I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 378 Minister of Personnel

"Hey Caizi, your brother's name is Dalang, right?"

Ayako Akiyama was sharpening the family sword Boy Kiri Yasutsuna in preparation for the next battle. Hearing this, he raised his head and looked wary at the flat-chested man with two cockroach braids in front of him, who looked like he had not even graduated from elementary school. girl.

"Why, what trouble did he get into again?"

The girl shrugged and typed on the keyboard casually.

"Oh, my mother sent me a message, asking me to pay attention to a master named Akiyama and not to become his enemy.

But the Chinese characters written as Tatsuro, Tarō, I searched for a long time and couldn't find anyone else... You can't really mean your brother, right? "

"Even Aunt Wuzi...this guy is really good at hooking up..."

Cai Zi was speechless for a moment.

The girl next to her, Shiranui Ogikaze, is her classmate and old teammate. A genius hacker and a sniper, the two often team up. She is responsible for close combat, and Ogikaze is responsible for long-range support. They can also be regarded as best friends who talk about everything. .

Ogifeng also noticed that something was wrong with her expression.

"What? Is it really him? But isn't your brother a famous loser? Uh, I'm sorry..."

Caiko wiped the blade of the knife with a look of helplessness.

"I don't know either. I heard that he was injured on the battlefield and was transformed into a soldier. He kept it all by himself when he came back and didn't tell me about such a big thing...

I heard today that he also crippled the one who always bullied him in the Feng Mo family. Before I had a chance to ask, you pulled me here to do the task. "

"Reformed soldiers? Can you still defeat Demon Sealed Jujuro? Is he really your brother??"

Shiranui Ogikaze's brows were knotted.


"What's unbelievable?"

A kunoichi with yellow hair and a rather plump childbirth figure came over carrying a pile of lunch boxes.

"I brought our lunch boxes. They were ordered from Baofeng Hotel. Let's eat together."

Ogifeng was speechless and angrily slapped his teammates on the butt.

"Taozi, you fat bitch! You just know how to eat! Eat one pot and one kang. Don't ask me to look after you later!"

"Ugh, it hurts so much, Ogifu, you just eat too little and you can't grow up! And you can't get married with such violence!"

"Ugh! I'm so angry!"

Caizi looked helpless at her teammates who were pushing and fighting.

This carefree yellow-haired girl is called Koga Momo. She comes from the famous Koga family. She is a hybrid of a kunoichi from Koga and a Celestial being. Although I don’t know whether it was an elopement or a failed infiltration, Celestial beings will certainly not be serious with the natives. , he ran away after playing with her, and left Koga Momo to be raised in Koga Village. In terms of seniority, she is also a cousin of Principal Koga.

These two people are from the Koga clan, and their families have been old friends in the village for generations. They are also the same age, so naturally they are close friends who have been in the team together since childhood.

It's just that despite being big, Momoko is also a user of medium and long-range Ninja Escape Techniques, so she found Ayako, a kunoichi who, although she studied under Iga, was a samurai and not so close to the Forty-Eighth Institute, to serve as the vanguard of the team. .

The three of them are supported by family secrets and prosthetic ninja tools. They have excellent strength and tacit cooperation. They can be regarded as the current elite chuunin combination of five vehicles. Naturally, this time we also acted together to save the daughter of Jinyao Women's College.

After all, it's only a million for one person. What can you do for free these days? How can you sell yourself if you don't work hard for your life? Bowing down and kneeling down to the boss for salary is not a kind of selling oneself.

What's more, there are constant internal strife in Takamagahara, the economy is in recession, the stock market is plummeting, and even the market is not good. The support and socializing of kunoichi COS costumes has long been out of fashion in Tianren. Now the most popular themes are about dead husbands and dads, forced The eldest daughter of the Wu family who went bankrupt and went to sea is a widow... huh? Wait a moment……

"A few of them are Qingying from Wuche Academy."

Caizi suddenly recovered from her random thoughts, stood up with her hand on the knife, and looked at the company dog ​​who took the initiative to strike up a conversation.

"Your Excellency is..."

"I am the Human Resources Director of TheM0791 Branch, Huangquan SAYA, internal number 0791002."

Walking forward with high heels and cat steps, she was a workplace lady with an extremely strong aura that even Cai Zi was intimidated and couldn't help but feel inferior.

The first thing that attracts attention is her long black hair that hangs down past her hips. Her facial features are also clearly defined, with a high nose and deep eyes. She has a heroic appearance. It is unclear whether she has plastic surgery or is of mixed race.

The other party was wearing a professional suit with the logo of a company dog ​​and light makeup. I don’t know whether it was because the weather was too hot or because he wanted a striking visual effect. He didn’t wear a shirt under the coat, only buttoned one button, and opened his chest to reveal his domineering career line. Under the knee-length formal skirt that tightly bound her hips and legs, she wore brown stockings with a deflection of 20d, which perfectly complemented her wheat-colored skin. From a distance, it looked like she was wearing nothing underneath the skirt...

But to be fair, this is actually a OL style that can be seen everywhere. After all, the pillow business of the company in Night City is also an important part. The main reason is that the other party's figure is so awesome and the aura is so strong that in comparison, it is really The kunoichi who were underage girls were dumbfounded.

"I am the direct person in charge of this rescue operation. Please take care of me."

SAYA smiled and handed over her business card.

Only then did Cai Zi come back to her senses.

"Hello, Minister Huang Quan, please give me your advice..."

Although TheM Company is relatively low-key among the poor, it is well-known among the upper class and those in special professions.

After all, from the point of view of the Sealed Demon Ninja, this company is like the official Onmyojao designated by the All Heavens Safety Committee. Many times, demons and monsters are investigated, suppressed, and preserved by them. Onmyoji ninjas are more like outsourced handymen who help them.

The three of them have also had experience in contact with the company and are skilled in exchanging contact information. Make a resume of your respective abilities and specializations in Ninja and send it to the other party.

"Oh, you are all excellent. Are you interested in working in our company after graduation? Our company is also a leading company in Zhutian and has social security and medical insurance."

Minister Huang Quan also smiled and was polite.

After all, it is a big company. Shiranui Ogikaze was tempted.

"Really? Hey, but we haven't graduated yet and we're only chuunin. Can we still apply for your company?"

"Haha, of course it's no problem. Although our company has certain requirements for the grade points of school students, you can register as a temporary worker first and work occasionally while you are in school to accumulate some internship experience.

Even for temporary workers, we can provide medical insurance, interest-free loans, and the development of various superpowers.

If you are interested, why don't I register it for you first? Of course, the temporary worker contract has no compulsory force, but this task can be recorded in the company's file as an internship. There will be a bonus after the task is completed, and you can also apply for a loan and find a job in the future. Add points. "

Taozi was silly and happy while eating her bento, "Okay, okay, Sister Huangquan is such a good person!"

But Cai Zi couldn't help but feel horrified. She had been practicing kendo handed down from her family for many years, and she had indeed touched some thresholds and had some feelings. Especially when encountering an expert, your breath will naturally be affected and all the muscles in your body will become tense.

But now, Caizi could feel the other person's gaze, as cold as a poisonous snake, no, a poisonous dragon, a giant dragon hidden under the OL's skin, looking down at her with the eyes of scanning livestock meat.

Moreover, the gaze always looks towards my lower abdomen, which is particularly annoying...

"I, I'll forget it...my mother has already helped me find an internship in a local company..."

The wind dances,

"Caizi, you idiot, what a small company, how can you compare with the giants in the world!"

"Haha, it doesn't matter. Our company is in the midst of employing people. As long as you have the ability, you are welcome at any time."

Minister Huangquan didn't take it seriously and smiled. He only glanced at Caizi and then turned his attention to the other two people. He made his choice without much hesitation.

"The electronic contract has been received. Since the two of them are temporary workers, I will also provide some props to assist."

She clapped her hands, and a giant man with a full body made of alloy and 99% mechanical modification suddenly appeared optically and appeared behind Minister Huangquan. The frightened Ayako stood up and retreated three meters away.

Ogikaze and Momoko were surprised with "Wow...". After all, they had also seen the 'demon' ninja tool developed by the Mitsui Ninja Army themselves. It was also a stealth and sneaking equipment, but judging from the performance of its technical capabilities, it was not considered a 'ghost' ninja tool. Intangible is at best 'transparent', which is still far behind the technology of the people in the universe.

The giant man showed no expression as he put down the two suitcases and disappeared.

Minister Huang Quan took out two silver keys, opened the suitcase, and first took out a clay doll and handed it to Koga Momo.

"Oh? What is this? It's fat..."

Caizi also took a look and couldn't help but frown. The clay doll looked evil. At first glance, it looked like a gourd, but upon closer inspection, it clearly had the curves of a human body, like... a big belly, with its head and hands cut off. Broken pregnant woman...

"It's an amulet." Minister Huang Quan smiled, "If you carry it with you, the demon gods in the academy will not dare to invade you."

Taozi said happily, "Thank you."

Then Minister Huangquan took out another bottle of wine and handed it to Ogifeng,

"You are the daughter of the Shiranui family, right? I can see that you have great potential, but you just haven't grown up yet. This secret medicine should be able to save your life in critical moments."

"thank you."

Ogifeng was grateful and gave Ayako another wink.

"Ayako, we have to deal with the devil."

Cai Zi still shook her head and tightened her grip on the knife in her hand.

"It would be nice if I had Dojigiri."

Minister Huang Quan didn't mind, and smiled to comfort him.

"Don't be nervous, we will deal with the devil and all that. But the mission this time is to rescue those ladies. The other mercenaries are all rough guys. It would really be inconvenient if any of the ladies cause trouble, so here we are. You don’t need to go to the front line at that time, just focus on protecting the important personnel.”

"Yes, thank you for taking care of me."

Minister Huang Quan smiled and nodded and left.

"Sister Huang Quan is such a good person!"

"Yes, she is handsome and beautiful, and she is the director of Zhutian Company! I also want to be such an outstanding woman!"

Seeing her teammates so excited, it was as if she had been charmed. Although Ayako was wary, she didn't say anything to dampen their fun. She also had no intention of eating a bento. She just kept sharpening her sword to prepare for the battle before her and calm down Kenshin. .

After all, the director of TheM Company is so high up that he probably wouldn’t have any conspiracy against small characters like them. Moreover, this mission is indeed to eliminate the demons secondly. The main purpose is to rescue the trapped ladies and send the soldiers as soldiers. It might not be convenient for the old man, so it was quite necessary for the three kunoichi to follow him.

Therefore, even though they are not nearly as powerful, they are still put into the core rescue team by the command, teaming up with top cyberpunks, company security, veterans, and night knights.

But those cannon fodders who were also attracted by the huge sums of money and could be consumed at will were not so lucky. They were randomly grouped and sent to the academy in waves.

The command's plan is also very simple. It is to use these miscellaneous fish to attract the attention of the devil, consume combat power, and create opportunities for this team that has high hopes.

So after the elites had eaten their fill and had enough energy, the time came to take action.

"Something happened! Sakura is moving!"

Caizi and the other three rushed out of the camp to take a look, and sure enough they saw the cherry blossoms covering the Jin Yao Academy and the mountains and gardens undulating like waves. Rolling up like a tidal wave.

"It seems that a team has successfully broken through the illusion, and they are probably fighting the devil!"

"The time has come! Hurry! Everyone moves out!"

At the urging of the Tokugawa family, the elite rescue team set off on a floating vehicle and broke into the cherry blossom forest in groups.

Although Caizi has not sealed the devil herself, thanks to the two close friends around her, she has experienced the devil's illusion several times with the principal, director and others. Serving as a guard and reserve team in the periphery, I have experienced the powerful pressure of the devil from afar.

But this time, the experience was completely different. The moment I flew into the campus, the world started spinning, like a floating car stalling and falling. The sky, the earth, the sea of ​​flowers, the forest, and the complicated mirror images collapsed from all directions, crushing and tilting. , like a violently rotating centrifuge, a wildly rotating kaleidoscope.

Cai Zidian lost all consciousness, and she was thrown out of the car without knowing when. Finally, with a loud noise, she hit the ground with her head knocked out, as if she had been run over by a big truck. My whole body felt like it was falling apart.


Caizi lay on the ground for a while before she recovered. There was a fishy smell in her mouth and a burning pain. She was probably disfigured. But fortunately, she had strengthened her predecessor's alloy prosthetic skeleton early, and her key internal organs were also protected by light modules. , after the system self-check, it was a slight concussion, nothing serious.

Getting up dizzy, Caizi looked around, then looked up at the sky, rubbed her eyes, and was stunned for a moment.

"Why am I seeing double images? System, prosthetic eye self-test."

"The optic nerve is normal."

Is this normal...

Caizi raised her head and looked at the five broken sky.

Strictly speaking, it's not five pieces, it's six pieces. It's really a kaleidoscope-like world with the sky connected together. However, the land full of cherry blossoms has six sides. It's clearly some kind of powerful barrier that divides the world into six pieces. A mirage-like illusion.

The most outrageous thing is that Caiko found herself thrown into a cherry blossom forest alone, while the aerial vehicle and the team fell into the opposite realm. Moreover, gunshots and explosions could be heard from the cherry blossom forests on other sides. It was clearly the expedition team that had entered the barrier before.

"Is this...an illusion, a formation...or a holographic projection..."

Just as Caiko was looking above her head in a daze, she suddenly saw survivors crawling out of the floating car that crashed to the ground and burned, including Ogifu and Momo. She immediately waved and shouted,

"Hey! I'm here! Ogifaze! Momoko!"

However, the teammates on the opposite side seemed to be in a mirror. Not only did they not hear her call, they were not even aware of the strange phenomena around them or the strange sky above their heads.

On the contrary, they were also shouting, looking for traces of Caiko.

"What the hell is this...hey! What is that? Be careful!"

Suddenly, Caiko saw countless densely packed tentacle vines extending from the peach forest in the fantasy land opposite, like a swarm of pythons attacking the survivors of the crash from all directions.

Although Caiko shouted loudly, her teammates who could not hear her voice were attacked almost immediately. Without any effective resistance, a group of people were tied up by endless vines and dragged into the forest.

"Damn it! Wind Release Quick Step!"

At this point, Cai Zi didn't care anymore. She raised her head and stared in the direction of the vines. She used ninjutsu, started accelerating, and rushed towards the cherry blossom forest, trying to catch up.

At the same time, on the other side of the Sakura World, 0791002, the Personnel Minister Huang Quan SAYA was also looking around.

The dense forest of cherry blossoms was just above her head, but there was a dim starry sky.

Minister Huang Quan took out a pen from the inner pocket of his formal suit, activated it with a silver key, and with a shake of his hand, it turned into a one-handed sword.

"Big Bear. Give it a shot."

Behind her, the strong alloy soldier raised his right arm to the starry sky, and his arm turned into a plasma cannon barrel, BIU! It shoots out a huge plasma fireball, like a rising little sun, and like a flare, it glides across the starry sky and falls far away to the horizon.

"...Are you kidding? The degree of completion of this gap is too high, and the space is distorted..."

Unexpectedly, the illusion in this gap was so vast. Minister Huang Quan also frowned slightly.

"What kind of monster is sealed in this academy?"

Da Xiong searched for a while and projected an ancient wakizashi sword with a gold-plated hilt with the family crest on it.

"The monster's body is an ancient sword with a resentful spirit sealed inside it. This sword is the family treasure of Seiwa Genji. Legend has it that it was the sword used by Yorimitsu when he assassinated Shuten. It was awarded to the Imagawa clan by the former shogun. It was later brought to the Imagawa clan as the dowry of Princess Imagawa Hime. Tokugawa family.

It is said that under the orders of Lord Oda, Princess Hime and her son committed suicide with the sword, so the sword was filled with resentment. Later, the Tokugawa family buried the unknown sword in Kinyo Academy to suppress it.

Probably attracted by the spiritual veins of Jin Yao Academy and the demonic power of the ancient sword, evil spirits such as the human-faced tree appeared in the academy. However, the Tokugawa family seemed to think that this was the manifestation of their ancestors, so they privately fed and worshiped it with blood food. "

Minister Huang Quan frowned.

"Human-faced tree? That's not a big deal, right? Can it have such ability?"

Daxiong naturally couldn't answer this question, but his prosthetic eye scanned the detection radar and raised his hand cannon towards the cherry blossom forest.

"Minister, someone is coming."

Minister Huang Quan also raised his eyebrows and saw a ninja walking out of the forest and waving to them.

"Hey, you are from the company? Great, I've already gone around three times. Do you want to form a team?"

Minister Huang Quan raised his eyebrows, "Human?"

Daxiong scanned the other party with his prosthetic eyes and nodded.

"The genin with the target of five cars, Dairo Akiyama, is here to perform a rescue mission."


Minister Huang Quan put his sword on the ground and raised his chin.

"Big Bear, give me a shot."

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