In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 741 Great Nihility Technique

With the supercontinent Tianguo Continent falling from the sky, there have been two supercontinents in the Tianyuan Great World since then, one is the Yuanshi Continent located in the west of the world, and the other is the same huge Tianguo Continent located in the east of the world.

The difference between the two super continents is that the Tianguo Continent is an almighty treasure, with a continental barrier, which is not open to the outside world, because it is isolated by the continental barrier, and outsiders cannot enter the Tianguo Continent; while the Yuanshi Continent is open and can travel freely.

The appearance of the super-continent Tianguo Continent caused a shock and sensation in the Yuanshi Continent and the countless ethnic forces in the four oceans in the entire Tianyuan Great World. Exploration, unable to enter the Heavenly Kingdom Continent.

With the emergence of the Tianguo Continent, the four oceans of the Tianyuan Great World have also become the five oceans. The ocean located in the middle of the Tianguo Continent and the Yuanshi Continent is called the Central Ocean.

There are five oceans in Tianyuan Great World: Central Ocean, Eastern Ocean, Western Ocean, Southern Ocean, and Northern Ocean.

Crystal Island, located in the eastern sea area of ​​the Central Ocean, not far from the Heavenly Kingdom Continent, is a large island.

Crystal Island is surrounded by mountains on three sides and faces the sea on one side. In the center is a big city called Crystal City.

There are four major families in Crystal City, all of whom are good at making cosmic crystal balls. There are many cosmic crystal ball makers. The cosmic crystal ball in the city is known far and wide.

On this day, Ji Haotian and his wife walked and watched leisurely in the bustling Cosmic Crystal Ball Square in Crystal City.

Dafang City is divided into a shop area and a stall area. Most of them sell cosmic crystal balls, and some sell other things. People come and go, which is very lively.

There are many races in Tianyuan Great World, most of them are yellow races and white races, and there are many other races, so you can often see them.

Most of the people who do business or walk around in Dafang City are yellow and white people, and other races such as purple, blue, and blue people occasionally appear. The Jue Dao Realm is considered a strong one here.

The lowest level among the enlightened beings is the state of awareness, above the state of awareness is the state of mind, above the state of mind is the state of transformation, and above the state of transformation is the state of enlightenment. From low to high, they are: state of awareness, state of mind , Awakening Transformation Realm, and Awakening Dao Realm, each big realm is divided into ten small realms from one to ten ranks.

The four of Ji Haotian and his wife were wandering in Dafang City. At this time, three of the four heavenly gods of the kingdom of heaven came, but the Wanxiang Tianzun Xiang Hedi was missing.

After seeing the eldest couple, the three Heavenly Venerates were overjoyed and came up to say hello one after another.

Ji Haotian smiled and said, "You three fellows are here too, what about He Di? Why is he the only one missing?"

Wan Xing Tianzun Xing Yixiang smiled wryly: "Boss, Xiang He Di was taken away, we have to find a way to save him!"

Pan Tianchan frowned and said, "Abducted by someone? By whom, and why?"

Wanfa Tianzun Fa Minrui said angrily: "Xiang Hedi was shopping for treasures in Dafang City, and got a high-grade sensory weapon giant sword, which was seen by Shengtu Boxiong, the owner of Shengtu Mountain Villa in Crystal City, and he also fell in love with it. He asked Xiang Hedi to sell him the high-grade enlightenment weapon giant sword, but Xiang Hedi refused to sell it, and the two fought when they disagreed. Xiang Hedi is only a first-grade enlightenment weapon, while Shengtu Boxiong is a powerful one. Shengtu Boxiong soon suppressed Xiang Hedi. We tried to save him, but we were all blown away by Sheng Tu Boxiong. In the end, Shengtu Boxiong, in a rage, not only snatched Xiang Hedi’s top-grade consciousness weapon giant sword, but also sent Xiang Hedi They were also taken away!"

Ji Haotian said coldly: "It's unreasonable. If you dare to bully my brother, I can't spare him! Let me make some calculations first."

After speaking, he used the deduction technique of heaven to calculate.

Not long after, he stopped to calculate, and said with a gloomy face: "Sheng Tu Boxiong captured Xiang Hedi to Shengtu Villa, where he beat Xiang Hedi again, and then sealed Xiang Hedi's soul." And Xiuwei, imprison him!"

Ling Xukun, the god of all spirits, shouted angrily: "Damn Sheng Tu Boxiong, he is so bullying and bullying the weak, I will never let him go, and I must teach him a painful lesson!"

Wanfa Tianzun Fa Minrui said to Ji Haotian: "Boss, I found out that Shengtu Boxiong is the owner of a cosmic crystal ball shop in Fang City. Why don't we loot his cosmic crystal ball shop first, and then go to Shengtu Villa Save someone, teach him a lesson!"

Ji Haotian nodded and said, "Okay, let's do it this way, I will use the great nothingness technique to take you all invisibly!"

Immediately, immediately cast the Transcendence Level Talent Dao Shentong Great Nihility Technique to turn yourself and everyone around you into illusory air, shadowless, invisible, soundless, absolutely nothingness.

Innate Dao, Supernatural Power, Great Nothingness: There are three abilities. The first ability is to transform into nothingness, which can transform itself into absolute nothingness, without beginning and end, formless, formless, soundless, and invisible; the second ability is assimilation Nothingness, can turn the living beings or things around into absolute nothingness, invisibility, invisibility, hidden air, hidden breath, illusory, invisible, invisible, soundless, just like air; the third ability is nothingness, completely destroying everything, allowing Time, space, matter, spirit, energy, cause and effect, laws, and everything else are completely turned into nothingness and will never exist again.

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