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On the westernmost part of the ancient imperial martial arts world, there is a vast Barbarian Desolate Land.

There are countless wild ominous beasts.

Just like Monster Race cultivation, it can be transformed into a human form.

Ominous beast, cultivated to a certain realm, can also be transformed into a human form.

However, the transformation of the wild ominous beast is extremely difficult.

In Wushen Realm, Monster Beast can be transformed, can be counted on one’s fingers.

The wild ominous beast during the floating period, once occupied 2/3 of the world of the ancient imperial martial world.

Until later the powerful rise of the ancient imperial palace unified the entire martial world.

Only then will the wild ominous beast be completely expelled to the westernmost Barbarian Desolate Land.

Therefore, the wild ominous beast and the ancient imperial palace have always been incompatible as fire and water.

For over 1000 years, the wild ominous beast has been attacking the status of the ancient imperial palace.

This time, this ferocious tiger was transformed into a humanoid and prepared to sneak into the ancient imperial palace. Obviously there was any conspiracy.

Qin Yu has no plans to manage the grudges of the wild ominous beast and the ancient imperial palace.

But the wild secret technique is quite mysterious, which makes Qin Yu very interested.

According to the memory of the fierce Celestial Tiger, this wild secret technique cultivation success can control wild wild beasts.

Just as the green robe youth had controlled the dozens of ominous beasts before.

Fortunately, the ominous beast that controls the half-step Martial Ancestor environment has not been taken by it.

Otherwise, even Qin Yu couldn’t capture it so easily.


Suddenly, Qin Yu expression moved slightly, his eyes lit up.

“what happened?”

Feeling the joy of Qin Yu, Dragon Soul asked.

“Barbarian Desolate Land, there is a sacred Dragon Vein!”

Qin Yu threw the memory of the ferocious Tiger into Dragon Soul.

“Sacred Dragon Vein? This is really a good thing!”

Dragon Soul also rejoiced.

The grade of Dragon Vein is the same as that of Dragon Race.

The dragon energy contained in the sacred Dragon Vein will be more than 10000 times that of Dragon Spirit in Dragon Spirit City.

call out!

When Qin Yu continued to search, the memory of the ferocious Tianhu.

a beam of black light, it hit Qin Yu very fast.

Look at the power and speed, if it is attacked, even if it is Peak of Wushen Realm, it will immediately die.

Qin Yu stepped into the air, avoiding the black light, and then the silhouette flashed, appearing in the place of attack.

There are 4 silhouettes of 4 Heaven’s Chosen participating in the assessment.

Seeing what they look like, they obviously joined forces with each other.

Hong long long !

Qin Yu did not hesitate at all, within the body azure dragon surging, rushed out immediately.

After a violent bombardment, the four young geniuses died immediately.

For people who want to kill him, Qin Yu has never shown mercy.

With the passage of time, the number of Heaven’s Chosen in the 100th map has also decreased.

Of the more than 4000 people, there are already fewer than 2000.

In many independent spaces, Heaven’s Chosen has already stood out.

Peak Heaven’s Chosen, Zhou Yunlang, Li Tianxuan and Zhao Yunhai, are naturally listed.

After one hour, Qin Yu defeated all the geniuses and went out of the mountain range space.

At this time, most of the independent spaces, duel out the most powerhouse.

There are still more than ten independent spaces where fighting is still under way.

After seeing Qin Yu appear, Li Tianxuan and Zhao Junhai both had deep eyes.

Now that Qin Yu has successfully come out, it is equivalent to the official ancient palace recipe.

If you want to get rid of him in the future, it will not be that simple.


After another one hour, a long bell sounded, and the 100 boundary map immediately became smaller.

Those who are still in the 100 boundary map and did not win duel in Heaven’s Chosen were directly judged out.

In the end, there were only more than 800 people in Heaven’s Chosen who successfully entered the ancient imperial palace!

More than 10000 people were selected from the 800 selection geniuses.

There is no doubt that from aptitude to battle strength, it is the most Peak’s Heaven’s Chosen.

In the future, it will have the terrifying potential of entering martial arts.

“Congratulations, from today on, it will be the official ancient palace recipe.”

The three purple robe Martial Ancestor realm, smiled at the more than 3 new talents.

These people will be the backbone of the ancient imperial palace even Peak exists in the future.

7 In the military world, any force.

Absorbing so many amazing amounts of Heaven’s Chosen will become Peak forces in the future.

Of course, the ancient imperial palace can absorb more than 800 Heaven’s Chosen, also from the side.

The ancient imperial palace has amazing details.

After all, the cultivation of any Martial Ancestor environment requires massive resources.

If the background is not enough, even if it attracts more geniuses, it is useless.

After a simple congratulations, the three purple robe Martial Ancestor realm.

Take more than 800 Heaven’s Chosen including Qin Yu directly into the world of Xuya and enter the ancient imperial palace.

The ancient imperial palace is as big as an island, even standing in the sky, it is difficult to see the end at a glance.

In the ancient imperial palace, there are hundreds of areas.

Qin Yu and other newcomers’ disciples entered the ancient imperial palace.

The first thing is to remember the division of the entire ancient imperial palace.

Some restricted areas are forbidden for newcomers to enter.

“Heaven’s breath!”

At the top of the residence palace, Qin Yu looked towards the ancient imperial palace somewhere.

He felt a strong wave of thunder.

In this ancient imperial palace, there is a real innate thunderbolt.

Qin Yu looked away and flew away in that direction immediately.

Not long after, Qin Yu came to a torn ancient pool with a thunderbolt.

The ancient pool was huge zhang, and the rich Thunder Strength in it was almost full to liquid.

This is one of the cultivation secret realm of the ancient imperial palace.

After Qin Yu looked at it, the expression suddenly appeared.

In this ancient pond, an ancient thunder stone was sealed, and the thunder stone can automatically lead the sky to fall.

In the ancient imperial palace, the martial artist who understands Thunder Dao, where cultivation, will have several times of promotion.

In addition to this thunder pool, there are dozens of attribute secret realms that assist various cultivation.

It is no wonder that countless geniuses, breaking their heads, want to enter the ancient imperial palace.

After all, after the cultivation base reaches the Wushen Realm, the realization of Heaven and Earth Profound Truth is not an easy task.

But with these attribute secret realm auxiliary cultivation, the result can be completely different.

“Good opportunity!”

Qin Yu’s eyes brightened.

His Thunder-Fire Dragon Body has no chance of cultivation after reaching 8 turns.

Now, this pool of sky and thunder will be an excellent Cultivation Land.

After cultivation 2 turns, Thunder-Fire Dragon Body can achieve Perfection.

At that time, Qin Yu will be able to cultivate the Secret skill 9rd Style and Dragon God overlord in the Immemorial Battle Dragon Art.

Thunder-Fire Dragon Body cultivation arrives at perfection, will have 100000 giant power, comparable to ordinary dragon power.

However, even if it is just a basic introduction, the dragon god overlord can go to the sea to be a dragon, go to heaven to fight the dragon, and Divine Item is not hurt.

It is a door that can really achieve Fleshy body’s Supreme secret technique.

Hong long long !

With Qin Yu rushing into the thunderbolt.

The destruction of the thunderbolt in the entire thunder pool, like a cat smelling fishy, ​​furiously flocked to Qin Yu.

The vastness can be described by torrents and tsunamis.

For a moment, the silhouette of Qin Yu was completely out of sight.

“Someone rushed into the thunder pool! What does he want to do?”

“This is … inducing Tianlei to converge?”

“This guy, want to bring about one’s own destruction?”

Those martial artists who perceive Thunder Dao on the edge of the thunder pool in the sky are all shocked.

Dare to rush into the thunder pool like this, is it really tired of living?

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