I’m the Pay Thief at the Winery

Vol 2 Chapter 498: trying to get off work on time

After the three views collapsed for a moment, Amuro Toru quickly stabilized his mind.

Kazami looked at his boss with admiration.

——As expected of Mr. Amuro! Even this kind of thing can be accepted so quickly!

Amuro took a deep breath and calmed himself down.

Ignoring those... those unreasonable things, judging from this report, there are only two things that Akai Shuichi really did—

"Successfully connected with someone, and left the bar...?" Amuro muttered to himself.

"Mr. Amuro, what did you say?"

"Akai Shuichi should be led out of the bar by that person." Amuro turned to the last page of the report, "What about the back?"

Feng Jian was a little embarrassed, "Our people are lost."

"Well." Amuro Toru was not angry. After all, if the person who met Shuichi Akai was the person he guessed...

If these people can keep up, there will be ghosts.

"I see." He rubbed his eyebrows and waved Feng Jian away.

He has been very busy lately. After knowing that the murderer who killed Ryuichi Misawa was Belmod, he spent most of his time tracking and investigating Belmod. It's a pity that the woman is very defensive and proficient in disguise, and he has almost nothing.

While he was busy organizing things, something seemed to be happening over the Rats too. The fake identity that he worked there was also affected.

But Amuro had no intention of caring about the turmoil in the underground world, because...

The debt he owed before has finally come to his door.

Thinking of this, Amuro couldn't help frowning, and took out his mobile phone, where the instructions from Rum were clearly visible.

If I remember correctly, this is where the human experimentation project that Chart is in charge of is located.

Although this result is lucky enough for himself who owes Rum's favor - even in order to gain trust, Amuro Toru doesn't want to make too many murders. In exchange for obtaining the information from Charter, Rum's request could not be refused.

&n7It's obviously an easier job with Chart, not to mention that he's also thought about investigating human experiments before. only……

Amuro sighed deeply.

If possible, he doesn't really want to provoke Chater again at this time.

On the one hand, it was because Belmod came to Japan, and on the other hand, it was because of Chart's warning.

- 'If this thing is not done well, my end will be more terrible than death. ’

Chat said so.

Amuro Toru recalled the conversation at that time, and his face was a little ugly.

Clearly, the organization cares about this. At this time, Rum's intervention seemed particularly suspicious. If he really...he would probably use him as a gunner.

Sure enough, Rum's favor was not so good.

He smiled wryly.

And, there's Chat...

From its own standpoint, it is necessary to prevent the research of the organization. If Chat's mission fails because of his own interference...

wrong. Amuro said to himself. You can't sympathize with a criminal. Chart has no less sin on his hands than anyone in the organization.

Chart's material flashed through his mind, and he tried not to recall what Chart had said.


&n7Laboratory Building...

Really need to think more about it.

"...Who is talking about me?" He rubbed his nose, closed the book in his hand, and glanced at the time.

"It's time to get off work."

He got up and stretched, hearing the comforting 'kara kara' sound from his spine.


Nan Ling fished out his jacket—yesterday it was summer, but today it suddenly turned into late autumn.

He grunted in dissatisfaction and opened the door.

——Then looked at Andrews who was about to raise his hand to knock on the door.

"It's time to get off work." Nan Ling said, adhering to the spirit of "workers can't let the capitalists pick up half a wool".

Ander Burger gave him a strange look, "Not yet for me."

He doesn't know how Charter's commute is scheduled, but for the organization's current lead researcher, he can schedule his own commute.

Nan Ling was silent for two seconds, trying to understand Anderberg's logic...

Thinking unsuccessfully.

So he gave a commercial smirk, "Yes to me. Excuse me, let me?"

"I have no more blood." Ander Burger completely ignored Nan Ling's words and pointed to his arm, "You promised me."

"...Ah, yes." Nan Ling had an expression as if he had just remembered this, "It seems that there is such a thing."

Underberg was interested in his own blood.

And according to him, his own blood is his hobby.

"There is such a thing," said Underberg firmly. "It's not like that."

Nan Ling looked at this solid eye with a smile, "Do you want to draw my blood now?"

"Can't you?" Underberg asked suspiciously, "You promised me."

Nan Ling shrugged and looked at his watch again, "Although it's already off-duty time, since I have nothing to do after that..."

Anderberg looked at him inquiringly, with pure curiosity in his eyes.

"Okay." Nan Ling didn't make it too difficult for him, "Where is it?"

Although he has tried several times and Unigu has been monitoring it, Anderberg's performance is indeed not abnormal-compared to his abnormal mental state~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I thought it could be Organizational trust, authority and members of their own level or even higher are all concerned. Even if Anderberg is really an Asperger's patient, the character can't be so simple and direct...

Are you really being too wary?

Nan Ling restrained his aimless consciousness and stared at the tip of the needle that pulled out his vein.

"Only? Is that enough?"

He was afraid that Ander Burger would study the silver bullets diligently—since his own blood could allow him to fish, Nan Ling naturally wanted him to touch as many as possible.

"Enough is enough. Although it is similar to blood, it has a different purpose." Ander Burger looked up at him, his pupils behind the lens revealed a disturbing frenzy, and those black eyes looked at Nan Ling , like looking at a rare treasure in a museum, or a newly discovered creature-precious and full of research value.

Now he is a bit like a member of the high-ranking organization.

Nan Ling looked at him with interest.

Ander Burger put his eyes back on the blood in the test tube again, his tone was a little creepy with obsession.

"I'm... very economical."

I am the salary thief of the winery https://

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