I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 215 Murloc Pier

As the lights flickered, a group of strange-looking creatures walked to the shore.

This is a group of fish-men, with bodies similar to humans, and an ugly and fierce fish head. The whole body is black. Apart from the different clothes they wear, these fish-men cannot see any difference.

They were all wearing old human clothes, which seemed to have been obtained from previous transactions. Some had only upper bodies, some had only lower bodies, and some fishmen were tied with a belt, which looked very funny.

The lights in the fishman's hands are also human flashlights, searchlights, etc., but they don't seem to have enough power, are very dim, and some even keep flashing.

Several of the fishmen were carrying a huge wooden box. The box also had numbers marked by humans. It seemed that it was obtained from humans and used as waste by the fishmen.

The leader is a fish-man with clothes all over his body. The most special thing is that this fish-man also wears a Christmas hat. I don’t know where he got it. The red one is very conspicuous.

Although they are very ugly and fierce in appearance, the costumes of these fish-men really make people laugh. It seems that they have been severely poisoned by human culture.

The fishman waited obediently below the transport ship. After the captain came down, the fishman in the Santa hat stepped forward.

"Hello Captain."

The fishman's words turned out to be standard human language.

It's just that because of the pronunciation problem, it looks a bit stiff and stiff, and when paired with the Santa hat, it looks extremely dull.

"Is it you again? Jeff, your patriarch asked you to work again?" The captain seemed to recognize this fish man.

I don’t know if I recognized him or the Santa hat.

"I'm the one doing the work, do you want to help?" Fishman Jeff asked honestly, and then walked directly to the boat.

The captain waved his hand quickly: "No, no, there's a lot of cargo this time. I'll unload it to the shore. You just need to help move it."

He looked at the fishmen behind him again: "You are a bit small, so we may have to make a few more trips this time."

Jeff also looked behind him and was stunned: "Then let's transport it a few more times."

"Let's not talk about it for now. I'm going to unload the cargo first." The captain returned to the ship, walked to the wheelhouse, and made some operations. The side of the cargo hold slowly opened, and a passage was connected to the shore.

Only then did Mo Ling discover that there was a conveyor belt at the bottom of the cargo hold. As the conveyor belt started to run, those wooden boxes that were packed very messily were sent one by one to the rotting dock on the shore.

Jeff also quickly directed other fishmen to move the goods further to the shore.

They are very strong and can control the water flow to wrap around wooden boxes. One fishman can lift several wooden boxes, and even the speed of the conveyor belt cannot keep up with their moving speed.

They even use relays to save time on walking.

It didn't take long for the murlocs to finish transporting the last piece of goods, but they were still waiting there, waiting for instructions.

The captain came out and shouted, "Done! All unloaded."

Immediately afterwards, he personally took Jeff around the cargo hold and packed up the fallen goods.

"Just keep these yourself, don't give them to the village." The captain said jokingly.

"That's not possible. These are all things in the village. I can't take them myself." Jeff resisted very much.

"What does this mean? The patriarch asked you to work for nothing and get no reward. Why don't you want to secretly earn some money?" the captain said seductively.

Jeff was stunned when he heard this, and then asked with confusion on his face: "What is oil and water?"

"It's just...it's just..." The captain was also confused by Jeff's question and couldn't think of a reasonable explanation.

"Forget it, I can't even tell you." He grabbed another bottle of pepper among the goods, poured some out, and let Jeff taste it.

Jeff was completely unprepared and dipped his finger into it and tasted it.

Then he sneezed suddenly, and the whole fish head shook three times.

The entire fish's eyes were red from stimulation, and it kept opening and closing its mouth, completely unable to adapt.

"It doesn't taste good." After regaining consciousness, Jeff said seriously.

"Oh, it seems you fishmen don't like this. I'll try something else next time. What do you like to eat?" The captain didn't feel sorry at all. After putting the pepper bottle away, he asked casually.

Jeff didn't care and continued to answer the question seriously: "The seaweed slices are delicious."

Hearing this, the captain seemed to have thought of something, ran to the small room next to the cargo hold, and took out a pack of seaweed flakes.

Holding the seaweed piece in hand, the captain had another flash of inspiration.

"Jeff, let me teach you now what oil and water are."


"You like to eat seaweed slices, right? For example, do you know how many slices are in the pack I have in my hand now?"

Jeff carefully looked at the human font on the package of seaweed tablets, and then said awkwardly: "This product is for display, not for sale, 10 tablets per pack, contains excessive preservatives, please do not eat, please do not take..." "

The captain coughed quickly: "Okay, okay, stop reading...I will continue to teach you."


The captain used force and tore open the package of seaweed sheets in his hand.

There are indeed ten seaweed slices inside, packed individually and very delicately.

The captain took out another piece, tore open the packaging bag, and put the seaweed piece in Jeff's hand: "Taste it."

Jeff seemed to have forgotten the warning slogan he had just read.

Pick up the seaweed piece and swallow it in one gulp.


Jeff had a look of enjoyment on his face, and a happy expression appeared on his stiff fish face.

The captain looked at Jeff with a smirk and nodded happily.

After Jeff finished tasting the seaweed slices, the captain asked again. "Are these goods all from the village?"

Jeff nodded.

"Where's this pack of seaweed flakes?"

Jeff nodded again.

At this moment, the captain suddenly laughed.

"Hahaha, the piece of seaweed in your stomach now is oil and water, do you understand?"

Jeff didn't understand for a moment, raised his hand and scratched his head.

Immediately afterwards, the fish's head froze.

The huge fish eyes reveal a strange and intelligent light.

He seemed to realize something, and looked at the remaining pieces of seaweed in the captain's hand, and then at his belly.

After a long silence, Jeff said naively:

"I understand."

Hearing this, the captain was very pleased and patted Jeff on the shoulder: "You understand, right? Then tell me what it means."

Jeff raised his head and looked at the captain seriously, his two fish eyes still dull and honest.

Fluent and well-spoken human language came from Jeff’s mouth:

"Oil and water are greed, stealing, blasphemy against the will of the race, and bad behavior that erodes the interests of the race with personal interests."

"They are like borers in the rotten wood of the wharf, they are eroding their homes without realizing it. The only thing waiting for them is to sink into the ocean."

"This is an extreme act that separates an individual from a race. It is a manifestation of mental and extreme immaturity. It is..."

The captain's face turned pale when he heard this, and he quickly interrupted Jeff's speech: "Okay, okay, Jeff, you understand it very well. Children can be taught. Human language is broad and profound. Keep up the hard work."

As he spoke, the captain was already sweating profusely. He took out a handkerchief from his pocket and kept wiping his forehead.

Jeff heard the captain's "praise" and nodded solemnly.

"Thank you, Captain, you taught me a lot."

"You are always so wise."

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