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Facing the ancient emperor of the semi-emperor state, Zhou Pingyang has 5 people, and his strength is not reserved at all, spare no effort.

The other five King’s Mansion masters are also the Heaven and Earth Law riots, and their momentum has skyrocketed.

“Divine light!”

The ancient emperor stepped in.

The diffuse glow of his body was already as strong as the river, surging and surging, sweeping Heaven and Earth.

Wherever divine light has passed, King’s Mansion coalition forces have countless Martial Ancestor conditions. Heaven and Earth Law are immediately suppressed, and battle strength is greatly banned.

The farther the cultivation base differs from the ancient emperor, the greater the suppression of battle strength.

The Martial Ancestor realm of the ancient imperial palace, with vaguely rays of light flashing on his body, avoiding being suppressed by the ancient emperor divine light, is obviously well prepared.

With the help of the Divine light of the Ancient Emperor, the Martial Ancestor of the Ancient Emperor Palace immediately prevailed.

Many King’s Mansion coalition Martial Ancestor fell.

In such chaotic destruction battles, once the soul falls, even the soul escapes impossible, and it is a complete Soul Destruction death.

“Sword kill!”

Seeing the ancient emperor came with great majesty, Zhou Pingyang was loudly shouted.

He condensed his sword intent and turned it into a massive zhang, a murderous aura 4 overflowing.

The giant sword was slashed, and the void collapsed.

It can be clearly seen that countless fine cracks of black cracks appear in the sky.

Those bad luck reminders, the Martial Ancestor environment affected by the sword glow, the fleshy body is like tofu residue, which is easily cut and opened.


The ancient emperor stepped forward, unstoppable.

Right hand shot, the majestic light is like a river swept up in the void.

The fierce thousand zhang giant sword, before being cut down, was sealed in the air by Xia Guang, and then turned into sword energy annihilation.

Zhou Pingyang’s face narrowed.

didn’t expect even one of his hole cards was banned in an instant.

He is still too little to see the divine light of the ancient emperor inheritance.

Ka ka!

At this moment, a cold deep into the bone marrow filled the void, leaving the void frozen.

It was Li Huanglong who seized the opportunity to attempt to suppress the ancient emperor when he dealt with Zhou Pingyang.

“jié jié !”

The strange laughter that made one have one’s hair stand on end appeared, and Zhao Mingtian was covered in dark ancient curse.

The ancient beast with a strong sense of uncertainty, wandering in the void, intermittent, making people unpredictable.


Qian Huoyun is the most direct, heading straight away, the ancient giant illusory shadow is more and more condensed.

punched out, the void violently oscillated like a raging sea, causing a devastating tsunami.

Chi chi chi!

Cangluoshu didn’t shoot, just palms together.

In the palm 2 groups of Cang Ling Mo Yan, merged with each other, the color changed from light white, instantly changed to dark black, Huowei directly upgrade a grade.

In the flames that became dark, I could vaguely see that there was a mysterious shadow.

The demon dao shadow’s breath seemed to be far above the green spirit flame, which was daunting.

Xiu xiu xiu xiu xiu !

The other 5 King’s Mansion masters are also extremely fast, with terrifying powers on their bodies, obviously preparing for the powerful sofa technique.

“Divine light incarnation!”

I saw 8 people from all directions, with Li Huanglong struck by terrifying killing intent.

On the ancient emperor, on the set of ancient Battle Armor, one after another ancient pattern appeared.

In an instant, the ancient emperor was surrounded by four radiant incarnations.

The 4 incarnations are not only exactly the same as those of the ancient emperor, they are even intimate.

Hong long long !

4 incarnations, each sweeping through the majestic glow, suppressing the attacked Li Huanglong, Zhao Mingtian, Qian Huoyun and the masters of the 5 King’s Mansion.

Divine Ability and Law explode violently at this moment, in the sky one after another dark Space Crack appears.

This is the power of confrontation is too strong, even this world can’t bear it.

“Battle strength is like an ontology? What is this Divine Ability?”

The eyes of Li Huanglong’s eyes shrank dramatically, terrified.

They were actually suppressed by an incarnation?

The battle strength of that Xiaguang incarnation seemed to them as if facing the ancient emperor himself.

As for the 5 King’s Mansion masters, with 5 to 1, it was suppressed so that they had no power to fight back, and they could only barely resist.

“Gu Huang Yin!”

With 4 incarnations, after dealing with 8 Li Huanglongs, an Ancient Seal appeared in the hands of the ancient emperor.

Ancient Seal is shining with dazzling rays of light, with splitting heaven and earth apart, arrogant strikes on Zhou Pingyang.

Pu chi!

Zhou Pingyang’s body tremors, and the sword intent and laws of his whole body collapsed directly under the attack of the ancient imperial seal.

The whole person spit blood flying upside down, the imposing manner is in disorder, and the injury is not light.

If at a critical moment, Zhou Pingyang is in his hands, the ancient sword that background is quite extraordinary is blocked.

Just now, Gu Huangyin’s attack, he was afraid that he would have been hit hard.

“This is the power of Half Emperor Realm.”

In the Martial Ancestor realm of the mixed War Zone, I saw many by the strength of oneself, the ancient emperor who pressed the ten kings, and I was shocked.

If it is a single fight, the Martial Ancestor in the scene is afraid that no one can survive under the ancient emperor.

“Damn, I want to see how long you can persist in your current state!”

In Zhou Pingyang’s eyes, there was a cruel color flashing, a roar, a sword slashing, and a straight head.

Although I don’t know, what are the four incarnations performed by the ancient emperor, what is the Divine Ability secret technique.

But there is no doubt that in the state where the ancient emperor is about to be during the period of meditation, such a secret of huge might, he has been impossible.

Even if it is procrastinating, he will procrastinate the ancient emperor.

“Demon, now!”

When Zhou Pingyang fell into danger, Cangluoshu finally shot, loudly shouts, his hands separated.

In his hand, he became dark and dark, and the magic flame split again.

But this time, among the 2 flames, a dark vortex appeared.

In the vortex, the dark mist filled, exuding the cold waves of destruction.

At the next moment, a fierce demon burning with a magic flame rushed towards the ancient emperor.

call out!

Gu Huang moved his eyebrows slightly, reaching out a little.

A ray of ray of light broke through, puncturing the fierce demon with burning flame.

But the flame demon was penetrated. Although the formidable power was banned a lot, the offensive did not stop.

This flame demon was originally transformed by Heaven and Earth’s alien fire. Without an entity, it would naturally not be destroyed.

“Sword is out!”

Zhou Pingyang’s eyes lit up, the offensive surged immediately, and the ancient sword in his hand condensed and destroyed the sword intent, chopping up again and again.

one after another terrifying sword glow, shatter the void, and behead the ancient emperor.

“Body care!”

The ancient emperor was in danger, and his hands drawn a half circle around him.

A divine light shining stone statue illusory shadow, dropping from the sky.

Whether it is Zhou Pingyang’s destruction of the sword light or the flaming magic spirit burning the magic flame, they are all isolated by the stone statue illusory shadow.

“3 King Stone Statue!”

In Zhou Pingyang’s eyes, a fanatical color emerged, and the offensive became more intense.

But that stone statue illusory shadow is like ten thousand zhang mountains, completely motionless.

The ancient emperor wouldn’t wait, and the divine light on his body became vast and ancient. A mysterious imposing manner spawned and suppressed toward Zhou Pingyang.

Among the ten kings, Zhou Pingyang’s battle strength is the most Peak, so the ancient emperor must kill him first.

Bang bang bang!

The violent battle became more and more fierce, and the severe tens of thousands of li in the sky became an area of ​​forbidden destruction.

The earth’s severe tens of thousands of li is directly raze to the ground, and countless losses of life.

Countless distant silhouettes, silhouettes of faintly discernible are all palpitations and chills.

Even those people are Peak Martial Ancestor in other martial circles.

But in the face of such a devastating war, terror cannot be suppressed.

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