Immortal Demon

Vol 2 Chapter 268: Hypnosis 1 City

Next to a quiet meteorite, Ye Feng flashed out again, and then dig into Dao Ri and ate the divine fruit in his hand in one bite. He immediately felt that the whole consciousness, soul, and body were filled with a kind of gray gas, which made Ye Feng instantly felt as if he had an inexhaustible energy.

Ye Feng's inner vision sensed for a while, then looked around, and then went eastward with cold eyes.

Ye Feng is about to go around these two saints, take a turn, and then dive into the galaxy hypnotized part of the creatures where they are, and continue to shuttle south. The saints can only perceive a radius of thousands of miles, and Ye Feng can instantly destroy them as long as they don’t encounter it. Without the existence of the entire galaxy, in the starry sky, it was like a dragon entering the sea, already invincible, as long as it was teleported, no one would even want to track Ye Feng.

After three days, Ye Feng felt that the distance he traveled was almost the same, so he turned around and headed south again.

After another four days, Ye Feng turned around and turned west again. When he entered the golden house and swallowed the cultivator, he asked Peng Wudi and the **** son Ye Su to put all the artifacts that they had robbed these years in the space bag. ,get ready.

Shuttle for another three days, Ye Feng came to the galaxy again, but he had already bypassed the two "innocents" who had been inexplicably robbed by Ye Feng, a divine fruit that had been guarded for thousands of years.


On a huge planet twice the size of Juyue Star, Ye Feng, while absorbing the essence of vitality in the meridians, instantly shuttled to the ground and came outside the largest city on this planet.

Then Ye Feng released Peng Wudi and Ye Su with a wave of his hand, and released a bunch of space bags by the way.

"You follow me into the city first, and sell all the magical objects and materials we have obtained in recent years, and all of them will be replaced by Tao fruit and food."

"Yes! Master (God Ancestor)." Ye Su picked up a pile of space bags on the ground and said respectfully with Peng Wudi.

"Well, come with me." After Ye Feng finished speaking, he took the lead and walked forward. When he came into the city, Ye Feng ignored the curious passers-by. He watched some people's thoughts of good and evil, and then proficiently After walking down the street, he came to the best-selling refining building in the city in a few moments. Then Ye Feng gave a look, and Ye Su wisely walked in first, and then Peng Wudi followed.

Ye Feng didn't go in, but turned directly to the opposite alley, standing in the alley, absorbing the essence of vitality, while quietly perceiving all the cultivators in the refining building with the aura of law, including his apprentice Peng Wudi.

After waiting for a while, Ye Su and Peng Wudi came out carrying a few space bags. Seeing Ye Feng standing quietly in the alley opposite, they immediately walked over and said respectfully, "Given the ancestor, the law in the space bag. The tools and some materials have all been sold to them. The Jianpeng Refining Workshop is the largest refining building on the planet. They have branch buildings in every big city, and the recycling is very refreshing. It’s just because the magic tools we sell are really good. Too many, they hold down the price by 10%, and the recovered price is 10% lower than the market price."

"Well, it doesn’t matter if it’s lower than 30%. Go ahead, and if they don’t have Daoguo recycling, you can ask them to help you buy food and food with Daozi, and then use food as Daoguo. We can accept up to 10,000 large Food in the space bag." Ye Fengbian said that another 30 large space bags were taken out of the golden house, and then he took the space bag that Ye Su handed over and contained Dao Guo and put it into the golden house.

"Yes! Divine ancestor." Ye Su held the space bag that Ye Fengxin threw to him, nodded respectfully, and then proceeded to the Refining Building with Peng Wudi again.

After waiting for a while, Ye Su and Peng Wudi came back again, took a few space bags, and handed them to Ye Feng again. Then Ye Feng put away the space bags and threw them to Ye Su 30 space bags with magical implements. .

Until it was sold back and forth ten times, the Renpeng Refining Tool Building finally couldn't bear it, and began to send his subordinates out to buy food on a large scale. Next, Ye Feng received all the space bags containing the food.

When it was sold twenty times, the Renpeng Refining Workshop finally did not dare to accept it, and even alarmed their behind-the-scenes boss to come and inspect it personally. Even if they were the largest refining building on the planet, they couldn’t help Ye Feng and others even sell it. Six hundred artifacts in a large space bag.

And when Ye Su and Peng Wudi came out again, even a bunch of cultivators inside, including the owner of the Blade Peng Refining Tool Building, and many cultivators rushed out to see where Ye Su and Peng Wudi got them. Multiple instruments!

After Ye Feng sold the artifacts in the 600 space bags, there were still more than 400 large space bags filled with artifacts, but he didn't plan to sell them anymore. He sold 600 artifacts in the space bags. , The Tao fruit in exchange is completely enough for Fengrui and the teachers and others to practice, and the 5,000 space bags filled with food provided by the Blade Peng Refining Tool Building are also enough for Ye Feng to feed for a long time in a coma. Cultivator.

Therefore, when Ye Feng heard that Ye Su said that the Jianpeng Refining Tool Building was not ready to recycle the artifacts, he directly collected Ye Su and Peng Wudi into the golden house, and then ran away coldly in an instant, and then used the Hunyuan Dream Cultivation Technique. , The Billowing Demon Qi instantly spread to ten li in a radius, hypnotizing all the cultivators within ten li, including the ancestor Yuan Ying.

Then Ye Feng with agility of more than 30,000, took the billowing monster energy around the city in ten minutes, hypnotizing all the cultivators in the city, and then Ye Feng began to "recover" like a phantom in the golden house. All the comatose cultivators come.

Ye Feng is now extremely Working alone is faster than all the congregants in the Golden House combined, so he is not going to let them come out and carry all kinds of cultivators again, just let them in All the cultivators who had collected Ye Feng in the golden house could be neatly carried into the vicinity of the basin.

One hour later, Ye Feng recovered 20 million cultivators and all the cultivators in the city. On the way, he saw new cultivators entering the city. It was also a dream-inducing technique that was used to hypnotize them in an instant. They were thrown into the golden house together.

"There are more Pengs in the coma cultivator this time. Invincible, you can find a female cultivator with the same five elements in the coma cultivator, and use it for double | Ye Feng opened his mouth to face the golden house.

"Yes, thank you teacher!" Peng Wudi nodded gratefully.

Ye Feng smiled indifferently, then dived into Dao Ri again, shuttled up the starry sky to look at the direction, and then continued to shuttle south.

…Haha, the twenty million comatose cultivators are enough for me to travel south for more than half a year. Then, let’s see where I will go. Then I will find a new galaxy with creatures, and I will live in seclusion and concentrate on training. If there is no other galaxy to the south, this constellation will be teleported back and practice in this galaxy.

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