In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 380 378. Jon’s dance partner

This seems to be a question, but as long as Jon doesn't think too much and directly affirms or denies it, it can bring many explanations to Lucius.

There is no doubt that even if Jon and the others win the Triwizard Tournament, they will definitely need someone who can provide some relevant and reliable information within the British Ministry of Magic.

Therefore, Dumbledore actually needs an undercover character, but if Jon refuses without thinking, it will be a direct signal to Lucius.

We already have a better undercover agent under Voldemort than you do.

Of course, Jon couldn't reveal this kind of thing to someone like Lucius.

The entire Malfoy family is a typical fence-sitter. Now seeing that Dumbledore's side is showing signs of regaining power, showing favor to them is just for the continuation of the family in the future. It does not mean that he has completely abandoned the dark side and turned to the bright side. , which is a typical speculative behavior.

As long as the direction of the wind changes slightly, he will definitely not hesitate to interrupt the cooperation with Jon and the others again, and there is a high probability that he will add insult to injury and dedicate his "absolute loyalty" to Voldemort.

Therefore, after hearing his question, Jon refused without any hesitation, but he added a reason for the refusal.

"Of course we need such a person who can convey information to us, but if this person is yourself, Mr. Malfoy, then forget it."

Lucius was obviously disgusted with Jon's lack of demonstration, and his expression was ugly.

"Why forget it if it's mine? Can you find someone more suitable than me? I can provide you with a lot of valuable information without you having to pay any price."

Jon said calmly.

"I think you should know better than me what your situation is like under your master. If you were the former director of the Auror Command, then you do have value worthy of our win over, but now the greatest weapon in magic is You and I both know whose hands the power is in. At best, you are the director of the Auror Command, and at worst, you are the captain of the Miscellaneous Fish Team. You have not entered the core of power at all."

Lucius' face was ugly, because he knew that what Jon said was the truth, but just because it was the truth hurt his self-esteem.

But Jon didn't care at all what Lucius's mood was. Just like Dumbledore said, even if they wanted to win over a small number of Voldemort's people, it wouldn't be Lucius's kind.

"And, as you said, Mr. Malfoy, the reason why you chose to do business with me is because you believe in our character. Then I will tell the truth. We are not willing to cooperate with you in this area just because of pure If I don’t believe in your character, even if you are willing to take a blood oath, it won’t work. However, if you have anyone with reliable character within the British Ministry of Magic to recommend as a suitable candidate, then maybe we can consider it.”

After saying these words, Jon stood up from the chair.

"If you have nothing else to do except these, then let's end it here today."

Lucius's face was obviously a little green. Jon's blunt words made him unable to refute, but such straightforward words made people despise his own character, and it really made the usually pampered Mr. Malfoy a little bit. Embarrassing.

Even if what you say is true, can't you express it in a more tactful way?

However, although Lucius was a little disappointed with Jon's rejection, he was not too frustrated.

The main content of today's meeting with Jon was for Draco's safety. As long as he gave a guarantee on this matter, then his desire to cooperate with Dumbledore in some shady matters would be incidental.

After all, the Triwizard Tournament is not over yet. Even if Jon really wins in the end, the war between Voldemort and Dumbledore has only entered the balance of power stage. For Lucius, a professional who is sitting on the fence Speaking of which, it was still too early to choose sides at this time. The most he could do was make sure that he had contact with both parties. In the end, no matter who lost or won, he would have an acquaintance who was easy to talk to.

Now that Jon has bluntly rejected him on Dumbledore's behalf, Lucius has no intention of putting a hot face on a cold butt.

The future is long and there will be plenty of opportunities in the future.

After ending the transaction with Lucius, Jon did not stay in Hogsmeade for a long time and returned directly to the carriage.

In today's conversation, it can be said that none of Lucius' demands exceeded his and Dumbledore's expectations. The only thing that surprised Jon was that he could actually come up with conditions that really impressed him to complete the deal. trade.

Jon felt that this deal was a good deal, because he had no interest in Draco in the first place, and Draco himself obviously had no intention of competing with him for the first place. There was no life-or-death relationship between the two. So in fact, he didn't need to do anything deliberately to finally achieve Lucius's request.

In addition to getting some information about Adrien, he also got Dobby's freedom.

Not to mention anything else, at least the house elf who left a deep impression on him in the original work had a good ending, and Jon already felt that the deal between him and Lucius was worth it.

After the last day of November, time officially entered the last month of 1994.

On the third day of December, it started to snow.

Overnight, the entire Hogwarts Castle was covered in white snow, and the Black Lake also formed a solid layer of ice in temperatures that had been below zero for several days.

Many students in the castle had a new place to play. After the lake froze, Jon ended his fishing. In his free time, he and George sat by the ice and looked at those figures from a distance. Slender girls skated on it.

"I have already extended an invitation to Daisy, and she has agreed."

George raised the wand in his hand and tapped the ice in front of him, while speaking in a show-off tone.

Jon rolled his eyes.

"Then did you know that before you sent the invitation to Daisy, she asked the Warrior if she could invite the Warrior as a dance partner?"

"Damn it! You mean her first choice is actually you?"

"That's not the case. I'm just telling you not to think too much about the signal she promised this time. I'm afraid the greater your hopes, the greater your disappointment in the end."

"Your worries are completely unnecessary. I just want to get a chance to dance with the Warriors so I can go back and brag to Fred."

"Tsk, since you said so, then you can actually be my dance partner."

"No way, your majestic Jon Green hasn't decided on a dance partner yet, right? You actually want to find someone like me?"

"What do you mean you are such a thing? What's wrong with finding a male partner? Does anyone say that male partners are not acceptable?"

"According to your current reputation in the wizarding world, if you really want to find a male dance partner, you will be on the headlines all over Europe the next day. I have already thought of the title for those reporters. "Shocked! Jon Greene is not married. Same-sex love as people understand it.”

"Sorry, my hobby is still women."

"But there are only twenty days until the prom. If you don't do something, all the girls around you will definitely be invited. Don't look at me. Even if you don't care about the reputation, I will definitely not abandon Daisy and choose you!"

"Put me down, I'll tell you, even if no one chooses you in the end!"

After the two of them insulted each other, they looked sadly at the girls showing off their figures on the ice again.

"Actually, I'm a thin-skinned person, and I'm a little embarrassed to take the initiative to invite a dance partner." Jon said sadly, "You said I'm so famous, why don't any girls take the initiative to invite me?"

George gave him a contemptuous look.

"There are only a few girls coming to Hogwarts Castle this time. Who do you want to invite you? You are a professor at Durmstrang. According to their rules, will students take the initiative to invite professors to dance? "

His analysis made Jon Jue think it was very reasonable. The rabbits didn't even eat the grass on the edge of their nests. They were all classmates who met every day on the carriage. They were too familiar to start with. And Durmstrang's identity outside was It’s a professor again. It’s hard for a professor to dance with his students on Christmas, right? Especially since there is not much age difference in the first place, and at Hogwarts Castle, there is no need to consider it.

Jon felt that Grindelwald was at least half responsible for this incident, and it was all his fault for not including him in the gang at the time. As a result, the disadvantages were now reflected.

"Do you think Hermione has a dance partner now?" Jon suddenly asked.

George immediately shook his head.

"I haven't heard of it. She has been getting along very well with a girl in the castle during this period. I haven't seen her much in the carriage."

"Then you say I'll tell her that we can work together to get through this Christmas. She should agree, right?"

George turned to look at Jon as if he were looking at an alien.

"Are you really planning to extend such an invitation to a beautiful girl like this?"

Jon was confused, he didn't seem to understand why George had such a strange reaction.

"Any questions?"

"Brother, have you never gotten along with a girl?"

Regarding George's question, Jon thought about it seriously, and then nodded with deep understanding.

"I really haven't spent much time with girls."

His answer left George speechless, and he really couldn't refute it.

Jon seems to be at the height of his power in the wizarding world now, and is still in his prime, but he is surprisingly clean and self-possessed.

To be honest, as long as Jon thought about it, he could fall in love with his classmates in the carriage casually after returning from Hogwarts Castle in his second year, and there would be more opportunities at sea in his third year.

But let alone Jon's girlfriend, except for Gabriel who became a ghost, no one has ever heard of him having a slightly better relationship with that girl, including Hermione.

In addition, before they captured France, they had been in exile. Who would be in the mood to think about the relationship between men and women? Jon was almost too busy every day, except thinking about things on the carriage. When improving his own strength and increasing his sense of security, he never thought that his age would be the time for "puppy love".

"Okay, you're right. You do have no experience in dealing with girls, but that's not a reason." George taught Jon earnestly, "Even if Hermione and you usually have a very good relationship, it's you who is not afraid of hardships." Rescue her from the castle, but you can't treat her like me and Fred get along with you, she is still a girl after all."

"so what?"

"So if you plan to invite her to be your dance partner, you can't use words like asking a good friend to go fishing together. You should use an invitation that is more romantic, shows your sincerity, and makes the lady attracted. Impress her."

Jon looked at him with vacant eyes.

"Why do the more I listen, the more I feel that what you told me is not just inviting Hermione to dance, but also wanting her to be my girlfriend?"

"Then what do you think it means for you as a boy to invite a girl to the dance on Christmas? Especially when you are also the lead dancer." George also said.

"Can't it just be a simple dance? What time is it now? How can I be in the mood to talk about love? And to be honest, I have a good impression of Hermione, but you have to say that I like it. That’s not enough.”

George showed a hatred for Jon's honest speech.

"Generally, when you have a good impression of a girl, it's already time to make a move. Otherwise, when will you have to wait? Do you really think there is such a thing as love at first sight in the world? Those are just men who want to show their lust for themselves. It’s just an excuse! You have to communicate first to know if you are compatible with each other, right?"

Jon still looked unmoved and shrugged.

"We are just communicating now. Why do we have to start falling in love for it to be considered communication?"

George was speechless. He found that Jon's conservative thinking about relationships was almost un-English.

"If I were a woman, I would definitely call you a rock!"

He waved his wand vigorously and struck the hard ice, as if he was striking Jon's skull.

Jon felt that this was nothing. He was considered conservative in his previous life, but he was not considered a straight man. He just said that he felt that it was not the time for him to deal with personal emotional issues.

And he is only fifteen years old now. To be honest, it is still a bit early to call him puppy love at this time. Jon is really interested in the girls around him who have not yet fully grown up.

"Then it's decided. I'll go find Hermione when I have free time in the next two days and ask her if it's convenient for her to spend the night with me on Christmas Eve. Do you think she will refuse?"

George rolled his eyes.

"Based on the current relationship between you and her, I bet that she is actually waiting for you to speak first. Do you believe it?"

There is another chapter to come, today is really a day full of fun

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