I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 106 Lone Survivor

Magnetstar believes that this is the price he pays for disrespecting Father God——

He was abandoned.

Magnetar searched the entire Needle Stone Forest and found no living tribesman, nor any sign of life.

The entire civilization was destroyed and he was the only survivor.

"Why don't you run away?" Magnet star cursed while rummaging around in frustration.

All the clan members died, and there was no news about Father God. It took Magnet a long time to adjust his emotions.

He learned the etiquette he learned when traveling, erected a tombstone for his tribe, put his red cloth into a box made of magnets, and buried it.

"Father God, the disaster has passed. Now I will give you back what you gave me."

At this moment, Magneto didn’t know whether he believed in Father God or not.

Maybe I believe it.

All he knew was that everything was gone and his faith was meaningless.

But he hasn't given up hope yet.

"I must find the source of the disaster and solve it."

Magneto made an oath in front of the tombstone to his dead tribesmen and his missing father.

He built a cylindrical building on the ruins of civilization, just like what was common in their civilization, it was an upright conch shell.

Magnetar searched for traces of various disasters in the Acupuncture Stone Forest every day, and he slowly discovered that the disaster that destroyed the entire Acupuncture Stone Forest was a major earthquake.

A sudden big earthquake.

He continued to explore day after day, and sometimes he would leave the Needle Stone Forest to obtain information from other places in the abyss.

Until one time, after Magnetar returned to the Needle Stone Forest again, he discovered that there were signs of life here again.

After a major earthquake, stone pillars collapse, mineral veins break, and newborns may not appear for a long time. Magnetar can only wait alone, hoping that everything will appear again.

However, as time passed, the stone pillars finally began to grow again, the mineral veins continued to form, and life began to breed in the stone forest.

Magnetar was excited.

"We have a companion again!"

With a new companion, at least I'm not alone.

At that time, civilization can still be rebuilt. Although it will be very difficult, it will soon be back to the way it was before.

Although things and people have changed, the Acupuncture Stone Forest will eventually become lively again.

Magnetar waited anxiously in front of the vein, hoping that those newborns would appear soon.

Finally one day, a new baby was born.

After the newborn was born, he lay next to the mine, staring blankly above, lifeless, like a lifeless sculpture.

"Are you still absorbing knowledge?" Magnetar has never seen such a situation.

He had often stayed in the mines before and was very familiar with newborns. When they were first born, they were full of curiosity about the things around them.

So almost everyone will be very active, running around in the mineral veins, and even causing destruction unconsciously.

Magneto has also helped catch those naughty newborns before. Although they are naughty, they are not very powerful. After being caught, they will be very obedient if they are taught well.

But this one?

"A bit too quiet. Is it because of your personality?"

Magneto stretched out his hand and shook it in front of the newborn's dull eyes. His move startled the newborn.

The newborn finally responded. He stood up, looked at the magnetar, and seemed to be interested in the outside world.

The newborn looked timid and looked at Magnet, who was much taller than him. After finding that Magnet was not hostile, his expression became dull again.

Immediately afterwards, the strange newborn moved, found another open place, and continued to lie down.

And then became hopeless again.

"what happened?"

So lazy? Magnetar only thought it was because of the newborn's personality. After all, Magnetar himself was an anomaly.

Magnetar had no choice but to let the newborn lie down and pay no attention to him.

However, as more and more babies are born, Magnetar discovers something terrible.

These newborns all looked lethargic and showed no interest in anything around them. They were completely different from the ones he had seen before.

The magnetar slowly touches these newborns, testing their reactions to various things.

Soon, he discovered the reason for the strange state of these newborns - they were missing many emotions.

Except fear.

These newborns will behave in a variety of ways out of fear, but once they feel safe, they will begin to do nothing.

Magnetar looked at these "defective products", and the more he looked at them, the more he felt that they were not his companions.

Only then did he realize that he had been wishful thinking all along.

These new miners are no longer his companions.

Magneto returned to his home dejectedly and continued to search for the cause of the earthquake alone.

However, after such a long time, Magnetar also felt tired. He searched for various clues mechanically and went to see the development of those "defective products" from time to time.

He originally thought that these "defective products" would continue to accumulate in the veins and continue to rot, but unexpectedly, the war began.

Magnetar renewed hope.

War is the manifestation of desire, they must be fighting for something!

Magnetar, full of hope, found these mining tribes and wanted to know if they had some kind of emotion that triggered a war caused by desire.

However, contrary to expectations, the reason for these wars among the mining tribes is also due to the fear of the unknown.

The disappointed Magnetar returned to the black building again and continued his life day after day.

The repeated blows made him gradually numb, and loneliness devoured his tired soul. He even forgot the time.

Until a mining clan with red crystals all over his body knocked on his door.

That was a ruby ​​clan member.

"Is this your home? It's so beautiful." The Ruby Man walked into his home minding his own business.

Like a curious newborn, the Ruby clan wandered around Magnetar's room, bumping here and there, and breaking Magnetar's stone sculptures.

The power of this ruby ​​clan is very powerful, which is not possible for a newborn baby, but he doesn't seem to be able to control his power.

Magnetar didn't pay attention to the broken things, but asked excitedly: "Where are you from and what is your name?"

The Ruby tribe was very naughty, but when Magnetar asked questions, he still put down the things in his hands obediently, and then replied politely: "My name is Iron Fish, I was born in the No. 3 Iron Ore Barracks, but if they want to beat me, I will run away." Out."

"Are you from the Iron Clan?" Magnet Star looked at his gorgeous rubies and asked in confusion.

"Yes." Tie Yu nodded blankly.

"Didn't your knowledge tell you what iron looks like?" Magnetar was very confused.

"I know what iron looks like. I used to look like that..."

Under Magnetstar's inquiry, Tieyu obediently told his story and changes.

From the time he was born to the time he was dragged into fighting and then expelled, Iron Fish made it clear and without any defense.

Only then did Magnet know that Tieyu was really a newborn.

"When I was ignorant before, something touched me, and I got this kind of power. I don't understand why." Tieyu himself was also very confused.

When Magneto heard this, he instantly remembered something - the red turban given to him by God the Father.

He rushed to the tombstone and dug a big hole. The box he had buried before lay intact on the ground.

But when I opened it, it was empty.

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