I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 118 Signs of Chaos

Under the introduction of the little nurse, Bai Zhou became the bodyguard of the medical team, protecting them when they went out.

Bai Zhou also discovered at this time that the price of his relic seemed to be permanent. Even if he took off his helmet, he would not turn back into a handsome fishman.

"Oh, humans are so ugly."

How can we return to the fish-men tribe like this? Even if I go back, I won't be recognized.

However, he just settled down as he came, so Bai Zhou simply settled down in the Black Tower, and then learned all kinds of human knowledge from the little nurse every day...

"Don't follow me!" the little nurse said angrily to Bai Zhou who was following behind her: "I'm going to have an operation."

"But they asked me to ask you if I have any questions." Bai Zhou put his hand on his helmet and explained at a loss.

The little nurse sighed, and then softened her tone: "Just wait for me to come out."

So Bai Zhou waited outside the operating room all night.

Early the next morning, the nurse came out of the operating room tiredly and saw Bai Zhou still sitting upright in the chair.

"Aren't you sleepy?" She was a little angry.

"There's no need for fishmen to sleep."


After a moment of silence, the little nurse sat next to him and said, "What did you want to ask yesterday? Just ask."

Bai Zhou took out a box of chocolates and gave them to the little nurse.

"It's nothing. Our unit issued this. Murlocs can't eat it and will be poisoned. I'll give it to you."

After saying that, Bai Zhou stood up and left the hospital.

During the time he lived in the Black Tower, Bai Zhou also tried to prove that he was a fish-man, but no one believed him.

Some time later, he returned to the military and joined the hospital, hoping to prove this matter biologically with his own efforts, but before he could prove it, the distortion of the Black Tower appeared.

Bai Zhou pointed at the electronic screen and argued with Li Luo.

"You don't need to read the records of the relic. I have told them many times that this is wrong, but they don't believe it."

Li Luo nodded helplessly and "admitted" that he was the fish-man.

There is absolutely no point in arguing with him about this matter. The most important thing at the moment is the distortion of the Black Tower.

After listening to his story, Mo Ling finally understood why he was not affected by the Black Tower.

For Bai Zhou, like those ghosts in the acupuncture stone forest before, his knowledge of his identity is completely locked and cannot be changed at all.

"It seems that this is indeed a distortion of identity." Mo Ling thought to himself.

But why does it lead to language confusion?

Is this just a sign?

Li Luo also guessed this and asked Bai Zhou what happened in the black tower.

Bai Zhou found his record on the electronic screen and shared it with Li Luo.

"When it first started, the distortion didn't happen so quickly."

In the eyes of many people, the Black Tower Monitoring Station is a stable harbor. Even if you don't have to venture to the ruins, you can still survive in the abyss with some life skills.

Safe and discreet.

There are also various ecosystems. Even if you are tired from work one day, you can find a hole in the cave to see the strange natural landscape and soothe your body and mind.

However, the higher the black tower is, the more dangerous it is, so the human gathering place is at the bottom, and no one will be idle walking up.

Only some professional hunter teams employed by the institute will travel to the heights of the Black Tower to collect rare biological samples.

The first distortion appeared in these hunter teams returning to the monitoring station from the heights of the black tower.

On an ordinary day, a team of hunters returned with a full load and arrived at the checkpoint of the monitoring station. The guards routinely disinfected and tested them.

Everything was normal. Seeing that the captain was an acquaintance, the soldier casually asked, "Did everything go well this time?"

The captain listened to the guard's words, but his face was full of doubts and he did not answer.

The guard didn't pay attention and continued to check the samples brought back by the team. After finding nothing unusual, he waved his hand and asked them to pass as soon as possible.

Seeing the guard's gesture allowing passage, the captain turned his head and shouted to his teammates behind him: "Study!"

Immediately afterwards, the team members also responded loudly: "Sleep!"

When the captain turned around and wanted to enter, the guard who noticed something was wrong finally stopped him: "Now I suspect there is something wrong with your team, you have to come with us."

But what responded to him was the captain's confused eyes.

At this time, the guard realized that the situation might be more serious than he thought. He quickly reported the abnormality, and the team was sent to a special isolation point.

They were suspected of some unknown disease.

After examination, the doctor at the monitoring station quickly discovered that the team members' language system was completely confused.

Their vocabulary has been completely replaced by another word with a completely different meaning, and the two have no connection at all.

Completely random, no rules at all.

However, these team members can communicate smoothly with each other without any barriers.

Apart from this, there are no other abnormalities in the bodies of these team members. They are still jumping around and are no different from normal people.

The medical staff had no choice but to use communication methods such as pictures and paintings to explain the situation to the team members and at the same time learn from them the cause.

Through the graphics, the medical staff asked the captain if he encountered any strange things or came into contact with anything during this exploration, but the captain said everything was normal.

They just followed the previous path to the heights of the Black Tower, found the target creature, collected samples, and returned.

No dangers were encountered along the way, and no unusual situations occurred.

The biological samples brought back by the team were tested and found to contain no unknown bacteria or viruses.

The medical staff speculated that they may have been affected by some kind of widespread relic phenomenon, so they were asked to live together to see if they would return to normal over time.

A few days passed like this.

One morning, a cleaning staff delivered meals to the house where the team lived as usual, helped them put away the garbage and clean the house. Everything seemed ordinary.

But when he left, one of the team members said "thank you" to him.

"It's okay," the cleaning staff replied calmly.

After he finished disinfecting and walked out of the isolation point, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

He rushed back to the isolation point and reminded the doctor on duty: "Those people who were distorted seem to have recovered! I can just understand what they are saying!"

However, the doctor looked at his electronic screen thoughtfully.

His hands holding the electronic screen were trembling more and more, and he was flipping through it desperately, as if he was looking for something.

"Did you hear that? That team has recovered. That kind of distortion should be time-sensitive! Go check it out quickly." The cleaning staff reminded eagerly.

But the doctor picked up the electronic screen and held it in front of him.

There is a mess of text on it, densely packed, and every word can be understood, but in front of the cleaning staff, it looks like a bunch of garbled characters.

"It's not that they recovered, it's that we got sick too!"

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