I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 121 The Ceremony of the Robed Man

"Next is the legs."



"It can be seen that some non-human structures have been produced in the heart."

Bai Zhou explained while dissecting, while Dr. Li gritted his teeth and used runes to keep his wounds healed.

But in order for Bai Zhou to see clearly the structure of his body, he would often interrupt the healing of the runes...

"Dr. Li, are you feeling okay?"

No one responded.

Bai Zhou continued to open Dr. Li's head, and an abnormal organ appeared inside, but it was very hidden.

Bai Zhou placed the bloody organs on the tray and held them up to the camera.

"There are also abnormal structures in the brain that may affect a twisted person's thinking."


"After the autopsy was completed, the distortion in the black tower was determined to be an organic disease, not mental. This is exactly what Dr. Li had guessed before."

"This also corresponds to the strange shadows seen when scanning the body."

Bai Zhou held up pictures one after another, which were multi-angle scans of those strange organs.

At this moment, the door to the operating room was suddenly knocked open.

The tray containing the organs was knocked to the ground, and a group of people swarmed in and trampled the strange organs under their feet.

It wasn't until he was pushed to the operating table by the crowd that the leader noticed that there was a bloody corpse on the operating table.

Bai Zhou reached out his hand and turned off the camera.

After Li Luo read it, he was so shocked that he didn't know what to say.

Bai Zhou pulled out the storage device, put it aside, and then said calmly: "He asked me to help him finish the animation and take it out of the black tower."

"It should be that he knows that I will not be distorted, so he trusts me."

After a moment of silence, Li Luo nodded.

"The grilled fish is ready, let's eat some."


Bai Zhou led Li Luo around a large circle, even outside the black tower, and jumped to another hole before arriving at the pass leading to higher places.

"We can't get around this place ahead. We have to fight. Those people in robes are already very different from humans. Don't hold back." Bai Zhou advised.

In the distance is a guard post, with two robed men guarding the door.

After watching Bai Zhou's previous videos, Mo Ling also knew the existence of that strange organ.

He hadn't noticed these organs at all before, and even if he had, he couldn't tell them apart.

Because these organs are so small and indistinguishable from the surrounding tissue, they look like a small growth.

At present, Mo Ling also found this kind of organ in the bodies of these robed people.

"So hidden."

These organs grow at the edges of the heart and brain, in the same location for each robed figure.

"Try peeling them off."

As soon as he thought of it, Mo Ling made the teleportation frame smaller and instantly peeled off the heart organ of a man in robes guarding the road.

What Mo Ling didn't expect was.

The man in the robe who had lost his organs suffered a cardiac arrest. He suddenly fell to the ground in pain, clutching his heart, and soon became silent.

Such a big impact?

Mo Ling didn't expect this.

The companions of the dead man in robes quickly noticed the strange situation and quickly shouted a character, which turned into armor and protected him tightly.

He looked around vigilantly, shouted out an eyeball-shaped rune, and floated into the air, trying to find the hidden enemy.

But this was of no use to Mo Ling.

"This time I'll peel it off somewhere else."

Mo Ling aimed at the strange organ on his head and activated the teleportation.

The moment the organ disappeared, the black armor on the man in the robe suddenly disappeared out of thin air, and the eyeballs that were floating upward also suddenly disappeared.

But the man in the robe did not suffer any harm. It seemed that the teleportation just now did no harm to him.

However, his expression instantly turned to fear.

He opened his mouth, seemingly wanting to use that power again, but no sound came out.

As if falling into a state of confusion, he held his head and kept opening his mouth to "scream" silently.

After realizing that he could no longer speak, he ran back in panic, but at this time, Bai Zhou had already rushed forward.

A slender tentacle of water emerged from the diving helmet, thrust forward quickly, and plunged into the back of the man in the robe, stabbing him through.

The man in the robe still had his mouth open when he fell, and no sound came out.

Bai Zhou waved his hand, indicating to continue moving forward.

Going further, there were more than a dozen men in robes at the sentry post. They were gathering together in a circle, chanting some words as if singing.

The sound of these words mixed together is particularly beautiful, and it sounds sacred, like the beautiful sound of singing in a church.

Everyone sang completely different words, but they came together like a harmony.

If you listen carefully, you will find that they are pronouncing common words, but their tones are very graceful and graceful, as if they are expressed in another way.

"Three thousand pot lids of milk appeared when the light bulb struck~"

The combination of these words of unknown meaning merged into a mysterious and sacred song that echoed in this hole.

But the scene around the man in the robe has nothing to do with holiness.

A huge ball of black blood was floating in the center of the men in robes, and blood lines extended from the blood balls to the wrists of the men in robes.

The blood line was still twisting strangely in the air, and it seemed to be flowing rapidly.

"Are they absorbing this blood?"

Mo Ling observed it for a while and realized that it didn't seem to be the case.

These men in robes are squeezing blood from their own bodies.

After squeezing the blood from the body, the man in the robe sang a song while taking out some sundries from the pocket of the robe, threw them into the blood cell, and mixed things into it.

The stuff mixed in was also very strange, like rotten sawdust and rotten leaves collected from various other places.

Finally, the contaminated blood returns to the body of the man in the robe through the blood line.

Because the blood line is mixed with those corrupt residues, it carries many small black fragments inside, which looks very dirty.

But these people in robes are still absorbing this blood hungrily.

In Mo Ling's field of vision, the broken leaves were still very sharp and even cut open the blood vessels of the man in the robe.

The sawdust blocked the blood flow, and the sharp thorns stuck into the blood vessel walls, but the man in the robe didn't care.

The songs they sang seemed to contain incantations to help them recover. These rotten objects had just destroyed their bodies, and the incantations helped them recover.

The man in the robe had an expression of both pain and enjoyment, his eyes were full of confusion, and he was breathing heavily.

The stagnant blood caused problems with their oxygen supply, their faces were even a little blue, and their eyes were protruding, but the runes were hanging on to their lives, and they were immersed in this strange state.

Self harm?

Mo Ling couldn't understand the behavior of these robed men. The debris flowed through their bodies along their blood vessels, destroying them everywhere, but the strange organs in their bodies did not change.

There is no increase in strength and no benefits.

Just pure destruction of the body.

Some fragments even got stuck somewhere in the body, forming disgusting black lumps that made Mo Ling shiver.

None of the robed people I saw before had these lumps in their bodies, probably because they had never participated in this weird ritual.

Li Luo and Bai Zhou also stared blankly at these robed men.

"What are they doing?" Li Luo asked quietly.

Bai Zhou shook his head in confusion, took out the electronic screen, and recorded the strange ritual of the man in robe.

"have no idea."

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