the Fengchi point with his backhand, Wusheng Dafa!


"Ghost, ghost..."

Serada Motonobu swallowed his saliva and carefully climbed down the tree. He looked with fear at the soldiers who killed four Yomi-nin in the blink of an eye.

"I have never heard of a master like you in the Igabe family. I wonder, which family are you a jounin in, Iga Forty-eighth Academy?"

Li Pan didn't have time to pay attention to him. He skillfully pulled out the shurikens and poisonous arrows on his body. He used his kung fu to force out the poison from the wound and sucked it into his palm for later use. He inserted a few injections of stimulant and anti-inflammatory drugs into his neck to relieve muscle fatigue and break the muscles. He took the legs back and nailed them on for further use. Then he turned over the medicine bottle on the body and drank it to practice the exercises...

"Okay, let's go."

"That's good..."

Serada Motoshin Khan one,

"I, I'd better go by myself. These should be the secret sentries on the outermost edge of the battlefield. You can rest for a while."

"As you wish."

Li Dalang's body was indeed in pieces and he was extremely tired. However, as long as the internal organs and lungs are intact and the meridians and qi orifices are normal, these injuries are not a big deal. After all, the ninja who has been sucked in along the way has absorbed hundreds of years of skill. As long as he reaches a safe place, Li Pan will naturally have a lot of power. Dui Qigong can regenerate a severed limb and bring the dead back to life.

"...Sir, how much do you want?"

Although he ignored Seroda Motoshin's conversation all the way, as soon as these words came out, Li Pan became slightly more interested and glanced at the middle-aged samurai.

Serada Motobu also secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said flatteringly,

"Although I am only the leader of the Tokugawa family, I still have few connections and financial resources. I need your help this time to save my life. I cannot thank you enough for your kindness. When I return to Edo, I will contact the professor of Tokugawa Medical. Your prosthetic plastic surgery..."

"No need to bother. If you really want to thank me, just give me 20 million yuan."

This guy is just a staff officer, and he probably doesn't have much assets. Li Pan doesn't want to talk about his several hundred million. He can probably spend 20 million, which can almost be used to build a set of extremely cost-effective implants. The weak period in the early stage has passed.

Serada Motobubu was really a little surprised.

"Only 20 million? Well, I mean... I can make up 20 million, but with your ability, how about I introduce you to Naoomi Tokugawa..."

Li Pan rolled his eyes,

"Forget it, Sekigahara is like this and he still wants to go to Tokugawa. I am rushing to commit seppuku with them and become a king and minister in the underworld."

Serada Motoshin was also speechless for a moment.

"...Well, I don't know what you call me. I'm sorry. I meant to transfer the money to your account now. It's just that your face is burned like this and the facial recognition can't read it..."

Li Pan thought for a moment, and in this situation, it didn't matter what the other party's plans were.

"Daro Akiyama...but I haven't graduated yet, so I don't have an account."

Serada Motobubu was dumbfounded.

"Ah, ah? You, you are still a student? Then why..."

Li Pan rolled his eyes angrily,

"If you don't serve, you have no citizenship rights."

Alas, I can only say that Akiyama Dairo was quite miserable. He was stuck with a diploma because of his poor grades. As a result, he was stuck until he was forced to enlist in the army...

"Uh... Then why don't you give the money to your parents..."

"No!" Li Pan refused decisively, but after thinking about it he still said, "If you can get out, just give me some black gold. If I die, just call Akiyama Ayako."

Judging from Dairo Akiyama's memories, it is true that only his 'sister' is good in the world, and Ayako Akiyama really regards him as her brother.

Of course, Caiko is not a brother-controller, but she doesn't know that Dalang is adopted. Although she dislikes Dalang and thinks that Dalang is too weak and introverted, at least she doesn't look at him like he is trash. She often came to help him when she was a child. Dalang made the rescue. However, after entering Gouchi Academy, due to her talent, ability and beauty, Ayako also blended into the circle of elite ninjas and became a close disciple of Principal Koga. She was basically isolated from the social circle of losers like Dairo.

Serada Motoshin nodded,

"I remember, if I can go back alive, I will definitely thank you."

In the end, Seroda Motonobu did not trick anyone. They followed the path he pointed out. Apart from intermittent encounters with some ninja scouts, the two of them basically did not run into any fort defense lines or drone patrols. It seemed to be going pretty smoothly. Escaped from the main battlefield.

But the good luck was almost over. After climbing over the mountain, Li Pan found that barbed wire had been pulled up at the foot of the mountain, trenches had been dug, and guard posts had been set up at the intersection out of the mountain. It seemed that local troops were blocking the intersection at Iga.

Judging from the drones and armored vehicles, these troops belong to the border defense forces. They do not have the family crests of Hashiba or Tokugawa. They should only be second- and third-line local armed forces or company security guards. They did not participate in the decisive battle of Takamagahara in Sekigahara. It is estimated that whoever wins will follow the policy. guidelines.

Serada Motonobu rolled his eyes and suggested,

"Your Excellency Akiyama, I also have a military rank in the Citizen Fleet. These militiamen will not harm me. Why don't I come and communicate with them and let them clear a way for us. If you encounter trouble, you can take action."

Li Pan motioned for you to please.

Serada Motonobu walked out of the forest with his hands raised, shouting and walking towards the gate of the outpost.

As expected, the security turrets and drones at the sentry did not shoot at him. After a while, a soldier wearing an SBS armor came out with a Taiwanese spider, chatted with Serada Motobubu, and then took him through customs and entered the post.

Serada Moto nobu did not look back the whole time, giving Li Pan a wink or something like that while hiding in the forest, and just followed the sentry away, as if he had come here alone.

After waiting for more than an hour, Seroda Motobu came to pick him up.

Caught? Sold? Still reluctant to part with 20 million? Well, it doesn't really matter. We've come this far and can basically escape from the battlefield.

So Li Pan didn't panic. He sat quietly in the forest and observed. After seeing clearly the fort monitors and detectors activated at the pass just now, when night fell, he pulled out the bolts nailed to the bones and removed the exoskeleton armor on his body to avoid He used metal detectors and active infantry mines, and then smeared layers of mud and fallen leaves on his body and face, adjusted his breathing, and used the Turtle Breathing Technique to control his heartbeat and body temperature, then he crawled slowly along the tunnel to the foot of the mountain like a snake with four legs. go.

This temporary sentry defense is just a temporary defense to block the mountain road. It is not so much a defense against Sekigahara's army as it is to stop ordinary citizens from driving into the battlefield stupidly. Naturally, the defense was not very tight. As long as he knew the number of turrets, the location of surveillance in advance, and paid attention to the spider patrol route, Li Pan could sneak around easily.

Very good, you can already see the lights of the town in the distance, as long as you get to the city...


The outpost exploded.

Li Pan lay on the ground and frowned.

Is it a supersonic cruise missile? To blow up an outpost?

Then in the flickering light of the fire, Li Pan saw four huge 'bats' hovering in the sky and gliding down with the wind.

Ninjas, and they are led by Jonin.

Li Pan now has immortal-level spiritual senses, so he can't be mistaken. One ninja has obviously sealed some kind of demon god in his body, and the 'Qi' of the other three ninjas has obviously surpassed the elite genin that he had swallowed before. Obviously, they are all for this purpose. An insurance method to prevent the team leader from losing control of the sealing demon god...

Li Pan immediately turned his head and crawled towards the outpost quietly.

After all, how could you miss such a truly pie-in-the-sky good thing? He couldn't defeat a large group of demon-sealed ninja troops in a single fight, and it was unreasonable for him not to kill only four elite monsters in front of him.

The ninja team probably came for Serada Motoshin. As soon as they hit the ground, they immediately split into two groups. The two chuunin attacked everywhere, destroying the spiders and smart men, killing the remaining soldiers, destroying the cameras, and guarding the surroundings. The jounin and the remaining chuunin, as a group, rushed directly to the destroyed outpost and rushed into the basement to find someone.

Seeing that the opponent took the initiative to disperse, Li Pan naturally would not miss this great opportunity. Although he had removed his exoskeleton, he now had a century-old skill to protect his body. The chuunin was just a dessert in front of him. He immediately used his signature move of walking like a snake and turning like a snake, such as It pounces towards the target like a four-legged snake!


As expected of a chuunin, he clearly sensed it. He actually noticed the sound of wind and lightning gliding behind him. While dodging, he threw four shurikens behind him with his hands. With a pinch of the seals of both hands, the four shurikens were immediately struck. It ignited into four huge fire wheels, which immediately lit up the night sky, illuminating the creeping humanoid shadows on the ground.

"Fire Release! Fire Shuriken!"

Seriously, you need to change your habit of naming dishes...

Li Pan first walked in an S shape, then in a B, ahem, M shape, twisting his waist and swinging his legs, slapping the opponent through the large kunai thrown like a sheet of iron rain, and rushed straight to the chunin Face to face!

"Fire Release! Red Lotus Explosion!!"

This chuunin is indeed powerful. His ninja skills are much stronger than those of elite genin. The end of a large piece of kunai he just threw was actually holding fine carbon threads and connected to his five fingers. At this time, as the seal was completed, the center Shinobu took a deep breath, blew out a mouthful of flame, and instantly ignited the kunai along the carbon filaments on his fingers, setting off a violent explosion!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The night was instantly lit up by the explosion, and the surrounding area turned into a sea of ​​fire, like a red lotus blooming, with tongues of fire licking and sucking the human figure into it!

But it doesn't work!

"This miscellaneous fish's Qi control method is completely useless in front of the Wuwei Immortal Body..."

Then a hand stretched out from the sea of ​​fire! Pinch the chunin's mouth!


"No life."


The chuunin couldn't hold back the centuries-old skill and sucked fiercely. Blood sprayed out of his eyes, and his intestines and stomach organs spurted out from his mouth and nose. His whole body made a snapping sound as he was sucked into a meat ball!

"Xiaosuke! Kusuo crushes to death! Fire escape! Dragon fire explosion!"

Another chuunin arrived and pinched his hand seals so that his fingers flew around like a twisted rope. He breathed out a huge fire ball, rolled up red lotus fire rain all over the ground, and turned into a fire dragon! He bared his teeth and claws and rushed towards Li Pan!

"It's useless to say it all..."

Li Panshan didn't even bother to dodge, he flicked it casually, as if he slapped the fire dragon, and the living snake that looked like a flying dragon and a giant python was extinguished instantly!

And in the flickering light and fire, the chuunin saw only a flash of fire palm wind blowing past his eyes. The next moment, he lost consciousness, and only saw his own vision, all following that. The afterimage of the falling palm knife slid down diagonally.

But this time Li Pan didn't rush to suck it. He just turned around with a blank expression.

And the corpse of the ninja whose head was cut off by half with a casual stroke of his palm knelt down behind him. "Boom!" There was an explosion, sending all kinds of poisonous needles and darts flying like flowers.

Well, pure 'Qi' can't hurt Wuweishen, but pure physical damage, projectiles and shelling can still tear the current flesh into pieces, so you still have to be careful and don't be too reckless. Especially when it comes to dealing with a Jonin and a team of three Chunin to guard against the big demon who is out of control.

"Xiaosuke, Jinzo! Damn it..."

Attracted by the sound of the explosion, the chuunin rushed out of the fortress and was furious. He held a flaming sword and wanted to kill, but was held down by the jounin behind him. He had to glare at Li Pan and step aside.

Is it Fire Release again, a fire-based monster...

Li Pan was not in a hurry to take action. He saw the Jonin opposite holding an arrow, tearing off the Onmyoji spell on the arrow, breaking it off, and then inserted the arrow cluster into his heart and shouted loudly,

"Come on! Izu Shinten!"

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