I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 277 Technical Blockade

Isn't this a detour?

"Believe me, just go like this and you'll be there soon." The villain replied.

After listening to the villain's words, Mo Ling walked forward a little further with hesitation.

Sure enough, the fog around him became very heavy, and the surrounding area became darker.

However, there seemed to be a looming light in the distance that was constantly flashing.

"See that light? It's over there."

Mo Ling followed the villain's instructions and walked over.

But the light was right in front of him, but Mo Ling still walked for a long time.

"Where is this?" Mo Ling finally couldn't help but ask. He guessed that this was no longer a library.

"This is the tunnel."


"Yes, the tunnel established by the Chali clan." The villain explained.

"Every time they wake up, most of the Chali tribe will fall asleep immediately, but some will stay to monitor the fishmen. Because the number is relatively small, they will not attract attention, so they hide in the tunnels."

While walking, Mo Ling also learned from the little people what the Chali clan had done over the years.

When the Chali clan woke up for the first time, they realized it was the work of a school of fish and wanted to use them to attract the mist.

But the Chali people don't know the true purpose of the fish school, nor do they know why the fish school falls into a deep sleep.

As a result, the Chali clan separated most of the clan members again, leaving a small group to investigate the matter.

Although this small group of tribesmen will trigger the mist, they will not allow the mist to completely divert the target.

Unlike schools of fish, they don't need to use a variety of parts and tools, and the fog has no effect on them.

The Chali tribe has lived on this island for so long and has long been familiar with the terrain. They have widened the tunnels crisscrossed by tree holes as passages for their covert movements.

The fish school has been concentrating on implementing its own plan and has not noticed these Chali tribe hiding in the dark.

After spending some time, the Chali tribe understood the purpose of the fish school, and they wanted to replace immortality through skill replacement.

Of course, the fish will not succeed in trying to separate the tribe.

However, they had no choice but to target the new fish-men.

However, the bodies of these fishmen are immortal.

The school of fish in turn exploits the principle of immortality, allowing the soul to die and the body to live on forever.

Only those immortal bodies age a little each time they wake up.

This little time was simply not enough time for the Chali Tribe to take action, and the school of fish had been staring at the newly born murlocs, so the Chali Tribe could not do anything.

Therefore, they decided to make plans while the fish were sleeping.

This small group of Chali tribesmen have been waiting in the tunnel until the fish school falls asleep again.

They also quickly thought of a solution.

The school of fish wants to learn new skills, but they make it impossible for the school of fish to learn it.

So they began to secretly interfere with the technological development of the new fishmen.

At every key development node, various strange things will appear, interrupting the development of new murlocs:

The first time they try to light a fire, it suddenly starts raining.

They tried to make tools for the first time, but found they couldn't find the materials.

When they wanted to go to sea for the first time, the boat they worked so hard to build suddenly broke.

Although these things could only slow down the development of the new fishmen a little, when combined, they suppressed their civilization to a very backward level.

The fishmen tried planting, but found that there was no suitable place on the island. In fact, this was also done by the Chali tribe.

The fishmen also tried to raise some animals on the island, but these animals all died inexplicably.

Although these skills are taught to them in the ancient books of fishmen, as long as they have no effect after practicing them a few times, they will not try again.

This resulted in the extremely slow development of new fishmen.

They couldn't do anything, so they could only languish on the island all the time. A conservative atmosphere gradually formed in the clan.

This is also what the Chali clan wants.

Although there are often some talents who try to innovate among the new murlocs, these talents also die in depression under constant blows.

Although the bodies are immortal, the souls of these new fishmen do not exist forever. After a while, these souls will be replaced by a new batch.

Thus, civilization returned to its primitive stage again.

This batch of new souls will go through the same process again.

After continuous efforts and still no hope of development, they will fall into the quagmire and stop struggling.

This is a compromise for the environment, and the murlocs continue to live a backward life year after year.

The reason why they cannot develop is not because they are unwilling to make progress or lack IQ, but because they are always shrouded in the shadow of the Chali clan.

Under such soil, the murlocs became increasingly isolated and dull, until one group of souls died and another group of souls reappeared, repeating the same mistakes.

Of course, the fish school is also aware of the problems of these new souls. Their development is slow and their civilization is backward, so they can only continue to increase the spread of inheritance and want to force these new souls to skip a civilization stage.

However, under the secret influence of the Chali clan, the fish-men clan has been trapped on the island, clinging to their own selves and gradually sinking.

After waking up one time, the fish found that the new souls still had not developed, so they thought of a way - to use pseudo-fishmen.

These pseudo-murlocs are all other races whose cognition has been changed by parts. They were originally used as invasion tools, but now they have other uses.

When they woke up, the fish used parts to control these pseudo-fishmen who were also trapped in immortality to leave the island and return to their hometown.

Let them spread as far as possible across the abyss.

After a period of time, the soul is replaced, and the new soul will passively accept the distortion of the identity of the parts, trigger a forged memory, think that it is a fishman, and then return to the fishman island with knowledge from other races.

Fish School wants to use this method to break the technological blockade and use the culture of other races to impact Fish-Man Island.

However, the fishmen are more afraid of the pseudo-murlocs than accepting them. They isolate these pseudo-murlocs and exclude them.

Before the cultures could collide, Mars was extinguished by the new fish people themselves.

It was not until the last two hundred years that a human exploration ship came to the island and broke the blockade of the fish people. This new group of fish people began to understand the world.

At the same time, people like Jeff also appeared in the murloc tribe. They did not have any prejudice against pseudo-murlocs, but were willing to learn the culture and knowledge from other races.

Under the combined action of these two factors, eternal life is imperceptibly replaced.

At the same time, after humans arrived on the island, the Chali tribe realized that they could no longer interfere with the development of the new fishmen.

They can only sneakily interfere with the development process of new fish-men, but they cannot stand on the bright side and expose their existence.

Facing the impact of human culture, the Chali tribe waited quietly, hoping that they would never be replaced.

However, the thing that worried them the most happened.

Under the impact of various external cultures and knowledge, the new fishmen learned many new skills, many of which the fish themselves did not know.

Just like that, Eternal Life was quietly replaced.

"But now it seems that this is the best result. Fortunately, I have you."

The villain patted Mo Ling on the shoulder and praised.

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