In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 488 486 My soul is also far beyond ordinary people

Chapter 488 486. My soul is also far beyond ordinary people

"But you can't beat him at all! It was Fox's help that rescued you from the Astronomy Tower of Hogwarts Castle more than ten years ago! How do you have the confidence now to think that you can definitely kill him once!"

After listening to Dumbledore's narration in the fireplace, Slughorn felt not only shocked and horrified about Voldemort's origins, but also an angry confusion.

He seemed to have guessed why Dumbledore was unwilling to tell others his plan from beginning to end, because the hope of success was too slim, and in the end the greatest possibility Dumbledore faced was death. !

"Don't worry, I know what you are worried about."

With this image left behind, Dumbledore, who had already guessed what Jon and the others would be thinking at this time, blinked and smiled.

"If I knew that I was bound to fail, then I couldn't have started this plan so recklessly, because it would have no meaning at all. Not only would it not prove anything, but it would also put you in danger. So Voldemort is a changed man. I have become stronger and I have found some support for myself.”

"The Invisibility Cloak, the Resurrection Stone, and the Elder Wand. You probably haven't forgotten the three Hallows of Death left by the legendary God of Death, Jon. The last Resurrection Stone was taken away from the castle by you after the Triwizard Tournament. Back in the day, it was once made into a Horcrux by Voldemort. These three things have different and amazing effects separately, and when combined, they do have some power that is enough to overpower the entire magical world."

"The world of the dead has always existed, and the Three Hallows of Death are the things left by the master of that world in the world of the living. I will use these things to kill Voldemort. If my guess is wrong, then of course it is best , everything will come to an end here, and our career has finally come to an end. But if these things really make me guess right."

Dumbledore's voice paused slightly at this moment, and then he continued to speak.

"Looking on the bright side, at least we understand the true origin of Voldemort, right?"

Jon listened to Dumbledore's words and knew clearly that this was the only benefit that could be brought.

A Voldemort who will never die, a Voldemort who is so powerful that Dumbledore needs the help of the Three Hallows of Death to kill him. How will they solve it in the future?

"One last thing, Jon."

Dumbledore's voice made Jon withdraw his thoughts and raised his head to look at the old man in the flames.

His old face was not serious or dignified. Instead, he seemed to be really looking at Jon and smiling.

"Don't forget what I once told you, keep moving forward, that's enough."

And just after he finished speaking, the green flames in the fireplace completely dissipated, leaving only a quiet office.

The time converter was still lying quietly in the wooden box, and the hands on the dial were always turning, as if there was no sign of stopping.

Jon took a deep breath. He instinctively felt that there was something wrong with Dumbledore's last words, because when he told himself these words, he was asking him to take the Hogwarts carriage and escape from the British mainland. When it comes to the ocean.

Just when he turned to ask Slughorn about the Deathly Hallows, a clear "click" sound suddenly sounded in the quiet office!

Jon turned to look at the source of the sound, which was the time turner!

At this time, the time converter that was originally lying in the wooden box floated up out of thin air at some point, and the hands on the dial stopped rotating, but pointed steadily at the time of 11:38.

Then, an all-too-familiar thick black fog surged out from it!

Slughorn and Jon both reacted quickly and raised their wands, but as if the thick fog didn't notice them at all, it rushed directly to the ceiling of the Department of Mysteries and disappeared!

Slughorn was pale now and pursed his lips.

"Just now, was that Voldemort resurrected by a Horcrux?"

Jon took a deep breath and suppressed the shock and uneasiness in his heart. He could be said to be more familiar with that black fog than most people, because just this year, he had personally experienced it in Hogwarts Castle. Faced it!

Dumbledore just asked them to watch the time turner, but he didn't say anything at first. In fact, he didn't need to say anything at all, because the moment the black mist poured out of the time turner, Joe Well, you will understand everything.

Dumbledore's guess was right!

Voldemort, who recovered the remaining souls from all the Horcruxes, rewrote history, used the theory of blood to rule the entire United Kingdom, and forced the Order of the Phoenix led by Dumbledore to become homeless dogs, used the time turner to rewrite the entire future!

At the same time, he also intended to eat the soul of another version of himself in this timeline, turning him into the most powerful wizard in the world! Become the ruler of this world completely!

Jon's heart beat faster. When all the truth was revealed, he was nervous but also quickly calmed down his brain.

"Teacher! You must take this time turner and leave here first!"

Without any hesitation, Jon already had a conclusion in his mind.

Without hesitation, he closed the wooden box again and stuffed it into Slughorn's arms.

"Take it away, take it back to France, and be sure to hide it! No one should tell anyone about the secret of this time turner!"

Slughorn took the converter. Of course he knew the importance of this thing. If they really had any hope of defeating Voldemort, then the contents of the wooden box would be their only hope!

"Aren't you leaving with me?"

"If it was just what the professor said, then there was no need for him to hide it from us in the first place!" Jon breathed heavily and stared at Slughorn as he spoke word by word, "He already had the heart to die. ! It is impossible to use the magic of the world of the dead without any price! The existence of the Three Holy Artifacts of Death is a great irony to the God of Death!"

"You want to bring Albus back?" Slughorn easily guessed Jon's intention.

"I don't know Professor, what he thinks and how he does it." Jon held the wand in his hand and turned around and walked to the door of the office. "But I can never let him die here like this. I must save him!"

"But he can't face the current Voldemort, so what can you do?"

Slughorn was actually very entangled and hesitant. Reason told him to persuade Jon, but he also cared about Dumbledore's safety.

"Voldemort firmly believes that the power of the soul will create the power of magic."

Jon had already walked out of the door, but his voice still reached Slughorn's ears.

"Don't forget how you evaluated my magic qualifications, teacher, my soul is far beyond ordinary people!"

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