I'm picking up trash in the copy

Chapter 206 The Eighth Workshop

Manager Wang pointed to the side wall and said to everyone: "Because there are so many employees in the factory, it is impossible to disinfect each employee individually. In order to meet the hygienic conditions of the factory, we specially built a workshop disinfection room so that the disinfection equipment can be used once An entire workshop of people can be disinfected.”

"The first thing you need to master when working in the Wonderful Toy Factory is to consciously disinfect your entire body. This is something you must do every day when you go to and from get off work and when entering and exiting the workshop."

However, no matter how serious and solemn Manager Wang's tone was when he expressed the importance of disinfection, Jiang You was not interested in the disinfection equipment he was talking about.

Because there are no exquisite disinfection instruments on the side wall, but several rows of identical nozzles neatly arranged.

The air is filled with the smell of wet disinfectant, which is enough to explain what is behind those nozzles. In other words, the so-called disinfection equipment actually sprays everyone with disinfectant water. This spraying process is named by the Wonderful Toy Factory as full-body disinfection of employees.

However, Manager Wang's words also revealed effective information about the Wonderful Toy Factory, that is, they need to be sprayed with disinfectant every day, and more than once.

Although the main mission of the game has not been officially released yet, Jiang You feels that it must be related to the workmanship in the workshop.

Standing in a closed space filled with the smell of disinfectant, everyone looked at the nozzle on the wall. For a moment, no one was the first to come forward.

Seeing this, Manager Wang suddenly said: "You will be assigned to the newly built eighth workshop as interns, and Brother Yang, he is the workshop director of your group of interns. Now, let's invite the eighth workshop together. Director Yang, please demonstrate to you how to disinfect the whole body."

Compared to others who didn't understand the process, Brother Yang was very skillful and walked forward casually.

With his back to the wall, Brother Yang stretched out his hands, closed his eyes slightly, and said with enjoyment, "Pay attention, I will only do it once. Before entering the eighth production workshop, you all must complete the whole body disinfection. If you have any, you will not be able to disinfect it." Yes, then get out of the Wonderful Toy Factory by yourself and just pretend that I didn’t bring you in this time.”

After saying that, Brother Yang once again took a small step back towards the nozzle on the wall.

In an instant, the nozzles behind him opened up, a large amount of spray gathered and condensed into white mist, and the pungent smell in the air became stronger. Brother Yang touched the ground with one foot, moved his toes, and flexibly spun his small body in a circle.

The spray was evenly sprinkled on Brother Yang's body. At the end of the circle, when his other toe landed on the ground, the whole person took a step forward at the same time and left the sensing range of the nozzle on the wall. The white mist coming out of the nozzle stopped instantly.

Watching Brother Yang's series of actions, Jiang You's eyelids moved. She looked at the other players. Then, Jiang You saw similar, slightly subtle looks on the faces of many players.

The picture just now was very fast, but it was clearly imprinted in the eyes of every player. A short man with thick limbs stood in front of more than forty people, tapping one foot on the ground and flying in circles dexterously.

After Brother Yang's demonstration, people came forward one after another to meet the eyes of Manager Wang and Brother Yang.

The nozzles embedded on the wall are very sensitive. When it senses the presence of someone, the number of nozzles spraying disinfectant water from behind is adjusted so that it sprays evenly on the person's body.

When Brother Yang was disinfecting, there were five nozzles spraying disinfectant behind him, but after others stepped forward, the number of nozzles exceeded five.

Behind Xu Yijian, there were nine nozzles in total spraying disinfectant. His eyes were splashed with disinfectant water and he was blinking wildly. Xu Yijian suddenly felt a dissatisfied gaze coming from nowhere.

Leaving the sensing range of the nozzle, Xu Yikey turned around but could not find the owner of his sight. His brows moved. For a moment, Xu Yijian did not expect that in the short period of time he entered the dungeon, he would inadvertently attract the hatred of someone else.

The number of nozzles that can be used on the wall is far more than nine. Manager Wang looked at the people walking forward one by one, with an impatient look on his face. He said: "Hurry up, the rest of us will go together, and we will After disinfection, there is another most important step before entering the production workshop."

After being urged, everyone had to come together as required. For a while, various smells were mixed in the already humid closed space of the disinfection room. In addition to the particularly pungent smell of disinfectant, Jiang You seemed to smell something strange. The smell, I don’t know where it came from.

Outside of the disinfectant mist, there were still people standing far away, not moving at all.

"Manager Wang, don't we need to put on work clothes before disinfecting? Why don't we let everyone put on work clothes before disinfecting?" A weak voice sounded, and a woman with particularly pale skin had a tangled expression and stood beside her and asked. .

The person who asked the question was not the player, but one of the new passengers who got on the bus midway. She was wearing a black skirt. The black skirt was too long and could be dragged to the ground. Along the way, women always carefully hold the hem of their skirts in their hands to prevent dust from the ground from sticking to their clothes. During Brother Yang's demonstration, when the disinfectant was sprayed out, she was the fastest and furthest away.

Manager Wang was admiring the sudden increase in the amount of disinfectant when he suddenly heard someone asking a question.

Looking at the woman in black skirt who was hiding far away, Manager Wang shook the gray work clothes on his body with his hands, and said in a voice full of displeasure and ridicule: "Work clothes? What do you mean? Interns don't have work clothes, this is official Clothes only for employees. Wearing work clothes means that your work ability and attitude are recognized by the toy factory. Wearing work clothes and walking out of the factory represents the Wonderful Toy Factory. You interns don't have to go out, so what work clothes should you wear?"

Do you need to go out or can't go out? Jiang You thinks it should be the latter.

Although there is no explicit regulation, Manager Wang's meaning can't help but make people think that only when you become a formal employee can you wear work clothes and walk out of the factory. So, what you need when leaving the factory is the status of a formal employee, or a set of gray work clothes?

Seeing the tangled expression of the woman in the black skirt, who still seemed reluctant, Manager Wang suddenly became very considerate and said, "If you don't want to disinfect, then you can go and leave the Wonderful Toy Factory before entering the production workshop."

The woman in the black skirt had a happy face. She held up her skirt and walked briskly towards the door of the workshop's disinfection room.

"Su Ya, if you dare to try to walk away, stop for me!"

Brother Yang's voice sounded behind the woman in the black skirt, and Su Ya's foot stopped in mid-air.

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