I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 226 Eat the old food

Several pseudo-fishmen came to the bait box, summoned the water flow, and pushed hard from a distance, and the bait box surrounding the eel fell from the edge.

The densely packed eels followed the bait box and fell towards the sea.

Soon, the remaining eels in the sky were eliminated with the combined efforts of everyone.

After the last eel was trapped in the immortal wood ball, everyone present finally breathed a sigh of relief. Many pseudo-murlocs leaned against the box and collapsed from exhaustion.

They looked at the squares and tulle in the air, showing thankful expressions.

After Li Luo called Xiao Zi back, he walked to the edge of the platform full of small balls, picked up a small ball, and observed it curiously.

But she didn't seem to notice anything.

"What on earth is this?" she asked Jeff, whose gills were still opening and closing.

Mo Ling also pricked up his ears when he heard this.

"This is a cage, an old cage for catching food."

"Shijiu?" Li Luo asked doubtfully.

"Yes, the fish just now is called Shijiu." Jeff explained as he leaned on the box tiredly.

Then, he slowly introduced Li Luo.

As the name suggests, the old thing is a creature that eats "old things".

The fishmen have noticed this creature very early, because the old food always hangs around the fishman island in groups.

Shijiu is a very gentle creature that will not attack ships or hunt other creatures.

They just wander around in the sea, eating rotting animal carcasses and debris floating on the sea.

There are many such creatures in the sea, and the fishmen have no intention of classifying them. At first, they just think that this is an ordinary fish.

Until they discovered that the rotting animal carcasses that had been eaten came back to life.

The originally rotten body became fresh and could even produce conditioned reflexes, but it was like a soulless body, unresponsive to everything in the outside world.

The remnants that have been eaten by the food will also return to their original appearance, as if time has gone backwards.

Only after discovering this did the fish realize how magical these "ordinary" fishes wandering around Fish-Man Island really were.

It was at this time that they discovered that there were records of eating old things in the ancient books of fishmen, but they had never corresponded to the real thing before.

The reason why these foodies linger near Fish-Man Island is because of the strange fog on Fish-Man Island.

Shijiu likes food that is extremely rotten, and the fog on the island can do just that.

Any food that arrives on Fishman Island will quickly deteriorate and rot, and the fishmen themselves do not dare to store food.

The old eaters wander in groups on the edge of the Fish-Man Island, devouring the rotting plant and animal carcasses rolled down by the waves.

After discovering cannibalism, the fish people began to use this creature to turn rotten old things into new ones, so they kept trading various second-hand items from humans.

Then go to Shijiu to "trade in the old for the new".

They will eat all kinds of food, but their favorite food is all kinds of rotten food.

That is to say, in the process of slowly utilizing the old food, the fish discovered that this creature could leave the sea.

But why don't they look for food on the island?

Obviously there will be more resources on land.

The fish people were also confused at first.

Until they discovered that Shi Jiu seemed to be afraid of Fish-Man Island and did not dare to go to the island easily.

"Because of the immortal trees on the island." Jeff explained.

Life will find a way out on its own. Under the long-term erosion of fog, the creatures on Fishman Island will more or less evolve some ability to resist decay, and the ability of certain plants is particularly outstanding.

There is even a unique species - the Immortal Wood.

This is a kind of tree that is not affected by fog at all. It looks ordinary, but it can survive on the corrupted Fishman Island without any scruples.

Its wood is very hard and will not rot even after it is cut down, but will remain as it was.

There are a lot of immortal trees, they grow very fast and have extremely strong vitality. They are everywhere in certain areas on Fishman Island.

They are like banyan trees, with their aerial roots spreading everywhere without knowing where the source is. If left unchecked for a while, they will grow everywhere.

Because it is common and has good effects, this is why the fish-man ancient books are made of this material.

As for food, what they are afraid of is not anything else, but the immortal trees that are everywhere on the island.

These immortal trees grow in the mountains, between rocks, and on the seashore. They are extremely tenacious.

When Shijiu gets close to the immortal wood, he will be sucked into the immortal wood and cannot get out.

The fish people were also surprised by this phenomenon at first.

But in ancient books, they found the reason:

The eating behavior of cannibals does not occur at the moment they enter the prey's body, but at the moment they leave the body.

It is recorded in ancient books that eating old food steals something like a "trace of time" from the body of prey, which causes it to decay and disappear.

This is a passive ability, and eating old things cannot control one's own behavior, so there is a phenomenon of "all comers are not rejected".

They eat everything and have no choice.

As long as the food is allowed to enter and then come out, it will definitely finish eating.

But on the immortal tree, Shijiu stumbled.

Because immortal wood has no "traces of time".

Their method of fighting corruption is to directly eliminate the concept of time, neither backward nor forward.

Treat everyone equally.

But with such a simple and crude ability, Shijiu who entered it could no longer escape.

The traces of time are like magnetic poles, there are positive and negative.

Shijiu is a magnet creature that can switch its own magnetic poles. It uses suction to enter the prey's body, steals the magnetism, and then uses repulsion to leave the prey.

When the prey loses its magnetism and is affected by the repulsive force, it "falls back".

Any object has traces of time, just like a magnet, it has magnetic poles.

But immortal wood is different.

It's just a piece of iron.

If you suck it up, you can't come down again.

Therefore, after these foodies suffered losses, they did not dare to go to the island at will. They only dared to hide around the Fish-Man Island and pick up garbage to eat.

Unless the prey is only on the shore and the temptation is big enough, they will take risks.

"That's why these small balls can be used as 'cages'."

Jeff explained.

After listening to Jeff's words, Mo Ling suddenly realized.

Although called "cages," these balls have no real capturing function, but rather exploit the restrained relationship between the two.

A magnet can capture iron, and iron can capture a magnet.

Too clever.

Li Luo was also shocked after hearing this: "How did you come up with it?"

Jeff scratched the fish's head: "In fact, the characteristics of various creatures are recorded in ancient books, but some of them have been mentioned in a hurry, and some are not consistent with reality. We just relied on this knowledge."

The ancient fish-man books are indeed a treasure trove.

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