I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 221 The arrival of aliens

The shrimp-headed man seemed to be instantly ignited with fighting spirit, and even his speech became sonorous and powerful.

"I'll call them up! Jeff, you guys wait here!" After saying these words, the shrimp-headed man ran up the mountain without looking back.

Only Jeff was left standing there with a determined look on his face.

Li Luo looked at this scene and his eyes widened.

Her eyes kept flowing between Jeff and the shrimp-headed man who was retreating, with a look of disbelief on her face.

"Do you really believe they are fish-men? Are there really missing companions on your island?"

"I believe it." Jeff nodded: "The area around Fish-Man Island is not peaceful, and many of our companions have not returned from the trip."

"Does the name match?" Li Luo suddenly asked as if he thought of something.

If these pseudo-murlocs are really the former murlocs, then their names should match.

"Sorry, their names have never appeared in the Fishman Village. They appeared completely out of thin air."

"Never appeared?" Hearing such an answer, Li Luo was also very surprised: "Doesn't that prove that they are not fish-men?"

She obviously didn't expect that even with such irrefutable evidence, Jeff would still believe the words of those fake fishmen.

Jeff shook his head: "I have been in contact with them, and I trust my own judgment."

Jeff told Li Luo his first experience when he came into contact with those pseudo-fish people:

These pseudo-fishmen did not exist from the beginning.

It was only after the fog began to become thicker that these pseudo-fish began to slowly appear.

The first pseudo-fish man who appeared on the island was a coral man.

He rowed a homemade wooden boat and floated along the waves to the island.

As soon as he arrived at Fish-Man Island, the Coral Man returned to Fish-Man Village with ease, directly found his "companion" and told him about his experience.

At that time, no fishman suspected him, because on Fishman Island, clan members often disappeared due to accidents.

Changing races is not uncommon in the Abyss.

Moreover, this Coral Man is very familiar with the Murloc Village. He can pronounce the names of every clan member and is extremely familiar with the buildings in the village. He even knows what happened to other Murlocs when they were young.

Not only that, Coral Man is also proficient in Murloc language and can use various abilities of Murloc. Apart from his different appearance, there is no difference between him and Murloc.

The fish people are very receptive to new things, and they quickly integrated the coral people into the village.

It was also at this time that Jeff came into contact with this coral man.

Because of the change in appearance, Coral Man received a lot of strange looks. Only Jeff could communicate with him normally, which also made Jeff the object of his complaints.

Coral people often talk to Jeff about their troubles.

In addition, there are all kinds of knowledge infusion. It was at this time that Jeff began to understand the outside world.

As a native fishman, Jeff didn't know how big the world outside Fishman Island was at first and only had a broad concept.

If you don’t have enough experience, you can’t extend your thoughts.

Just like a person who has never seen the sea, he cannot understand the majesty of the sea.

But from the adventure stories of the Coral People, Jeff personally experienced the magnificent sea and walked through the abyss full of infinite surprises.

He was like a small fry in the fish-man's ancient book, wandering in the scenes that the coral man had experienced.

Not only that, the coral people also taught Jeff the language of the coral tribe.

It is a "solidified" art.

A three-dimensional graphic language composed of secreted calcium can convey the meaning that the user wants to express very intuitively.

Although Jeff does not have the ability to secrete calcium and cannot express in this language, he has learned how to understand this language and how to understand the wonderful expressions of the Coral Tribe.

While immersed in the colorful world, Jeff also experienced the diversity of the abyssal races.

But the good times did not last long. The patriarch suddenly issued an order to isolate the Coral Man and drove him to a mountain far away from the village.

The coral people originally argued with reason, but the patriarch asked him a fatal question——

"Does anyone in the village know you or know your name?"

The Coral Man asked around the village without believing anything, but just as the patriarch said, no one knew him. Even his original "companions" were speechless at the unfamiliar name.

So, the Coral Man, mired in self-doubt, left the village.

From then on, whenever Jeff had free time, he would go up to the mountains and chat with coral people.

It was clear that the patriarch had issued an order to quarantine, but Jeff didn't care.

He is still eagerly absorbing the knowledge of the outside world from the Coral People.

Soon, more and more pseudo-murlocs appeared on the murloc island, and they used various strange methods to return to the murloc village.

However, these pseudo-murlocs of various races all have one thing in common: they all have roughly the same "backstory", they are all very familiar with the murloc village, and they all think that they are murlocs.

The strange characteristics displayed by the pseudo-fish people make the fish people's prejudice and exclusion against them even more serious.

The indigenous fishmen are wary of these outsiders.

No one is afraid of "strangers" who are extremely familiar with their own home.

The patriarch's "isolation plan" soon became the only way to deal with these pseudo-murlocs, and all the pseudo-murlocs were driven into the mountains.

However, Jeff was very happy at this time.

He had already learned all the knowledge about the coral people, and these new pseudo-fish people brought brand new knowledge.

Language, culture, experience, technology...

Every race is a book.

Every experience is a treasure.

Every pseudomurloc is a teacher.

As the only fishman who would visit the mountains, Jeff was very popular. These pseudo-fishmen were also very friendly to him. They not only taught him knowledge and insights, but also talked about the wonderful thoughts in their minds.

Jeff listened carefully and began to use his superficial knowledge to understand those profound thoughts and integrate them.

Because most of these pseudo-fish people have lived a lot of life in other races as "alien", and their knowledge, knowledge and thinking of various cultures are very "objective".

He will not praise blindly or criticize without reason.

This kind of "objective" and "rational" spectator thinking has also benefited Jeff a lot.

He was able to transcend the limitations of race and view these different types of cultures from a higher perspective.

Jeff is not smart, but he is good at summarizing.

Slowly, while understanding this diverse world, he also summarized the commonalities of many intelligent races.

Therefore, when talking to the captain and the shrimp-headed man, he would express such philosophical insights.

There were more and more pseudo-fishmen, and Jeff gradually began to understand the patriarch's approach.

However, faced with the irrefutable evidence that "no one remembers their names" of the pseudo-fishmen, Jeff still chose to believe it.

Because Jeff had the most contact with these pseudo-fish people compared to other people in the village, he trusted his own judgment.

I also believe what I see with my own eyes.

Jeff looked at Li Luo and said seriously:

"I can see that the love of race in their hearts cannot be deceived."

"Actually, the key to determining whether they are fish-men or not is not their body, thoughts, experiences, language, memory, or the like, nor is it the so-called 'name' that can prove their identity."

"Being able to decide whether they are fish-men or not..."

"It's 'identification'."

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