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The fingerprint is only about one inch in size. In front of the giant palm of the thousand zhang, it is as small as a ant.

But when the two touched, the giant giant palm was actually pierced by the about one inch palm print.

Heaven and Earth, which seemed to be frozen, returned to normal, Qin Yu and Ghost King, the pressure was greatly reduced.

The white clothed silhouette folded out is the white clothed woman who had been watching the game secretly before.

But what is shocking is that the divine light fingerprint she just showed …

“The wars of the heavens have changed!”

Qin Yu’s eyes narrowed.

The fingerprint of the divine light exhibited by the white clothed woman is indeed the change of the emperors.

And from the perspective of the white clothed woman’s power.

The profound Truth contained in its mastery of various wars and emperors.

It seems to be above the changes of the emperors of wars controlled by Qin Yu.

Heaven Imperial Palace!

In Qin Yu’s mind, this thought immediately appeared.

Martial Emperor Realm cultivation base, the deeper 3 Emperor Divine Ability.

In addition to the Imperial Palace, Qin Yu can’t think of any other possibilities.

“Are you from the Imperial Palace?”

Zhou Yitian brows slightly wrinkle, staring at the white clothed woman, and guessing its origin.

The white clothed woman cultivation base is a few points stronger than him and has reached Grade 6 Martial Emperor Realm Peak.

More importantly, this white clothed woman, it seems, is not a cultivation technique.

In other words, this white clothed woman, at a young age, is cultivated to Grade 6 Martial Emperor Realm.

Such innate talent is really shocking!

“Tian Imperial Palace, Sun Shiyu!”

The white clothed woman is surrounded by divine light, with extraordinary temperament.

“Sure enough!”

Qin Yu’s eyes flashed suddenly, and he guessed right.

However, according to the ancient emperor, the Imperial Palace has never been very concerned about the life and death of the ancient imperial palace lineage.

How did Martial Emperor Realm of Imperial Palace appear at this critical moment?

“Sun Shiyu?”

“She is one of Ling State 4’s great ghost talents, Sun Palace of Imperial Palace?”

Zhou Yitian and the white haired old man, expression are all fretting, seems to have heard the name of Sun Shiyu.

“You God Imperial Palace, want to be an enemy of my ghost emperor Holy Island?”

Zhou Yitian reacted, his eyes sharp, and his imposing manner climbed higher and higher.

“The Holy Island of the Ghost Emperor, the famous Heaven Domain, the Emperor Heavenly Ghost, is also a generation of Ancient Emperor. My God Imperial Palace, how could you want to be an enemy of the Holy Island.

To Zhou Yitian’s imposing manner, Sun Shiyu seemed serene, not caring.

“If so, why did you stop me?”

Zhou Yitian coldly said.

“My God, Imperial Palace is not as good as Ghost Emperor’s Holy Island, but Clansman is in danger and cannot be ignored.”

Sun Shiyu indifferently said.

“This kid, who killed my Holy Island, listen to what you mean, is he going to cover him?”

In Zhou Yitian’s sharp eyes, there was a cold, cold light flashing, and killing intent appeared.

“You have to understand this, too.”

Sun Shiyu naturally knew that impossible 3 words and 2 words made Zhou Yitian rest.

However, Zhou Shiyu didn’t care, and he complained with Zhou Yitian.

Although they are all Grade 6 Martial Emperor, but their status in each other’s power is completely different.

Zhou Yitian 2 people, even if they have some status on the Holy Island of the Ghost Emperor, it will not be an important figure.

But she is Heaven’s best Palace Heaven’s Chosen, and one of Ling State 4’s great ghost talents.

Even the ancient Holy Land, the Holy Son of the ancient Divine Dynasty, could not compare with her.

Therefore, the Holy Ghost Island is stronger than the Imperial Palace.

But absolutely not, for his 2 people, they will fight against their Imperial Palace.

“Hmph, I’d like to see if the ghost who is famous for Ling State is a real name!”

Zhou Yitian’s right hand moved, and a about one zhang battle knife appeared in his hand.

Above the sword, ghost patterns are pervasive, ghost spells are connected, and there is an invincible fierce power.


Behind Zhou Yitian, a ghost shadow appeared.

Then with both hands clenching the sword, a volley of volley and an unrolled bolt of white silk-like lacquer black blade appeared.

Although the blade glow did not radiate, how amazingly powerful, but the void was torn like a piece of cloth.


Sun Shiyu calmly stood in the void, and the divine light condensed into a golden scissors of divine light.

“Ancient Divine Weapon, Jin Jiao Scissors!”

Qin Yu recognized that Sun Shiyu’s golden cut came.

That was in Ancient Era, the famous Divine Weapon.

As expected, the golden jiao scissors crossed the void.

Along with it, it turned into 2 lifelike gold jiao, baring fangs and brandishing claws biting the lacquer black blade awn.

The crisp ka-cha burst, and the black blade of lacquer was directly crushed.

But the two golden jiaos, the offensive, the criss-crossing, surging towards Zhou Yitian.

Zhou Yitian’s Battle Sword continued to slash, and the Heaven and Earth Great Dao riots wanted to slash the 2 golden jiao.

Bang bang bang!

The terrifying battle reappears, the entire Shenyue Martial World is oscillating at this moment,

This battle is more than ten times more terrifying than the battle between Qin Yu and the white haired old man.

The vast ocean disappeared completely, and the deep sea became a swamp.

More than ten thousand li earth, all turned into ruin battlefields, countless losses of life.

The battle of high-level Martial Emperor, aftermath, is so terrifying.

The two sides battled 100 tricks, Zhou Yitian was spare no effort, the shot was the killing move, heaven-shaking, earth-shattering.

Sun Shiyu has always been indifferent to the enemy, and even has some ease.

Easily resolve all attacks.

Even Qin Yu, who was close by, was not affected in the slightest.

Qin Yu, watching the battle, shook his head secretly.

Sun Shiyu didn’t take it seriously, otherwise, Zhou Yitian was afraid that he would have lost.

Although the two cultivation bases are equal, the real battle strength is too different.

“Let’s stop here.”

After continuously resolving the offensive, Sun Shiyu has a Divine Seal in his eyes.

Immediately, the imposing manner on Sun Shiyu’s body changed immediately.

If it was said before, it was calm.

The current imposing manner, like a sea of ​​anger, seems to destroy everything.


Zhou Yi Heavenly Eye’s pupils shrank, and there was no time to respond.

He was hit by two divine lights Ancient Seal and directly blew away several hundred li away, vomiting blood more than once, and his injuries were not light.

“Not good !”

When Sun Shiyu’s right hand held high and 5 fingers pinched out a seal.

Zhou Yintian was standing upside down with cold hair, not even think, and immediately flew and fled away.

Sun Shiyu’s breath made him feel a sense of danger like death.

Sure enough, Ling State, which can be gathered in the powerhouse, was ranked as one of the 4 big ghosts.

Sun Shiyu has the power to leapfrog the enemy, and he is the talent of Heaven’s Chosen who cannot be treated with common sense.

Sun Shiyu right hand put down, divine light on his body converged, did not go to kill.

After all, Zhou Yitian was a man on the Holy Island of the Ghost Emperor. If he were killed, he might be grudged.

“You have a grudge against Holy Emperor Holy Island?”

After turning around, Sun Shiyu looked at Qin Yu after his gaze paused on Ghost King.

“No grudges.”

Qin Yu’s disguised identity cannot be removed yet.

“Then why do they send 2 Martial Emperor to come to you?”

Sun Shiyu asked blandly.

“Maybe, it was me in the emperor’s mausoleum who killed 10000 ghost halls.”

Qin Yu said.

“A small branch force, Holy Emperor Holy Island, impossible sent 2 Martial Emperor Realm.”

Sun Shiyu Xiu raised his eyebrows slightly, apparently disbelieving Qin Yu’s words.

“Ghost Emperor Holy Island is looking for you, there must be a reason. Although I was run away now, I am afraid that you will not be able to stay in the ancient palace.

But Sun Shiyu didn’t follow through, looking at Qin Yu and saying.

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