I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 140 The World of Sound

"I'm going to call you Cube if you don't tell me?"

Seeing that Mo Ling didn't answer, Martin didn't care. He retracted his hand, squatted on the ground and grabbed a handful of sand.

He put the sand in his hands and rubbed it for a long time, and said to himself: "All the sand looks exactly the same."

Mo Ling's vision followed his gaze to the beach. The individual sands were not only exactly the same in size, shape and color, but even the wear and water stains on them were the same.

Copy and paste again.

"Your ability is quite powerful, you can actually penetrate his turtle shell." Martin sighed.

"Where is this?" Mo Ling looked around and asked in confusion.

"The world of sound is where the core ontology exists." Martin stood up and let the sand slowly fall from his hands: "These things are all made of sound."

"Look at those coconut trees, they all look exactly the same." Martin said, pointing to the coconut tree just now.

Mo Ling looked along the direction. Although these coconut trees were facing different directions, each one was exactly the same, and the coconuts were also exactly the same.

He aimed at a coconut and used teleportation to pull the coconut into the inside of the block.

When the coconut was peeled off, the coconut tree suddenly blurred, as if it could not maintain its stability, began to shake violently, and then suddenly exploded.

A strange syllable followed the explosion and spread across the beach.

It was like someone was chanting a word.

"Luruyi means coconut tree," Martin explained.

Mo Ling did not stop, but threw the intact coconut that had been peeled off from the cube again. Sure enough, the coconut exploded as soon as it appeared, but the syllables that appeared this time were completely different.

"It means coconut," Martin explained again.

"When creating this coconut tree, the syllables of the coconut tree should have been used as a whole, but you can actually separate the syllables of the coconut tree?"

Martin was shocked. The incident seemed very difficult for him to understand.

But soon, he explained the reason to Mo Ling.

In the world of sound, everything is created from syllables. For example, saying "luruyi" will create a coconut tree, which is a whole, including coconut, leaves, branches...

So when Mo Ling peels off the coconut, the coconut tree will disintegrate because it cannot maintain the whole body.

There is no single syllable of "coconut" in this entire creation process.

So Mo Ling's teleportation ability was to create a "coconut" syllable out of thin air.

"You have to study your ability carefully and understand its judgment rules. This is a very important thing." Martin warned: "Maybe your ability can touch the essence of the world."

As he spoke, Martin's tone became more and more excited, and he grabbed Mo Ling's hand.

"I will definitely take you out, whether it's here or the Black Tower, trust me."

Martin's sudden change of attitude confused Moring.

But he doesn't seem to have any hostility?

"I'll take you to find the core, follow me." Martin suddenly became motivated.

"That guy can't lie. He told me everything. Don't worry, follow me and kill him."

At this time, Martin was completely different from before. He looked full of fighting spirit. He called Mo Ling and walked towards the depths of the island.

After hesitating for a moment, Mo Ling decided to follow.

No matter what purpose Martin had, at least he couldn't stay here and wait to die.

Entering the depths of the island, everything around you seems to be rich and colorful, and all kinds of plants are full of vitality, but if you look carefully, you can still find many strange places.

All plants of the same type are exactly the same, and each one is copied and pasted. Although many types of plants are mixed together and cannot be seen, clues can still be found.

And there is no sound in the jungle of this island, it is extremely quiet.

"No animals?"

Mo Ling originally thought it was due to a lack of animals because he heard no birds or insects.

But when his vision dipped below the plants, he still found many kinds of small animals, and some identical birds were also standing on the branches.

But when they flap their wings, they are exposed. The movements of these birds are just like the videos. All the birds move in the same way, and the trajectory of the wing flaps is exactly the same.

This also caused them to take off at the same angle. Some birds hit the branches straight and then flapped their wings as if they were stuck.

Many birds are like this. They get stuck in certain places in the crown of the tree. If they are lucky, they will slip out and fly into the sky. If they are not lucky, they will stay stuck, waiting for the flapping of their wings to end, and then descend to the branches.

As we walked further, more and more animals were stuck in the woods, not only birds, but also some large creatures, stuck among the rocks and moving around.

"The way these creatures are created is very inferior. They are like game models. They only have action one, action two, and action three...repeating over and over again. It's okay if someone controls it, but it will happen if no one controls it." Martin looked at said the animals.

"Don't they have wisdom?" Mo Ling asked.

“Can you expect an object composed simply of sound to have independent intelligence?”

Martin stepped forward, summoned a knife and slashed at a stuck deer. The deer suddenly fell to the ground as if some mechanism had been triggered, and then died quickly. Then it turned into a strange syllable and floated in the wind. .

"This is their death movement." Martin explained a little weirdly: "They didn't even do the rotting movement. It was too cutting corners."

The two continued to walk forward, and when they came to a pool of water, Mo Ling had a sudden idea and launched a teleportation towards the pool.

After a hole appeared in the pool, waves began to form, and then the entire pool disappeared in an instant.

"I thought it was made of 'water', but I didn't expect it to be made of 'tan'." Mo Ling said helplessly.

Martin was very happy: "It seems that you have understood this world. This is a very inferior world. The cornerstone is too big. It can even be said that there is no cornerstone."

"Cornerstone?" Mo Ling noticed a strange word.

"Yes, the cornerstone." Martin explained: "It is the most basic component of the entire world."

"Isn't the cornerstone of this world sound?" Mo Ling was very puzzled.

"No, sound makes up the world, but it is not the cornerstone."

Martin educated Moling.

The world can be made up of many things, sound, light, flesh, even pasta, you name it. Sound is already one of the better ones.

But when creating the world, these things must first be used to form a "basic unit". This thing is called the "cornerstone". The cornerstone must be indestructible, and then the cornerstones can be used to form other things in the world.

"For example, sound is used to form the foundation stone first, and then the foundation stone is used to form the object. In this way, when the object is destroyed, it will not break into sound, but into other objects composed of the foundation stone."

"Creating a world is like building a castle with blocks. The correct way is to use sounds to form blocks, and then use blocks to build a castle, rather than directly using sounds to build a castle."

"That's why I say this world is inferior."

Martin picked up another clod of soil and crushed it in his hands. When he opened his palm again, what he saw was not broken soil, but an empty palm.

“In our world, scientists call the cornerstone another name, and guess what?”

Mo Ling thought for a moment and replied: "Elementary particles?"

"That's right."

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