Hearing Zhao Heng's arrogance, everyone was shocked. They were all influential figures in the Demon City back then. When had they ever been looked down upon like this by a young man in his twenties?

But based on what this young man said, Su Jianguo was able to put down the tens of billions of properties and leave in despair without saying a word, which proves that the Zhao Heng in front of him may not be as simple as it seems in terms of realization.

This must be someone they can't afford to offend. Otherwise, how could someone like Su Jianguo just leave and hand over such a large family fortune to others.

They say they are old and cunning, but no one in this group is stupid. After his mind changed, he combined the whole situation and looked at the crowd.

Moreover, they were also wary of Zhao Heng's weird skills. If Zhao Heng had not killed that person just now, but had killed another person present, if he asked himself, he would not have known how he died.

Finally the old man on crutches said:

"I can transfer the shares to you, but how much are you prepared to give us? After saying this

, he pointed at the dead man with his crutch and said:

"And you must give us an explanation for this matter!"


Zhao Heng shook his head and said calmly:

"He has offended me, and it is not a pity to die. If you feel that he is lonely going down alone, I can send you to go down with him."

Zhao Heng spoke in a tone that did not take these people seriously and continued:

"As for how much it will cost to take away the shares in your hands?.."

Zhao Heng paused, then touched his pocket, and actually found a coin in his trouser pocket. He threw the one-dollar coin on the contract on the table and said:

"Is one dollar enough?"


Being teased like this, the old man was so angry that he almost didn't go down directly. Fortunately, these years of pampering made his physical fitness not bad. He took a few deep breaths and calmed down.

"Damn it, when have I ever been so angry?"

Being bullied like this, some grumpy people couldn't stand it anymore, so they grabbed the pistol of the bodyguard next to them, and then shot Zhao Heng without hesitation.


The sound of the firing pin was accompanied by a bullet with high-speed kinetic energy shot from the barrel towards Zhao Heng.

"Zhao Heng, be careful."

Lin Yu reacted in time, but was still a step too late. She only had time to warn her, but her body still instinctively moved towards Zhao Heng.

Su Ran didn't react at all, but looked at these people with disgust. , turned into pity

"I asked you to pretend!"

The person who fired the gun blew the gun after firing, thinking that this guy was bound to die.

Although others also blamed this person for his recklessness, what happened had already happened, and Zhao Heng's insult also made them extremely angry.

But , something happened that shocked, surprised, and even frightened these old guys.

The bullet, which had exceeded the speed of sound, did not fly into Zhao Heng's body as they imagined, but stopped three feet in front of Zhao Heng.

The yellow warhead was still spinning at high speed, but it could not move forward. Lin Yu, who had just passed by Zhao Heng, relaxed when he saw this situation, and then turned his head to look at the shooter coldly.

"How can this be!"

"This is impossible!"

No one thought that such a situation would happen, and the person who fired the gun couldn't believe it. He raised his pistol and was about to fire a few more shots, trying to break the false picture in front of him.

But how could Lin Yu allow such a thing? It happened again, she took the lead. I don’t know when, and I didn’t see any movement from her. A delicate little pistol appeared in her hand.


There was another gunshot, and the man who was about to shoot just raised his hand, and there was a blood hole on his forehead.

When his body fell down, his eyes were still full of disbelief, and he didn't believe that he was dead like this.

Accompanying As the man fell to the ground, the bullet hanging in the air stopped spinning and finally landed on the stall.

"Zhao Heng, this man fired a gun without permission, and he deserved to be killed."

At this time, the man on crutches, even though he was a little frightened by Zhao Heng's methods, still stood up and said first:

"As for the company's shares, we can transfer them all to you without paying a penny. From now on, we will no longer be the company's shares. These industries will belong to you Zhao Heng from now on."

"Yes, this man deserves to die!"

"That’s right, all the shares are given to you!"


These people all become mature with age, but relatively speaking, their courage disappears as they grow older. To put it simply, they are afraid of death when they grow old.

No one wants to die while enjoying wealth.

They were panicked and afraid that Zhao Heng would accuse them. That weird method was really not something that a normal person could do.

It can't even be killed by bullets, no, it can't be hit, so how can it be played?

At this moment, they suddenly realized why Su Jianguo ran abroad without even saying hello. Facing such an opponent, what would they do if he didn't run away?

"I said, as long as someone dares to shoot, you will all die here."

Zhao Heng said quietly:

"Su Ran, go contact the professional team and I will send them a big order today."

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