I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 255 The inescapable death

Bai Zhou has heard before that fortune tellers who spy on heavenly secrets and change the original order of things will suffer backlash.

But he never expected that his apprentice would accidentally come into contact with this level.

Feeling the moist mist on his body, Bai Zhou was immediately glad that he had only scratched the surface of eternal life.

"Go and inform the villagers that the method of immortality must be kept secret. Don't continue to study it. Tell them clearly about the seriousness of the fog!" Bai Zhou ordered.

The apprentice also realized the seriousness of the problem at this time and immediately ran to inform others.

Bai Zhou sat in the room, his mind spinning rapidly, but he had never encountered a similar situation at all.

No one has ever successfully avoided God's backlash, let alone such a concrete backlash.

He actually turned into mist to hunt him down?

"What exactly did the apprentice research?"

Stretching out his hand, Bai Zhou wiped the mist on the table in front of him.

These fogs don't seem to be harmful to the Chali tribe. They just attack tools and obscure their vision. Why does it have such strange characteristics?

He found some tool models in the house that he had made for teaching purposes, and found that these models were also covered with mold without even knowing it.

Moreover, these mildew spots also appear in very critical places, or weak points, as if these tools are specifically meant to be destroyed.

“Will the pursuit of eternal life lead to disaster?”

Bai Zhou stared at these models blankly, his heart filled with shock.

The apprentice quickly ran back.

"Master, the notification is over."

"Okay, you and I come here, let's go see the scope of this fog's influence."

He took his apprentice to the shore and got on the small fishing boat.

However, as soon as we got on the boat, the fog around us surged violently.

"what happened?"

Bai Zhou waited there for a while, and the mist continued to surge, as if something was stirring deep inside.

The fog condensed on the edge of the fishing boat, as if it wanted to drag the fishing boat towards the shore.

"We can't wait like this." Bai Zhou immediately realized that the fog seemed to be hindering them.

With a cruel move, Bai Zhou untied the rope of the fishing boat, rushed towards the sea, and plunged into the rolling mist.

Sure enough, Bai Zhou's behavior caused a violent reaction in the fog. The surrounding fog suddenly became thicker and thicker, turning black. It kept rolling and rushed towards the small fishing boat, rushing towards Bai Zhou and his apprentice.

Suddenly, darkness fell in front of Bai Zhou.

Only the disciple's anxious voice came from the roots of the tree.

"Master, I can't see anymore."

"Close your eyes! Row forward!" Bai Zhou shouted.

He also closed his eyes and rowed the boat desperately. He just wanted to see what the mist wanted to do.

In the darkness, my hearing was extremely sensitive, and the whistling wind and the creaking of fishing boats could be heard in my ears.

Bai Zhou ignored these sounds and continued to paddle forward.

But soon, he heard some even stranger sounds.

It seemed like something was swimming around the small fishing boat under the water.

The thing seemed to be very large, and the sound of water flow surrounded it and kept getting into Bai Zhou's eardrums.

From time to time, the thing would bump against the boat gently, and its sticky skin would hit the wooden hull, making a dull sound. Then it would slide past it smoothly and bounce softly into the distance.

In an instant, huge fear appeared in Bai Zhou's heart.

"Are you running away?"

Suddenly, a voice appeared next to Bai Zhou.


Bai Zhou was so frightened that he almost opened his eyes.

He heard it right, someone was speaking to him.

That's a little girl?

After realizing who the voice belonged to, a figure suddenly appeared in Bai Zhou's mind——

The little girl was burned, with only half her head.

Bai Zhou clearly had his eyes closed at this time, but he clearly saw the little girl sitting quietly next to him, staring at him.

"Why did you run away without taking me with you?"

The little girl looked at him and said slightly complaining.

Bai Zhou's heart was about to beat out of his chest. The moisture soaked his clothes, and a chill penetrated his body.

"I buried you, buried you, you should rest in peace..."

He rowed hard and chanted at the same time.

Hearing Bai Zhou's words, the little girl tilted her head and stared at Bai Zhou for a long time.

Then, two blackened little hands stood up and held the half-remaining chin.

"I can not sleep."

"You have to sleep even if you can't!" Bai Zhou cursed angrily.

"But I'm so hot."

The little girl sat up straight, raised her two little hands, and then lowered her head silently...

She put her hand on her chest and tore it open.

In the center of the chest was a puncture wound, which was clearly visible even in the scorched blackness.

Fiery sparks suddenly spurted out from the wound and floated into the air.

Bai Zhou felt a wave of heat coming towards his face.

But the little girl didn't seem to want to give up. She continued to tear her body apart along the wounds.

Inside, there were red coals and exploding sparks. The high temperature instantly evaporated the originally cold mist.

"It's not finished burning yet..."

The little girl looked at her chest and said calmly.

Bai Zhou felt the burst of high temperature. He didn't know if his eyes were irritated by the drastic change in temperature. An uncontrollable tear flowed out from the slit of his eyes and mixed with the water vapor on his face.

The pain in my eyes is unbearable...

"It will be destroyed, it will be destroyed." He murmured.


The little girl looked at him, grinned with half her mouth, smiled, and disappeared.

The high temperature in front of him disappeared in an instant, and the mist continued to sweep up, and the cold and dampness once again occupied Bai Zhou's body.

Bai Zhou paddled the oar vigorously, obviously he was in constant motion, but Bai Zhou couldn't feel any heat, he only felt that his body was getting colder and colder.

The thing under the boat was still swimming, the sound of impact became more and more obvious, and the small fishing boat shook more and more violently.

"Keep paddling!" Bai Zhou shouted.

His body was buried in the mist, and the waves splashed onto the small fishing boat. Bai Zhou felt as if he was soaking in water.

Suddenly, the thing under the water seemed to have seized the last chance and slammed into it.

Bai Zhou, who was already extremely weak, could no longer hold the oar and fell heavily onto the fishing boat.

In the blur, he only heard anxious voices coming from the tree roots wrapped around him:

"Master! Master!"

The voice called anxiously, and a figure came to his side and patted his face gently.

Finally, there is a little warmth.

Bai Zhou opened his eyes, and his apprentice was squatting in front of him, looking at him worriedly.

There was only a faint sound of waves around me, and the fog calmed down.

Bai Zhou lay in the middle of the boat and asked feebly: "Apprentice, have we left the island?"

The apprentice shook his head.

"We are back again, Master..."

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