Zhongshan, Xiaoling.

It was approaching May, and the scorching sun was scorching the earth like a torch. Under the scorching sun, people couldn't help but feel restless, let alone participate in the advance rehearsal of the emperor's sacrificial activities.

But there is no way, all ministers and ministers know that the tenth day of May is the death anniversary of Zhu Yuanzhang, the great emperor of the Ming Dynasty. This is also the first year that the Yongle reign name has been used. The new emperor has a destiny, who dares to disobey it? Without a solemn sacrifice to the late emperor, how can we declare the legality of the reign title "Hongwu Thirty-Five Years", which was still used by Zhu Yuanzhang four years after his death?

The officials of the Ministry of Rites headed by Li Zhigang are busy preparing. On the eighth day of the fifth lunar month, all civil and military officials will have to wear light clothes and black horns to attend the court. On the morning of the tenth day of the lunar month, they will all have to go to the Xiaoling Mausoleum to pay homage. Moreover, the newly revised "Records of Taizu" will be presented that day. This set of rituals is the biggest event of the country at the moment. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is as big as the sky. No mistakes can be made in any link, and there is no chance of sloppiness.

However, compared to Li Zhigang and others, Zhu Di was obviously much more relaxed.

"Dad, my fifth brother and I, as well as your grandson and grandson, are here to see you."

In front of Zhu Yuanzhang's grand mausoleum, Yongle Emperor Zhu Di, together with his closest half-brother Zhou Wang Zhu Ju, brought the eldest prince Zhu Gaochi and the emperor's eldest grandson Zhu Zhanji to offer incense to Zhu Yuanzhang.

Zhu Di's voice was very loud, and it was also mixed with a bit of excitement. It was quite similar to what Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty, asked when he consecrated Yuzu as the Supreme Emperor, "The First Master often thinks that his ministers are scoundrels and cannot manage the industry. He is not as good as Zhongli." Which one is the most successful person today?" The feeling.

Of course Zhu Di must say this honestly!

When Zhu Yuanzhang passed away, Prince Zhu Di of Yan, Zhu Xi of Zhou and other princes wanted to go back to Beijing to attend the funeral and see Zhu Yuanzhang off for the last time. However, they were afraid of Zhu Yunwen, who had conquered the country as a young master, for fear that their uncles would imitate the Sima family and come to the Eighth Route Army. During Wang Zhi's rebellion, he was abolished as "Sima Zhong".

Well, to a certain extent, Zhu Yunwen is indeed similar to Sima Zhong who said "Why not eat minced meat".

Not becoming Zhu Yuanzhang's designated heir, not sending Zhu Yuanzhang on his last journey. These two things, which are completely causal, are like thorns in Zhu Di's heart.

Before Zhu Yuanzhang's death, the eldest Crown Prince Zhu Biao, the second eldest King of Qin Zhu Xi, and the third eldest King of Jin Zhu Fan had all passed away. If Zhu Yuanzhang did not let Zhu Yunwen inherit Zhu Biao's inheritance according to the standard of the patriarchal system, but based on the standard of "the country depends on the chief monarch" When it comes to establishing a successor, Zhu Di, who is both civil and military, is undoubtedly the best candidate.

Unfortunately, Zhu Yuanzhang finally chose Zhu Yunwen, which also left his sons with a lifelong regret that they could not go to Beijing for the funeral.

Now Zhu Di can finally bring his brother, son, and grandson to burn incense at his father's grave openly and openly. Only he himself knows how hard it is for him to do this. This is the countless times he has personally risked his life during the four years of Jingnan. What he gained after going through all kinds of difficulties and dangers was not given to him by others.

"Old man, you chose the wrong person."

Zhu Di did not say this. He took a deep breath, and then led everyone to kneel down and kowtow in front of Zhu Yuanzhang's mausoleum.

After kowtowing, King Zhu Zhu of Zhou walked to the huge tombstone of his father Zhu Yuanzhang, squatted down on his knees, and wiped the dust on it with his hands: "My son is unfilial. I failed to fulfill my filial piety by your old man's side before. Today I specially tell the four of you." I'm here to burn incense for you, old man, please don't blame me!"

Listening to the words of the fifth uncle/the fifth uncle, Zhu Gaochi and Zhu Zhanji, father and son, continued to kowtow three times respectfully and praised: "Please bless the spirit of the emperor/grandfather in heaven!"

Although there is an entire Xiaoling Guard around Zhu Yuanzhang's mausoleum, with a total of 5,600 elite soldiers guarding it, there are no so-called "spiritual keepers" among the people. Except for some soldiers and eunuchs who are responsible for cleaning and maintaining safety, there is nothing. This place is even more eerily quiet.

Zhu Di also lit the incense in his hand and inserted it into the incense burner in front of him.

After Zhu Di finished doing these things, he stood up and turned around.

The squatting King of Zhou Zhu Xi also stood up immediately, staggered slightly away from Zhu Di, and dropped half a body. Zhu Xi looked at Zhu Di with complicated expressions in his eyes.

Somehow, Zhu Di, who was still a bit agitated and awkward just now, now had red eyes and moist eyes. He pursed his lips tightly and said nothing.

There are few sons in the world who hate their father all their lives. Even though Zhu Di was a little resentful towards Zhu Yuanzhang for not passing the throne to him, now that he has actually taken this position and his two sons have begun to compete for the throne again, he feels a bit sad. got up.

Zhu Xi stood aside and looked at Zhu Di quietly, his eyes flashing slightly.

After a while, Zhu Di slowly lowered his eyes and told Zhu Gaochi: "Okay, you take Zhan Ji to the side (the tomb of Empress Xiaocigao) to pay homage and express your condolences."

"Yes, Father."

Zhu Gaochi knew that Zhu Di had something to say to his fifth uncle, so he took Zhu Zhanji's little hand and responded, then bowed and exited the place, walked slowly in the other direction, and disappeared behind the trees.

"Alas..." Zhu Di suddenly sighed, his face gloomy and his eyes dim.

Needless to say, just pretending.

A mature politician will always put on different masks when needed.

The meeting between the 'fourth brother' and the 'fifth brother' just now was in front of the tomb of their father Zhu Yuanzhang. Now they turned their backs and walked more than ten steps, which is a serious relationship between king and minister.

Zhu Di didn't speak, so King Zhou Zhu had no choice but to ask: "Why is your majesty sighing?"

"It is difficult to govern a country and bring peace to the world."

Zhu Di looked at his biological brother, born from the same mother, and asked: "The country is about to be restored (it was previously deposed by Emperor Jianwen as a commoner and the country was wiped out). Kaifeng, will the royal palace have enough money in peacetime?"

"Everything is in ruins waiting to be revived, and we can barely maintain it." King Zhou Zhu was not telling lies. He knew very well that only when everything was done to the truth, would his ruthless fourth brother be able to keep his lineage with the country.

Zhu Di nodded and said: "The king will restore the country, but the money is unprepared. I will order the Ministry of Household Affairs to give him 20,000 shi of rice stored in Henan, which is not the amount of Chang Lu."

"My brother, thank you, Your Majesty!"

Zhu Di helped Zhu Xi up, who was about to bow down, and was finally willing to talk about the topic, but he did not get straight to the point.

"Every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite. I threw your second son into the sea and went with Zheng He to Annan, Champa, Myanmar and other countries. The Imperial Master said that these places will be our Ming Dynasty's commodities from now on. It's a dumping market, so you have to explore the road and check out the places first, don't you blame me?"

Zhou Wang Zhu's face turned cold when he heard this, and he just said firmly: "Life and death are his fate. It's not too late to thank Your Majesty."

Here it is said that Emperor Jianwen cut down the vassal vassal because he took advantage of King Zhou, because King Zhou was the half-brother of King Yan who had the best relationship and was in the heart of the Central Plains. Emperor Jianwen was very afraid that he would get along with King Yan. At that time, King Zhou The second son of the king, Zhu Youhui, reported his father's rebellion, so Emperor Jianwen sent Cao Guogong Li Jinglong to pass through Kaifeng in the name of preparing for the border, and escorted the Zhou family to Nanjing. They were demoted to commoners and moved to Menghua, Yunnan, for custody.

Well, that's right, another good thing done by the five-star general.

Now that the situation has been turned upside down, Zhu Youyi, who betrayed his own father and took refuge with Emperor Jianwen, will naturally not have any good results.

Zhu Youyi himself also knew that he was not popular with others. It happened that last year Jiang Xinghuo proposed the policy of "bundling the clan and sailing to the West together with the nobles". This boy was the first to sign up. This year Zheng He unloaded the goods in Jiangnan. He had to go to Annan to investigate the situation, so he followed it logically.

Of course, if Zhu Di hints at this, and Zhou Wang Zhu Ju still doesn’t understand, then his role as prince will be in vain. Of course Zhu Di doesn’t care what happens to Zhu Di’s second son. This is a hint that he is concerned about the recent events. Feng Bo expressed his opinions and gave Zhu Di some help.

In January and March, civil servants had already gone to the "Invitation to Establish the Crown Prince" twice respectively. Zhu Di directly said, "When the eldest son enters school, he will be more knowledgeable, more moral, and more disciplined. It is not too late to discuss it." ”, “The eldest son has not developed a broad knowledge and has not advanced in virtue, so why should he take over the responsibility of Chu Er? He must be a good man, so he should prepare his knowledge.” This was said and done.

Wu Chenxungui was not idle here either. He also participated in two large-scale "Invitation to Appoint Crown Prince Table", but the person invited to be appointed was Zhu Gaoxu.

Zhu Di saw that he could not let the eldest son and the second son get together again. He also knew that as long as the two sons did not separate, such things would annoy him to death in the future, so now the battle report of Jiang Xinghuo's successful counterinsurgency in Jiangnan was given away. When I came here, I was thinking about asking Zhu Gaoxu to get out and go to Beizhili.


Zhou Wang Zhu Ju coughed: "It is easy for the eldest and the second eldest brother to stay together and cause conflicts."

When Zhu Di heard this, he turned to look at his younger brother and raised his eyebrows, but said nothing.

After a long while, Zhu Di sighed: "You are also my only biological brother. You understand my difficulties. I am the emperor. The emperor is a lonely man. Sometimes, what he cares about is not ordinary people."

Zhu Di finally said what was in his heart.

"The Imperial Master and the Second Brother are too close."

Zhou Wang Zhu Ju was a little surprised: "The reform of the Imperial Guard has just begun. I heard that after the rebellion in Jiangnan, flood control, disaster relief, factories, and mining were all done in a good manner. Could it be that your Majesty's mind has been shaken?"

Zhu Di shook his head: "That's not true. Reform is the general trend and a national policy. Without reform, it is not enough to strengthen the country and enrich the people, and it is not enough for the Ming Dynasty to truly achieve 'the sun and the moon never set'. What I worry about is that the national teacher cannot be impartial." Don’t lean on it.”

"If a person is not a saint, who can be impartial? If there is really some bias, Your Majesty will be more at ease. Otherwise, wouldn't it be like Wang Mang's 'killing children for fame' before he usurped the throne?"

Zhu Di was silent.

After a long time, he sighed and said: "The power of the firearms unit really surprised me. The prediction of the national master has been confirmed once again."

Of course Zhou Wang Zhu Ru was also shocked. He also knew the horrific battles and losses in Jiangnan's suppression of the rebellion. It was really shocking that the firearms force was so powerful just after it was formed.

However, he didn't have much to say, so he just said jokingly: "My brother heard an interesting story, but it was that the Imperial Guard brought a work-for-relief flood control team to dredge the Yunyan River and Jinshan River in Huating County, Songjiang Prefecture, and Shanghai County. In places such as Weizha Port and Caojing Fenshui Port, even a white-faced scholar is so tanned that his face looks like a flying black."

Zhu Di sighed, this time he really sighed from the bottom of his heart. The throne is not easy to sit on, and it is even harder for an emperor like him to usurp the throne. As long as he is in this position, he is not the person "Zhu Di", but the imperial power. As the incarnation of the emperor, the imperial power does not allow anyone to threaten him. Jiang Xinghuo has done so well that it will naturally make Zhu Di have some concerns. However, this concern is obviously not to the point of suspicion, but the imperial power is instinctively vigilant.

"I plan to appoint Ping Jiangbo Chen Xuan as the chief military officer, and the commander of the fleet to transport food and pay to Liaodong and Beizhili. There will be Baoding Marquis Mengshan in Liaodong and Zhenyuan Marquis Gu Cheng in Beizhili. They will guard them separately. I am not worried. It's just that in the end The Mongols cannot be allowed to be so wanton, they should be beaten."

Zhou Wang Zhu Ju frowned. Of course he had heard about the Mongols' local counterattack this year.

Yes, although the Northern Yuan Dynasty was disintegrated, the Mongols took advantage of the empty northern border of the Ming Dynasty that had just experienced the Jingnan Campaign to launch a beautiful "attack from the west and attack the east". On the surface, they wanted to attack the Ningxia Commander-in-Chief Ningyuan Hou He Fu (the actual commander of the Southern Army in the decisive battle of Lingbi) and Gansu Commander-in-Chief Xining Hou Song Sheng (who guarded Liangzhou since the twelfth year of Hongwu and once accompanied Lan Yu on an expedition to the Western Regions), two famous Hongwu generals, took action in the defense zone, but in reality Shangguan attacked and plundered the 30,000 guards in Liaodong.

This may not be without the help given to the Mongols by the leading party composed of the Daning guards who were originally unwilling to follow the Yan army to suppress the disaster, and the leading party composed of the Wuliangha Qiantoucao.

In any case, although there was no substantial loss, the dignified Ming Dynasty was taken advantage of, and it would be impossible not to retaliate.

Of course, the current situation at home and abroad does not allow for a large-scale northern expedition.

Therefore, choosing a strong general to go out, carry out small-scale retaliation, and move to the battlefield quickly and thousands of miles away has become a low-cost and high-efficiency feasible retaliation plan.

"Your Majesty, do you mean to send the second prince out to fight back?"

Zhu Di nodded and said: "I don't want my second son to be in charge of the army again, but the crown prince has not been decided yet, so it doesn't matter whether he will be a vassal or stay in the capital. My second brother is doing well in Jiangnan, and he just has to go to Beizhili to preside over the reform. Going out to take revenge on the Mongols is a matter of course. He is best at this. At the age of Marquis Zhenyuan, don’t bother Marquis Zhenyuan, just let this boy lead the people."

Suddenly, the second prince Zhu Gaoxu and Ping Jiangbo Chen Xuan, the two generals who had just cooperated with Jiang Xinghuo, were all transferred to the north.

"It seems that the military power is still the reverse of the fourth brother. Not to mention the national master Jiang Xinghuo, even an unparalleled general with outstanding merits like his own son was reluctant to let go with thousands of people. Well, I will be the first to surrender the three guards. If it does not interfere with the military power, the fourth brother is more concerned about preservation." Zhou Wang Zhu Ru secretly said in his heart.

"Today, I'm very verbose."

Zhu Di suddenly laughed out loud. He stretched out his right hand and patted Zhou King Zhu Xi on the shoulder, and said, "But this matter is not urgent. Fifth brother, you can just show up later."

Zhou Wang Zhu Ju asked tentatively:

"Waiting for dad's death anniversary this year to pass?"

"Yes, but it must be before the honors are awarded and the ranks are determined."

Zhu Di nodded slightly and said: "It just so happened that Duke Cao Guo was about to return to China. The Governor's Office of the Fifth Army had a list of hundreds of people. Those who deserved to be awarded medals should be awarded medals. The generals should also have an explanation according to their military merits. The suggestion of the National Advisor is right. , some people are secretly trying to seize the title, and the position will continue to change, but things like general rank might as well be settled first. It would be great to have a mark for the higher and lower ranks in the army, and to give hope to those below who have made meritorious services. It is not just to add one. As for the stars, isn’t this more comfortable than trying to figure out whether to grant a knighthood?”

Naturally, Zhu Di already had a list in his hand. Anyway, he felt that the National Master's plan was very clever. With the two free honor systems of medals and general ranks, there were more rewards that could be given. After all, there were At that time, he was also faced with the problem that "national titles should not be awarded lightly". In this way, he could avoid complaints from his old brothers.

Zhou Wang Zhu Ji only confirmed a date for the presentation, so naturally he didn't care about Zhu Di's plan to issue medals. Seeing that Zhu Di was rarely happy, he couldn't bear to disturb him.

Zhu Di was pleased to feel that he had gained a loyal subordinate from Jiang Xinghuo, and he decided to send his second son to Beizhili to preside over the reform and go out to fight the Mongols, which didn't bother him at all.

"Okay." Zhu Di suppressed his smile and said, "I still have some things to do. I will talk to you another day before you return to Kaifeng. You can pay your respects first."

"Yes, I am always waiting for your Majesty."

Zhou Wang Zhu Ju responded with clasped fists.

He watched Zhu Di walk away with a wry smile on his face. As long as he didn't threaten the fourth brother, the fourth brother was indeed nice to him. However, this kindness was not sincere enough after all.

Thinking back to the time when his father had not yet unified the world, the childhood that the brothers spent together, and then looking at the tomb in front of him and the departing fourth brother, Zhu Ru felt as if he was in another world for a moment.

"The most ruthless thing is the emperor's family." Zhu Rui sighed deeply in his heart.


In a courtyard of a Shanghai county government office, Zhu Gaoxu was squatting alone on the ground, silently staring at the ants on the ground.

While he was in a daze, he mechanically lifted the stone bench he had dismantled up and down with one hand.

Zhu Gaoxu also had a weapons rack beside him, and it looked like he was going to practice martial arts, but he had no intention of practicing martial arts at all, because his father's imperial edict had already arrived.

"The border reports that the captives are about to attack the border, and the soldiers and the people are not allowed to farm in the spring. After deep consideration, I ordered the second prince Zhu Gaoxu to lead his troops to Kaiping for preparations. The captives will be wiped out as soon as they arrive. Otherwise, we will treat them with troops, and the people on the border will be able to Try your best to cultivate the fields. However, the captives are cunning and cannot be easily seen. If they are missed, they will lose their authority, so they must be cautious in provoking."

The so-called "you must be careful when provoking" is all nonsense. Who is Zhu Di afraid of provoking? On the surface, this imperial edict was very cowardly modified by civil servants. In fact, it is translated as "We will not fight uncertain battles, but if we have the chance, we must catch him and beat him to death. Don't embarrass me!"

It was already early summer, and the weather was getting hotter, but Zhu Gaoxu felt less warm all over in the hot wind.

His eyelids were twitching violently, and his heart was unsettled.

He remembered that when he couldn't sleep last night, he tossed and turned and thought for a long time, and finally became convinced of one thing - based on his understanding of his father, his father must have doubted him, and the suspicion had reached a certain level of urgency, otherwise his father It is impossible for the emperor to want to kick himself to Beizhili so soon.

Zhu Gaoxu looked up at the sky.

The sky was gray, and there were not only no stars, but also no clouds during the day, and even the sun was nowhere to be seen.

Of course Zhu Gaoxu didn't want to leave Nanzhili. He knew very well that his ability to compete for a big position came largely from his father's love, and relationships between people would change with distance. If he was away for a long time, With his father, this kind of love will definitely fade over time, and by then he won't have as much of an advantage as he does now.

Zhu Gaoxu secretly said: "I have to find a way. It's not a problem if this continues, or how about following the conquest of Annan?"

Zhu Gaoxu was thinking in his mind. The more he thought about it, the more his head hurt and his mood became more upset. He simply stopped thinking, closed his eyes, and tried to calm himself down.

After a long time, Zhu Gaoxu opened his eyes, exhaled a long breath, picked up his epee, walked into the forest of wooden piles next to him and waved it for a while.

He has a total of nine different swords. Each sword weighs about six to eight kilograms, which is very heavy for ordinary people. However, Zhu Gaoxu uses it smoothly and can even be said to be handy. After all, he has been practicing martial arts since he was a child. He has a strong body and strong strength, so he can easily control various weapons.

There are a lot of leaves growing in this season. Zhu Gaoxu swung his sword and cut through the leaves with a rustling sound.

When he was dripping with sweat, he put the sword into its sheath and returned to the pavilion to drink tea to relieve his fatigue.

At this time, footsteps came from the side. Zhu Gaoxu turned around and saw Jiang Xinghuo walking towards him.

"Master." Zhu Gaoxu shouted.

Jiang Xinghuo was completely different now. He was not wearing a long gown. He picked up the kettle and drank. After drinking the water to quench his thirst, he took out a chair and sat down.

"Has the dam over the Greater Huangpu been built?" Of course Zhu Gaoxu knew what Master was busy with recently, and the top priority was of course handling the water source of Huangpu New City.

After all, with such a large area newly built, the workers need domestic water for their lives. The large hydraulic spinning wheels used in the cotton textile industry also need industrial water to drive. The agricultural water used to irrigate the fields growing cotton on both sides of the strait is even more demanding. monster.

"Right away."

Behind Jiang Xinghuo, civil servants such as Song Li, Huang Ziwei, Sun Kun, Ye Zongxing, who were also in a dark circle, swarmed in with a stack of files.

"What's this?"

Seeing that the master's mind was not on him at all, Zhu Gaoxu was a little helpless when he discovered the imperial edict now. He handed over the imperial edict.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xinghuo took a quick look and said directly: "That's a good thing. Why do you look like this?"

As he spoke, Jiang Xinghuo pointed to the various data of Beizhili attached to the imperial edict.

"The number of registered households in Shuntian Prefecture is 189,300, the number of soldiers who have not resumed work is 85,000, the number of cultivated fields is 63,343 hectares, and the number of uncultivated fields is 181,000. There are 1,454 hectares of wonders. The sky is high and the sea is vast, so much can be done!"

Zhu Gaoxu felt that his political IQ was relatively low and he was not good at playing power. He was just a martial artist with an upright personality and said what he said without beating around the bush.

Therefore, he said simply: "I don't want to go!"

"Is there anything you don't want to go?"

Of course Jiang Xinghuo knew the concerns of his founding disciple. Instead, he pointed at the files held by Song Li and others and said: "You have also seen what we are doing these days, liberating the labor force in Jiangnan, establishing large-scale manual workshops, and building Water conservancy projects, the promotion of chemical fertilizers, the verification of farm labor and "new corvee", and the large-scale construction of large-scale hydraulic spinning wheels are more things to come. Take these to the north. This is your performance to your father and to the country. To perform meritorious service and give people the opportunity to do things, do you still want to be a child pestering your parents?"

"This..." Zhu Gaoxu fell into silence for a moment, and the atmosphere seemed a bit depressing.

After a while, Zhu Gaoxu couldn't help but speak again: "I heard from a familiar eunuch that my father even told me in front of my eldest brother that we should not fight for the position of prince and cause embarrassment... What's going on? Could it be that Father is hinting that I won’t fight?”

This is why Zhu Gaoxu, a silly boy, becomes confused when he cares.

"That's not true." Jiang Xinghuo shook his head and said, "What your Majesty means is that he does not want you to kill each other for this position, or even like the story of King Qin Li Shimin. There may be other meanings, but I don't know which one it is. But I think it’s definitely not to attack you. Now that he has said this, no matter what others think, he will not criticize you.”

Zhu Gaoxu took a deep breath, rubbed his temples in distress, and continued: "But I don't think the eldest brother will give up, and neither will the people behind him."

"Take a long-term view and open up the landscape."

Jiang Xinghuo simply pointed out: "Reform is the top priority right now, and it is also the time when you can make the most breakthroughs. Whether you can achieve something in the north depends on whether you have the ability?"

Zhu Gaoxu raised his head again and looked in the direction of Nanjing in the distance, sighing secretly in his heart. He had also thought about giving up that position, but the fact was that judging from the current situation, he could not refuse this temptation.

Zhu Gaoxu knew very well in his heart that if he were not the prince, if he were not so brave and good at fighting, he would not get that position, but he just stretched out his hand and might get that position.

Zhu Gaoxu's mood became more and more confused, and he remained silent for a long time.

However, Jiang Xinghuo didn't care about him anymore. Everyone carried the files into the county government courtyard, where they wanted to have a serious meeting to discuss the next step of the reform.

"Just think about it."

Zhu Gaoxu stared blankly for a long time, and became curious when he saw everyone in the meeting.

On the stone table was a document titled "Survey on the Income from Textile Sideline Businesses of Women in Jiangnan Households". Needless to say, it was written by Jiang Xinghuo.

Song Li coughed lightly, cleared his throat, and everyone began to read.

"The National Master took us to a total of 154 townships in Songjiang Prefecture and Suzhou Prefecture to make this investigation report."

"There is a saying among the people: In the morning, women carry cotton yarn into the market, return kapok, and roll it with machines. After detailed field investigation, it was found that farmers in Songjiang Prefecture have nothing to do with harvesting their fields, except for losing official positions and paying off debts. In addition, before the end of the year, the house is already in a dilemma. The whole family relies on women's textile subsidies for food and clothing. Women's family status is even related to this. If cotton and rice are priced at a high price, it is like a woman washing her hands and sitting back. , then men are also in embarrassment.'. Two women can weave 120 pieces of silk every year. The main costs are: warp, weft, money for silk, silk, and thread wax. If you raise silkworms by yourself, you will also reel the silk by yourself. , the costs and expenses will be further reduced, and the annual revenue and profit will be more generous."

"What are you talking about?" Zhu Gaoxu looked confused.

"The cotton textile industry needs to investigate the job market. 'Those who have not investigated should not speak.'"

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