Sona gestured in sign language to show what she meant:”It’s been too long, and I no longer have a specific impression of Hengyu.”……”

“But this time we met, I don’t think he wanted to go as far as the rumors”

“Too.”Kashina nodded silently. Speaking of which, this was the first official meeting after they separated.

She is a little older, so she still has some memories.

But she can’t connect the current Jiang Hengyu with the little boy back then..

Time flies, everything has changed.

She doesn’t know whether the development of things is all in Jiang Hengyu’s calculation.

If it is true, it is too evil. How old is he!

If he thinks about this, he is stuck. Xinna asked curiously:”Sister, have you ever thought about changing back to your previous name?”

After changing her ‘real name’ from Jiang Hengyu, Kashina was surprised to find that maybe those children back then had always remembered her hometown and name.

Sona shook her head. She had no name before because she had been Abandoned by her biological parents, she was born unable to speak or make any sounds, so no one gave her a name.

Suddenly, there was a guqin in her hand.

Immediately she began to play, and the beautiful music reflected the Na’s mood at this time.

She was very happy to see her hometown people again.

Seeing Sona summoning the guqin aihua, Kashina knew that the other party did not want to continue this topic. She stopped talking and began to appreciate it.


“Great master, do you want to go home now or do you have an appointment?”

When Jiang Hengyu went out, Axel came up to him with a half-high silk hat and cane in hand.

If you have an appointment, you don’t have to go home now.

“go home.”Jiang Hengyu said in a calm tone.

Before completing the political marriage, Jiang Hengyu did not want to have too much to do with the outside wife/lady, so as not to spread a bad reputation and affect his own image and value.

For more than ten days in a row, he has been participating in Various banquets and invitations.

His reputation has initially spread.

At every banquet, many people come to greet him warmly.

Some barons even offered to send their sons to Jiang Hengyu for knight training.

They promised that after the training, they would A generous gift of thanks.

The young earl who was once ignored became instantly popular.

On the contrary, the Wells family became a joke for everyone after dinner.

It brought a lot of fun to everyone.

A lot. Everyone was vividly describing the scene that happened that night.

It caused a lot of surprises.

It was not until today that Jiang Hengyu’s enthusiasm gradually dropped.

Because the three-house parliament was about to convene.


“Sir, you are really amazing. Vayne said with a longing look on her face:”

I wonder when I will be half as good as Mr.”

“There is a chance.”Jiang Hengyu gently held Wei En’s hand and smiled.

Changing the subject, he continued:”How have you been practicing recently?”

“not bad.”After a moment of hesitation, Vayne muttered:”I just keep skipping rope, and my legs seem to be getting thicker.”

Jiang Hengyu:”……”

Is that what you’re focusing on?

But after all, she is still a sixteen-year-old girl, and everyone has a love for beauty.

Jiang Hengyu can understand

“Well… Sir, can you use magic to heal me? After saying that, Wei En’s earlobes turned red.

Jiang Hengyu said seriously:”I’ll try it, but I can’t guarantee that it will be 100% effective.””

In addition to curing all kinds of diseases, the horse charm also has the ability to perfectly restore still life.

It is similar to saving and loading, but it is a little different.

Jiang Hengyu still doesn’t quite understand the principle of this charm.

As for whether there are things like muscles and fat Function.

It remains to be verified.

“Um.”Wayne responded inaudibly.

Jiang Hengyu started to get started.

After some groping and testing, it seemed to have some effect.

Wayne’s fair cheeks were already flushed, but in order to prevent her legs from being too thick and ugly, she Still trying to suppress the shyness in my heart

“See if it has any effect.”

Wei En woke up from her dream, and she measured it carefully.

Looking at the cloth ruler in Wei En’s hand, Jiang Hengyu laughed dumbly. It seemed that she really cared about this matter.

“Smaller. Vayne breathed a sigh of relief, smiled gratefully and said,”Thank you, sir.”

Jiang Hengyu waved his hand:”You’re welcome.””

Wayne added:”I’ll bother you sir in the future.”

After saying that, she quickly fled from here.


Outside the meeting hall in front of Dawn Castle.

By this time, thousands of people had gathered.

A rare sight.

Most people gathered together in small groups to talk.

According to statistics, Demacia currently has more than 100 hereditary nobles and more than 200 life-long nobles.

Hereditary inheritance can be passed on forever, while lifetime inheritance is granted to individuals and is recovered once they die.

And life peerage only grants the title of baron.

Among the more than 1,000 hereditary nobles, there are 11 dukes, 31 marquises, 132 counts, 241 viscounts, and more than 600 barons.

Most of the hereditary nobles do not have their own territory’

“After entering later, listen more, watch more and talk less. Don’t express your opinions easily to avoid being taken advantage of by someone with malicious intentions.”

Count Bouvier was talking to Jiang Hengyu and imparting some experience to him.

Because he knew that this was the first time Jiang Hengyu had received an order from the king to attend the parliament.

During the last meeting of the House of Lords, the other party had not officially ascended the throne.

Jiang Hengyu said politely:”Thank you sir for your teaching.”

Hearing this, Count Bouvier said with a straight face, pretending to be dissatisfied:”You lived in my house for a while when you were a child. Why did you end up living separately when you grew up?

Jiang Hengyu could only change his words:” Uncle”

“This is right! Count Bouvier showed a smile on his face, and patted Jiang Hengyu’s shoulder affectionately:”Go and see Sona when you have time. You are from the same place, and you may have many topics in common.””

Sona, can’t she speak?

Jiang Hengyu cursed in his heart, but still agreed.

Judging from this posture, Count Bouvier seemed to intend to bring himself and Sona together.

It’s okay for an uncle to become a father-in-law.

At this moment, the tenth line The bell rang, interrupting people’s conversations.

The door to the council chamber was slowly opened.

On the steps leading to the council chamber, two palace guards holding halberds stood on each step.

The helmets of ordinary Demacian soldiers Although the styles are different, they are almost all smooth.

But the palace guards are completely different, with different patterns carved on their helmets.

The two sides look like a pair of flying wings, which are very easy to distinguish.

“Let’s go in too!”Count Bouvier said.

Jiang Hengyu quickly followed.

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