I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 236 Interrogation


Mo Ling was a little confused about the situation in front of him.

But he knew that Bai Zhou was in pain now.

He slowly moved to Bai Zhou's side, ignoring the warning eyes of the fishmen, and wanted to support the injured Bai Zhou.

But what Mo Ling didn't expect was that Bai Zhou actually refused his help.

He pushed Mo Ling away with his weak arms and continued to stand unsteadily, his whole body shaking uncontrollably from the pain.

The cloth on his body was soaked with sweat and he was panting heavily. Bai Zhou did not look at Mo Ling who wanted to help him, but stared closely at the fish people in front of him.

The fish-man watched this scene with interest as if watching a play.

At this moment, Jeff spoke again:

"Give him some treatment."

The disappointed look on the fish-man's side disappeared fleetingly, and with another wave of his hand, the rune parts on the back of Bai Zhou's neck suddenly shone with light, and his complexion became rosy visibly to the naked eye.

Soon, under the influence of that part, Bai Zhou's body recovered completely. Only the part stuck on the back of his neck seemed unusually abrupt.

Mo Ling felt a little phantom pain as he looked at it.

"Thank you, sir."

As soon as Bai Zhou recovered, he hurriedly thanked the fish-man in front of him.

However, his hands clenched his fists silently, and then quickly unclenched them.

The fish-man ignored him and controlled another part to fly into the air, intending to stab Mo Ling.

But his movement was quickly stopped by Jeff: "If you can speak fishman language, you don't need it."

"Okay, General." The fishman nodded fearfully and retreated silently.

"You guys go out first and I will interrogate you alone." Jeff said calmly.

"But..." The fishman was about to speak, but was interrupted by Jeff raising his hand.

After several fishmen looked at each other, they left the prison and retreated to the other side of the corridor, but they still kept looking into the prison.

After his men moved away, Jeff spoke again, and his tone was not as serious as at the beginning.

"Have I seen you somewhere?" Jeff looked at Bai Zhou and asked with a little curiosity.

But Jeff's words made Bai Zhou's fist clenched again.

However, he still replied calmly: "Maybe the general saw me when he came to our island."

Jeff was stunned for a moment: "No, not at that time."

He thought for a moment and seemed to have no idea of ​​the answer, so he shook his head.

"Forget it, let's get down to business."

He looked at Bai Zhou and asked seriously: "I heard from the person who interrogated you before, do you know that there is a way to lift the restrictions on the fish people?"

"Yes!" Bai Zhou answered anxiously after hearing Jeff's question.

"What can we do?" Bai Zhou's eager look aroused Jeff's interest.

"eternal life!"

After hearing this word, Jeff's expression changed a few times, and he seemed to understand Bai Zhou's thoughts, and raised his hand to signal Bai Zhou to continue speaking.

"The so-called restrictions are nothing more than bottlenecks caused by lack of time that cannot be broken through. This is the situation the fishmen are facing now."

"When a fishman spends his entire life unable to solve a problem, it will naturally lead to stagnant development."

"Strength is only temporary. Not only will future generations not continue the exploration of their predecessors, they may also become more lazy, which will lead to deepening restrictions."

“Maybe even go backwards!”

"General, do you think this is the situation among the fishmen now?"

Jeff pondered for a moment and nodded: "That's why we need eternal life so that our strength can last forever."

"That's right!" Bai Zhou clapped his hands excitedly.

Mo Ling listened to their conversation and roughly understood something.

"The fishmen have fallen into some kind of development bottleneck?"

The restrictions mentioned by the two people do not seem to be force majeure.

Is it a limitation of technology?

Mo Ling looked at the running rune parts and felt more and more that his guess was correct.

These parts may be the technological form of fishmen.

However, listening to Bai Zhou's words, Mo Ling always felt a little familiar.

"Isn't this what the alchemist said to deceive the emperor?"

As long as you live forever, you can make the empire strong forever. You don't have to worry about any unworthy descendants, and you don't have to worry about any mediocre descendants who will ruin the foundation built by the ancestors for generations.

If you live forever, you can always personally implement your own will and push forward your unfinished plans. You don't have to worry about the inheritance of your will, and you don't have to worry about whether your descendants continue to explore.

Once and for all.

This is a very idealistic vision that believes that individual will can override the laws of history.

"I am the foundation of the empire's strength."

Many emperors have this kind of "confidence" that is beyond ordinary people, which is also the root cause of their superstition about immortality.

However, Bai Zhou actually used such words to deceive the fish people?

And it seems that Jeff really believes it?

However, Jeff was not as innocent as Mo Ling thought. But after a while, he began to question the role of immortality:

"The premise of all this is based on not believing in future generations, but I believe that the descendants of our fish-men tribe will find ways to break the restrictions."

"Now, it's only temporary that we can't find a suitable method. I don't think our future generations will stagnate or even go backwards because of this."

"The fishmen... will always be strong."

Jeff's words were full of determination, which was extremely confident in his race.

Such self-confidence made Bai Zhou freeze on the spot. His prepared words suddenly became useless and he was instantly stuck.

However, Jeff changed the subject again at this time.

“Eternal life is a path to try.”

"Lack of time is indeed a problem we have been facing. The life span of the fish people is not long. They can only be fleeting in the abyss. Even if they cannot live forever, extending their lifespan can make the fish people stronger."

He looked at Bai Zhou and asked, "Since you can propose it, there must be a way to implement it, right?"

"How to achieve eternal life?"

Jeff's eyes were full of inquiry, and his deep gaze pierced Bai Zhou, examining him clearly.

It seemed that all the lies were invisible to Jeff at this time.

Only now did Mo Ling clearly realize that the Jeff in front of him was not the honest fishman who was tricked by the captain into eating expired seaweed at the dock.

The space instantly solidified.

Bai Zhou was stunned by the scrutinizing eyes, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead again.

"General, you should know that what we humans have been looking for is eternal life, right?"


"Actually, we have found it, but our ability is limited and there is no way to achieve it. But with the strength of the fish people, it should be easy to do it."

After hearing Bai Zhou's words, Jeff fell silent again and continued to look at him critically. After a moment, he continued to speak.

"Speak carefully and don't hide anything."


Bai Zhou calmly wiped the sweat from his forehead, took a deep breath, and began to speak slowly...

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