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Those who appear.

3 Martial Ancestor realms, 5 half-step Martial Ancestor realms, and 7 Peak Wushen realms.

In front of the three major forces, such strength is not at all a level.

But at the moment, such a celebration appears to be quite heavy.

“What are these demonic cultivators?”

Jin Lingxiao and other 100 beast palace Martial Ancestor realm, their faces are sinking, killing intent emerges.

Right now, it is the best time to destroy the Sky Crane Valley and Xuehou Mansion, Peak battle strength

But didn’t expect, suddenly jumped out of such a group of demonic cultivator.

But the Tianhe Valley and Xuehou House and the others, the expression was a shock.

The reason why they fell into such a situation.

The most important reason is that Qin Yu is controlling this monstrous Killing Array.

If those demonic cultivators can contain Qin Yu, then they are sure to get out.

“Take the Holy Seal, and you leave?”

Qin Yu looked at the black robed man indifferently.


That black robed man, slightly nodded.

Their goal is only the seal of demonic cultivator, and they do not want to get involved in the battle of Three Great Influences.

“Okay, then for you!”

Qin Yu flicked the fingers, an ancient box rushed towards the black robed man.

The black robed man’s sleeve waved, Heaven and Earth Law concussed, and wrapped the ancient box.

“Not good !”

But at the moment of touching, the ancient box suddenly burst.

Countless ancient mysterious runes, like volcanic eruptions, instantly flooded most of Heaven and Earth.

The monstrous Killing Array, after being merged with those rolling runes, immediately expanded more than 3 times.

Sky Magic Sect and the others, before they reacted, were shrouded in Killing Array.

The full of terrifying coercion and rolling killing intent, more and more powerful to suppress them.

Except for those 4 Martial Ancestor realms, those half-step Martial Ancestor and Wushen Realm instantly turned into blood foam.

True Dragon 7 flashes!

Speedy mood!

Qin Yu held a long spear, silhouette flashing, and rushed to the Sky Magic Sect for 4 people.

Not to mention that in the Holy Seal, there is the clue of Ancestral Dragon, Qin Yu impossible let it go.

Just a sneak attack made him almost die, so he used Azure Dragon and Tian Seal.

Qin Yu has already activated the killing intent, and did not intend to let them go.

10000 Ghost Hall has never found him, because he has not exposed these Divine Ability secret techniques.

Once Sky Magic Sect and the others are released, it is estimated that it won’t take long for Sky Magic Sect to attack.

For the current Qin Yu, this is something that must be avoided.

“courting death !”

See Qin Yu killing others in Sky Magic Sect in an instant, killing intent riot in black robed man.

With a palm shot, Heaven and Earth Law converged to form a huge zhang magic mark and cracked down.

Sky Magic Sect 3 other Martial Ancestor Shields, silhouette flash, appeared in Qin Yu all around, killing intent rampage.


Qin Yu’s left palm, the spirit mark glows.

That monstrous Killing Array, like an angry giant ancient creature, killing intent swept like a tsunami.

Bang bang bang!

The three attempts to block Qin Yu’s Martial Ancestor’s environmental protection law were immediately hit by fiercely.

“9 You purgatory!”

“Destroy the ghost pupil!”

“Time and Space Killing Array!”

Qin Yu silhouette flashed, traversing the suppressed zhang magic mark,

At the moment of traversing, the dragon scales on Qin Yu’s body emerged, the ghost pupils in his eyes floated up and down, and the ancient Killing Array riot in space and time.

Each and everyone’s card moves, at this moment, Qi Qi attacked in a Martial Ancestor realm.

The force of Killing Array, strikes, and the Martial Ancestor environment where even Heaven and Earth Law was unstable, suffered severe spitting blood again.

“Tianchen divine light!”

Qin Yu is attacking constantly, the Dragon Seal of the eyebrows and stars emerges, and a streak of divine light emerges.

The Martial Ancestor realm, before reacting, was penetrated by divine light, and even the soul was crushed.

“How can it be?!”

The black robed man who controlled the magic seal again and suppressed it, exclaimed in shock.

Sky Magic Sect’s other 2 Martial Ancestor realms are also jaw-dropping, incredible.

Qin Yu, actually killed a Martial Ancestor? !

“What the fuck!”

The two sects Martial Ancestor environment of Tianhegu who has been paying attention to the battle between Qin Yu and Sky Magic Sect is also terrifying.

Even if Qin Yu can control Peak Holy Order Killing Array, but this is so easy, beheaded a Martial Ancestor realm.

This is too much!

You know, that is the real Martial Ancestor environment!

Even if they are, in the same level Martial Ancestor environment, defeat can be done, but want to beheaded, it is difficult.

Defeat and kill are two different levels of meaning.

“No wonder, he will feel dangerous in him …”

Jin Lingxiao’s eyes were hard to hide.

At the moment, Qin Yu’s feeling of palpitations is getting stronger.

“really strong !”

Hai Tianzhe and other 100 Beast Palace powerhouses were also extremely shocked, looking at the scene with a daze.

Until now, they only found out that they knew nothing about Qin Yu.

Not only the Double Saints, but also the battle strength is enough to kill the Martial Ancestor?

I really don’t know what kind of monster Qin Yu is!

“this is……”

At this time, far away from the Ancient Battlefield several hundred li, one silhouette, hiding on a lonely peak.

In the man’s eyes, a layer of pale blue rays of light appeared, and the two eyes were like blue crystals.

What is even more shocking is that although the man is far away from the land of 3 battles, there is several hundred li.

But in his pupils, there are clearly emerged, three scenes of war.

“Dragon Race Divine Ability …”

“Ancient Killing Array …”

“at last……”

“Got you!”


“Swallow the Dragon Seal!”

In the sky, Qin Yu ignored them, those shocking eyes.

Seeing the black robed man, the condensedhundzhang magic seal, came from the crackdown.

Qin Yu pierced with a spear and shocked Heavenly Dragon.

The Dragon Seal appeared, taking off with a mighty dragon might.

Fiercely hit the magic zhang magic mark, blocking the magic mark in the air.

call out!

Qin Yu’s silhouette flickered in a flash, appearing not far from the black robed man.

The coercion of the monstrous Killing Array and the ancient Killing Array.

At this moment, with the black robed man as the center, he immediately cracked down and completely blocked him.


That black robed man both hands forming seals, covered with a spell, imposing manner pulled up very quickly.

Amazing magic power, sweeping outbreak, want to shatter the coercion of the double Killing Array.


“Forbidden technique, sacrifice the fairy!”

9 Youlong spear shocked, dazzling white light condensed into a meteor, fleeting in the void.

The black robed man surrounded by magic lines suddenly froze, and his head was penetrated directly.

For Immortal Technique, as long as it is not avoided, the ordinary Martial Ancestor is hit, which is basically mortal.

“Even Martial Ancestor Realm 2 …”

The two Sky Magic Sect protectors that were rushing to death were directly frozen in place, terrified in their eyes.

“What secret technique is that ?!”

Not only Sky Magic Sect 2 people.

100 The Martial Ancestor of the Three Great Influences in the Beast Palace, Tianhe Valley, and Xuehou House is also more and more shocked.

At this moment, the dragon scales covered the whole body, surrounded by azure dragon spirit, and held Qin Yu with a long spear.

In their eyes, as if killing the gods, no one can stop them.


Dragon spear was shocked, Qin Yu did not hesitate, and immediately rushed to the 2 Martial Ancestor realms.

The two Martial Ancestor environments were found in the Killing Array and were unable to charge ahead.

Like the dying ominous beast, the fierce and fierce joint attack on Qin Yu.

Looking at their appearance, it is clear that Qin Yu will also be pulled on death.

However, under Dragon Soul’s control of Time and Space Strength, reverse the Void Time Flow Speed.

Even though the two Martial Realms were so powerful, they still fell under the double Killing Array and the Immortal Technique.

So far, Sky Magic Sect entire group has been beheaded by Qin Yu!

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