On the third day of Zhang Simin's arrival on the island, although she was reluctant in every possible way, she finally succumbed to the power of Zhao Heng's vagina. Like those who came here to record the show, she put on a blue bikini with stripes..

I don't know whether it was because of shyness or to avoid Zhao Heng's intentional or unintentional gaze, Zhang Simin put a black silk scarf around her waist, unlike most other people who wanted to tear off this bit of fabric on their body..

As a special program, all the recording staff left by boat at noon yesterday. Now, the only ones left on the island are a large group of girls and the only man, Zhao Heng..

As the saying goes, a little green among thousands of flowers refers to Zhao Heng's current situation, but as a man, he doesn't like the color green.

Although this is just a color, I believe most men will not like it, unless they are those who have mental illness and always feel that something is missing from their heads.

"Brother Heng, you won’t really ask us to do anything, will you?"

Less than fifty meters from the beach, there is a wooden building, which will be used as a tavern after the project is officially launched.

Although the conditions are still very simple, things like wine have become popular in recent days. Various types of wine are being shipped one after another.

At this moment, Zhao Heng is staying here. The TV hanging on the wall is broadcasting a live broadcast of a league game. One of them is a member of the League of Legends who has just debuted. Chen Tianxiu, a talented boy who has already become famous.

In this room, in addition to Chen Yuqi who raised doubts, Liu Yiyun and three people who have often communicated with Zhao Heng since the past few nights are also there.

Of course, Zhang Simin also stays here, sitting I was drinking a drink silently in the distant place.

But when I heard that Zhao Heng actually wanted these people who only show off and scream at night to compete in the lpl, wasn't that just a joke?!

Zhang Simin almost She squirted out the drink in her mouth and suddenly realized, no wonder she had reserved five places in the alliance before.

At first, she thought that although the boss was childish, he would at least be serious. The reason for reserving five places was that Look for people who are truly capable or have potential.

Who knew it would be such a childish thing to find Tong Lixue and the others as a joke. Brother, they are going to be stars in their debut!

Zhang Simin was complaining in her heart.

"Don't you want to?"

Zhao Heng said lightly with a smile.

Although Zhao Heng did not use an angry tone, it made Chen Yuqi and others feel nervous.

Zhu Xiaodan quickly expressed his stance:

"It's not that we don't want to, it's just that we don't know how to play at all. If we go up there, we won't be the ones to disgrace you, Mr. Zhao!"

"Yeah, I never play games."

Liu Yiyun echoed from the side.

Tong Lixue didn't speak, but she could tell from her expression that she sneered at Zhao Heng's plan, but she didn't show it too obviously.

"It doesn't matter, just practice first."

Zhao Heng said casually:

"If I win a championship, I will become famous all over the country in an instant."


Chen Yuqi's eyes lit up, but then dimmed instantly:

"Brother Heng, what you said is nice. We have never even touched this game. Once we play it, we won’t be crushed to pieces."

"Brother Heng, if you say so, is there any way to help us?"

Gradually letting go in the past few days, Liu Yiyun, who had changed his appearance when he came here, pressed himself against Zhao Heng. His intimate behavior did not avoid the fact that there were other people here, and asked. After hearing

Liu Yiyun's question, the other three people also revealed their faces. With a curious look on his face, Boss Zhao is so confident, as if he is cheating, he seems to be very sure!

Does Mr. Zhao want to use money to pave the way? To win a regional championship.

Zhang Simin's mind is also attracted, curious about Zhao Hengyou What kind of help is there for these girls who can only sing and dance during the day and are coached by someone at night? No, women.

Do you want to do the same as before and let yourself walk around with a signed check?

This is impossible!

Zhang Simin from I rejected this idea from the bottom of my heart


Zhao Heng nodded.

From the live broadcast screen, Chen Tianxiu's game operations are skillful, calm and calm, like a tight machine. Whether it is in the line or when someone comes to catch him, he seems extremely relaxed.

Xianting Kill someone while walking and then leave calmly

"Open vision across the map, predict the future a few seconds later, inherit memories, or directly reach the peak of proficiency with certain heroes?"

After carefully watching some similar videos, Zhao Heng analyzed the golden finger that Chen Tianxiu might have.

"Brother Heng, is it true?!"

Hearing that Zhao Heng was convinced, Liu Yiyun eagerly held the former's arm in his arms and shook it vigorously. This action was quite skillful and he did not feel shy. The others also looked surprised, but I know how boss Zhao has shocking methods.

In fact, this matter is simple to say. The so-called competition refers to operational consciousness, and operation is related to hand speed and reaction speed. As for consciousness, it is also the accumulation of experience. It's just a reaction on the spot.

And Zhao Heng has a way to improve the reaction speed and hand speed of an ordinary person. Not to mention that the four people have been exposed to the rain and dew in the market these days. Although there are many people, Zhao Heng does not treat anyone badly.

In terms of physical fitness It is already better than most people. If a few more meridians are opened, it will be even better than ordinary people.

This is the magic of martial arts.

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