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When the destruction of the sword tide dispersed, the silhouette of Qin Yu revealed.

Qin Yu is safe from the sword that Zhou Pingyang destroyed.

Around Qin Yu, the Power of Heaven and Earth was transformed into an ancient Old Shi seal, just like a guardian of an ancient deity.

It is the immortal stone seal!

“Tianji Martial King, dead?”

“No way, Martial Ancestor Nirvana 9 turned powerhouse, was killed in one face?”

“What the fuck!”

Looking at the dissipation of vitality, the soul flew away and scattered Zhao Mingtian, all Martial Ancestor of the King’s Mansion coalition, the heart is a chill of have one’s hair stand on end.

A 9-turn Nirvana Martial Ancestor realm, placed in the 7 Great Martial Realm, is a great character on the famous side.

But now, it is killed by Qin Yu spear!

How can this not make them chill.

Even Wei Yuanjiu, Wu Huangfeng and others in the ancient imperial palace were dumbfounded.

Although one battle 3 days ago, they knew that Qin Yu battle strength was extraordinary.

But how didn’t expect, Qin Yu’s strength is so strong.

Such a method is not weaker than the ancient Emperor Peak period.

“Indestructible stone emperor’s seal? Even the inheritance of the stone emperor …”

Zhou Pingyang, who exudes terrifying sword power, is also extremely shocking.

The immortal stone emperor seal on Qin Yu is more incredible than Zhao Mingtian was killed.

The Divine Ability inheritance of the three ancient emperors, Qin Yu, actually got it.

Now he finally knows why Wei Yuanjiu and Wu Huangfeng did not compete with Qin Yu for the position of ancient emperor.

The person who got all the inheritance of the 3 emperors has never appeared in the history of the ancient imperial palace.


At the shock of the full field, Qin Yu silhouette flickered and rushed towards Zhou Pingyang and the others.

The power of Heaven and Earth is at this moment, and he is pulled by him, terrifying and terrifying.

“Want to deal with all of us on our own, really overestimate one’s capabilities!”


Zhou Pingyang, Li Huanglong, Cangluo Book and the others came back to his senses, expression are all haze, one after another terrifying Heaven and Earth Law riot, sweeping Heaven and Earth.

Xiu xiu xiu!

But at this moment, Wei Yuanjiu, Wu Huangfeng and Elder all urged the large formation.

Immediately, in the Yin and Yang 2 formation, the black white light pillars hiding the sky and covering the earth, dropping from the sky, are countless, like a meteor shower breaking through the sky.

Each black white light column contains terrifying Power of Yin-Yang, which makes the sky dome tremble.

Bang bang bang!

武 King’s Mansion Allied forces of more than 6000 people immediately shot, constantly attacking those black white light pillars.

The law of fury and the Power of Yin-Yang collided violently. This radius of several tens of thousands of li vanished into an area of ​​destruction immediately.

The law of aftermath and Yin-Yang Qi flow are mixed and surging, like chaos and turbidity.

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~!

Seeing the Yin-Yang Qi flow in the sky, Qin Yu sneered at the corner of his mouth.

Divine light shimmered on his body, with 9 divine light incarnations evolved towards the aggressive Zhou Pingyang and the others.

Qin Yu’s body is staring at Cangluo Book.

Cangluo Book’s Cangling Demon Flame, let Jin Yan burn the sky fire, some begin to stir, it seems, want to swallow it.

Divine Fire has spirit, Qin Yu knows it.

However, Jin Yan burned the sky fire and actually wanted to devour other spirit fires, which was somewhat contrary to Qin Yu’s expectations.

“Sword cut!”

Zhou Pingyang’s sword burst, the bright sword light was dazzling like a star, with an unparalleled murderous aura, Tearing the Void, splitting towards a streak of divine light incarnation.


The shocking coldness permeated. After Li Huang’s dragon body, Xuanhan Tianbing glowed.

The ice was pervading in the void, rushing towards the divine light incarnation that came, and the whole body was empty, and it became a world of ice in the blink of an eye.

The other Wu King’s Mansion masters also made use of the means to siege the divine light incarnation together.

As for the rest of the Martial Ancestor realm, I did not watch the drama, while attacking the elder of the ancient imperial palace while resisting the column of overcast sunlight from the sky attack.

On Qin Yu’s side, there are King’s Mansion’s masters teamed up, which should be enough to deal with them. Now, they want to destroy the people who control Yin and Yang 2 Yizhen.

“Magic Flame!”

The Canglou book, which was stared at by Qin Yu, burned white flames all over his body, slammed his hands, and separated.

Cangyan Demon Summon came out with a torrent of flame towards Qin Yu swept away.


Qin Yu did not evade it. Jin Yan burned the sky like a melt, exploding with a mighty dragon might, covering Heaven and Earth.

2 The mighty spirit fire, with the tendency of burning the sea and boiling the sea, collides in Between Heaven and Earth and burns each other.

In the Cangling Demon Flame, the Cangyan Demon Spirit appeared, as if to be cut by Jin Yan’s burning sky.

But in Jin Yan’s burning fire, there is a mysterious dragon shadow condensed and fighting with the Cangyan Demon.

It is Jin Yan burning Heavenly Dragon. It should be said that it is Jin Yan burning Heavenly Dragon’s trace of Dragon Soul.

“Dragon Race Fire?”

Cangluoshu found that Cang Ling Mo Yan, who had always been his card, was constantly being swallowed by Jin Yan’s burning fire.

Although the extent of swallowing was very small, Cangluo Book still felt it instantly, which made him extremely shocked.

This Jin Yan burned the sky fire, it would be too domineering.

call out!

The golden flame magic fire was broken, one silhouette, as fast as lightning, rushed to Cangluo Book.

Qin Yu shot.

As long as the Cangluo Book is extinguished, the fire of the Cangling Demon Flame can be easily swallowed by nature.


Qin Yu within the body azure Dragon Mark is wrapped in a flesh skeleton by Jin Yan ’s dragon might.

Imposing manner suddenly soared at this moment, the cultivation base was directly promoted to Martial Ancestor’s realm of Nirvana.

The divine light flashes, Qin Yu strikes a seal divine light with his left hand, right hand spear thunderbolt surrounds, sweeps to destroy the thunderbolt, and bursts out.

Azure Dragon battle days, seal divine light, thunderbolt rules, all exhibited together.

Hong long!

The thunderbolt and the divine light in the whole body were instantly covered by the torn thunderbolt and divine light.

When thunderbolt and divine light dissipated, Cangluo Book turned into a corpse, and a blood qi was wiped away.

Seeing Qin Yu in an instant, he beheaded a Peak King’s Mansion again.

The King ’s Mansion coalition, which was already dead and wounded, was becoming more and more turbulent as it was resisting the sunbeams in the sky.

If it is the master of Peak King’s Mansion, so that each and everyone is killed, then it will be the disaster that will be destroyed today. I am afraid they are the ones.

“Damn, let’s do it together!”

Zhou Pingyang, who broke the divine light incarnation with a sword, rushed towards Qin Yu immediately. Li Huanglong and other king’s masters also swarmed up.

The diverine light incarnation derived from Qin Yu is far less formidable power than the ancient emperor.

After all, Qin Yu cultivation base, only the Martial Ancestor environment is the first, the battle strength of divine light incarnation is naturally not as good as the ancient emperor.

“It’s just right!”

Surrounded by Slaughter Qi, Qin Yu slaughtered and slapped by the laws of speed, facing the 30 King’s Mansion masters, and rushed straight up.

imposing manner, amazing terrifying!

Today, none of these King’s Mansion coalition forces want to leave alive.

Hong long long !

In the blink of an eye, Qin Yu met Zhou Pingyang and the others. The heaven-shaking, earth-shattering battle spread throughout the sky.

Qin Yu, who was an enemy of 30, never fell into the disadvantage.

There are 3 emperors Divine Ability and the Power of Heaven and Earth in the ancient imperial palace, plus the power increase of Azure Dragon battle days and Yin and Yang 2 hordes.

Qin Yu’s battle strength is completely enough to sweep everyone present.

Even if Zhou Pingyang and the others join forces, they can’t resist the invincible battle strength Qin Yu …

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