I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 111 Black Tower Monitoring Station

Nothing happened in Acupuncture Stone Forest.

There is no giant rock that breaks through the sky, and there are no fireworks all over the sky.

There was only a sudden faint aurora.

Shi Beng felt that the powerful force in the stone forest had disappeared. He guessed that something had happened and went to pursue his fear again.

Li Luo stood on the hillside, looking at the psychedelic aurora in a daze.

Mo Ling was sitting in the metal block, looking thoughtfully at the white bracelet on his hand. He didn't notice that the red scarf in the corner trembled slightly.

"Let's go."

Li Luo's call interrupted Mo Ling's thinking.

"Go to the monitoring station."

The environment of the disorderly sand dunes was indeed very harsh, and Mo Ling felt that the previous acupuncture stone forest was full of vitality.

The endless sand dunes and the sky full of dust make people feel like they have arrived at some place of death.

After leaving the acupuncture stone forest, the scenery on the road remained unchanged.

But in Mo Ling's field of vision, many small wandering creatures began to appear under the sand dunes, burrowing around under the ground.

After walking for some distance, we also saw some cactus-like plants, which were tall and round and very abrupt on the sand dunes.

The underground roots penetrate deeper than even Mo Ling can see. There are also rich biota next to these roots, and there are many small animals on the ground gnawing on these plants.

Not only that, predators also began to appear. Some lizards were crawling around on the sand dunes, looking for plants. When they saw the plants, they rushed up to hunt the small insects on the plants.

Going further, some strange floating creatures appeared in the sand dunes. They looked like tumbleweeds and had a faint blue light inside.

The floating height is not high. There is a long tube-like organ extending to the ground, which has been sucking sand and transporting it into the air.

Just like a vacuum cleaner, after sucking up the sand in one area, it slowly floats to another place and starts sucking it again.

The sand was sent into the blue light and began to rotate and filter. After a while, it was suddenly ejected and scattered on the ground.

It must be some kind of filter feeder, but are there really any nutrients in that sand?

Moring even saw some flying predators that specialized in feeding on this floating creature.

They look like vultures, except that their skin is like a mirror, their wings are like flakes, and their flying posture is particularly erratic.

After swooping down next to the floating creature, they will first use their claws to stimulate the floating creature. The attacked floating creature will shrink instantly, squeezing out part of the blue light in its body.

This blue light is obviously very lethal and will spin the surrounding air and even create a huge tornado.

But these predators are not afraid of this kind of light. They will rush up before the light turns into a storm and surround the light with their wings. After several reflections, the blue light will be completely absorbed by them.

After that, he followed the same method, continuing to stimulate the floating creatures and continuously absorbing blue light, until the floating creatures became sluggish and they slowly flew away.

It seems to be a sustainable predatory behavior.

Mo Ling and Li Luo were both amazed when they saw it. The second level of the abyss was really amazing.

There are many more such strange creatures, and they are so diverse that people can’t take their eyes off them.

The short journey to the monitoring station took a long time due to stops and starts.

"That should be the one in front."

Li Luo held the electronic screen and looked at the map on it. Not far ahead was the nearest monitoring station outside the Acupuncture Stone Forest.

This monitoring station has a very nice name - Black Tower.

With Li Luo's click, the introduction of this monitoring station also appeared on the electronic screen:

The Black Tower was not originally a monitoring station.

It is the petrified remains of some kind of creature. When this remains was first found, all the hunters were shocked.

Because it was so unexpected. A huge black stone building was suddenly discovered in the desert. It was hard not to make people suspicious.

However, as the research deepened, people discovered that the composition of the black tower is calcium carbonate.

This is an environment similar to a coral reef.

Perhaps many years ago, the Black Tower was still alive, but as life passed away, the main body of calcium remained and became a solid building under the influence of nature.

Although it is made of calcium, researchers also discovered some unknown network structure inside the black tower, which also makes the entire black tower very strong and difficult to collapse.

Like coral reefs, a rich biological population has formed inside the black tower, and those weak creatures hide in the pores inside the black tower.

The solid structure of the Black Tower can withstand the elusive sandstorms and giant creatures in the disorderly sand dunes. The pores inside can store water during the change of day and night, so that the plants can flourish.

After humans discovered the Black Tower, they began to study the creatures in the Black Tower. At first, it was just a garrison. Later, more and more people came to the Black Tower, and the interior of the Black Tower was gradually built up.

Without damaging the ecology as much as possible, humans occupied an entire black tower and built various facilities and passages inside as a research base for the second-level creatures of the abyss.

The safe environment in the Black Tower also gave many hunters who were crawling around on the second floor of the abyss some breathing space, and they used it as a temporary transit station.

So slowly, the Black Tower became an officially recognized monitoring station, taking on more and more roles.

Most of the monitoring stations on the second floor of the abyss are built in this way, and the black tower is just one of them. This also illustrates that humans make the best use of the abyss.

Although Mo Ling's vision was limited and he couldn't see the black tower in the distance, there happened to be a few pictures of it on the electronic screen.

It does look like a tall tower in the picture, but there are many dense holes on the surface, some big and some small.

There is also a scattering of small towers under the black tower, which look very similar to a patch of coral reef.

There are also many strange vine-like plants in the pores of these tower-shaped buildings. They shuttle back and forth inside and outside the holes, seeming to grow attached to these towers.

There are also some invisible flocks of flying birds in the picture. There are a lot of them. They probably use those holes as nests to escape the dangers in the disorderly sand dunes.

Judging from the size and proportion, this black tower is indeed huge. No wonder it can form a unique ecology.

Mo Ling guessed that some of the creatures he just saw might have come out of the black tower, which is why the surroundings looked so vibrant.

Li Luo retracted the electronic screen, but did not move forward. Instead, he lowered his head and looked at his chest.

What's wrong?

She picked up her nameplate, and the strange words on it were slowly changing, as if something was about to appear.

Only then did Mo Ling realize that Li Luo's nameplate had not been updated since arriving on the second floor of the abyss.

"It seems that there will be changes after staying on the second floor of the abyss for a period of time."

There should be a title, right?

Many domineering names flashed through Mo Ling's mind, and he didn't know which one Li Luo would get.

However, the text seemed to have been distorted for a long time, and Li Luo's expression became increasingly strange, as if he realized something was wrong.

has a problem?

Fortunately, those twisted words finally began to stabilize, and a circle of mysterious patterns formed around them.

The moment he saw the words, Morrington was dumbfounded.

He had heard of the title on the nameplate.

"Level 2 hunter, Fire Thief Li Luo."

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