I'm Uzumaki Naruto, I don't need approval

Chapter 299 299I heard that you have mastered the power of prophecy?

Chapter 299 299. I heard that you have mastered the power of prophecy?

Faced with Naruto's request, Jiraiya thought carefully for a while, bit his finger and summoned the two immortals Fukasaku and Shima.

The two immortals jumped on Jiraiya's shoulders and looked around cautiously: "Little Jiraiya, what enemy do we need to deal with this time? Are they still those white eyes from last time?"

In the last battle with Lunar Otsutsuki, Jiraiya and Tsunade entered Sage Mode and Hyakuhao Mode respectively, and barely managed to repel those enemies with the Tsundereyan Chakra, and the presence of those Otsutsuki also made Fukasaku, Shima was impressed.

Jiraiya shook his head and then said: "There is no war this time. Naruto plans to meet the Great Toad Sage."

"Naruto, the son of prophecy?"

At this time, Fukasaku Sage noticed Naruto beside him. After sensing Naruto's unfathomable chakra, which was as deep as the earth, his face became a little more solemn.

Naruto was also looking at the two immortals, Fukasaku Shima, judging from the richness of the natural energy in their bodies.

These two toad immortals are on par with Longdi Cave Snake Lady. They should both be immortals with similar auxiliary abilities. Their combat effectiveness is far inferior to that of large psychic beasts whose combat effectiveness is enhanced by their size.

Being stared at by Naruto like this made Shima Sennin very uncomfortable, especially the faint aura of Ryūchi Cave about Naruto, which made her feel disgusted. After all, the big snakes in Ryūchi Cave usually feed on frogs and are veritable natural enemies.

After a moment, Naruto spoke: "Fukasaku Sennin and Shima Sennin, two great names I have admired for a long time."

Fukasaku Sage was silent for a while, and then said: "Naruto, Mt. Myoboku is the holy land of our toad clan. Only descendants who have signed a contract can go there. Moreover, the great toad sage has been in a deep sleep, and it is difficult for us to see him awake. when."

Then, as if he had made some kind of decision, Fukasaku Sennin said: "However, if you are willing to sign a contract, I can take you to Mt. Myoboku."

Seeing this scene, Jiraiya was stunned.

When did Master Fukasaku and Sister Shima become so easy to talk to? Is this the treatment that children of prophecy enjoy?

While speaking, Fukasaku Sennin took out the Myoboku Mountain psychic scroll and opened it. The last name recorded on it was Namikaze Minato.

Naruto was not in a hurry to take the scroll, but looked at Tsunade and signaled Tsunade to summon the slug clone.

Tsunade was quite unhappy with Naruto's attitude, but she still summoned the slug clone honestly, and a soft voice sounded from the ground: "Tsunade-sama, is there anything I can help you with?"

"The kid next to you wants to see your true form. He seems to be the prophesied son of Miaomu Mountain."

Hearing this, Slug looked at Naruto who was standing aside, and then showed a human look in his eyes and said, "Naruto-sama, my clone and my main body are shared. If you have anything, just ask me directly."

Slug's attitude also stunned Tsunade. Although Slug had a good temper, he was not so groveling.

Naruto grabbed the slug, put it on his shoulder, and then took the Miaomu Mountain scroll. After dripping blood, he said calmly: "Fukasaku Sage, use reverse spirituality to take me to Miaomu Mountain."

Fukasaku Sennin glanced at the slug and said hesitantly: "Miaomu Mountain does not allow people from other holy places to enter at will, especially the clones of the Great Sage."

Naruto was too lazy to reply and only gave an unquestionable look. Fukasaku and Shima Sennin could only do as they were told.

Soon, Fukasaku Sage took the lead in returning to Mt. Myoboku, and then used the counter-spiritual technique to summon Naruto. Without any resistance, Naruto disappeared smoothly.

Jiraiya and Tsunade looked at each other, then looked at the other slug clone on the desk.

"Master Slug, why are you so polite to Naruto? How strong is he now?"

Facing the questions from Jiraiya and Tsunade, the slug clone replied: "Jiraiya-sama, Tsunade-sama, I don't know how strong Naruto-sama is, but meeting him reminded me of the Six Paths Sage a thousand years ago. …”

"I think Naruto-sama is about as strong as the Six Paths Sage I've seen."

Hearing this, Jiraiya and Tsunade instantly understood why the attitude of these immortals was so respectful. The Sage of Six Paths was a figure that existed in mythology, and it was hard to say whether it existed or not.

Naruto unknowingly had a strength comparable to that of the Sage of Six Paths.

In Miaomu Mountain, as the space rippled, Naruto and the slug clone came to the grass.

As soon as he landed, Naruto noticed a few strong chakra auras. The natural energy concentration of this place also made him feel extremely comfortable. It is worthy of being the holy land of Mt. Miaomu that is as famous as Ryuji Cave.

"Naruto, I'm going to see if the Great Immortal is awake. Please wait here."

Just when Fukasaku Sage was about to inform the Great Toad Sage, Naruto stretched out his hand to stop Fukasaku Sage, then looked in the direction of the Toad Temple, and said with a chuckle: "No need, I have already felt the Chakra of the Great Toad Sage. "

Before he finished speaking, Naruto rushed towards the Toad Temple, releasing the majestic chakra aura in his body.

Not long after, Naruto came to the Toad Temple and saw Toadmaru sitting on the stone platform sleeping soundly. After a thousand years, Toadmaru, who was originally just an ordinary toad, had turned into a giant.

Considering that the immortals in the three holy places all have long lifespans, it is very likely that they have mastered the technology of extending their lifespan.

The means of extending lifespan should be the so-called natural energy, but whether it is natural energy or chakra, they are essentially the same substance, but one is milder and the other is more violent.

After noticing Naruto's arrival, Gamamaru opened his cloudy eyes, looked at Naruto's position, and said in a faint tone: "The son of the prophecy that changed destiny, you are finally here."

The son of prophecy who changes destiny?

Hearing this, both Fukasaku-sennin and Shima-sennin were a little confused, but the slug clone showed a thoughtful expression. It was obvious that she, who was also a great sage, also knew part of Naruto's fate.

After Gamamaru saw through part of the truth, Naruto didn't show any surprise.

Before he only had the strength of the shadow level, he might still be afraid of the great immortals of Miaomu Mountain, but after he completely reached the super shadow level, he had no fear of the three great immortals.

Judging from the amount of chakra, the Great Immortals of the three holy places are all tailed beasts.

Counting the accumulation over the years, the Great Immortals are just on the threshold of reaching the Super Shadow level. Together they can only kill one Otsutsuki at most, and two or more are powerless.

As for why there are half-step super shadow native creatures in the ninja world, Naruto couldn't help but think of the God of Otsutsuki.

The ninja world is the place where the god Otsutsuki fell, so it is not surprising that such a monster is born.

Thinking of this, Naruto calmly said to Toadamaru: "Big Toad Sage, I heard that you have the ability to predict the future. Can you predict why I came here?"

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