People looked at Lothar, who was covered in blood and was like a demon, chopping up the brutal bandits like melons and vegetables. They were silent and couldn't believe what he said.

It wasn't until he repeated it again that someone stood up tremblingly and said with a sad look on his face:

"Dear Sir, thank you for saving us from those villains and generously granting us freedom, but where can we go now?"

Lothar was silent for a moment.

The village was completely burned and it would take too much energy and time to rebuild.

The man continued: "Our lord is a cruel and stingy man. I am his valet. No one knows him better than I do."

"When he learns that we failed to protect his manor, although he will not execute us, he will definitely choose to sell us into slavery and take away all the property in our hands."

"Dear Sir Knight, he will not help us rebuild our home at all. He will only squeeze out the last bit of oil and water and then abandon this place!"

Lothar frowned, feeling a little tricky.

"If he abandons his fiefdom, won't his lord punish him?"

"I don't know, maybe, but it certainly won't be serious because he is the lord's brother-in-law."

The man lowered his head sincerely, knelt down on one knee and said: "Please let us be your followers. Those who are still alive here are all strong young people. I guarantee that they will be like the most diligent mules and horses." I work like the most loyal hound and serve you like the most loyal hound, hoping only to gain your protection."

The men and women behind him also spoke and promised that they would work hard.

They could also see that Lothar was a rare kind lord.

Being a slave to him and being sold into the slave market as a slave are completely different concepts.

What's more, this lord is significantly more powerful.

With the allegiance of such a brightly armored warrior beside him, he could kill the bandits cleanly, much stronger than their original knight lord.

Lothar was a little embarrassed: "I'm sorry, I know your difficulties and hardships, but I don't have a city to accommodate you."

"Our trip is to go to the Holy Land and fight an arduous battle against the heretics. If you follow me, you will definitely encounter a lot of dangers."

He does need followers.

These dozen young adults are at the peak of their physical strength, and the male to female ratio is balanced, making them very good leaders.

Compared to the poor pilgrims who recruit pilgrims in the Holy Land and survive such a difficult pilgrimage, one can only imagine how many kind-hearted people there are.

"Praise Heavenly Father, pilgrimage to the Holy Land is a glorious and sacred mission. If we follow you, your glory will shine on us humble people."

The survivors of the village all knelt down with the manservant.

Some of them are still ignorant, but the "wise" image of the manservant must have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

With him taking the lead, the rest didn't hesitate at all.

"All right."

Lothar no longer hesitated and said:

"I am Lothar von Habsburg, a knight of the Habsburg family from Allgäu. I accept your surrender and promise not to regard you as slaves, but as free people in my territory. In my After obtaining the fief, you will all get your own land. But at the same time, you must swear allegiance to me in the name of Heavenly Father and perform taxes and military service!"

He counted carefully and found that there were seven men and six women in total, and the total cost of the tickets was only thirteen more.

Their food and drink were provided by the property looted by the bandits, and there was no need for him to pay extra.

Moreover, there would obviously be some left over from the looted property by the robbers. After all, from what these people said, the robbers had robbed a knight's manor.

"Ryan, go and call Model over."

"Hans, you are responsible for counting the seizures and property, returning the property that originally belonged to the people of these territories to them, and assigning them carriages and horses to take care of."

Both Ryan and Model were illiterate and could not even convert gold coins into silver coins. The job of clerk was temporarily performed by Hans.

Finished with this.

Lothar and Prajna came to the three surviving bandits.

Lothar looked at these three weaklings who were shaking like chaff, frowned and said: "Tell me, where is your lair, how many people are there to defend it, and are there any traps?"

It was not to "eliminate evil", but he wanted to test whether the same group of robbers could be judged by the system as two groups.

If possible, he would be able to complete the milestone of a "chivalrous knight" after removing the stronghold of this group of bandits who have lost their main force.

He increasingly felt that talent was rare.

Even a retinue like Hans, who was rated as one star by the system, was an outstanding talent that a mere knight in this era could not possibly recruit.

None of the three spoke.

Lothar was a little puzzled as to why these weaklings who surrendered without any resistance had become hardened at this time.

Lothar snorted coldly: "Tell me the truth and I will spare your life. I swear to Heavenly Father!"

"Opportunities are rare. Whoever speaks first will survive."

Finally, someone made a move. He raised his hand tentatively and whispered: "Master, our base is not far from here. We originally wanted to enjoy ourselves here before going back."

"Pik, shut up you son of a bitch, have you forgotten the oath we swore before our Heavenly Father? If you break your oath, do you want to perish in hell?"

The robber next to him immediately cursed.

Not to be outdone, Peake scolded back: "You and Old John both left wives and children in the stronghold. I am alone and want to save my life. What's wrong with that?"

"Why do you want me to risk my life to protect your wife and children?"

Lothar nodded: "You are very smart. Now tell me the location honestly. I warn you, don't play any tricks. I will take you to your lair and then let you go."

Pique immediately explained the matter like a bamboo tube pouring through a sieve.

He believed in Lothar.

People in this era still attach great importance to oaths, especially knights like Lothar.

A knight who breaks his oath easily will be regarded as dishonorable and will basically be killed on the spot.

Pique said with a flattering smile on his face: "Master, I have made it clear, including the traps they set, there is absolutely no omission."

Lothar nodded, and then said loudly: "Commons, have any of these three people killed your relatives and friends and robbed your property?"

The men and women who had just gotten their belongings back immediately showed hatred on their faces.

"That's him. He killed my mother and raped her!"

"That man killed my father and cut off his head and strung it on a spear to intimidate others!"

"That one-eyed beast, I saw with my own eyes that he threw my three-year-old son to the wall to death, and his little head was deflated. Woo hoo hoo."

As the woman spoke, she began to cry.

"Then, if you have a grudge, retaliate, and if you have a grudge, take revenge."

Lothar waved her hand, turned and left.

Peake's face was full of horror: "Master Knight, you promised to spare my life."

Lothar said without looking back: "I did forgive you, but they are unwilling to forgive you. As their lord, I give them the power of justice and revenge."

These men and women who suppressed their anger quickly picked up the weapons of the robbers and vented their anger towards the three bound robbers.

At the border, they are by no means obedient sheep who don't know how to resist, let alone three unarmed robbers in front of them.

The screams gradually weakened until they became silent.

The manservant took the lead and knelt down in front of Lothar holding a blood-stained armed sword.

"Thank you, thank you to the lord we serve. You are willing to give us the power of revenge even at the risk of breaking your oath. I swear that I will always be loyal to you."

Lothar shook his head: "This power is not permanent. When I obtain the territory, I will make laws and no longer allow vendettas to occur. Everything will be done in accordance with the law."

He then added: "Besides, I didn't break my oath, so don't mention it again."

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