The scorching sun is baking the earth.

Viewed from a height, the long and narrow marching team looked like a lance, running through the entire Jerusalem.

In the stands, the servants of the nobles were already carrying golden trays with silver wine glasses, serving cold and sweet wine to their masters.

Some nobles' wine glasses were even inlaid with large rubies to show their luxury.

The ladies talked about the new jewelry in a ostentatious manner, and looked at those Saracen or Persian slave girls with graceful figures with disdain.

The maids trained in Eastern palaces are far better at serving people than those in Western palaces.

But the reason why noble women are noble women lies in the dowry they can bring to their husbands' families and their strong political support, rather than how beautiful they are.

Without a noble status, no matter how beautiful the skin is, it is just a plaything.

And Princess Sibylla is naturally the most beautiful pearl in Jerusalem.

It was probably the dowry of a crown, which made her like a treasure exuding an alluring aura, attracting the attention of countless noble children.

But Princess Sibylla was a little uninterested. While politely agreeing, she looked at Lothar who was standing in front of the church, wearing a red cloak with a black eagle emblem.

Not just Princess Sibylla.

There are many noble ladies like her who pay attention to Lothar. In their opinion, Lothar is burdened with too many fascinating mysterious legends.

In the knight competition, kill the werewolf with a mortal body.

Not long after arriving in Jerusalem, he gained the favor of His Majesty the King, who lived in seclusion. He was promoted one after another, was made a baron by a knight, and was appointed as the Grand Master of the Royal Knights.

Later, he used thunderous means to remove Count Philip, the most powerful former commander in the Knights from his post.

In addition, many nobles are talking about the property measured in cars that he snatched from the desert bandits, as well as the sophisticated equipment of his cavalry.

Baron Lothar has long been associated with various positive words such as handsome, wealthy, brave, and wise.

Balian stood in the crowd and looked at the majestic Lothar with some envy.

The scene when they met at the port of Jaffa was still vivid in my mind.

In the blink of an eye, this man of the same age has transformed into the leading upstart in Jerusalem.

"Isn't this what I want?"

The red-haired Earl Leonard looked provocatively at Lothar, who was standing in front of the cathedral and was sweating profusely from the sun. He raised his wine glass and drank it all in one gulp.


He let out a strange scream of pleasure, then took another cup from the tray and poured it into the soil at his feet in front of Lothar.

His face was full of pride and he thought to himself, this is the luxury of the King of the Dead Sea and the Lord of Kaleborg.

And you, a nouveau riche character, can’t even drink an ice drink on a hot day.

Lothar smiled at him, with compassion hidden in his smile. He pretended to whisper to the flag-bearer beside him, Hans von Sego, who had the title of knight: "Poor Count Leonard, who was once Nour al-Din (Saleh’s father) in Syria was imprisoned in a high tower for a full eighteen years, and it is said that he may have been mad, otherwise he would not have spilled the sweet wine on the ground.”

Hans also showed an expression of pity at the right time: "May Heavenly Father bless him and get rid of his madness as soon as possible."

Count Leonard's face suddenly turned livid.

He muttered in a low voice: "It's fifteen years, not eighteen years. This stupid boy is just as annoying as his father."

Thinking of his former life as a prisoner, his joy at the departure of his biggest political enemy, Earl Raymond, began to fade away.

Lothar said to the hussars behind him: "Let's go, we have to follow the marching team and escort them out of the city. If you feel the heat is unbearable, just endure it a little longer. I have ordered the clothing officer to order a sunshade for you." The burqa will be distributed to you in two days."

The hussars did not need robes, and the half-body plate armor was not as easy to rust as chain armor, but the high temperature in the Holy Land during the day made it necessary for them to have a robe to protect them from the sun.

Ulm said respectfully: "Sir, this is nothing. A noble person like you is also enduring the heat."

They had completed the task of guarding the king and the clergy, and began to accompany the marching team on both sides.

The winged cavalry held the ceremonial armed swords in their hands tightly. Their tall and straight postures and bright armor attracted the attention of many girls who were watching from both sides.

Some proud knights ridiculed with jealousy and envy: "Look, these are the cavalry formed by the country baron. They have feathers on their backs, just like the male peacocks in the royal garden who court the opposite sex diligently."

Someone muttered: "I know that bright Milan-style armor will look like the iron plate used by Turkic barbarians to barbecue under the scorching sun. It is not practical at all."

As the first wing cavalry under Lothar, Ulm couldn't help but loudly said to his comrades: "Look, they look envious, they can't wait to put their eyes on our armor."

"Everyone has seen that even the knights are envious of our armor. Your Excellency has given us these valuables together with the honor of the Hussars Company. We must do our best to repay you with our loyalty!"

"Yes, we are brave winged cavalry."

"When the winged cavalry arrives, all heretics will be terrified!"

The hussars held their heads high, and their unique armor and decorations made them stick together more and more. Something called "collective sense of honor" emerged among them.

In front, Lord Raymond, wearing a blue robe and cape, came on horseback. He called loudly: "Baron Lothar."

"Good morning, Lord Tiberius."

Lothar replied respectfully.

He was a little surprised that the leader of the Jazz Party, who could be said to cover the sky with one hand in the Holy Land, would actually talk to him.

Earl Raymond is not as handsome as Earl Leonard in appearance, and his thin face is full of mottled spots from the years.

His face was a little complicated: "Baron Lothar, I once had a close relationship with your father. I was once worried that you would become like him, obsessed with starting successive wars, but fortunately you did not No."

Lothar said with some confusion: "Sir, I know very little about what my father has done here, but if my father's ideas are so radical, he should have a very good relationship with Count Leonard."

Raymond's serious face couldn't help but reveal a smile: "Your father once openly declared that Leonard is a reckless fool without a brain."

Lothar was stunned.

Was Count Werner so fierce before?

It was clear that only a few years had passed since Count Werner returned from the Holy Land. Why did he feel that the image of Count Werner was so different from what they said?

"Okay, your Majesty has informed me of what you have done. This is a credit to you. I am also very happy that you can realize that there is a possibility of compromise and cooperation between us and the infidels."

"From now on, the safety of His Majesty and Jerusalem will be in the hands of you and Godfrey. Remember to be careful of Leonard, a reckless and foolish man, doing stupid things."

Lothar nodded: "I will, sir."

Earl Raymond greeted Lothar with a smile, and then led his attendants away.

Lothar thought about it for a moment and figured out that it was Baldwin IV who informed Regent Raymond about the alliance between them and King Saleh, and that was why there was such a conversation.

The Crusaders marching north finally left Jerusalem.

The huge team stirred up a long stretch of loess.

The nobles and knights followed the Crusaders one after another to bid farewell to Earl Raymond and other nobles heading north.

It's not just the nobles who are leaving.

Like Earl Georgelin, who favors the Queen Mother's party.

He had devoted his whole life to restoring the county of Edessa, which had been divided by the Sasanian kings and Ayyubids. When such an opportunity finally came to him, he would not miss it.

You must know that he is not the only heir to the title of Earl of Edessa. If he hadn't gone, it would have been a disaster if his younger brothers and sisters had taken the lead.

Count Thirière of Flanders was also among them.

Not long after he arrived in the Holy Land, he threw himself into Count Leonard's side. Most of the new knights and nobles who arrived in the Holy Land would make such a choice.

Their style is more radical, because only war and expansion of territory can enable them to obtain meritorious services and obtain fiefdoms.

The regent, Earl Raymond, is more like the "leader" jointly elected by the local nobles in order to fight against these latecomers who want to compete with them.

Their style naturally tends to be conservative. Even if they reach an agreement with the pagans, they do not want the war to burn their territory.

After all, as long as there is a fight, trade routes will be cut off, and a lot of wealth will be lost every day. Even if they win, they will only end up with nothing but chicken feathers.

After a long day of work.

Jerusalem gradually fell into darkness in the evening.

Lothar galloped through the city with the winged cavalry. He shouted and ordered: "Hans, go over there and take a look. Ulm, take a person over there. The Fire Worship Zone in the east and the Fire Worship Zone in the south. A curfew has been issued in the Jewish Quarter, and from now on, no one is allowed to leave the house.”

After the army went out, the security problem in Jerusalem became acute again.

Prior to this, during the period when local ruffians were being arrested and enlisted in the army, the security of Jerusalem had been significantly improved.

However, the departure of a large number of Christian sergeants and knights has caused the city's population proportion to slip to a dangerous value.

Today, knights from the Royal Knights Order located in various royal estates are returning one after another, leading the sergeants.

The strength of the Royal Knights was replenished, so Lothar was captured by Baron Godfrey as a "strong man" and led his cavalry to patrol the city with him to maintain law and order.

In the afternoon, some Zoroastrian believers gathered under the dome altar to listen to a "sage" preaching. They almost caused trouble, but now they have all been hung on the gallows to dry.

In addition, someone found a body covered in bruises and bruises as if eaten by wild dogs in a drainage channel.

All kinds of gossip, such as divine revelation and divine punishment, have been spread everywhere.

There was no one here to add fuel to the flames, and Lothar didn't believe it.

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