I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 396 Proof of the King

"Sir Li, do you want to eat something, but there is only starch paste mixed with food packets. How about blueberry flavor, mixed with some ketchup?"

"Then what disgusting way to eat it is because the orange flavor of the preservatives is not enough. There is chili curry powder."

"Sorry, it seems we have run out of other food packages, only blueberries and grapes."

Well, after all, the heavy-flavored seasoning packets are on the private black market, but they are as precious as currency...

"Forget it, stir-fry the original flavor more dry and add more salt."

As a result, Chef Uzumaki stirred up a stir. Li Pan and Ludwig took the plates to cook and found a seat in the Uzumaki cafeteria to sit down. Crush the vitamin tablets, mix them with seasonings, and stir them into the fried potato paste to eat.

After all, we are all comrades of the legion, so it is no problem to have a meal in the cafeteria. However, the taste of this Elf Prince is also quite strong. The highly concentrated seasoned blueberry powder stirs the paste into a black color, and Li Pan, who is facing him, feels a sickly sweet taste.

Ludwig didn't care. He looked at the seasoning bag.

"Vitamin, protein, carbohydrate...the nutritional content is quite sufficient.

Although your place is a food desert, with industrial pre-made products everywhere, it can fully meet the physical demands of high-intensity work, and you can feel full. You can feed a large population at almost zero cost, thanks to the free food distributed. There is no need to consider the issue of supplies. "

"Let me state first that these are just raw materials, specially for the poor who do not have social security. There are still serious pre-made dishes in restaurants in the city."

Li Pan was so angry that he chewed mashed potatoes.

"You have such delicate skin and tender flesh, but you look like a pampered prince and aristocrat. Are you used to eating?"

“What’s not to be satisfied with when you’re hungry and have something to fill you up with?”

Ludovich chewed his food slowly and with such grace that he ate with a spoon.

"And you guessed wrong, I am not a big shot.

Although I was born into the Wang family and was fortunate enough to receive an education from an early age, I was born with a genetic defect. My magic power was far lower than that of my peers. I had almost no talent to become a magician. I was short and thin. In the eyes of elves, I was born with a disability. And this special hair color and eye color are even more unpopular in the elf culture, and are regarded as a symbol of 'ugliness, evil, and unknown'.

Because of my existence, the royal family has always been criticized. Political enemies spread rumors in the court that I was a product of Yehe and an inferior half-elf, in order to insult the honor of my mother. Therefore, I have naturally been alienated by the royal family and discriminated against by my own clan. So far, I have not been recognized as a royal family, and I have almost been raised among the people..."

Li Pan frowned and interrupted him,

"Hey, wait a minute, what are you doing? I'm here to help you seize that squid stem. Why are you talking to me about all this nonsense? Do you want to do it or not? Why don't you leave after I'm full?"

"Thank you for Your Excellency Li's help and your willingness to serve as our army's internal response. I am really grateful. However, as the front-line commander of the legion, I cannot just listen to your words and rashly mobilize the entire army to follow you to attack the guardian of the gate."

Ludovich elegantly smoothed her bangs on her forehead.

"Although you have become partners, we don't understand each other yet, and we can't cooperate to exert our combat power. Therefore, I think it is necessary to reach empathy and consensus through appropriate social interaction before the war, and form the bond of comrades-in-arms. . Please don’t get me wrong, this is not for you personally, but for all the companions who join. I will communicate with them and understand my teammates. This is the obligation of a leader.

Of course, I understand that the racial gap also exists objectively. I also know that although I am an outlier in the clan, the elves are too beautiful and elegant, and it is inevitable that some people will feel ashamed and not be open-minded. So please don't feel inferior and be honest. Treat each other well and speak freely. "

Li Pan squinted at him,

"Oh, you have to go through the plot, right... So you are the result of a wild combination between your mother and something?"

Ludovic broke through the defense elegantly,

"That's a rumor! It's a slander! Although the probability of genetic mutation is low, it is also a normal natural phenomenon! In the final analysis, elves are just a possibility of human evolution. In the next step, I can only be regarded as atavistic at best! "

Li Pan, "Don't be excited. This isn't the first time I've seen a living elf. I'm just out of curiosity. So can you really hybridize with humans? What about other non-humans? Such as goblins?"

Ludwig looked at him, took a deep breath and regained his grace,

"Yes, although since the split of the Legion, human immigrants have spread across different star systems and have developed different ecologies and civilizations, but it has not been too long.

In fact, most human subspecies have not yet reached the threshold of reproductive isolation, and there is still the possibility of interbreeding. However, due to genetic diseases, it is not easy for offspring to survive.

And... in fact, in the Elvish language, 'Goblin' refers to indigenous humans like you who have not achieved glorious evolution, have decayed and mutated, and are genetically inferior.

After all, you see, compared to the elves, you are short, ugly, weak, and have bad personalities, brutal and murderous, dirty and lustful, stupid and greedy, and not trustworthy...

That’s why some people insulted me by calling me the ‘Goblin Prince’. "

Li Pan, "Hey, you don't need to describe the prejudice part in such detail..."

"Master Legion, the garbage recycling truck is here. Here is the list of recycling items."

At this time, a girl with an afro hair came over with a list, her prosthetic eyes flashed red and she scanned His Highness, taking selfies.

Ludwig took the report, glanced at it, smiled and nodded,

"Thank you Janna, it's a big help. Please send it to the N9 warehouse."

"Yes, that's what I should do!"

The girl with the afro was so excited, as if a star-chasing fan was shaking with excitement.

Li Pan looked at him,

"You are very popular, Prince Goblin. You are so weak, but you actually became the commander of the legion. Are you using that magic electric eye to scan around?"

"You mean this 'Eye of the King'? You are also proficient in magic, but in fact I am not very good at it. It is precisely because I am weak that I can only hide behind the scenes, do some management and calculations, and assist everyone in their work. That’s all.”

Ludwig took out a terminal on the dining table and chatted while typing on the keyboard.

"As for the 'Eye of the King', this is the secret magic eye of my Avalon royal family, and it is also the innate magic that can only be awakened by the orthodox royal bloodline. That's why I said that I am not a wild hybrid.

It's just that I was very unlucky. What I awakened was the magic of absolute domination known as the 'King's Proof'. This is a secret method that can make servants obey absolutely. It is considered to be a symbol of the destined king.

As the first-class magic eye, the 'Eye of the King' has a high political status in the civilization of the Elf Empire, but it was inherited by a bastard like me with a degraded bloodline.

And my magic power is lower than that of my peers, and it is consumed by this evil eye, so this 'Eye of the King' is just a pure burden and useless to me.

Due to the lack of magic power, this magic is useless against elves who are far purer and older than me. It is completely unnecessary to use it to bully those races that have no magic resistance. And the real masters all have extremely strong willpower, and in the battle of life and death, these small spells cannot interfere at all.

It is precisely because of this that I am increasingly disliked by the royal family, and I am considered to have tarnished the ‘King’s Proof’. "

Li Pan filled another pot of mashed potatoes.

"So you came to the Night City alone to prove that you have lived up to the expectations from your bloodline? Are you a true king?"

Ludwig confessed,

"There are indeed considerations in this regard. After all, you don't have to care about other people's gossip, but as a son, who wants to see his mother showing disappointment in him.

But to be honest, if I hadn't been dragged down by this 'King's Talent' and lost the possibility of becoming a magician, I probably wouldn't have given up on the way of magic and just concentrated on studying those ancient legion technologies. "

Ludovich turned the terminal around and pointed at the blueprint on the screen.

"Let's get back to the subject. This is a simplified Starlink communicator. In the ancient Legion era, it was a ground antenna used to communicate with low-Earth orbiting objects. It is an all-in-one machine that receives and transmits gravitational waves.

Because the whales that now roam the Star Sea have also evolved organs similar to gravitational wave communication. In the Elf Empire, this ancient equipment is used to communicate with the whales in the Star Sea.

Now that the company has captured the sword stone, it plans to summon a swarm of whales, or something else. As long as we do the opposite, build a communicator, and warn the Star Whales of the dangers in this space, we can destroy the company's plot. "

Li Pan was stunned.

"It's so simple... No, you've all been exposed, why don't you go out and seize the sword stone by force? What if this device doesn't work?"

Ludwig is quite confident.

"Now that the legion's combat strength is greatly damaged, it is not the time to start a war with the Gate Guardian, and I estimate that this time to alert the enemy, the company will immediately hold a summoning ceremony. The Whirlpool Gang is still training, and the legion has not yet formed, so I am afraid it will be too late to launch a surprise attack.

Although this equipment is old, it is reliable. In the world of elves, gravitational waves have been used to call the whales in the Star Sea and guide them like a lighthouse. In this way, the whales form a periodic cruise between the World Trees, treating the whales as Cargo ships are used to closely connect various star worlds.

In exchange, we will also let the whales lay eggs under the World Tree and protect their calves until a new community is formed. You can understand it as a symbiotic relationship between civilizations. "

Li Pan was suspicious,

"Coexistence...can different intelligent races really coexist?"

Ludwig shrugged.

"It depends on people. It is true that there are pirates who hunt whales, but maintaining communication between civilizations is much more important than the resources on the star whales, so all races have been joining forces to attack the whalers."

Li Pan looked at him,

"I don't mean the fish."

Ludwig also understood what he meant, thought about it and replied,

"In the initial conflicts and wars, casualties are inevitable, but whether it is vicious competition or healthy interaction, as long as we maintain communication, sooner or later we will find a way to coexist.

You can also see that our legion is not a single race, and we did not choose to coexist peacefully and cooperate together from the beginning. We used to fight and fight for limited resources and living space, but in the end we reached a consensus, achieved peace, and got here together, right? "

"But that so-called peace is just a compromise reached because you are all too weak. You are just novices pecking each other. No one can destroy the other, and resources are wasted in vain. The benefits are too low, isn't it?"

Li Pan put the magic meter next to his notebook.

"Those magicians may not understand it, but Prince Goblin, you understand science. You should know how big the gap is between the Legion and Pangu, right? Do you really think that this little trick can overthrow Pangu?"

You can also see that this long-outdated MIMR and the recycled resources from the garbage dump are enough to easily reproduce the ancient technology of the Legion and arm a group of scum into an army.

Do you know how many such production lines there are in the sky? Let me tell you, ORBIT PLANT is just like the stars in the sky! There are too many to count!

The company can literally grind your civilization into mustard powder, sweeping away even the dregs!

With this absolute power gap, why do the strong need to respect the weak equally and coexist peacefully?

If it were you, would you coexist with the meat on your plate? Will you talk to the bugs under your feet on an equal footing? "

Ludwig was silent for a moment;

"I can guess what the company's leadership will do. After all, according to your logic, the weak have no choice, right?

However, I can only say that if I win, I will choose to coexist with the weak. "

Li Pan smiled,

"What you say is better than what you sing. Your Majesty, maybe only a young boy like you can believe that human beings still have good intentions."

Ludwig shook his head,

"I'm serious. Even though I look young and thin, I am still an elf. I have lived for two hundred years and been married twice."

Li Pan was shocked, "Damn! No, an elf is not an adult even if he is two hundred years old, right? Isn't it illegal?"

Ludwig smiled bitterly,

"It is true that the royal family does not allow it, but because my fellow tribesmen think I am ugly, my two wives are goblins, um, uncivilized indigenous human races, so there is no legal restriction.

Of course, compared with elves, they can indeed be said to live and die in a hurry, as weak as insects. "

Li Pan snorted coldly,

"So what do you want to explain? Because you are a natural alien, you have compassion for the same weak people?

So if you lead the legion to victory and the legion completes the conquest, you can also let go of the inferior goblins on the earth and work towards achieving multi-racial coexistence? "

"No way... I mean... at least I never thought they were bugs..."

Ludwig's vision was distracted for a moment, as if he was lost in memories, and he murmured,

"You know, my mother never wanted me to compete for the throne. It is best for my people that I should stay as far away as possible and never appear in the royal court to hinder their eyes.

So as they wished, I stayed away from the royal court in the tree crown since I was a child and lived in the roots of the big trees, well, that is, in this kind of slums and other places, and met my wives there.

Although it was short-lived, I can still remember every detail of living with them until now. That memory and that feeling are absolutely not false or fabricated to me.

Although the world is small and the reality is cruel, people can really understand each other and live together.

We humans are not born to be apex predators. We were once weak creatures. Isn’t it because we hug each other and work together to survive the cruel nature?

Although the high-altitude Elf Royal Family can no longer see all the living beings under their feet, I am different from them.

I can see that everyone is real and living in the world...

Everyone wants to live and everyone has feelings. How many lunatics are there in this world who insist on destroying everything? The vast majority of people are actually ordinary people with blood and tears, aren't they?

The universe is so big that even whales can fly freely!

Ancient humans were so great, and our footprints are all over this starry sea and galaxy!

So far, human beings have created so many miracles and established an extremely splendid civilization!

And human beings...the time of human beings is so short, like a real shooting star, it has exhausted its brilliance and then passed away...

Really, all the happiness, all the bits and pieces will pass in the blink of an eye. Why waste precious time, killing each other, and killing each other?

Why can't everyone be happy and live the life in front of them? Isn't this what everyone expects? So the current world, isn’t it weird?

Just because of the greed, fear and suspicion of a few lunatics! Are we going to destroy everything we have, those fleeting beauties?

We will burn up all the fertile earth! Shoot down all the stars in the sky! I don't want that kind of world! "

Ludwig punched the dining table. The surrounding Whirlpool Gang looked over, and the restaurant was silent.

"I...I want to build a world where even those as weak as my wives can live with a smile.

Even if it's just a fleeting peace, I want to create that kind of world.

Because I am not weak! Because I have the ability! Because the king should lead everyone forward! Let’s move towards the world that everyone wants! That’s the duty of a leader!

Not hiding behind! Instruct others to die for their stupid and ridiculous desires and fears!

No matter if I am weak now, I have a lifetime to try! Go fail! Go for it!

Even if it may only be a temporary success, even if it can only achieve a false peace! that's enough!

Because for people who are weaker than me, that short-term peace may be a life they can spend happily with a smile..."

Li Pan was silent for a while,

"I can't believe that you are serious...you are really mentally ill after being aborted..."

Ludwig looked at the magic meter;

"Do you really think that hoping to live in a peaceful world is a disease? Maybe, it doesn't matter.

We are a legion returning home away from home,

Our bodies flow with the same blood as those ancient ancestors who stepped into the sea of ​​stars without hesitation.

When we left our hometown, everyone was prepared to die on the way. "

Then he looked at Li Pan and stretched out his hand. There was no magic power gathering in Wang's eyes, but there seemed to be a strange flame shining brightly.

"Li Dalang, you want to be a hawk under the company for the rest of your life.

Come with us and change the world! "

Li Pan was stunned and sighed,

"Fool...Okay, let's join the gang."

So Li Pan held his hand, and before Ludwig could smile, the elf prince suddenly froze.

He saw an eight-armed Bodhisattva emerging from behind the ninja and wrapping his arms and legs around him to protect himself at the core.

Then in the sky, three stars broke through the clouds, shining in mid-air, emitting brilliant brilliance.

Endless proton nuclei bloomed, burning the sky into red and the earth into blood.

In just an instant, everything was destroyed by the overpressure and boiling hot wind.

So those little bugs with determination and expectations were burned to ashes right in front of Ludwig's eyes.

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