I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 230 Circular Platform

The world begins to move.

Everything returned to normal, and no one present realized what had happened.

Only Mo Ling was still trapped in the weird scene just now, unable to extricate himself.

Looking at the runes on the ground, there are no fragments, and there are no dragons that destroyed the world. They are still lying intact.

There is no difference except that there is a small ball of immortal wood in the little fry's eye.

It's like nothing happened.

After the rest, Jeff directed everyone to spread out and put these small balls into the grooves in different areas.

Mo Ling floated in the air, observing the grooves at different locations.

They are cleverly distributed evenly along the rune lines, with fifty meters between each groove, and are distributed in a grid pattern on the moon altar.

"Is this to ensure that the spherical area covers the entire moon altar?"

Mo Ling only observed for a while and discovered the pattern of these grooves.

"As long as it's completely covered, that little fry can follow the rune lines and travel throughout the entire Moon Altar."

The "fish tank" can get quite big.

"I wonder if the little fry will break the world's barriers this time like before."

Just as Mo Ling was thinking about it, others had already put the wooden balls into the grooves one by one.

However, the time stasis that Mo Ling expected did not appear again.

The wooden ball rolled smoothly into the groove, and was immediately fixed by the groove.

The pseudo-murloc who placed the ball did not stop moving. He stood up and walked towards another groove.

"what happened?"

Mo Ling was ready to see the little fry turn into a dragon again, but the previous scene did not appear again.

The rune lines on the ground lay quietly.

The sea breeze blew the mist, and everyone was busy.

Wooden balls are put into the groove one by one.

The little fry that was "spotted" did not move again.

Everything is perfectly normal.

Mo Ling was very sure that what he just saw was not an illusion, it actually happened.

But everything in front of him made him doubt himself again and again.

"Did I really see it wrong?"

Placing the balls was much easier and simpler than hunting old food. Everyone took the immortal wood balls and dispersed according to the area.

After becoming familiar with the rules of groove distribution, the speed of placing the balls became faster and faster. It didn't take long for someone to finish their part.

"What other areas are there?" these returning pseudo-murlocs asked Jeff.

"Only the ones in the passage are left. The ones there are more complicated. You should check again to see if there are any omissions."

The pseudo-murlocs nodded and walked down the passage, following the other companions and checking the grooves.

After that, people returned one after another.

"I checked and found nothing missing."

Jeff nodded and looked towards a raised circular platform in the center.

"That's the last step."

He led everyone to the edge of the platform. The platform was not high, only as high as a step.

There are many small holes around the circular platform. These holes are smaller than the diameter of the immortal wood balls. They are obviously not used as grooves.

"I've tried this before, but it can't fit in," said a pseudo-fishman.

Jeff shook his head: "No need to put it here."

He called out the tentacles of water flow, stretched them into the holes, and stuck them firmly.

"Come together and help."

The other pseudo-murlocs quickly realized what Jeff was going to do, and they all called out their water-water tentacles and reached into the small hole.

"Use some force and turn counterclockwise together."



As everyone worked together, the platform slowly began to move and began to rotate counterclockwise.

However, it was obviously difficult to exert force on these small holes, and with everyone's concerted efforts, they turned very slowly.

"It will be easier if you lift it up a little," Jeff reminded.

Sure enough, as the direction of the force changes, the rotation speed of the platform gradually accelerates...

Mo Ling was floating in the air, still wondering about the purpose of this platform.

But when the angle of the platform kept changing, he saw some clues.

There is also a rune line on this platform, but the angle was wrong and it cannot connect with the runes outside the platform.

When the heavy platform began to rotate slowly, the runes on it began to gradually match the outside world.

"Is this aligning?"

After carefully observing the broken parts of the runes, Mo Ling found that the runes on the platform were indeed consistent with those on the outside.

At this time, as the platform rotates, the fractures begin to slowly align.

"about there."

Everyone carefully twisted the platform, and with a sound of hard stones colliding, the platform stuck to the designated position.

"Now let go and be careful, others stay out of the way."

Jeff directed, looking warily at the platform.

As the tentacles of the water flow loosened, the height of the platform began to slowly decrease.

After a dull loud noise, the platform landed smoothly, and the vibrations spread throughout the Moon Altar.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this scene.


At this time, the broken part has been tightly attached to the runes of the outside world.

The entire platform is completely integrated with the moon altar, and apart from a faint circle of gaps around it, no difference can be seen at all.

"What is the function of this platform?" Li Luo asked puzzledly.

"This is the connection point, so that the rune lines of the entire Moon Altar are connected end to end. At this time, the entire rune can form a complete cycle." Jeff explained: "This is what the ancient books say, the ball must be placed first , to connect the runes."

"Why?" Li Luo asked.

"have no idea."


Li Luo probably knew that he would not get an answer from Jeff, so he did not continue to ask further.

Maybe no one in the entire fish-men tribe knows why they do this, they just copy it.

The rune lines on the Moon Altar seem to be irregular, and this platform is only a small part of it.

But Mo Ling in the sky saw a vague shape among these runes.

"Is this a dragon?"

These winding rune lines are messy, like vines growing randomly.

However, using this platform as an "eye", Mo Ling discovered that these rune lines actually drew a dragon!

It was very similar to the strange dragon Mo Ling saw before.

The grooves where the balls are placed are the eyes of the fish.

The circular platform is the dragon's eye.

“First dot the eyes of the fish, then dot the eyes of the dragon.”

This seems to be some sort of order that cannot be changed.

In a daze, Mo Ling seemed to see the wandering little fry slowly turning into a twisting dragon.

The dream of transforming into a dragon just now overlapped with the scene in front of me.

The entire rune seemed to come to life as the platform aligned.

Mo Ling stared at the platform, and the mysterious fish-man language echoed in his mind again.

The text on the platform is very simple.

It is a cross made of "horizontal" and "vertical" intertwined.

A small fry was circling around the center of the cross, seemingly unable to reach the end.

When he saw this text, Mo Ling instantly understood its meaning——


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