I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 615 Sword Heart Illumination·None

"Be careful, this guy is a monster!!!"

Looking at Abeji, who was tied up in a white cloth and was about to be stripped of "gold and jade" and died of blood loss, but did not reveal a trace of "heart voice", the body of "No. 13" trembled uncontrollably.

According to the theory of conative psychology, if human consciousness is regarded as a huge iceberg floating in the sea, then the tip of the iceberg exposed above the sea is driven by subjective feelings, imagination, emotion, hope, determination, intention and desire. The "expression consciousness" that can be finally expressed in words and actions.

What "jue" can read is the "expression consciousness" in people's hearts.

Since possessing the "power of perception", no one's "expression of consciousness" at the moment has escaped her perception.

Because, as long as a person responds to the state in front of him, or has something to express or do actively, he will inevitably produce "expression consciousness", which is an unchangeable instinct engraved deep in the genes.

And the current situation, if the "divine power" hadn't failed...

That is, the man in front of him who was clearly caught without a fight and fell into a "dangerous chicken" has completely abandoned his "expression consciousness".

Cut off all emotions, do not do any thinking, and hand over every word spoken and everything done to the "subconscious mind" hidden in the body and memory.

Is there really someone who can take the initiative to abandon all emotions, desires and instincts and become a cold machine?

In other words, can an existence that can do this kind of thing still be called a human being?

"What's the matter, what are you talking about... This guy said no, his body is already completely under my 'mastery'..."

Whirling the cold and thick object in his palm, "Number Eight" turned around with a smile and looked at his companion.

"This... ordinary people, is there such a hard... ah!"

Just when she felt that the texture of the things in her hands was beyond imagination, a bone-piercing chill spread from her palms and spread towards her whole body.

She wanted to withdraw her arm, but found that it was completely covered by a layer of frost, and she couldn't break free for a while.

"This is... the handle of the knife?!"

Looking carefully, what was held by "Number Eight" was not a certain part of Abeji's body as she thought.

Instead, a slightly shorter dagger.

Threat difference, Yueyao.


"No. 13" clearly remembered that the two knives held by Abe Temple had already fallen to the ground when he was submerged by the torrent of white cloth.

"Is there another one?!"

At this time, on the open ground, the two knives, one long and one short, had long since disappeared.

"No, I can't read his thoughts anymore, kill him quickly!!!"

The strong uneasiness made her exclaim in a low voice, and she wanted to tighten the white cloth around Abe Temple and crush him completely.


The blazing knife light streaked across the air continuously, bringing out a pattern of a pentagram.

Among the burning pentagrams, the cloth strips connecting "No. 13" and Abe Temple were all reduced to ashes.

Ertian first-class · Wulunshu · Fire Volume X Seimei Kikyo.

"An anti-cotton cotton, shaped like white cloth, good at pestering people..."

In the light of the burning white cloth, Abeji's figure slowly walked out step by step.

"...weaknesses, cutting with sharp weapons, fire, and water."

He read something silently in a low voice with a tone like reciting texts.

It was clear that the whole body was surrounded by flames, but the ground at the foot of Abe Temple followed his footsteps, and layers of thin white ice spread out.

"help me……"

And behind him, "No. 8" who was still holding "Yueyao", his whole body was already covered with a thick layer of frost, unable to move.

"I see, you did it on purpose from the very beginning... How did you do it..."

Looking at the figure in the intertwined ice and fire, "No. 13" who still couldn't read any of the opponent's intentions, a large amount of white cloth gushed out of his body, like a dragon soaring into the sky, covering the sky and covering the sun, and pressed down on Abe Temple.

"...You monster, go to hell!!!"

As soon as she thought that the other party was talking, walking, and even using this weird sword skill that combined yin and yang arts in an "unconscious" state, she felt that the spirit eliminator dressed as a samurai in front of her was more extraordinary than herself with "divine power". human existence.

"Originally, I have always had some doubts about my swordsmanship..."

Abe Temple puts his hands together and inserts his sleeves calmly, walking in the courtyard like a tourist walking in the morning, which makes people feel no murderous intent at all.

"...But I didn't think about it. By mistake, I got the answer today at Your Excellency's place."

Beside him, "Sun Wheel" and "Yueyao" danced lightly, intertwined with ice and fire, and every slash and stab coincided with Ertian's first-class "Yuanming" meaning, chopping off the incoming cloth to the ground.

Under the flaming Seimei Kikyo and the sun and moon swords, countless white cloths poured in, either turned into ashes, or shattered into ice, which could not even touch the corner of Abe Temple's clothes.

The opponent in front of him who could read people's hearts and knocked down his sword with countless white cloths was very similar to the Chiba Ibuki that the master faced that day.

It turns out that this is what Mr. Matsumoto said, first come first.

"When facing the enemy, forget about life, forget about death, forget about the enemy, forget about yourself, don't think about it, don't care about it, don't care about it, and let it be natural, that is, it can change freely, and it can be applied without hindrance..."

At this moment, he finally knew the name of the sword he saw that day.

"Among the two first-rates, there is a technique called 'Wu Nian Wants to Chop'..."

"No thoughts, no thoughts, no self..."

At this time, the Abe Temple, with the invisible sword, the invisible sword, seems to be the reincarnation of the sword fairy...

"... This is the realm where the sword and the heart are united, the mirror is clear and the water is still. "

Ertian is first-class, Jianxin is transparent, and there is nothing.

Since he practiced kendo since he was a child, he has finally realized his own "bright heart of the sword"!

Only by abandoning all "thoughts" and handing everything over to this body that has been tempered and read countless films, and acting according to instinct, will not emit any "killing intent", and will not be known to anyone what to do next Actions.

Because, even he himself doesn't know how to make a move in the next second.


During the conversation, the sun and moon swords collided in the air with frost and flames, creating an explosion-like air wave, turning the white cloth in the air into powder and falling like snow.

Two days of first-class, profound meaning, two heavens of ice and fire.


Amidst the blossoming flowers, the two phantom twin knives that stick together and merge into one rapidly magnify in the sight of "No. 13".

"...Number Seven, hurry up, teleport!!!"

Seeing that she couldn't keep the distance apart, and was about to be beheaded by the pair of knives, she reached out and touched her earlobe, and let out a hoarse wail.

The surrounding white mist suddenly rolled violently.

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