I’m Really Playing Basketball

Chapter 915 Milicic and Chinese Basketball

After the match between the Chinese team and the Serbian men's basketball team, at the post-match press conference, Chen Xiao, as the god of basketball, could only describe Milicic, a giant of his generation, as full of praise.

Chen Xiao even took time out of his busy schedule to accept an exclusive interview with the Serbian National News Agency.

Chen Xiao is very well-known in Serbia. All Serbia knows that Jokic, their current pride, was cultivated and discovered by Chen Xiao.

Coupled with Chen Xiao's identity as the god of basketball and his identity as a Chinese, for the Serbian people who are very eager to be recognized and are in deep suffering, being recognized by Chen Xiao is a very proud thing.

Therefore, the Serbian National News Agency deliberately found Chen Xiao through the above connections, hoping to receive an exclusive interview to talk about Milicic and Jokic.

Chen Xiao is also happy to accept this.

After all, he is inextricably linked to both of them.

Milicic is both a rival and a friend.

And Jokic is his own student.

Therefore, after Chen Xiao's interview was released in Serbia, it really caused a lot of sensation.

Because Chen Xiao's evaluation of Milicic is really high.

Chen Xiao's evaluation of Milicic is that he is the most versatile big man in the history of basketball. He has changed the entire basketball world's understanding of center players.

The evaluation of Jokic is that he is now the most versatile big man in the basketball world. He has inherited the excellent tradition of Milicic and Serbian big men.

At the same time, Chen Xiao also has a very high evaluation of Serbian basketball. In an interview, Chen Xiao said: "Serbian basketball has always been the teacher of Chinese basketball. Chinese basketball people have always followed the path that Serbian basketball has taken. The path we have pioneered is the foundation laid by Serbia overcoming obstacles first.”

There is actually nothing wrong with Chen Xiao's statement. As the successor of the former Yugoslavia, Serbian basketball is the teacher of Chinese basketball.

Although Chinese basketball has long been superior to the old, history is history, and now Chinese basketball has enough confidence to admit such history.

Moreover, what Chen Xiao said did not have any impact on the prestige of Chinese basketball, but it made the Serbian audience and fans happy to hear it.

This is actually the reason why so many foreigners in history have been able to cheat on food and drink on the Chinese Internet.

National confidence and recognition.

Today's Serbia can be compared to historical China, and its needs are recognized.

Moreover, at the same time as this exclusive interview by the Serbian National News Agency was released, Milicic and Chen Xiao Basketball University also jointly announced that Milicic will serve as a full-time professor at Chen Xiao Basketball University after retiring.

Milicic had no memories of Canada. After retiring, he rejected the Toronto Raptors' invitation to serve as the team's general manager and resolutely chose to teach at Chen Xiao Basketball University.

For him, he actually doesn't care about salary. He is even willing to teach at Chen Xiao Basketball University even if it is free.

Because Chen Xiao Basketball University has an invisible benefit, that is, taking up the position of associate professor or above in the school can increase the number of domestic players enrolling in Chen Xiao Basketball University.

Everyone knows that Chen Xiao Basketball University recruits students from all over the world. Excellent students from every country have opportunities, but the number and places are limited.

And if someone from the country teaches at Chen Xiao Basketball University.

For full-time associate professors, one additional position will be added.

For full-time professors, 3 more places will be added.

This is also the reason why many international superstars are competing for the position of Chen Xiao's basketball professor.

Not only is it a personal honor, he has the status of a professor, but it is also a national honor and his contribution to the country's basketball.

Let’s just say that the CBA is developing so well now. Although it cannot compete with the NBA, the current basketball atmosphere in China is really good. The fans are enthusiastic, companies can make money and invest money, and players can also make money. , and importantly, now that the CBA has been reformed by Yao Ming, the five top leagues in the east, west, south, north, and middle each have 30 teams, and the entire top professional league has 150 teams.

The five top leagues are equivalent to the size of five NBAs. Each team in each top league will play 58 regular season games. The top 30 teams will determine the top 16 to enter the playoffs. The playoffs will be decided by a single game. , and finally determine the league champion, who will represent the league in the CBA championship.

Each of the five division champions plays each other twice, and each team plays eight games in the finals. The team with the best record wins the championship.

Therefore, if a team wants to become the CBA championship, it must play 70 games throughout the regular season, playoffs, and finals.

The intensity of the competition is still very high.

Moreover, because the current basketball atmosphere in China is very good, the ratings of CBA games are extremely high. The program with the highest ratings on various provincial and municipal TV stations is CBA. After all, the participation in the full name of basketball in this time and space is really too high.

In addition, China’s online media is really developed.

Therefore, now the number one star in the CBA and the head star of Chen Xiao Basketball University, known as Little Chen Xiao, Chen Muxin has refused the NBA draft for three consecutive years.

Chen Muxin, like Gao Bo, is also the first batch of future experimenters of Chinese basketball selected by Chen Xiao and Yao Ming's basketball philosophy.

Long hands, long legs, and a high football quotient.

The same is true for Chen Muxin.

However, unlike Gao Bo, Chen Muxin's basketball talent is definitely much different. He is 2.01 meters tall, has a wingspan of 2.19 meters, has average athletic ability, good technical ability, and a good basketball intelligence. He can be regarded as a weakened version of Xiao Chen. Of course , defense, basic skills, offense, passing, all are not as good as Xiao Chen.

He is also the substitute for Xiao Chen in the national team.

Although Chen Muxin's ability is not that top-notch, he was predicted to enter the first round of the NBA draft three years ago.

But this kid just doesn't want to participate in the draft.

This year, at the age of 22, his draft prediction has even reached the lottery zone, but he still will not participate in the NBA draft.

Regarding this matter, even the president of the NBA personally took action to persuade Chen Muxin.

But he was directly rejected by Xiao Chen.

According to Xiao Chen, it's really unnecessary.

His exact words to Jordan were: "I paid 700 million yuan in taxes to the country last year. When I get to the NBA, can I have an annual salary of 700 million yuan?"

Chen Muxin's words immediately put Jordan out of business.

Is this Chen Muxin bragging?

Of course not. As the second most handsome player in the history of men's basketball besides Chen Xiao, Chen Muxin is the MVP and FMVP of CBA for two consecutive terms. He is the number one star of Chen Xiao Basketball University and CBA. He did live streaming online last year , sales exceeded tens of billions of yuan.

It is one of the four giants that launched live streaming of online shopping last year.

Many teams in the CBA will launch their top stars to sell their team's peripheral products, including jerseys, sneakers, basketballs, clothes, co-branded mobile phones, computers, drinks, even hot pot bases and other messy products.

Many people say that a CBA team is equivalent to a department store selling everything.

China is the world's factory. Li Ziqi can sell snail noodles, and the CBA team can also sell them. All you need to do is have the trademark and hand it over to the factory for production.

And Chen Muxin is the leader of CBA.

If you play well, are handsome, and can talk well, this is really a blessing from God.

He is doing so well at Chen Xiao Basketball University. In order to be a player at Chen Xiao Basketball University, why should he participate in the NBA draft and rely on the graduate students of Chen Xiao Basketball University? Isn't he good?

He pays more than 700 million in taxes a year, and his annual pre-tax income exceeds 1.5 billion yuan, which is almost more than 200 million U.S. dollars. How many players in the NBA earn more than him?

In the current NBA, except for Chen Xiao, no one makes more than him in a year.

It's you, are you willing to leave the CBA and go to the NBA?

Of course, Chen Muxin also knows that he is not the one who is the best, but has caught up with the rise of Chen Xiao Basketball University and Chinese basketball.

So he said that he is a pig in the spotlight. He just wants to be a pig in the spotlight. He really has no interest in going to the NBA.

Chen Muchin is unique in CBA.

However, there are many players who are one or several levels below Chen Muxin.

According to statistics, there are more than 50 active CBA stars with more than 10 million fans on Douyin, and countless more with millions of fans.

Each CBA team is almost equivalent to a large department store supermarket in its respective city, with extremely strong profitability.

Broadcasting income, ticket income, endorsement income, merchandise income...

Let's put it this way, the current CBA, under the leadership of Yao Ming, has embarked on a new path of printing money.

I don’t know how many jobs it has provided for the country and how much consumption it has driven.

In the current epidemic situation, when the global economy is experiencing problems, the popularity of CBA has made every city in the country want to have a CBA team.

It is of course a good thing to rely on the CBA, the most popular sports platform in the world, to develop the local economy and improve local employment.

This has also led to the development of lower-level basketball leagues, all of which want to squeeze into the CBA league.

By the way, the five major CBA leagues, each with 30 teams, have 6 relegation quotas every year.

The CBA also has the Development League below the top league, and the Development League has more teams.

Below the Development League, there are more low-level leagues, and even in many places on the eastern and southern coasts, there are hundreds of village-level teams in one city.

And whether it is at the municipal or village level, as long as you meet the requirements, you can rise all the way to become a top league team.

Teams in the top league can also be relegated to the lower levels.

Moreover, as long as it becomes a top-level and development league-level team, the team's salary cap has strict limits, strictly limiting Yin-Yang contracts and undesirable money burning.

At the same time, the youth training system of each CBA team and the basketball training system of the sports school will be abolished. Instead, special basketball schools will be established in each province based on Chen Xiao Basketball University. Each province will have one or more specialized basketball middle schools. In addition, there is a university similar to Chen Xiao Basketball University in Southeast, Northwest and Middle School. Of course, these universities are all ordinary undergraduates.

However, these five undergraduate universities can form teams to participate in the CBA league just like Chen Xiao Basketball University.

By the way, Chen Xiao Basketball University currently has four teams participating in the CBA, one for each of the Northern League, Southern League, Central League, and Eastern League.

Yao Ming's statement is that what is professional should be professional and what is cultivated should be cultivated. This will save a lot of quarrels between players and teams.

As for the funds for these schools, they come from the income of CBA and CUBA.

50% of the income of CBA and CUBA belongs to the players' salary cap, and the remaining 25% belongs to the training system under the Basketball Association system.

By the way, CUBA now only allows those professional basketball high schools to participate. Tsinghua University and BJ University, get out and participate in special amateur basketball league games.

So the ‘U’ in CUBA here refers to Under18, and the full name of CUBA is the China Under-18 Basketball Professional League.

Therefore, while many cities are thinking about entering the CBA, they also hope to enter CUBA. This is easier. They strive to build a dedicated basketball school in their own city so that they can play CUBA.

And CUBA is not low in attention. Although it is not as profitable as CBA, it can still make a lot of money, and it can also lay a basketball foundation for its city and prepare for the CBA in the future.

Let's put it this way, in China now, the entire professional basketball league is in a stage of rapid expansion.

At the same time, we have entered a very good virtuous cycle.

Let's put it this way, the value and commercial value created by the CBA last year has exceeded that of the NBA.

The commercial value of the NBA is said to exceed US$100 billion.

Last year, CBA's online sales volume was 300 billion yuan, accounting for one-tenth of the live broadcasts of the entire network. Interestingly, Chen Muxin's sales volume was almost one-tenth of CBA's.

CBA's co-branded products are high-quality and low-priced. Excluding the share for the players who bring the goods and other expenses, the profit margin is almost 10%, 300 billion, that is 30 billion!

50% of this 30 billion will be handed over to the alliance for equal distribution, and the remaining 50% belongs to you.

In other words, even if a team does not sell anything, it can still receive 100 million in online merchandise sales revenue.

According to statistics, the CBA's lowest-income team, the Tongliao Zhurihe Team, last year's revenue from broadcasting, tickets, endorsements, merchandise, etc. reached an astonishing 500 million yuan.

According to the CBA salary cap rule, 50% is player salary. Of course, Tongliao may not fully use 50% of the salary cap, but even if it only uses 35% of the minimum poverty line, it is at least 160 million yuan, which is allocated to a team. Each of the 15 players has an average annual salary of more than 10 million yuan.

In fact, the CBA's player base salary is 5 million yuan, while the NBA's is 990,000 US dollars.

In fact, the difference is not that big.

Moreover, the CBA's 150 teams can provide more than 2,000 player positions, which is five times that of the NBA.

Under such circumstances, if you were a foreign player and there was such a basketball league with such terrifying profitability and blood-generating capabilities, would you come?

The CBA is now extremely attractive to players from places other than the United States.

Especially Chen Xiao Basketball University, because according to the rules of the CBA, players who graduated from Chen Xiao Basketball University are not considered foreign players in the CBA!

As long as you have the ability and are a player who graduated from Chen Xiao Basketball University, in the CBA, you will be an iron rice bowl.

So much so that many outstanding high school students in the United States are now willing to give up the NCAA and go to Chen Xiao Basketball University.

Today's Chinese basketball really provides a new possibility for world basketball.

Therefore, after Milicic was eliminated in Serbia, he did not return to Canada or Serbia immediately. Instead, he went to Chen Xiao Basketball University to report. Milicic reported on the recruitment process at Chen Xiao Basketball University, and the Serbian national TV even broadcast the entire process live.

Because Serbia is now preparing to apply to join the CBA's foreign league.

Yes, Yao Ming is now preparing to form the CBA European League...

This ambition and pace are much greater than those of David Stern.

However, this is understandable. When David Stern was in the NBA, even the country did not understand how much energy it would take to play in the NCAA and other professional leagues.

As for Yao Ming, he doesn't need this at all.

In China, the CBA with Yao Ming and Chen Xiao on the platform is invincible. With the funds of Chen Xiao and Yao Ming as the starting capital for the reform of the CBA, coupled with the full support of the country, it is simply killing at will.

For example, this time the formation of the European Union...

Yao Ming is about to complete the great deeds that David Stern wanted to complete but failed to complete...

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