I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 267 Fish School

The small fry swim in the center of the moonlight, wrapped in a band of light, like a pupa in a cocoon.

The light spots spread into the body, and the scars on the little fish slowly disappeared without a trace.

The light strip gently touched the little fry's head and slowly floated into the distance.

The little fry looked at the strip of light longingly. At this moment, the moonlight became the most beautiful symbol in its heart.

"Isn't it beautiful?"

Jeff said suddenly.

"It's so beautiful that I want to keep it for myself."

Mo Ling was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

"What's the meaning?"


Jeff was silent again.

Before Mo Ling could recover, the little fry turned its head and burrowed towards another piece of film.

The beautiful moonlight gradually disappeared from the wrapping film.

"Where's the next place?"

Mo Ling thought it would be some natural thing again, but when the small fry passed through the membrane, what he saw in front of him made him confused.

Still endless darkness.

But in this darkness, there are countless small white dots hanging in the void. These small dots are arranged neatly and extend to the endless distance.

They are arranged in a grid, with the same distance between each other, like soldiers in an array, except that they are lined up neatly in three-dimensional space.

The little fry had just arrived here and didn't know what it was before them. It curiously wandered among the gaps between these white dots, like a troublemaker who had blended into the queue.

These small white dots did not react at all, floating quietly and motionless.

Finally, the little fry could no longer restrain its curiosity and gently bumped into one of the white dots.

But his collision caused a huge chaos.

The small point hit by it suddenly expanded like popcorn, and the originally very stable spherical shape instantly began to twist and change.

It seemed that the change of this small point caused the structure to become unstable, and the surrounding small points began to tremble rapidly.

The shape of the small dot changed rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it actually looked exactly the same as the small fry.

The little fish looked at this copy that was no different from itself, and the two looked at each other.

But it wasn't over yet. The surrounding trembling dots also began to copy the changes of the original dots, slowly expanding and twisting, and began to take on the shape of small fry.

Not long after, several small fry appeared around, and then they also started to look at each other.

Soon, the white dots farther away began to tremble violently...

"What are these little white dots?"

This time, Mo Ling couldn't guess the meaning of these white dots. It was too abstract.

Jeff's standard fishman language rang in his ears again:

"This is the 'group'."

"A school of fish."

"It was at this time that the fishmen truly became a race, a race that could expand infinitely. This is the ability given to us by the permission of the 'group'. This is also the first permission that the fishmen obtained. It can be said that it is ours. Foundation.”

Jeff explained calmly.

"The first authority?" Mo Ling seemed to understand something.

"That's right."

"The sun, the moon, the sea, the flocks...are all these permissions?"

Hearing Mo Ling's question, Jeff replied happily: "Yes, you understand, this is the authority. It took the fish people a long time to figure this out."

Hearing Jeff's affirmative answer, Mo Ling was a little confused.

Everything is a matter of authority. What kind of world were the fishmen born in?

The "shoal" is still expanding, and the small fry can't wait any longer, so they can only start exploring with the school of fish.

With the school of fish, the little fry's adventure trip became much more lively. Many times, the school of fish could help it explore its path. It was also very smart, recording the connections between each film and the region, and slowly began to become familiar with this strange thing. world.

Mo Ling also followed Xiaoyu Fiao's perspective and saw various scenes:

An empty desert full of sand.

There is a void of trees everywhere, no soil, roots hanging in the air.

There are also some scenes that look very abstract and don’t seem to make any sense…

These scenes, without exception, all have one characteristic -

Pure, extremely pure.

The sand is sand, the trees are trees, there are no other impurities, but these places have some very wonderful abilities:

Sand can create dryness.

Trees can control souls.

While experiencing various scenes, Xiaoyu also began to try to obtain the same permissions in these scenes.

At the beginning, it can only try to trigger very abstract and weird scenes. Once these scenes are stabilized, they will quickly collapse.

After the collapse, the fry will gain the same permissions as this scene.

The little fry assigned these permissions to the fish school, and then controlled the fish school to control these permissions.

Immediately afterwards, the little fry began to try to touch those with concrete permissions.

It found that if it could not make the scene collapse automatically.

Then destroy the scene manually.

After destroying the forest in the void, the little fry was surprised to find that after assigning the authority of the tree to the school of fish, the clones who originally only obeyed orders began to have "souls".

"who I am?"

A clone just had a soul and asked the little fry such a question.

That was the first small point that the little fry touched in the "group", and it was also its first copy. The little fry was deeply impressed by it.

"You are Zero One."

The little fry thought for a while and gave him such a name.

"You are Zero Two."

It turned back to the second clone and said.

"It's going to be like this from now on, in order, zero, three, zero and four... I don't need to continue to pick names."

The little fry was happy with his genius idea.

In this way, the little fry tasted the sweetness of destroying scenes, and he continued to lead the fish school to conquer various scenes.

After gaining more and more permissions, the fish school became more and more powerful and began to conquer scenes that were more difficult to destroy.

After the school of fish has a soul, many decisions do not need to be made by the fry itself. It only needs to hand over authority to the replicas below, allowing these replicas to expand freely, and it can enjoy the results.

Those replicas are very obedient and will not resist the orders of the little fry. It seems that this is also the function of the "swarm".

Fish schools fish, and the "fish" is always in front of the "school".

In the process, the replicas also become smarter and smarter.

Among them, Zero One is very satisfied with Xiaoyu Fiao. Zero One is very smart and knows how to use the permissions in his hands, even to the extent of taking advantage of them. He also manages other clones very well.

Therefore, the little fry gave it more authority, and it lived up to expectations, leading the fish school to conquer more scenes.

"Is that you? Jeff." Mo Ling looked at the replica Zero-One swimming and running back and forth and couldn't help but ask.


Jeff responded softly.

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