I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 239 The Unbreakable Lock

"It's an invisible lock..." Jeff continued.

At first, such a discovery made the fishmen extremely panic, and they subconsciously believed that this was the influence of some kind of relic.

The cost of this relic covers an entire race, causing this phenomenon.

However, the fishmen searched through the entire race and could not find the corresponding relics.

This phenomenon is elusive, like a dark cloud hanging over the murlocs. Wherever the murlocs go, it follows them.

The fishmen have no idea where the source of this phenomenon is and can only study its appearance.

They have also tried many ways to solve this phenomenon, or use other methods to circumvent the determination of "skill slots", but none of them worked at all.

Therefore, the fish people began to slowly call this phenomenon the "racial lock", a lock hung on the fish people that restricted the development of the fish people.

Compared with the real impact of this lock, the panic that suppresses race is more desperate.

Not daring to develop, not daring to research, not daring to innovate...

Because as long as you learn a new thing, the old skills will be eliminated, and no one knows what will be eliminated.

The racial lock has been restricting the fishmen. After trying to no avail, the fishmen had no choice but to seek help from the outside world and seek solutions from other races.

However, in the abyss, no one will help other races for no reason, not to mention that most of the core secrets of races will be carefully preserved and will not be given to outsiders casually.

The price required for the fishmen to obtain these secrets is too high.

The biggest price is time.

Spend energy establishing diplomatic relations, trade, and testing... These will waste the fish people's time to solve problems.

The stagnation of racial development cannot be delayed.

To stand still is to fall behind.

In this way, the three steps of invading other races, seizing knowledge, and trying to solve the racial lock became the racial policy of the fishmen.

The whole family moved to the dragon-shaped fortress and repeated these three steps. The methods became more and more fierce, and the fishmen's hearts became colder and colder.

Under the crisis of the race, external conquest can not only alleviate internal conflicts, but also give all fish people an ever-present "hope".

"Many of the skills of the fishmen have now become war skills. Although we try our best to avoid them, acquiring new skills is inevitable."

Jeff spoke calmly, still showing no emotion, as if what he was talking about at this time was not about his own race.

Bai Zhou clenched his fists again, lowered his head, and a dull voice came from his mouth: "Actually, aggression can't solve any problems, right?"

"Yes." Jeff nodded: "But we need hope."

"Hopefully that will solve a lot of problems."

His words remained calm.

The ripples on the protective shield trembled slightly, and the clouds and mist drifted quickly. On the platform, the three people were silent and did not continue to speak for a long time.

The giant dragon passed through the clouds and mist, seeming to have a downward trend.

Jeff broke the long silence, pointed to a small island shrouded in thick fog below and asked: "Is that the island you were talking about?"

Bai Zhou walked to the edge of the platform and looked down, with a trace of nostalgia flashing in his eyes: "Yes."

"Prepare to land."

Jeff's voice reached the parts beside him, and the runes flickered.

Immediately afterwards, that part began to cause other parts to tremble, and the light came and went, forming a wave. It seemed that an invisible sound wave spread throughout the entire dragon.

Is he giving an order?

In Mo Ling's gaze, the wave of light extended all the way to the dragon's tail.

Then, the giant dragon accelerated, fell quickly, and suddenly rushed into the thick fog of the island below.

As soon as he submerged in the thick fog, Mo Ling smelled the familiar smell, rotten, fishy, ​​and all kinds of rotten smells, which were extremely familiar.

"Is this Fishman Island?"

The smell of Fishman Island is really unforgettable. Although it will take some getting used to after staying there for a long time, this strange smell is indeed very unique.

"The air is pretty good." Jeff sighed at the side.

He seems very satisfied with the environment here.

This also made Mo Ling more certain that this was Fish-Man Island.

"Did they come to Fish-Man Island at this time?"

What made Mo Ling even more unexpected was that the murlocs actually came to the murloc island in search of eternal life.

Thinking of the unchanged appearance of those fish people two thousand two hundred years later, Mo Ling couldn't help but guess: "Did they really find a way to live forever?"

But why did the fishmen become so backward? Are you still staying on this island?

Just as he was wondering, the giant dragon had slowly landed on the ground. Its huge body overwhelmed a piece of rotten forest and curled up together.


Following Jeff's words, the parts on the edge of the platform crossed each other, forming a downward staircase that led straight to the ground.

Other parts of the dragon's body also began to slowly open, and many fishmen came out, surrounded by flying parts.

A fishman hurriedly came to Jeff, the parts around him flashed, projecting an accurate map.

He pointed to a place and reported to Jeff: "General, the investigation has been completed. The relatively backward civilizations are all gathered here."

"Yeah." Jeff nodded: "Let's go."

He raised his hand and put a piece of heavy spare armor on Bai Zhou and Mo Ling.

The spacesuit-like armor wrapped the two people tightly, and even their faces could not be seen clearly.

The armor even thoughtfully created a square-shaped helmet to wrap Mo Ling's head.

Then, at Jeff's order, all the armor flew into the air, like a school of fish in the ocean, accelerated suddenly, gathered into a ball, and rolled forward.

Mo Ling only felt that he was covered with a thick coat, but this layer of clothes did not affect his movement. It was very light, ice-cold, and had a slight sense of suspended stagnation.

He didn't need to control it, he just let the armor lead him and merged into the fish of the fish people, floating forward.

The speed was getting faster and faster, and Mo Ling didn't feel any discomfort. The armor was very stable and there was no vibration.

The runes flickered. The faster the speed, the softer the touch. Slowly, Mo Ling only felt that her body was wrapped in cold cotton.

"It's much less laborious than flying by yourself."

Not only that, Mo Ling also discovered that this armor had many functions: combat, detection, camouflage... but these functions seemed to be prohibited and he was not allowed to use it.

Apart from this, only some very basic functions are left, such as mapping, moving, and handling.

The current suit is a simplified version of the armor, just to prevent Mo Ling and Bai Zhou from falling behind.

Mo Ling fiddled with various functions while flying.

"Who doesn't like mechas?"

Finally, after Moring used the fire-making function to create a firework in a school of fish, all functions of his armor were disabled.

Mo Ling could only let the armor control him obediently and fly forward.

Soon, a village appeared in front of you...

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