I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 150 Martin’s Escape

The weirdo continued to give Martin instructions.

"After you wake up, you will be found by the guards to be asleep. You come to the second window on your left, first throw the flower pot on the table in front of the window towards the door, and then jump out of the window."

"Keep running forward and you will find a button-shaped relic. You can pick off the dried blood scab on your finger and give it to it. Press it and it will take you to a safe place."

"Then you can prepare the blood transfusion according to the formula. When your blood transfusion is completed, they will never be able to find you again."

After finishing speaking, under Martin's shocked gaze, the pickle can disappeared in an instant, leaving only a messy research institute.

Martin pressed his fingers on the information on the side, making the information stained with blood.

That pickle can man is me!

He could no longer control his trembling body and kept falling backwards.

Fear drove Martin to open his eyes and return to reality.

At this time, he was still lying on the chair, and the pickle can behind his head was empty.

But the surroundings were already in a mess, and for some reason there was a mess of blood marks on the data in the distance, as if someone had scribbled on it.

"I've fallen asleep. Who did this?"

Did someone come just now?

Just as Martin was thinking, the door to the laboratory room suddenly rang.

"What are the people inside doing?" The guard was knocking on the door frantically: "Don't think we don't know."

It's over, the fact that I fell into a dream was discovered.

They may suspect that they have been distorted by dreams, and may even use memory wipes on themselves. Martin understands their approach.

"They won't believe me."

During the period of being under surveillance, Martin became increasingly distrustful of official personnel. In many matters, they tended to use more extreme measures to nip any possible threat in the bud.

Martin instantly remembered what the pickle can man had said before he left, and he rushed to the second window on the left.

There is indeed a table in front of the window, but there are many flower trays on the table.

"which one?"

The pickle can man didn't make it clear.

The knocking on the door became louder and louder. Martin picked one at random and threw it over according to his own ideas, and then planned to jump out of the window.

With a bang, the door was knocked open instantly.

This is the third floor. If you jump, you will die or be disabled. Martin is still hesitating. The guard who rushed in has raised his gun and pointed it at him.

There was a gunshot, and Martin felt the bullet grazing his calf.

The guard who fired the gun slipped on the wet mud flowing out of the broken flower pot. The muzzle of the gun tilted and did not hit Martin's leg.

But Martin was also frightened by the gunshot and jumped down.

Just as he was falling, a forklift transporting goods slowly came over. Martin hit the soft cushioning foam on the top of the goods and rolled down the side of the goods to the ground.

His body was covered in dust, but he had no injuries at all.

The forklift driver braked and stopped, looking at Martin blankly.

But Martin did not stop. He got up and continued running forward.

After rolling on the ground a few times, he could no longer tell the direction. He only had the words of the canned man in his mind: "Keep running forward."

Whenever he reached a fork in the road, Martin kept running forward. Instead of choosing a hidden alley, he continued to run along the main road.

The guards behind him quickly caught up, but they were always blocked by various things.

Workers carrying materials for sealing relics, transport trucks loading relics, visiting government officials, stretchers transporting injured investigators...

They all cleverly blocked the path of the guards' pursuit, seriously slowing down their pace.

The guards were very familiar with this blocked military area, but they couldn't catch even a single medical staff member who wasn't running very fast.

The electronic screen in their hands kept showing Martin's position, but they couldn't reach that position.

It was as if something was deliberately blocking them.

Martin could no longer hear the shouts behind him, and he ran to the end of the road. This was the relic transfer warehouse, where some less important relics were temporarily stored.

He rushed through the warehouse door and continued running forward.

Rows of shelves are filled with a wide variety of items, and most of these relics are sealed in specific boxes.

"Where are the guards in the warehouse?" Martin was surprised. Although these relics were not powerful, they were still relics, and they were still in such large quantities.

In the past, this place was heavily guarded, and every time you came in, you had to go through layers of inspections.

He didn't know that the guards in the warehouse had been urgently mobilized by the guards to intercept him, but now they were trapped elsewhere.

Martin continued to run forward until he stood in front of a row of empty shelves.

There is only one red button on this shelf, lying quietly in the center, as if it has been there for a long time.

This button is like an emergency stop button that can be seen everywhere. There are a few wires connected to the back of the button, which is ordinary.

But Martin knew that everything in this relic warehouse was not as simple as it seemed.

The blood on my fingers has dried.

Martin picked off the thin blood scab and placed it in front of the button.

Feeling the blood scab, several wires of the button waved like tentacles and stuck directly on the blood scab.

The blood scab slowly disappeared, and a ball of red light followed the wire to the button. The red button lit up as if it was powered on.

Martin pressed it impatiently, and then he felt like he was suddenly separated from the world, as if a film was covering his skin.

His body suddenly floated into the air, and then he saw everything around him begin to move faster.

Walls flew towards him and passed through his body, and the barbed wire fence of the base also passed through his body, followed by mountains, lakes, and rivers.

Martin was outside the world, watching the external things keep changing. When he slowly slowed down again, the sky had turned black.

He stopped in an alley, the film slowly disappeared, and Martin fell to the ground again.

Walking out of the alley, Martin looked at the unfamiliar signs around him, and it took a lot of effort to recognize what the words were.

"This is Bangkok?"

Meanwhile, the Guard stood in front of the red button and looked at each other.

From their positioning, they saw Martin rushing into the warehouse, thinking they could catch a turtle in a urn, but they saw his position changing rapidly, rushing out of the base and flying towards the other side of the earth.

The positioning distance was not enough, and now Martin has disappeared.

The warehouse guard hurried over.

"Captain, we were trapped by the convoy just now..."

The guard captain waved his hand, pointed at the button and asked, "What kind of relic is this? He should have used this to escape."

The warehouse guard quickly took out the electronic screen, flipped through the cargo list, found the corresponding item on it, and handed it to the guard captain.

The captain looked at the record of this relic and was confused.

"Emergency stop button for Earth?"

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