I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 212 Between the Sand and the Sea

The massacre of the little spinner turtles continues.

The number of small spinner turtles is increasing, and the behavior of predators is becoming more and more crazy.

This is a thrilling adventure for the little spinner turtle, and it may even cost him his life.

But for the predators who are feasting, it's an all-you-can-eat feast.

The sand waves are like a never-ending conveyor belt, transporting fragile and plump turtles from afar. As long as the predators wait where they are, turtles will be delivered into their mouths.

Unconsciously, these predators no longer concealed themselves, and appeared one after another, close to the sea surface, rolling and fighting for each other.

Various predators also let go of their prejudices at this time, and many different types of predators mixed together. Because food was completely abundant, they seemed not to care at all about sharing their territory.

The little spinner turtles also adopt various evasive methods, the most effective of which is to bury their bodies in the sand waves, so that they can avoid most predators.

However, some predators see right through their camouflage and pinpoint these tiny spinner turtles in hiding.

But more predators have not discovered these hidden little spinner turtles, or they do not bother to spend time looking for these deeply buried "treasures". There are many conspicuous foods out there that will not be hidden.

What a brutal orgy.

Blood flows into the ocean, and some small fish swim in groups. They gather in groups and rush towards the fallen debris, eating the leftovers that these large predators look down upon.

Even though it was just a sip of soup, it was also a thick soup full of meat residue and rich in nutrients.

Schools of small fish wandered back and forth, and just after eating one place, they were led to another place by the blood. It was obvious that they could also feast in this feast.

Li Luo was lying in front of the porthole of the room, watching this scene calmly.

There was no expression on her face except a little curiosity.

This is just a law of nature. The same thing may be happening at the junction of the other three floors and the second floor.

Death and life are inherently one, and the death of the little spinner turtle is inseparable from the vitality of this sea area.

Fortunately, humans were hiding in the hard sand ships and were not affected by this feast.

Just as a bystander, I glimpsed the cruelty of the abyss.

Captain He’s voice started to sound again:

"We are about to reach deep water. Large creatures may appear. Don't panic."

Large creature?

"Those ichthyosaurs are big enough."

Just as Mo Ling was thinking, a white shadow flashed across the edge of his vision.

Then, a strange jellyfish covered in white streamers, like a plastic bag, appeared in the field of vision.

The strange jellyfish floated quietly in the sea, and its huge body floated silently under the sand waves, covering the entire area.

Its target seems not to be those small spinner turtles, but to the predators that have just had a feast.

No matter how rich the food is, there will be a moment when you are full. Several fish and dragons ate, their mouths were full of blood, and they dragged their heavy bodies and swam towards the deep sea.

At this time, the jellyfish had covered the entire lower part of the area.

But these ichthyosaurs seemed unable to see the jellyfish, and they bumped straight towards the white streamers, and were immediately entangled in them.

The streamer wrapped the entire fish body and pulled it towards the jellyfish organism.

However, even though they were tightly entangled by the streamers, these ichthyosaurs did not resist at all. They still swayed their bodies normally, completely unaware that they had entered the jellyfish's body.

These fish-shaped mummies sway their bodies and are slowly swallowed by the jellyfish in a very peaceful process.

The jellyfish just floats in the water, waiting for the rabbit.

More and more predators turned around and became the food of this jellyfish after a feast.

They seemed to be unaware of those white ribbons and were slaughtered silently.

Li Luo, who had been in front of the porthole, also noticed this strange creature. He took out the electronic screen and started searching with curiosity.

Soon, the information about this creature was displayed:

"Mummy jellyfish."

This is a jellyfish-like creature with white streamers floating all over its body. It eats meat and has a big appetite.

But they are not very athletic.

There is only one way for them to hunt - sit and wait.

Because in the eyes of other creatures, mummy jellyfish do not exist at all.

The mummy jellyfish has a strange sensory organ. As long as the prey is locked by this organ, it will lose all perception of the mummy jellyfish.

To put it simply, as long as you are discovered by the mummy jellyfish, you cannot discover it.

After being locked onto a mummy jellyfish, the prey will completely ignore the mummy jellyfish.

This is a very strange lack of perception.

No sight, no hearing, no smell, no touch... whatever the way of perception.

Researchers once conducted an experiment:

They asked a volunteer to hold an infrared camera and observe a mummified jellyfish through glass.

As soon as the volunteer reached the glass, he was locked by the mummy jellyfish and lost all sense.

"Do you see the creature in front of you?" the researchers asked.

"What creature?" The volunteer was confused.

The researcher quickly reminded: "Look at the infrared camera in your hand, the highlighted outline is there."

The volunteer looked at the camera in his hand with a question mark on his face.

"What a highlighted outline? Isn't it nothing?"

However, at this time, the outline of the mummified jellyfish was clearly visible in the camera's view.

Even the most basic judgment skills of volunteers have disappeared.

The researcher was still undeterred and continued: "You take the camera and step back, go behind the wall on the rear left, and get out of the locking range of the mummy jellyfish."

This was a very simple instruction, but the volunteer looked confused and his eyes were dull: "What are you talking about? What is a mummy jellyfish?"

After hearing the volunteers' words, the researchers could no longer sit still.

"Save him quickly!"

Several security personnel rushed forward and pulled the volunteer back.

After letting him escape from the mummy jellyfish's lock, the researcher looked solemn and asked seriously: "Why didn't you follow the instructions and escape from the lock?"

The volunteer scratched his head, as if he didn't know why he asked such a stupid question just now.

"I just suddenly forgot what a mummy jellyfish is."

Hearing this sentence, the researcher suddenly became interested: "Have you forgotten? You are obviously in the middle of an experiment, and I have carefully discussed science with you before the experiment, but you can actually forget?"

The volunteer thought for a moment and nodded.

"Yes, I forgot."

At this point, the volunteer suddenly stretched out his hand to ask the researcher not to interrupt him, and then began to think deeply.

His expression changed from confusion to shock, then gradually became serious, and then he said astonishingly:

"Just now, the concept of 'mummy jellyfish' disappeared from my mind."

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