I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 269 A unique scene

With the sun's authority, the fish's conquest enters its final stage.

They used this power to destroy bones that were originally very difficult to chew.

Under death, nothing is worth mentioning.

The little fry watched all this silently and said nothing.

It hasn't taken other clones around recently, because those scenes were almost destroyed and there were ruins everywhere. The clones moved the things in the ruins to the place where the little fry lived.

But it still wasn't interesting.

It can now use permissions to create more fun things and play more interesting games, but the little fry has always been unhappy.

Sometimes it will create a small sea, get into it, and then create a ray of moonlight that shines on the sea, and it will stay there quietly for a long, long time.

Obviously they all have the same authority, and the moonlight is still the same, but for some reason, the little fish is still in a daze, not knowing what he is thinking.

It isolates itself from the entire school of fish and is out of place.

Until Zero One found it.

"There is a scene that we haven't been able to enter. We need you to take a look."


The little fry followed Zero One through the ruins and came to a thin film.

"right here."

The little fry didn't say anything, and went through the membrane without any hindrance.

The surrounding scene changed, and this time traveling through the film seemed a little different.

Not only was everything around it distorted, but the little fry seemed to also see some dazzling colorful tentacles, twisting and gently touching its body.

Just like Yue once did.

When it crossed the membrane, it realized that everything in front of it had never been seen before, but it was extremely familiar.

Many of the scenes that Xiaoyu had experienced before were very pure. There was only one thing in the void, trees, sand, sea, sun, moon... without any impurities.

But it's different here. There's no dark void, just all kinds of miscellaneous things. All the previous scenes have similar shadows here.

Trees grow in the soil, the sun in the sky floats far away, its light is very soft, the sea is blown by the wind, and the waves roll onto the beach...

The little fry was fascinated.

It had never thought that the scenes it had experienced could be put together in this way, and they were extremely beautiful and coordinated.

While sighing, the little fry also swam in this beautiful scenery for a long time.

It had not seen these things for a long time after the school of fish turned everything into ruins, so it had to relive them all again in detail.

During the time it was playing, the sun also slowly set, glowing red, and fell into the sea. The water was filled with red. The little fry never thought that the sun would have such a beautiful moment.

When the sun completely set, not long after, on the other side of the sky, the little fry discovered the moon that it was longing for.

However, the moon, like the sun, is very far away.

But the familiar moonlight still shined down without hesitation, wrapping around the little fry's body gently.

The little fry was ecstatic. He used all his authority and rushed towards the moon desperately.

It will return to Yue again!

However, no matter how hard it tries, getting further and further away from the ground, the distance between it and the moon never seems to shorten.

The moon is still far away and cannot be approached no matter what.

After trying various methods, the little fry finally gave up and stayed where he was, looking painfully at the distant moon.

You can obviously see it, but you can't catch it.

Bathed in the moonlight, the little fish's eyes only saw the unreachable moon, and other than that, it was all darkness.

Just as the little fry was looking at the moon in a trance, several colorful tentacles appeared beside it. It patted the little fry's head comfortingly, and then retracted in again.

Not long after, the tentacles stretched out again, wrapped around a few pieces of something with a strange smell, and put it to the little fry's mouth, as if they wanted to share it with it.

Seeing that the little fry showed no reaction, the tentacles quickly retracted, and then there was a chirping sound...

"Is this a dream?" Mo Ling looked at the colorful tentacles and asked in surprise.

He was so familiar.

"You know?" Jeff was a little surprised. He probably didn't expect that Mo Ling would see it directly.

"This whole scene is a dream, that's why everything before was put together, including the sun and the moon. Those tentacles should be a combination of octopus and rainbow. They are all false..."

Mo Ling listened and didn't know how to answer. He recognized this place as a dream, not for other reasons but simply because he saw the colorful tentacles.

It seems that the fishmen don't know about the tentacles and regard them as part of the dream.

The little fry obviously thought that the tentacle was part of the scene and ignored it.

After staring at the moon for a long time, the little fry turned around reluctantly, returned to the ground, found the membrane from which it came, and put it back through.

Zero One has been waiting outside the film.

"You're back, what's the scene inside?"

The little fish fry told Zero One everything he saw.

"It seems that you may need to bring us in together." After hearing this, Zero One said to the little fry.

"Is it necessary?" Xiao Yufiao seemed to be thinking about the moon inside, and asked hesitantly.

"You can make your choice without asking me." Zero One replied calmly.

It has never forced the little fry to do anything. It makes all decisions based on the opinions of the little fry, and everything it does is done from the perspective of the fish school.

But this made Xiaoyu Fry feel that he was wrong even more.

This scene is very unique, and the authority it possesses must also be extraordinary. It is very likely that it is the hope pursued by the fish school. It should not hinder the development of the entire fish school because of its own selfish desires.

"Can you destroy the moon last? Keep it first..." the little fish asked painfully.

"As long as you want."

Zero One still gave the same answer, but the little fry felt that the future of the entire fish school was weighing on him.

It is the leader of the fish school, this is an unchangeable fact.

No matter how much Zero One shares with the other clones, the final responsibility will still fall on it, and the "fish" of the school of fish will always be at the front.

"Then try something else first, if it doesn't work, then finally destroy the moon. I want to keep it..." the little fish fry said, getting softer and softer.

But Zero One still listened carefully to Xiaoyu Fiao's request and seriously agreed.

"There are ruins everywhere. If we don't find a way to break the shackles in the end, what should we do?" Xiaoyu asked Zero One worriedly.

"That shows that our understanding of permissions is not enough. We now have a lot of permissions, but many of them don't know the principles. We can try to figure out the principles of these permissions, or explore deeper, such as why these permissions are generated."

"Destruction is only a means, not an end. Understanding the world must be a process."

"This is just the beginning. We only know how to destroy, but we don't know how to create. There is not only one way."

“You can trust that there is always hope.”

Zero One still looked serious.

The little fry looked at it, as if there was a moonlight of its own in Zero One's eyes.

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