Just when Sousuke Araki's consciousness finally gathered was about to fall into white light again...

"Zongsuke, straighten your chest and raise your head. It doesn't matter if you don't get gratitude, and it doesn't matter if you are confused."

The middle-aged man holding a book in his hand gently raised his black-rimmed glasses and looked up at him: "You promised, you will do your best to save more people."

"Uncle Qingren...I..."

This long-lost face was like a heavy hammer, hitting Araki Sousuke's broken heart hard.

"I tried my best……"

The deeply buried memory erupts like a volcano.

"But... in the end... I am the monster who will destroy the world..."

His body trembled like an electric shock, and two lines of tears slipped down his face quietly.

"My existence... is meaningless to this world..."


The moonlit sea reflects the shadow of a little bird dancing with its real bow.

"No, Araki-sensei...please don't...deny yourself..."

Araki Sousuke in front of her, the original "safety" white light on his body suddenly soared, distorted into various strange shapes...

"What's going on... What's wrong with him?!"

On the violently shaking sea boat, Mai Hanyu firmly grasped the edge of the ship's gunnel and asked loudly.

"Sensei Araki said...that he is a monster that destroys the world..."

"It doesn't make any sense to say that he exists..."

Drops of tears dripped down the face of Xiaoniao Yumaumi, causing little ripples on the surface of the sea.

At the same time, the surge of white light engulfed a large expanse of seawater, creating a violent vortex, pulling the anchored double-track ship towards it...


Mochizuki Ayano's feathered robe was windless, and her petite figure soared into the sky.

"Give me... Hold on!!!"

She waved to the bay in the distance, and a "water dragon" more than ten meters high flew into the sky, filling the gap in the center of the vortex, and temporarily calming down the raging sea.

Even so, the thick white light has completely engulfed Araki Sosuke's figure, like a wall of despair, standing in front of Kotori Yumaumi.

"Maumi, come with me, if this goes on, you will be 'swallowed'!"

Mochizuki Ayano flew behind Kotori Yumasumi, and grabbed the hem of the opponent's clothes.

"No, no... Finally established a connection..."

Turning a blind eye to the "white wall" that was approaching in front of him, Kou Yumaumi performed Kagura with a more focused expression and said, "Even if I die... I will not give up on Araki-sensei..."

Everything in front of me is like a dream bubble, seemingly virtual and real.

From time to time, she stood on the stage of the Akagi Festival, and shyly peeked at someone who was eating big sea bream under the stage...

Sometimes I stand under the sky full of fireworks during the Obon Festival, trying my best to erase the sadness on that man's face...

Sometimes kneeling on the top of Mt. Yotei where the black snow and lava are surging, desperately wanting to kiss the hideous "ghost face" behind the glass...

"Old sister, you can't continue to provoke Araki-kun anymore, stop the 'Songsuke Supplementary Plan' plan?!"

Regardless of bumping his blood-soaked forehead, Hou Hailudou pulled on the guardrail and climbed up, making a desperate crackling sound.

"No, even if we want to, the plan can no longer be stopped."

"What about Plan B? Don't you always have Plan B?"

"Sorry, hacker Lu Dou... only this time, there is no Plan B."

Mai Hanyu smiled helplessly and shook his head.

"Damn it, I finally got here..."

Seeing that the halo was about to touch Xiaotiao Yumaumi's body, a look of unwillingness flashed in her eyes: "This bastard, why did you say something like 'meaningless' to me..."

"Old lady?!"

Under the dull gazes of Atsukai Ludou and Mochizuki Ayano, Mai Hanyu stepped over the guardrail in front of him, and jumped in the direction of Araki Sousuke: "Anyway, I'm dead anyway, and I can't let you die." Let’s stay together and fly together!”

"Shuang, double fly?"

"Miss Hanyu?!"

Mochizuki Ayano, who was hanging in the air, subconsciously stretched out her other hand and grabbed her skirt...

Instead, he was swayed by Mai Hanyu, and they fell together on the rocks below the torii gate.


A scorching golden glow lit up from Hanyu Mai's waist and rushed into Mochizuki Ayano's body.

"Wait, this is..."

Mochizuki Ayano could only feel the power in her body disappearing rapidly, and her vision blurred for a while...

A giant golden snake biting its own tail jumped up from her body, and jumped into the body of the dancing bird Yumaumi.

The white light that was about to drown the three girls suddenly froze.


"Sleeper, you bastard!"

In the boundless white light, Mai Hanyu squeezed out from the densely packed figures and came in front of Sousuke Araki.

The giant golden snake that kept devouring her own tail hovered around her arm like a bracelet.

"Miss Hanyu..."

"I've been tossing with you to this day, but it's not enough to just say 'meaningless'..."

Sousuke Araki with dim eyes, before he had time to react, Mai Hanyu raised his slender hand surrounded by golden snakes, and slapped him hard on the face: "These memories that make people headache and are about to torture people crazy, I will return them all to you!" you!"

The golden snake shattered into a sky full of golden light, with chaotic afterimages, pouring into Araki Sousuke's mind...

"Whether your existence is meaningful to this world, you can see for yourself!"


"Unexpectedly, the genocide and massacre in Hanyu Snake Village back then, as well as the mysterious incident behind it, were actually caused by the snake gods enshrined by the Hanyu clan for generations."

In the dilapidated deserted village, Sousuke Araki, who was shirtless and with a shining talisman, was standing in front of a collapsed temple.

Behind him, a black Buddha, as tall as a hill, quietly floated in the air.

"Since he dared to intrude into your bloodline when he was dying, I simply spent some words, integrated fate into it, and refined the remains of the snake god into a "Bitter Mandala". "

"In this way, the curse of the Hanyu clan for generations has finally been lifted."

In his arms, he held Mai Hanyu, whose clothes were torn and the mountains were undulating.

"He is a scientific researcher, so it's useless to ask you for these weird things."

It seems that she is very used to lying in Araki Sosuke's arms, and the weak-looking Hanyu put her arms around his neck comfortably, and asked worriedly: "Besides, you gave me the fate, will you... ..."

"Don't worry, although Fate Master can know the past karma of all living beings and the reason for the present and future retribution, it is not necessary for me. I just need to remember that I am Araki Sousuke now, and that's enough."

Araki Sousuke shook his head indifferently, and smiled boldly: "Just now, his telepathy has locked on the minds of the last few people in the "Evil Flower". Only when your safety is guaranteed, can I rest assured to find them to make a settlement. "

"This "Obtail Mandala" contains the true meaning of 'infinity' and 'reincarnation', and it is the only one in the three thousand great thousand worlds that were born in the past and future with intertwined causality, which can protect against the invasion of fate and foreign demons..."

Before Araki Sosuke had time to react, Hanyu Mai's charming little face moved closer: "Such a generous gift, so how can I thank you, the strongest Araki lord in Japan?"

"Uh... Wu... I haven't finished talking... Uh..."

As the world spun, more broken images came one after another...


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