In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 534: The First Ruthless Man in the Universe

Hongmeng Supreme Treasure Heavenly Kingdom Continent: A circular super continent with an area of ​​tens of billions of square kilometers, consisting of eighty-one heavens, three thousand heavenly cities, three thousand mountains, three thousand grasslands, three thousand heavenly lakes, and three thousand heavenly rivers. The kingdom of heaven is the central heavenly city, the ruling center of the country is the central heavenly court of the central Tianshan Mountain, and the population is 50 billion Tianmin. The kingdom of heaven has no four seasons, and it will always be a beautiful spring.

The land of the kingdom of heaven is the ten congenital sacred soils, and the water source is the congenital ten congenital sacred waters. It has countless magical trees, natural treasures, and exotic flowers and plants, including the congenital ten congenital sacred trees and the prehistoric ten gardens.

Hongmeng Supreme Treasure Paradise Continent has three unlimited abilities, namely unlimited power, unlimited time and unlimited space.

1. Unlimited power: The Hongmeng Supreme Treasure Heavenly Land can automatically retract and release the boundless power barrier (continental barrier) to form absolute defense and absolute protection; it can allow the owner to master and control all the power and energy that is trying to be mastered. It can copy all physical superpowers, and make its own physical attack and defense capabilities invincible. Destroy Hongmeng Supreme Treasure The Heavenly Kingdom Continent possesses almost the strongest energy in the universe, even the slightest release can release an energy shock wave that knocks down a large number of enemies, and the maximum power can even trigger an energy explosion that destroys the planet.

2. Unlimited time: Hongmeng Supreme Treasure Paradise Continent can enable the owner to reach any point in time, whether it is the long past or the distant future, and use this power to watch or experience any era. If the master has a wealth of knowledge and ability, he can do more things, even manipulate time and cause and effect. This makes it possible to use Celestia as a weapon to trap enemies and entire worlds into infinite time loops.

3. Unlimited Space: Using the Grandmist Supreme Treasure Heavenly Land, the owner can move himself or all objects to any space at will in an instant. It is also possible to distort or rearrange the space arbitrarily according to one's own will. Therefore, abilities such as space teleportation, space jump, space stillness, space folding, and space confinement are as simple as breathing in front of the Hongmeng Supreme Treasure Paradise Continent. At the same time, the Heavenly Kingdom Continent itself also contains incomparably huge energy, which is equally powerful without limit, and can benefit the Heavenly Kingdom, protect the Heavenly Kingdom, and destroy all invading enemies.

Seeing the peerless ruthless person Ji Haotian kill the heads of the top ten cosmic kingdoms in one fell swoop, the faces of the deans of the four cosmic colleges, the chairpersons of the five cosmic councils, and the three kings of Guigantes all changed. They were shocked and showed expressions of fear , this peerless ruthless Ji Haotian is simply a lawless and vicious peerless super murderer!

Those are the ten super overlords of the ten Megatron God universes, and they will be killed if they say they will be killed. I am afraid that in the entire God universe, there will be no one as fierce as Xiang Ji Haotian. He is no longer a human being. Demon God, Ruthless God, Killing God!

The most ruthless person in the universe really deserves his reputation!

After killing the ten kings, Ji Haotian didn't change his expression. He looked at the people present and said with a smile, "Ten people died, so I'm much cleaner now!"

Everyone heard the words with black hair, and was speechless for a while, what kind of cat or dog is that dead? It's quite easy to say, as if you didn't kill people!

Ji Haotian looked at the three kings of Guigantes with ugly faces. To his disappointment, the three kings of Guigantes came not from their bodies, but from three avatars, all of whom were three-turn quasi-sages.

He said with a half-smile: "Three kings of Guigantes, please tell me!"

King Agrius was taken aback when he heard the words, "What do you want us to say?"

Ji Haotian stared and said, "What do you think I asked you to say? Are you here to play?"

King Mimas coughed dryly and said, "Ji Haotian, our three kings and many people of the Guigantes clan need innate flat peaches. You killed our three clones and more than a hundred ancestor gods of the Guigantes clan before. If you compensate Our Guigantes Universe City has 100,000 congenital flat peaches, we can let the past go!"

Ji Haotian said calmly: "What if there is no compensation?"

King Agrios' face suddenly darkened, and he said coldly: "Ji Haotian, the real strength of our Guigantes Cosmic City is not inferior to those superpowers in the universe. If you don't pay compensation, our Guigantes Cosmic City I will take revenge on you and the Kingdom of Heaven! Our main body will lead the Guigantes Legion to the Great Perfect World and destroy the Kingdom of Heaven!"

Wu Emperor Jingyu who was sitting opposite said disdainfully: "You Guigantes Cosmic City is indeed strong enough, but the Heavenly Kingdom Continent is a super powerful treasure, and the enchantment of the Heavenly Kingdom Continent is beyond what you can imagine. Even the barriers of the Heavenly Kingdom and the Continent cannot be broken, so how can we talk about the destruction of the Heavenly Kingdom? It’s just a fool’s dream, and you are overestimating your capabilities!”

At this time, the ancestor of the kingdom of heaven and the second ancestor of Fuli walked into the treasure hall.

All the heroes of the kingdom of heaven, including Ji Haotian, stood up and saluted respectfully.

The patriarch of heaven and the second patriarch of Fuli hold two almighty treasures:

The Patriarch of the Kingdom of Heaven Fuli Tianzu, in charge of the Fuli Tian Pagoda

The ancestor of Fuli, the ancestor of the kingdom of heaven, holds Fuli's staff

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