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Indistinctly, there was a shocking Heavenly Dragon chant that appeared from Qin Yu.

The dragon roar is magnificent, deterring 10000 spirits.

It’s Azure Dragon’s battle show!

The monkey spirit barbarian was also shocked by expression: “dragon might ?!”

The wild ominous beast, although very different from Monster Race, is also a beast.

Faced with the real power of Dragon Race, naturally it was heart palpitations from the heart, and Bloodline was suppressed.


Qin Yu right hand came into the fist, took a volley, straddled thehundred zhang, and appeared in front of the monkey spirit barbarian.

The majestic True Origin and the vast divine force condensed into a ruined fist.

“Not good !”

The monkey spirit barbarian turned pale with fright, not even think, and his whole body condensed with aura.

Heaven and Earth Law is turbulent, condensed in one point, and exploded with all its might.

As long as Qin Yu is blocked for a moment, he is confident and can escape.

For Qin Yu, the Monkey Spirit Barbarian, no longer has the heart to fight again.

Qin Yu is definitely not as simple as Wushen Realm.

Ka-cha !

But at the moment when the two touch, Divine Ability, the rule of the monkey spirit, is directly shattered.

The power of the fist is unmatched. After Divine Ability, the eyebrows of the monkey spirit barbarian burst out, the flesh burst, and the blood splashed.

Monkey Spirit Barbarian, die!

With Qin Yu now cultivation base, show Azure Dragon Battle Queen.

In the Martial Ancestor environment of Earth Rank, he can easily beheaded.

If it is supplemented by Divine Ability secret technique and Killing Array.

The high-level Martial Ancestor environment, I am afraid that it is also in his hands, and there is no benefit.

After killing the Monkey Spirit Barbarian, Qin Yu put away his bones and immediately fled away.

Soon after Qin Yu left, one after another breath of breath came from all directions.

They are all beasts in the Martial Ancestor realm.

They sensed the fall of the monkey spirit barbarian, surprised and angry, killing intent billowing.

Human Race with Martial Ancestor has infiltrated their Barbarian Desolate Land.

For wild beasts, this is naturally intolerable, and they perceive and follow Qin Yu’s trail.

At this moment, Qin Yu has penetrated into Barbarian Desolate Land.

It didn’t take long for him to discover the Dragon Vein, a holy product, in a mountain range that was dominated by countless wild animals.

Qin Yu silhouette flashed straight into the mountain range.

This caused numerous wild beasts to oscillate, and a terrifying battle erupted.

Most of the mountain range was destroyed. After dropping 100 dead beasts, the remaining wild beasts fled in panic.

“There are a lot of Martial Ancestor realm beasts that are coming around.”

In Ancient Divine Dragon Seal, Dragon Soul spoke, and his voice was slightly dignified.

Qin Yu’s battle strength today is indeed enough to fight the high-level Martial Ancestor environment.

But here, it is Barbarian Desolate Land.

The ancient imperial palace unified the entire ancient imperial martial arts world, and did not destroy the wild ominous beast.

Obviously, with the strength of the ancient imperial palace, it can’t destroy the land full of travel.

That’s why the huge seal Array was laid.

This is enough to show that the Barbarian Desolate Land’s ominous beast strength.

If they are trapped, they might not be easy to get involved.

Qin Yu naturally also feels that there are many Martial Ancestor beasts surrounded.

But now, Saint Vessel Dragon Vein is in front of us, and Qin Yu can’t let it go.

A flash of rays of light flashed into him, and he immediately escaped into the earth.

“This pressure…”

But after escaping deep into the earth, both Qin Yu and Dragon Soul felt something.

They found that there was a terrifying coercion in Dragon Vein.

That kind of coercion far exceeds the Martial Ancestor.

“Emperor Realm ?!”

Qin Yu was a little surprised.

In this Dragon Vein, is it actually a Martial Emperor Realm die during meditation?

Curiously, Qin Yu’s speed became more and more amazing. He flew to the Dragon Vein.

The sacred Dragon Vein, covering the square tens of thousands of li Earth World, naked eyes can see the pure dragon surging.

It looks like a giant dragon imprisoned, no matter how struggling, he can’t break the shackles of the earth.

Dragon Vein is psychic and can walk on its own, normally Heavenly Paradise.

It is rumored that in ancient times, there was even Dragon Vein psychic, direct Dragon Transformation deeds.

In that huge Dragon Vein, there is an ancient copper mirror.

Copper mirror deep azure, like bronze casting, flashing mysterious azure light.

It was the ancient copper mirror that made this venerable Dragon Vein always detained here.

“That copper mirror is absorbing the power of Dragon Vein?”

Dragon Soul expression moved.

He sensed the dragon spirit of Dragon Vein, which was continuously pouring into the copper mirror.

Qin Yu eyes slightly narrowed, flying closer.

His original plan was to detain Dragon Vein immediately.

But now, Dragon Vein was detained by the bronze ancient mirror.

He had to figure out the bronze ancient mirror.

Although the bronze ancient mirror showed very weak coercion, Qin Yu could still see it.

This bronze ancient mirror’s formidable power is far more than Holy Artifact. It is very likely that it is a Divine Item.

Divine Item is basically a proprietary item of Martial Emperor Realm.

Even if the Martial Ancestor environment is available, it cannot be urged, which confirms Qin Yu’s previous perception.

Here, it is indeed a place of died during meditation where Martial Emperor Realm exists.

call out!

Qin Yu entered Dragon Vein, near the moment of bronze ancient mirror.

A terrifying sucking force immediately enveloped Qin Yu.

The speed was so fast that Qin Yu couldn’t respond at all.

Indistinctly, Qin Yu saw a mysterious World.

There Immortal Qi lingers, giant peaks towering, Divine Beast soaring, like hidden land of peace and prosperity.

Weng weng weng!

But almost instantly, the Ancient Divine Dragon Seal in Qin Yu’s mind shuddered automatically.

A mysterious coercion spread out.

Although Qin Yu was swallowed by that pulling force.

But the bronze ancient mirror was also hit by the pressure of the Ancient Divine Dragon Seal, and the ancient patterns on it were disordered.

That pulling power turned into a beam of light, rushed out of the ground, straight into the sky, wherever passed, all the ancient mirror swallowed.

Dragon Vein, the holy product, was also devoured without escape.

In that absorbing force, there is a Supreme domineering Monarch Overlooking The Whole World, flooding Barbarian Desolate Land.

Even the entire ancient imperial martial arts world is aware of it.

“That is……”

“Breath of the wild god!”

“The ruins of the barbarian god are born?”

Those Martial Ancestor realm beasts who came after Qin Yu were shocked to see the beam of light swallowed.

Amidst that intense horror, there was still a color of excitement that was difficult to suppress.

From that beam of light, they felt their Barbarian Desolate Land, the spirit of the old barbarian god.

Although today’s Barbarian Desolate Land, the barbarian tribes are kings, fighting each other.

But Barbarian Desolate Land was once completely unified when the barbarian was alive.

It was the Peak period of Barbarian Desolate Land, and the forces covered Earth World, which was 2/3 of the ancient Imperial Martial World.

It’s a pity that a few hundred years ago, a barbarian god and a mysterious demon battle were hit hard.

Finally, died during meditation in this venerable Dragon Vein.

During these 100 years, there are countless barbarian powerhouses that have sneaked into Dragon Vein and want to get the inheritance of barbarian gods.

However, all the people who entered the Dragon Vein, no accident, disappeared without a trace, life and death unknown.

didn’t expect Now, the ruins of the wild god have actually appeared.

This naturally made Barbarian Desolate Land’s wild beast, to be wild with joy, madly rushing towards the beam of light.

“What it is?”

“In the depths of the wild, are there any treasures born?”

“Look, the wild ominous beasts of Martial Ancestor have all retreated.”

In the Barbarian Desolate Land, the wild beasts rushed towards the land of the Barbarian Desolate Land.

On the plains of the Great War, the Human Race martial artist of the ancient imperial martial arts world also noticed the beam of light rising from the sky and devouring everything.

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