I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 170 Shell Cemetery

Li Luo took out his observation equipment and flew into the distance.

This white sea of ​​shells seems to be very large, and the observation equipment has been flying very far without finding the boundary.

The picture returned was only a vast expanse of white, with endless shells piled up in it, no one knew how deep it was.

This space is very huge, with many tributaries flowing down the cave from the top. The water falls from the air into the sea of ​​shells, and then penetrates downward along the gaps.

No wonder these shells are a little moist.

"Are these shells of shell people?" Li Luo asked in surprise.

"It's impossible for me to admit my mistake. These guys have been causing trouble since the very beginning of Oasis City. I'm very familiar with them."

Lao Xu picked up a shell and explained it to Li Luo.

"There are white corrugated edges, and spiral patterns that have never appeared on other shellfish. There are left-hand and right-hand spirals at the same time, and there will be a folded corner on the spiral edge."

"Similar to oysters, they look all kinds of strange, but they are not as dirty as oysters. Even the crevices are clean."

"The texture is exactly the same..."

"The most important thing is that apart from the shell people, the shells that can appear in the desert come from other creatures."

Lao Xu turned over the fragments in his hand a few times and added: "Judging from the thickness, this should be the shell of the head."

He seemed very confident in his judgment.

After listening to Lao Xu's words, Li Luo also nodded: "Why are so many shell fragments piled up here?"

Lao Xu looked into the distance, thoughtfully: "This should be their cemetery."


How many shell people would have to die before a sea of ​​shells on this scale would appear?

Mo Ling was shocked.

"There are so many shell people, but they didn't succeed in taking down Oasis City?"

He has never seen a Shell Man, and he doesn't know how many shells a Shell Man retains after his death, but to be able to form such a large sea of ​​shells, the number of dead Shell Man must not be a small number.

Li Luo on the side asked in confusion: "How many shell people have died here? Did they all die here?"

Lao Xu was also a little excited and nodded: "I always thought this was just a rumor, but I didn't expect it to be true. The Shell Man Cemetery actually exists."

He thought for a moment and slowly told Li Luo and Li Luo about the rumors of the Shell Man.

What kind of creature are shell people?

Since the discovery of this creature, people in Oasis City have been trying to understand them, including their reproduction methods, civilization forms, etc.

But these shell people are really elusive. They will appear in the oasis city at any time as if they have completed their mission. After causing trouble, they will disappear and hide in the deep underground waterways. There is no pattern at all.

With the unremitting efforts of Oasis City researchers, they caught some shell men who failed to escape in time after causing trouble.

These shell men were then put into cells.

However, after the shell people realized that they could no longer escape, they hid in the corner and remained motionless. No matter how much the researchers stimulated them, they remained indifferent.

Just like the shellfish lying on the beach, these shell people will not resist or communicate. They close their shells tightly to protect themselves.

They don't eat or drink, and after a while, these motionless shell people will die quietly, with their shells open.

Researchers dissected the bodies of these dead shell people and found that the soft structure inside their shells was like a combination of humans and shellfish. It was very strange, and there were many organs whose effects were unknown.

Of course, reproductive organs similar to those of shellfish have also been found.

After that, Oasis City also captured some shell people one after another, and conducted research on these shell people. Apart from the fact that the living shell people can tightly close their shells, there is no physical difference between the living shell people and the dead shell people.

As the shell people continued to invade, researchers also discovered that they had a tribe-like population pattern. Some shell people would direct other shell people to attack certain places.

Their method of communication is to use shells to make a certain rhythmic sound, which is similar to Morse code, but more complex.

Not only that, in the process of constant confrontation with humans, the shell people have become more and more cunning, and have become more and more familiar with human methods, making it more difficult to capture.

The most terrifying thing is that they seem to know the consequences of being captured alive.

As if to prevent the enemy from studying them, these shell people will close their shells tightly after determining that they cannot escape, and then secrete a decomposition liquid inside to completely decompose their bodies.

What the researchers ended up with was an empty shell that served no purpose.

At the same time, the Shellmen seem to be continuing to learn about human civilization.

At first, he just rushed into Oasis City blankly, and then began to destroy power generation equipment, blow up weapons warehouses, and use transport vehicles to infiltrate, making it difficult for people to guard against.

Finally, some people in Oasis City couldn't bear it anymore and organized a "shell extermination" team to go deep into the underground sewers to eliminate the shell people.

They deliberately let some of the shell men who attacked Oasis City escape, and then secretly followed him into the underground waterway.

Unfortunately, there are underground waterways extending in all directions. In the end, the "Shell Destroyer" team returned to Oasis City for safety reasons.

This kind of team has been established many times, but in the end it all ended without any problem.

Until a team said that they had been tracking the Shell Man and found that the Shell Man had gone to a cemetery full of shells. Unfortunately, this team returned in a hurry because of the earthquake and left no evidence.

However, the matter of the Shell Cemetery was still recorded as one of the few shell information.

"You can check it out. There should be information about the cemetery." Old Xu said to the two of them.

Li Luo checked it on the electronic screen and found that there was indeed a corresponding record, but it was also stated that this was just a rumor and not completely credible.

"Why did they come to the cemetery?" Li Xiangyi lowered his head and stepped on the thick shells, asking in confusion.

"Who knows? Oasis City still knows too little about them." Lao Xu sighed helplessly.

The water continued to fall, hitting the pieces of shells and splashing out a moist mist.

"Keep walking and see, my intuition is still guiding me." Lao Xu looked ahead and said seriously.

There is no other way now but to take one step at a time.

Several people stepped on the shells and continued to move forward.

The sound of cracking was mixed with the sound of water flow, the air was filled with a faint mist, and the faint smell of shellfish filled the humid air.

Li Xiangyi's light belt still maintained bright sunlight, illuminating the surrounding area.

But the mist seemed to be getting more and more humid, and the sunlight shone on the mist, reflecting a strange rainbow.

The water mist changes continuously with the impact of the falling water above. When the water flow is strong, it becomes dense. When the water flow is thin, it gradually dissipates, over and over again.

The rainbow also began to appear and disappear, and its position kept changing, moving and flashing rapidly in the mist.

Not only that, there are more and more rainbows.

As they walked further inside, the rainbow light had already surrounded everyone.


There was a sudden sound of shells being struck.

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