I'm not sick! So do my other personalities!

Chapter 234: Mental personality, PUA. (First update! Please subscribe!)

In Class 7 of Senior High School, the only remaining incandescent lamp illuminated a small space that could only accommodate one set of tables and chairs. In the surrounding shadows, cracked gaps criss-crossed like spider webs.

Step, step, step...

Zhou Zhen walked into this half-collapsed classroom, and his thinking suddenly became extremely active. He walked slowly and slowly through the cracks. Concrete chips, lime powder, and broken bricks fell down, and they kept hitting. On his shoulders and the corners of his clothes, it seemed that the entire classroom would fall apart in the next moment, and he would also fall into the unknown abyss.

But his heart was calm, and his expression and behavior did not change at all.

The moment Zhou Zhen's eyes fell on Ji Xuexun, a very strange feeling suddenly arose in his cold and calm heart...

He wants to kill the other party!

This is one of the few ways to fill the emptiness in your heart!


Just killing people is not enough!

He wants to give the other party the greatest torture both mentally and physically at the same time!

He wants the other party to have friends one by one, and then lose them one by one!

He wants to be the closest and most trusted person to the other party before betraying, betraying, and ridiculing him!

He will first lift the opponent to the sky, and then kick him into hell!

A series of extremely cold and extreme thoughts flashed through Zhou Zhen's mind instantly. He didn't feel anything was wrong. His brain was processing all the known information rapidly...

Ji Xuexun's "Digital Ladder" is very high. In a head-on conflict, currently only "Digital Rain" can suppress the opponent 100%.

If he wants to deal with Ji Xuexun, he must rely on rules.

There are two types of rules here. The first is the school's rules; the second is the students' rules.

Whenever the class bell rings, everyone will instantly return to their seats no matter what they are doing.

In each class, he could mention one thing to Digital Rain.

Except for the "digital rain", only he can see the door and open it...

The textbook represents memory, the notes represent "digital energy", the homework represents the "digital ladder", and the answers represent the "digital domain"...

These are the rules of the school, and the rules of the students are: you cannot refuse the confession of the school beauty;

You cannot be alone with the school beauties;

Can’t be good-looking;

Can't do anything different from ordinary people;

You cannot sit in someone else’s seat;

Don’t eat snacks handed to you…

These are the information revealed to him by "Doctor Ash". Each piece of information corresponds to the "digital domain" of the corresponding personality.

The school's rules are absolute and override student rules, and all personalities must abide by them.

Students' rules are not absolute. Once they are violated, they will have to face a single personality.

And now, there is no one else in this classroom.

He has violated one of the rules: he cannot be alone with the school beauty!

Rules can only be solved with rules.

Regarding Ji Xuexun’s rules, known information: As long as he pretends to confess, all of Ji Xuexun’s actions can be suspended, but he cannot really confess!

Ji Xuexun's followers, Liang Xiaodie and Feng Wenwen, were arranged by him, and probably the other girls as well.

However, Ji Xuexun does not have any followers now...

In addition to these, there is the most important thing: he deceived Ji Xuexun three times!

Now, Ji Xuexun hates him very much, but she keeps confessing to him!

Ji Xuexun has a very extreme ambivalence...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately came to a conclusion: the more Ji Xuexun hates something, the more he is obsessed with it and the more he loves it! And the more you love something, the more you hate it!

This is the best rule for him to take advantage of now!

At this time, Zhou Zhen had already walked in front of Ji Xuexun. Ji Xuexun was sitting on a chair, looking up at him slightly. Her dark night hair hung softly on her shoulders, and her snow-white face was like a blooming epiphyllum, crystal clear and beautiful. Shining brightly, that sickly smile was already mixed with a hint of madness, and the look he looked at Zhou Zhen became more and more grotesque.

Ji Xuexun's body seemed to be trembling slightly, and the space around her was distorting imperceptibly. It seemed that the body of this delicate human girl would expand into a terrifying shadow in the next moment.

Zhou Zhen stopped and still kept his hands in his pockets. He did not answer Ji Xuexun's question just now, but asked very straightforwardly: "This classmate, have you seen my girlfriend Tao Nange?" ?”

As soon as the words fell, the sick smile on Ji Xuexun's face and the weirdness in her eyes disappeared completely in an instant. The slight trembling in her body also stopped instantly, and she became beautiful and normal again.

Ji Xuexun's bright jewel-like eyes were filled with angry flames, and Ji Xuexun said angrily: "Girlfriend?"

"Zhou Zhen!"

"You lied to me again!"

"You clearly confessed your feelings to me!"

Seeing that Ji Xuexun's name for him changed from "scumbag" to "Zhou Zhen", Zhou Zhen's expression did not change at all. He had been in that classroom for a long time, and Ji Xuexun had never taken the initiative to look for him before.

However, after he brought Tao Nange into the classroom, Ji Xuexun immediately set his sights on him. (See Chapter 63 of this volume)

After that, Liang Xiaodie blocked his way when he was about to leave the classroom through the front door, saying that Ji Xuexun wanted to see him...

Yes, it's very obvious!

Ji Xuexun hates scumbags, and this behavior of getting very close to other girls in front of Ji Xuexun can make Ji Xuexun hate him to the extreme!

With these thoughts flashing through his mind, Zhou Zhen replied calmly: "Really?"

"I don't really remember."

"I've had too many girlfriends."

"Chu Jingyan, Liang Xiaodie, Feng Wenwen... I have confessed to them all."

"The same goes for the beautiful math teacher from the last class. She confessed her love in front of the whole class."

"Some of them agreed, and some didn't."

"Maybe you are one of the people who agreed."

"However, I have thousands of pictures of girls on my phone, all of them from my girlfriends."

"There are too many, which number are you on?"

Hearing this, the anger on Ji Xuexun's face receded little by little. She looked at Zhou Zhen blankly, her expression became very sad: "I must be the first!"

Zhou Zhen shook his head and replied: "My first girlfriend was Chu Jingyan."

The sadness on Ji Xuexun's face soon turned into caution: "So, have you ever liked me?"

Zhou Zhen replied calmly: "Yes."

As soon as the words fell, the cautious look on Ji Xuexun's face immediately turned into a rich and sickly smile.

But before she could really laugh, Zhou Zhen continued: "Don't get me wrong, it's not you I like, but the feeling."

"When I confessed to you, I was actually dating more than a dozen girlfriends like Xie Qiongning, Chu Jingyan, Liang Xiaodie, Feng Wenwen..."

"Liang Xiaodie and Feng Wenwen are both your good sisters, right?"

"This is the feeling I like, stepping on a dozen boats, and a dozen boats are still close friends and sisters."

“It’s like wrapping up a series of limited editions.”

"Very pleasant."

Ji Xuexun stared blankly at his face, not missing the slightest change, as if trying to find out where he was lying or joking.

However, Zhou Zhen's posture was relaxed and his expression was calm, without any trace of pretense.

The expression on Ji Xuexun's beautiful face became a little humble: "Then, Liang Xiaodie and Feng Wenwen, haven't you deceived them three times?"

"I was deceived by you three times!"

"You put so much thought into me..."

Zhou Zhen shook his head again and said calmly: "Liang Xiaodie was deceived by me seven times, Feng Wenwen was deceived by me ten times, and she was beaten twice by me..."

"My current girlfriend, Tao Nange, was fooled around by me. Even though I had committed murder, arson, burning, looting, and other constitutional violations, she still firmly believed that I was a good person."

"You have only been deceived by me three times. It is so pitiful."

"Brother Hao, who is sitting next to me, has been deceived by me more than three times."

Ji Xuexun looked at Zhou Zhen with red eyes, and then...


Big tears flowed from her jewel-like eyes, and she started crying.

Zhou Zhen stood by the desk, his expression unmoved and without any intention of comfort.

This is the third time he has seen Ji Xuexun cry!

The first time was in the memory when he used Ji Xuexun to deal with Chu Jingyan;

The second time was when "Digital Rain" punished Ji Xuexun;

And this time...

Ji Xuexun cried twice before, once when he got rid of Chu Jingyan, and once when he was taught a lesson by the "digital rain".

The two situations were completely opposite.

In addition, when Ji Xuexun cried for the first time, he picked up Chu Jingyan’s mobile phone next to Ji Xuexun, and successfully left the scene with Luo Yuchen...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately came to two conclusions: First, when Ji Xuexun cried, it was a safe time. No matter what he did during this time, nothing would happen!

Second, whether it is hate or love, as long as Ji Xuexun has an emotion that reaches its extreme, he will immediately enter a crying state.

This state may be the intersection of Ji Xuexun's two emotions.

Once the meeting point is over, Ji Xuexun's temperament may be reversed!

The rules he masters now are those before Ji Xuexun cried. After Ji Xuexun finishes crying, all the rules related to the other party may change!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen took action directly, picked up Ji Xuexun, and rushed towards the classroom's front door, which had not completely collapsed, as quickly as possible...


Jingxi isolation point, underground hospital, temporary operating room.

The playback of the high-dimensional sound wave converter has stopped, and the temporary operating room is pale. Various wires are lying in a mess, dragged down from the operating bed, and submerged in various instruments around it.

Zhou Zhen suddenly woke up and immediately looked at Tao Nange on the operating bed.

The densely packed unknowns, the X, X1 in the labels, and the creeping and spreading numbers just now have all disappeared.

On the metal cabinet next to it, there was the pink strawberry lunch box, which contained a dark shadow.

If you look carefully, you will see that these shadows are made up of countless unknown numbers. They are trembling like jelly and seem to be squirming slightly, but they can never leave the scope of the lunch box.

Zhou Zhen was certain that he had succeeded!

He just sent Ji Xuexun back to his classroom, and he came out of the back door of the classroom and returned to his current body.

However, Ji Xuexun won't cry for long, so she has to hurry up!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen felt that his thinking speed had suddenly slowed down many times, but now that the surgery was urgent, he had no time to care about it.

Immediately afterwards, he used [Airdrop Trojan] to control the high-dimensional sound wave converter and began to play the equation sound wave again.


Subtle current noises, sound waves from higher dimensions, resounded throughout the operating room.

Everything around suddenly collapsed and turned into an overwhelming number, formulas, theorems, graphics...

Zhou Zhen lowered his head and looked at the operating bed in front of him, picked up the scalpel, and began to continue the "equation separation surgery."


The air is filled with the smell of water vapor, and the fresh air of the wild vegetation echoes quietly around you.

The bumpy campus main road is straight and ends at the school gate.

Through the rusted iron fence, you can see the smooth road outside.

Thumb, thump, thump...

Tactical boots stepped heavily on the loose floor tiles. No. 056 carried the unconscious Zhou Zhen on his back and ran frantically towards the school gate with the support of No. 041 and No. 080.

Tao Nange grabbed the sniper rifle and stood behind, constantly guarding his surroundings.

The monotonous footsteps echoed in the abandoned campus for a long time.

Tao Nange looked at the shadow of a plant, pointed the gun at it for a moment, and then moved away because nothing happened.

She felt that this action had been carried out many times, and that they had been running for a long time, but they had always been in this school. The school gate that seemed not far away seemed to be a world away.

However, her teammates didn't ask any questions, as if this was a perfectly normal thing.

Although Tao Nange himself knew that this running had been going on for a long time, deep down in his heart, he felt that this was not a problem.

On the contrary, it is a matter of course.

As she was running, Tao Nange suddenly fell into a trance. The surrounding environment changed quietly. The campus in the drizzle of light rain quickly faded under the dark sky. What appeared in front of her was a collapsed classroom with only one incandescent light left.

There were huge gaps everywhere in the ceilings, walls, floors, and all kinds of building materials fell rustlingly from the cracks, sending dust flying all over the sky.

Tao Nange sat on the only table and chair. The book in front of her was very familiar. This was her seat!

Click, click, click...

The classroom continued to collapse, the cracks became larger and larger, and more and more places collapsed. Soon, everything above and below collapsed into nothingness, as if falling into a cold and dead abyss.

The cold white light illuminated the small circle, and Tao Nange sat alone in the seat, floating alone in the darkness, like a helpless island.


Jingxi isolation point, underground hospital, temporary operating room.

Bah, bah, bah... bah...

The high-dimensional sound wave playback ends, and the current noise disappears.

"Equation separation surgery" completed.

Zhou Zhen slowly put down his arms, and everything digitalized around him returned to the material world, and the shadowless lamp quietly illuminated the bed below.

The unknowns on the operating bed have all become X1.

The mark of the "digital domain" recedes little by little like an ebbing tide, and the confluence of the unknown numbers X1 gradually reveals its true appearance.

Thick black hair, fair and delicate face... It was the head of a young girl, bright and beautiful, with a heroic appearance, long feather-like eyelashes hanging low, her eyes closed tightly, as if she were alive.

Tao Nange’s head.

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